Move all JText to use the namespaced class Text directly. Move all JHtml to use the namespaced class Html directly. Move all JFactory to use the namespaced class Factory directly. Move all JRoute to use the namespaced class Route directly. Move all JFormHelper to use the namespaced class FormHelper directly. Move all JLayout to use the namespaced class FileLayout directly. Move all JLanguageMultilang to use the namespaced class Multilanguage directly. Move all JComponentHelper to use the namespaced class ComponentHelper directly. Move all JCategoryNode to use the namespaced class CategoryNode directly. Move all JComponentHelper to use the namespaced class ComponentHelper directly. Move all JToolbar to use the namespaced class Toolbar directly. Move all JToolbarHelper to use the namespaced class ToolbarHelper directly. Convert all addStyleSheet to make use of Html class instead. Convert all addScript to make use of Html class instead.
716 lines
16 KiB
716 lines
16 KiB
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----/
Vast Development Method
@created 3rd December, 2015
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
@git Get Bible <>
@github Get Bible <>
@support Get Bible <>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later -
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Toolbar;
use Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html;
use Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout;
use Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView;
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\ToolbarHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper;
use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper;
use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* Getbible Html View class for the Openai
class GetbibleViewOpenai extends HtmlView
// Overwriting JView display method
function display($tpl = null)
// get combined params of both component and menu
$this->app = Factory::getApplication();
$this->params = $this->app->getParams();
$this->menu = $this->app->getMenu()->getActive();
// get the user object
$this->user = Factory::getUser();
// Initialise variables.
$this->item = $this->get('Item');
$this->translation = $this->get('Translation');
// remove from page (in case debug mode is on)
$this->params->set('openai_token', null);
$this->params->set('gitea_token', null);
// set meta
// Set the toolbar
// set the document
// Check for errors.
if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors')))
throw new \Exception(implode(PHP_EOL, $errors), 500);
* Set the page metadata
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setMetaData()
if (empty($this->item))
// set the page title
$title = Text::sprintf('COM_GETBIBLE_OPEN_AI_S_IN_S_S',
$this->params->get('page_title', '')
$url = $this->getCanonicalUrl();
// set the Generator
$this->document->setGenerator('getBible! - Open AI - Open Source Bible App.');
// set the metadata values
$this->document->setMetadata('keywords', Text::sprintf('COM_GETBIBLE_OPEN_AI_S_S_BIBLE_S_S_SCRIPTURE_RESEARCH_GETBIBLE',
$this->document->setMetaData('author', Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_OPEN_AI'));
// set canonical URL
$this->document->addHeadLink($url, 'canonical');
// OG:Title
$this->document->setMetadata('og:title', $title, 'property');
// OG:Description
$this->document->setMetadata('og:description', $description, 'property');
// OG:Image
// $this->document->setMetadata('og:image', 'YOUR_IMAGE_URL_HERE', 'property');
$this->document->setMetadata('og:url', $url, 'property');
// OG:Type
$this->document->setMetadata('og:type', 'website', 'property');
// Twitter Card Type
$this->document->setMetadata('twitter:card', 'summary');
// Twitter Title
$this->document->setMetadata('twitter:title', $title);
// Twitter Description
$this->document->setMetadata('twitter:description', $description);
// Twitter Image
// $this->document->setMetadata('twitter:image', 'YOUR_IMAGE_URL_HERE');
// Twitter Site (Your website's Twitter handle)
// $this->document->setMetadata('twitter:site', '@YourTwitterHandle');
// Twitter Creator (Author's Twitter handle or your website's Twitter handle)
// $this->document->setMetadata('twitter:creator', '@AuthorTwitterHandle');
* Get the canonical url
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getCanonicalUrl(): string
if (empty($this->url_canonical))
return $this->url_canonical ?? $this->getBaseUrl();
* Get the Bible url
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getBibleUrl(): string
if (empty($this->url_bible))
return $this->url_bible;
* Get the base url
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getBaseUrl(): string
if (empty($this->url_base))
return $this->url_base ?? '';
* Get the AI url
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getAiUrl(): string
