Robot 136fcd0fc2
Stable release of v5.0.1
First stable back-end and front-end release towards Joomla 4 and 5.
2024-01-29 09:31:35 +02:00

55 lines
1.7 KiB

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----/
Vast Development Method
@created 3rd December, 2015
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
@git Get Bible <>
@github Get Bible <>
@support Get Bible <>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later -
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html;
use Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper;
use TrueChristianChurch\Component\Getbible\Site\Helper\GetbibleHelper;
// No direct access to this file
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;
$active = false;
$style = '';
// verse does have active tags
if (!isset($displayData['tag']))
$active = false;
elseif ($displayData['tag'] == 1)
$active = true;
// no active tags, but tags are active on page
elseif ($displayData['tag'] == -1)
$style = 'display:none;';
$active = true;
<?php if ($active): ?>&nbsp;<a id="getbible-verse-tag-<?php echo $displayData['verse']->verse; ?>"
class="getbible-verse-link-tag uk-link-muted"
href="#" uk-toggle="target: #getbible-app-tags" onclick="setActiveVerse(<?php echo $displayData['verse']->verse; ?>);"
uk-tooltip="<?php echo Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_OPEN_TAG'); ?>"
style="<?php echo $style; ?>"
uk-icon="tag"></a><?php endif; ?>