
1524 lines
45 KiB

* getBible Loader v3.1.0
* https://getbible.net
* (c) 2014 - 2024 Llewellyn van der Merwe
* MIT License
(function (factory) {
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
})((function () { 'use strict';
* Class for managing local storage of scripture data.
class Memory {
// Constant representing one month in milliseconds.
static ONE_MONTH_IN_MILLISECONDS = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
* Stores scripture data in local storage.
* @param {string} reference - The scripture reference.
* @param {string} translation - The translation.
* @param {Object} data - The scripture data to be stored.
* @throws {Error} If storing data fails.
static set(reference, translation, data) {
const key = this.#key(reference, translation);
const item = {
timestamp: Date.now(),
try {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(item));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error storing data in local storage:', error);
throw error;
* Retrieves scripture data from local storage.
* @param {string} reference - The scripture reference.
* @param {string} translation - The translation.
* @returns {Promise<Object|null>} The scripture data or null if not found.
static async get(reference, translation) {
return this.#get(reference, translation);
* Internal method to check local storage for scripture data.
* @param {string} reference - The scripture reference.
* @param {string} translation - The translation.
* @returns {Object|null} The stored data or null if not found.
* @throws {Error} If parsing or retrieval from local storage fails.
* @private
static #get(reference, translation) {
const key = this.#key(reference, translation);
try {
const storedItem = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (storedItem) {
const {data, timestamp} = JSON.parse(storedItem);
if (timestamp > Date.now() - Memory.ONE_MONTH_IN_MILLISECONDS) {
return data;
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error parsing or retrieving data from local storage:', error);
throw error;
* Generates a key for scripture data storage.
* @param {string} reference - The scripture reference.
* @param {string} translation - The translation.
* @returns {string} A unique key for local storage.
* @private
static #key(reference, translation) {
return `getBible-${translation}-${reference}`;
* Class for handling API calls to fetch scripture data.
class Api {
* Constructs an Api instance with a default or specified API endpoint.
* @param {string} apiEndpoint - The endpoint URL for the API.
constructor(apiEndpoint = 'https://query.getbible.net/v2/') {
this.apiEndpoint = apiEndpoint;
* Fetches scripture from the API, using local storage to cache responses.
* @param {string} reference - The scripture reference.
* @param {string} translation - The translation.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise that resolves with the scripture data.
* @throws {Error} If the API request fails.
async get(reference, translation) {
try {
const localStorageData = await Memory.get(reference, translation);
if (localStorageData !== null) {
return localStorageData;
const response = await fetch(this.#url(reference, translation));
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`${response.status} - ${response.statusText || 'Failed to fetch scripture'}`);
const data = await response.json();
await Memory.set(reference, translation, data);
return data;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
throw new Error(error.message || 'Error fetching scripture');
* Constructs the URL for the API call.
* @param {string} reference - The scripture reference.
* @param {string} translation - The translation.
* @returns {string} The constructed URL for the API request.
* @private
#url(reference, translation) {
return `${this.apiEndpoint}${encodeURIComponent(translation)}/${encodeURIComponent(reference)}`;
* Class for handling chapter data.
class Reference {
#data; // Private data member
* Initializes the BibleVerse object with verse data.
* @param {Object} data - The JSON data containing verse information.
* @param {string} data.translation - The name of the translation.
* @param {string} data.abbreviation - The abbreviation of the translation.
* @param {string} data.language - The full language name.
* @param {string} data.lang - The language code.
* @param {string} data.direction - The text direction (LTR or RTL).
* @param {string} data.encoding - The encoding format (e.g., UTF-8).
* @param {number} data.book_nr - The book number.
* @param {string} data.book_name - The name of the book.
* @param {number} data.chapter - The chapter number.
* @param {string} data.name - The name of the chapter.
* @param {Array<Object>} data.verses - An array of objects representing each verse.