if (empty($this->url_ai))
return $this->url_ai ?? '';
* Get the AJAX url
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getAjaxUrl(): string
if (empty($this->url_ajax))
return $this->url_ajax ?? '';
* Get the return url value
* @return string|null
* @since 2.0.1
public function getReturnUrl(): ?string
if (empty($this->url_return))
return $this->url_return ?? null;
* Get the return url value
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getReturnUrlValue(): string
if (empty($this->url_return_value))
if (!empty($this->url_return_value))
return '&bibleurl=' . $this->url_return_value;
return '';
* Get the return url book value
* @return int
* @since 2.0.1
public function getReturnUrlBook(): int
if (empty($this->url_return_query))
return (int) $this->url_return_query['book'] ?? 0;
* Get the return url chapter value
* @return int
* @since 2.0.1
public function getReturnUrlChapter(): int
if (empty($this->url_return_query))
return (int) $this->url_return_query['chapter'] ?? 0;
* Get the last prompt
* @return object|null
* @since 2.0.1
public function getPrompt(): ?object
if (empty($this->prompt))
return $this->prompt ?? null;
* Get the selected word
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getSelectedWord(): string
if (empty($this->selected_word))
return $this->selected_word ?? '';
* Get the word number/s
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getWord(): string
if (empty($this->word))
return $this->word ?? '';
* Get the verse number/s
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getVerse(): string
if (empty($this->verse))
return $this->verse ?? '';
* Get the chapter number/s
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getChapter(): string
if (empty($this->chapter))
return $this->chapter ?? '';
* Get the book number/s
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getBook(): string
if (empty($this->book))
return $this->book ?? '';
* Get the prompt guid
* @return string
* @since 2.0.1
public function getGuid(): string
if (empty($this->prompt_guid))
return $this->prompt_guid ?? '';
* Set the return URL if it's provided and internal.
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setReturnUrl(): void
$encodedUrl = $this->input->get('bibleurl', null, 'base64');
if ($encodedUrl === null)
$decodedUrl = base64_decode($encodedUrl);
$uri = JUri::getInstance($decodedUrl);
$router = JRouter::getInstance('site');
$this->url_return_value = $encodedUrl;
$this->url_return = $decodedUrl;
$this->url_return_query = $router->parse($uri);
* Set the prompt guid
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setGuid()
$prompt = $this->getPrompt();
$this->prompt_guid = $prompt->prompt ?? '';
* Set the book number/s
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setBook()
$prompt = $this->getPrompt();
$this->book = $prompt->book ?? '';
* Set the chapter number/s
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setChapter()
$prompt = $this->getPrompt();
$this->chapter = $prompt->chapter ?? '';
* Set the verse number/s
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setVerse()
$prompt = $this->getPrompt();
$this->verse = $prompt->verse ?? '';
* Set the word number/s
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setWord()
$prompt = $this->getPrompt();
$this->word = $prompt->word ?? '';
* Set the selected word
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
public function setSelectedWord()
$prompt = $this->getPrompt();
$this->selected_word = $prompt->selected_word ?? '';
* Set the last prompt
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setPrompt()
// Check if the 'item' property or its first element is empty.
if (empty($this->item) || empty($this->item[0]))
// Set the last item from the 'item' array as the prompt.
$this->prompt = end($this->item);
// Reset the internal pointer of the array to ensure consistent behaviour elsewhere.
* Set the base url
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setBaseUrl()
$this->url_base = JUri::base();
* Set the AJAX url
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setAjaxUrl()
$this->url_ajax = $this->getBaseUrl() . 'index.php?option=com_getbible&format=json&raw=true&' . JSession::getFormToken() . '=1&task=ajax.';
* Set the Bible url
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setBibleUrl()
$this->url_bible = $this->getReturnUrl() ?? JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_getbible&view=app&Itemid=' . $this->params->get('app_menu', 0) . '&t=' . $this->translation->abbreviation);
* Set the AI url
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setAiUrl()
// set the current search URL
$this->url_ai = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_getbible&view=openai&t=' . $this->translation->abbreviation .
