# v4.0.7 - Fix missing token variable in ajax call # v4.0.6 - Fix an Ajax input typo. # v4.0.5 - Add option to target MySQL 8+ with the search regex. # v4.0.4 - Fix the spl_autoload_register function to load all the needed namespace. That was remove in the last update (sorry). # v4.0.3 - Fix canDelete to correctly use published. - Add default 1 to version field to make sure the versioning feature works as expected. # v4.0.2 - Fix Daily Light Deprecated code. - Fix Daily Scripture Deprecated code. # v4.0.1 - First stable back-end and front-end release towards Joomla 4 # v4.0.0 - Moved to Joomla 4 # v3.0.5 - Fix missing token variable in ajax call