* @param {string|Array<string>} data.ref - The local reference string or array of strings.
constructor(data) {
// Simple validation to check if essential properties are present
const requiredProperties = [
'translation', 'abbreviation', 'language', 'lang',
'direction', 'encoding', 'book_nr', 'book_name',
'chapter', 'name', 'verses', 'ref'
if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Data must be a valid object.');
requiredProperties.forEach(prop => {
if (data[prop] === undefined || data[prop] === null) {
throw new Error(`Missing required property: '${prop}'.`);
// Assign the data after validation
this.#data = data;
* Retrieves the url values.
* @returns {string} The chapter number.
get bibleUrl() {
return `${this.abbreviation}/${this.bookName}/${this.chapter}/${this.verseReference}`;
* Retrieves the translation name.
* @returns {string} The name of the translation.
get translation() {
return this.#data.translation;
* Retrieves the abbreviation of the translation.
* @returns {string} The abbreviation of the translation.
get abbreviation() {
return this.#data.abbreviation;
* Retrieves the full language name.
* @returns {string} The language code.
get language() {
return this.#data.language;
* Retrieves the language code.
* @returns {string} The full name of the language.
get languageCode() {
return this.#data.lang;
* Retrieves the text direction.
* @returns {string} The direction of the text (LTR or RTL).
get textDirection() {
return this.#data.direction;
* Retrieves the encoding format.
* @returns {string} The encoding format (e.g., UTF-8).
get encoding() {
return this.#data.encoding;
* Retrieves the book number.
* @returns {number} The book number.
get bookNumber() {
return this.#data.book_nr;
* Retrieves the name of the book.
* @returns {string} The name of the book.
get bookName() {
return this.#data.book_name;
* Retrieves the chapter number.
* @returns {number} The chapter number.
get chapter() {
return this.#data.chapter;
* Retrieves the name of the chapter.
* @returns {string} The name of the chapter.
get chapterName() {
return this.#data.name;
* Retrieves all verses of the chapter.
* @returns {Array<{chapter: number, verse: number, name: string, text: string}>}
* An array of objects representing each verse.
get verses() {
return this.#data.verses;
* Retrieves a specific verse by its number.
* @param {number} verseNumber - The number of the verse to retrieve.
* @returns {Object|null} The verse object if found, or null if not.
getVerse(verseNumber) {
return this.#data.verses.find(verse => verse.verse === verseNumber);
* Retrieves a range of verses.
* @param {number} startVerse - The starting verse number.
* @param {number} endVerse - The ending verse number.
* @returns {Array<Object>} An array of verse objects within the range.
getVersesInRange(startVerse, endVerse) {
return this.#data.verses.filter(verse => verse.verse >= startVerse && verse.verse <= endVerse);
* Get the local reference string set in the website.
* @returns {string} The reference string.
get localReference() {
// Ensure that this.#data.ref is treated as an array.
return Array.isArray(this.#data.ref) ? this.#data.ref.join('; ') : this.#data.ref;
* Generates a reference string for the (book chapter:verses).
* @returns {string} The reference string.
get reference() {
return `${this.#data.name}:${this.verseReference}`;
* Generates a reference string for the (verses).
* @returns {string} The reference verses string.
get verseReference() {
const verseNumbers = this.#data.verses.map(verse => verse.verse).sort((a, b) => a - b);
let ranges = {};
let rangeStart = null;
let rangeEnd = null;
let previousVerse = null;
verseNumbers.forEach(verse => {
if (rangeStart === null) {
rangeStart = verse;
} else if (verse === previousVerse + 1) {
rangeEnd = verse;
} else {
ranges[rangeStart] = (rangeEnd !== null) ? `${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd}` : `${rangeStart}`;
rangeStart = verse;
rangeEnd = null;
previousVerse = verse;
// Handling the case for the last verse or a single-verse range
if (rangeStart !== null) {
ranges[rangeStart] = (rangeEnd !== null) ? `${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd}` : `${rangeStart}`;
// Join the range strings with commas
return Object.values(ranges).join(',');
* Class for handling Scripture.
class Scripture {
#references; // Private array for storing references
* Initializes the Bible translations, books, and chapters.
* @param {Object} data - An object with references data keyed by identifiers.
constructor(data) {
this.#references = Object.values(data).map(reference => new Reference(reference));
* Iterates over all references and performs a callback function.