'&Itemid=' . $this->params->get('app_menu', 0) .
$this->getReturnUrlValue() .
'&guid=' . $this->getGuid() .
'&book=' . $this->getBook() .
'&chapter=' . $this->getChapter() .
'&verse=' . $this->getVerse() .
'&words=' . $this->getWord());
* Set the canonical url
* @return void
* @since 2.0.1
protected function setCanonicalUrl()
// set the current search URL
$this->url_canonical = trim($this->getBaseUrl(), '/') .
JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_getbible&view=openai&Itemid=' . $this->params->get('app_menu', 0) .
'&t=' . $this->translation->abbreviation .
'&guid=' . $this->getGuid() .
'&book=' . $this->getBook() .
'&chapter=' . $this->getChapter() .
'&verse=' . $this->getVerse() .
'&words=' . $this->getWord());
* Prepares the document
protected function _prepareDocument()
// Only load jQuery if needed. (default is true)
if ($this->params->get('add_jquery_framework', 1) == 1)
// Load the header checker class.
require_once( JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE.'/helpers/headercheck.php' );
// Initialize the header checker.
$HeaderCheck = new getbibleHeaderCheck();
// Add View JavaScript File
Html::_('script', "components/com_getbible/assets/js/openai.js", ['version' => 'auto']);
// Load uikit options.
$uikit = $this->params->get('uikit_load');
// Set script size.
$size = $this->params->get('uikit_min');
// The uikit css.
if ((!$HeaderCheck->css_loaded('uikit.min') || $uikit == 1) && $uikit != 2 && $uikit != 3)
Html::_('stylesheet', 'media/com_getbible/uikit-v3/css/uikit'.$size.'.css', ['version' => 'auto']);
// The uikit js.
if ((!$HeaderCheck->js_loaded('uikit.min') || $uikit == 1) && $uikit != 2 && $uikit != 3)
Html::_('script', 'media/com_getbible/uikit-v3/js/uikit'.$size.'.js', ['version' => 'auto']);
Html::_('script', 'media/com_getbible/uikit-v3/js/uikit-icons'.$size.'.js', ['version' => 'auto']);
// add the document default css file
Html::_('stylesheet', 'components/com_getbible/assets/css/openai.css', ['version' => 'auto']);
* Setting the toolbar
protected function addToolBar()
// set help url for this view if found
$this->help_url = GetbibleHelper::getHelpUrl('openai');
if (StringHelper::check($this->help_url))
ToolbarHelper::help('COM_GETBIBLE_HELP_MANAGER', false, $this->help_url);
// now initiate the toolbar
$this->toolbar = Toolbar::getInstance();
* Get the modules published in a position
public function getModules($position, $seperator = '', $class = '')
// set default
$found = false;
// check if we aleady have these modules loaded
if (isset($this->setModules[$position]))
$found = true;
// this is where you want to load your module position
$modules = ModuleHelper::getModules($position);
if (ArrayHelper::check($modules, true))
// set the place holder
$this->setModules[$position] = [];
foreach($modules as $module)
$this->setModules[$position][] = ModuleHelper::renderModule($module);
$found = true;
// check if modules were found
if ($found && isset($this->setModules[$position]) && ArrayHelper::check($this->setModules[$position]))
// set class
if (StringHelper::check($class))
$class = ' class="'.$class.'" ';
// set seperating return values
case 'none':
return implode('', $this->setModules[$position]);
case 'div':
return '<div'.$class.'>'.implode('</div><div'.$class.'>', $this->setModules[$position]).'</div>';
case 'list':
return '<ul'.$class.'><li>'.implode('</li><li>', $this->setModules[$position]).'</li></ul>';
case 'array':
case 'Array':
return $this->setModules[$position];
return implode('<br />', $this->setModules[$position]);
return false;
* Escapes a value for output in a view script.
* @param mixed $var The output to escape.
* @return mixed The escaped value.
public function escape($var, $sorten = false, $length = 40)
// use the helper htmlEscape method instead.
return StringHelper::html($var, $this->_charset, $sorten, $length);