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function to execute for each chapter.
forEachReference(callback) {
* Class for managing actions based on element data attributes.
class Action {
* Initializes the Actions object with a DOM element and its data attributes.
* @param {HTMLElement} element - The DOM element containing data attributes.
constructor(element) {
if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) {
throw new Error("triggerElement must be an instance of HTMLElement.");
this.#element = element;
this.#format = (element.dataset.format || 'inline').toLowerCase();
this.#translations = (element.dataset.translation || 'kjv').toLowerCase().split(';').map(translation => translation.trim());
this.#showBookName = element.dataset.showBookName ? parseInt(element.dataset.showBookName, 10) : 0;
this.#showReference = element.dataset.showReference ? parseInt(element.dataset.showReference, 10) : 1;
this.#showLocalReference = element.dataset.showLocalReference ? parseInt(element.dataset.showLocalReference, 10) : 0;
this.#showTranslation = element.dataset.showTranslation ? parseInt(element.dataset.showTranslation, 10) : 0;
this.#showAbbreviation = element.dataset.showAbbreviation ? parseInt(element.dataset.showAbbreviation, 10) : 0;
this.#showLanguage = element.dataset.showLanguage ? parseInt(element.dataset.showLanguage, 10) : 0;
this.#showLanguageCode = element.dataset.showLanguageCode ? parseInt(element.dataset.showLanguageCode, 10) : 0;
this.#showBibleLink = element.dataset.showBibleLink ? parseInt(element.dataset.showBibleLink, 10) : 0;
this.#bibleUrl = element.dataset.bibleUrl ? element.dataset.bibleUrl : 'https://getBible.net/';
if (this.#showLocalReference){
this.#showReference = 0;
if (this.#bibleUrl !== 'https://getBible.net/'){
this.#showBibleLink = 1;
* Retrieves the bible url.
* @returns {string} The bible url as strings.
get bibleUrl() {
return this.#bibleUrl;
* Retrieves the show bible link flag.
* @returns {number} The show bible link flag (0 or 1).
get bibleLink() {
return this.#showBibleLink;
* Retrieves the translations.
* @returns {Array<string>} An array of translation strings.
get translations() {
return this.#translations;
* Retrieves the show book name flag.
* @returns {number} The show book name flag (0 or 1).
get bookName() {
return this.#showBookName;
* Retrieves the show reference flag.
* @returns {number} The show reference flag (0 or 1).
get reference() {
return this.#showReference;
* Retrieves the show local reference flag.
* @returns {number} The show reference flag (0 or 1).
get localReference() {
return this.#showLocalReference;
* Retrieves the show translation flag.
* @returns {number} The show translation flag (0 or 1).
get translation() {
return this.#showTranslation;
* Retrieves the show abbreviation flag.
* @returns {number} The show abbreviation flag (0 or 1).
get abbreviation() {
return this.#showAbbreviation;
* Retrieves the show language flag.
* @returns {number} The show language flag (0 or 1).
get language() {
return this.#showLanguage;
* Retrieves the show language code flog.
* @returns {number} The show language flag (0 or 1).
get languageCode() {
return this.#showLanguageCode;
* Retrieves the element format.
* @returns {string} The element format.
get format() {
return this.#format;
* Retrieves the DOM element.
* @returns {HTMLElement} The DOM element associated with this object.
get element() {
return this.#element;
class BaseFormat {
* Creates a new BaseTooltip instance.
* @param {Action} action - The action elements that triggers the tooltip.
constructor(action) {
this.#action = action;
* Get action.
* @returns {Action} The current actions.
get action() {
return this.#action;
* Get formats the verses.
* @param {Scripture} scripture - The data containing verses and their details.
* @returns {string} The formatted verses.
* @abstract
get(scripture) {
throw new Error("The 'get' method must be implemented in BaseFormat subclass.");
* Get external link svg image.
* @param {string} title - The external link title.
* @returns {string} The external link svg image.
getExternalLinkImage(title) {
// just to be safe
title.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
return `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12">
d="M6 1h5v5L8.86 3.85 4.7 8 4 7.3l4.15-4.16L6 1Z M2 3h2v1H2v6h6V8h1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1Z"
class BlockFormat extends BaseFormat {
constructor(action) {
* Formats the verses for HTML block elements.
* @param {Scripture} scripture - The data containing verses and their details.
* @returns {string} The formatted verses.
get(scripture) {
let display = [];
scripture.forEachReference((reference) => {
let header = [];
display.push(`<div dir="${reference.textDirection.toUpperCase()}" class="getbible-reference-block">`);
if (this.action.bookName) {
header.push(`<span class="getbible-book-name">${reference.bookName}</span>`);
if (this.action.reference) {
header.push(`<span class="getbible-reference">${reference.reference}</span>`);
if (this.action.localReference) {
header.push(`<span class="getbible-reference">${reference.localReference}</span>`);
if (this.action.translation) {
header.push(`<span class="getbible-translation">${reference.translation}</span>`);
if (this.action.abbreviation) {
header.push(`<span class="getbible-abbreviation">${reference.abbreviation}</span>`);
if (this.action.language) {
header.push(`<span class="getbible-language">${reference.language}</span>`);
if (this.action.languageCode) {
header.push(`<span class="getbible-language-code">${reference.languageCode}</span>`);
// Construct the header
if (header.length > 0) {
display.push(`<b class="getbible-header">${header.join(' - ')}</b>`);
// Add link to chapter
if (this.action.bibleLink) {
display.push(`&nbsp;<a class="getbible-link"
target="_blank" style="text-decoration: unset;"
const verses = reference.verses
.map(verse => `<div class="getbible-verse">${verse.verse}. ${verse.text}</div>`)
display.push(`<div class="getbible-verses">${verses}</div>`);
return `<div class="getbible-element getbible-block">${display.join("\n")}</div><br />`;
class InlineFormat extends BaseFormat {
constructor(action) {
* Formats the verses for HTML inline elements.
* @param {Scripture} scripture - The data containing verses and their details.
* @returns {string} The formatted verses.
get(scripture) {
let display = [];
scripture.forEachReference((reference) => {
let footer = [];
display.push(`<div dir="${reference.textDirection.toUpperCase()}" class="getbible-reference-inline">`);
if (this.action.bookName) {
footer.push(`<span class="getbible-book-name">${reference.bookName}</span>`);
if (this.action.reference) {
footer.push(`<span class="getbible-reference">${reference.reference}</span>`);
if (this.action.localReference) {
footer.push(`<span class="getbible-reference">${reference.localReference}</span>`);
if (this.action.translation) {
footer.push(`<span class="getbible-translation">${reference.translation}</span>`);
if (this.action.abbreviation) {
footer.push(`<span class="getbible-abbreviation">${reference.abbreviation}</span>`);
if (this.action.language) {
footer.push(`<span class="getbible-language">${reference.language}</span>`);
if (this.action.languageCode) {
footer.push(`<span class="getbible-language-code">${reference.languageCode}</span>`);
const verses = reference.verses
.map(verse => `<span class="getbible-verse">${verse.verse}. ${verse.text}</span>`)
display.push(`<span class="getbible-verses">${verses}</span>`);
// Construct the footer
if (footer.length > 0) {
display.push(`<b class="getbible-footer">${footer.join(' - ')}</b>`);
// Add link to chapter
if (this.action.bibleLink) {
display.push(`<a class="getbible-link"
target="_blank" style="text-decoration: unset;"
return `<div class="getbible-element getbible-inline">${display.join("\n")}</div>`;
class PlainFormat extends BaseFormat {
constructor(action) {
* Formats the verses for plain text display.
* @param {Scripture} scripture - The data containing verses and their details.
* @returns {string} The formatted verses.
get(scripture) {
let display = [];
scripture.forEachReference((reference) => {
let header = [];
if (this.action.bookName) {
if (this.action.reference) {
if (this.action.localReference) {
if (this.action.translation) {
if (this.action.abbreviation) {
if (this.action.language) {
if (this.action.languageCode) {
// Construct the header
if (header.length > 0) {
display.push(`[${header.join(' - ')}]`);
.map(verse => `${verse.verse}. ${verse.text}`)
return `${display.join("\n")}\n`;
* Format class responsible for creating and managing different types of formats
* based on the specified type.
class Format {
* Constructs a Format instance based on the given type.
* @param {Action} action - The action details for this element
constructor(action) {
const formatTypes = {
'modal': BlockFormat,
'inline': InlineFormat,
'tooltip': PlainFormat
const format = action.format;
const FormatType = formatTypes[format] || InlineFormat;
this.format = new FormatType(action);
* Get the formatted verses.
* @param {Scripture} scripture - The data containing verses and their details.
* @returns {string} The formatted verses.
get(scripture) {
return this.format.get(scripture);
class BaseModal {
* Creates a new BaseModal instance.
* @param {Action} action - The action element triggering the modal.
constructor(action) {
this.#modalId = `modal-${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 11)}`;
this.#action = action;
this.element.style.cursor = 'pointer';
* Loads content into the modal.
* @param {string} content - The content to load into the modal.
load(content) {
const existingModal = document.getElementById(this.id);
// Check if modal already exists
if (existingModal) {
// Update the content of the existing modal
const contentDiv = document.getElementById(`${this.id}-content`);
if (contentDiv) {
contentDiv.innerHTML += content;
} else {
// If modal doesn't exist, create it with the new content
* Insert HTML into the dom.
* @param {string} html - The html to insert.
insertIntoDOM(html) {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);
* Creates the modal.
* @param {string} content - The initial content of the modal.
create(content) {
const modalHtml = `
<div id="${this.id}" style="display:none; position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); justify-content:center; align-items:center;">
<div style="position:relative; background-color:white; padding:20px; border-radius:5px; max-width:300px;">
<button class="getbible-modal-close" type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('${this.id}').style.display='none'" style="position:absolute; top:7px; right:7px; border:none; background:transparent; font-size:20px; cursor:pointer;">✖</button>
<div id="${this.id}-content">
const modalElement = document.getElementById(this.id);
modalElement.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (event.target === modalElement) {
modalElement.style.display = 'none';
* Initializes the modal trigger.
initializeTrigger() {
this.element.addEventListener('click', () => {
document.getElementById(this.id).style.display = 'flex';
* Get the modal ID
* @returns {string} - The modal ID
get id() {
return this.#modalId;
* Get the action element
* @returns {HTMLElement} - The DOM element being worked with.
get element() {
return this.#action.element;
class UikitModal extends BaseModal {
constructor(action) {
show() {
hide() {
create(content) {
const modalHtml = `
<div id="${this.id}" uk-modal>
<div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-body">
<button class="uk-modal-close-default" type="button" uk-close></button>
<div id="${this.id}-content">
initializeTrigger() {
this.element.setAttribute('uk-toggle', `target: #${this.id}`);
class BootstrapModal extends BaseModal {
constructor(action) {
show() {
const modal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById(this.id));
hide() {
const modal = bootstrap.Modal.getInstance(document.getElementById(this.id));
if (modal) {
create(content) {
const modalHtml = `
<div class="modal fade" id="${this.id}" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content p-3">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button>
<div id="${this.id}-content" class="modal-body">
initializeTrigger() {
this.element.setAttribute('data-bs-toggle', 'modal');
this.element.setAttribute('data-bs-target', `#${this.id}`);
class FoundationModal extends BaseModal {
constructor(action) {
this.modalElement = null;
show() {
if (this.modalElement) {
hide() {
if (this.modalElement) {
create(content) {
const modalHtml = `
<div class="reveal" id="${this.id}" data-reveal>
<div id="${this.id}-content">
<button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close modal" type="button">
<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
this.modalElement = new Foundation.Reveal(document.getElementById(this.id));
initializeTrigger() {
this.element.setAttribute('data-open', this.id);
class TailwindModal extends BaseModal {
constructor(action) {
show() {
hide() {
create(content) {
const modalHtml = `
<div class="modal hidden fixed inset-0 bg-gray-600 bg-opacity-50 overflow-y-auto h-full w-full" id="${this.id}">
<div class="modal-content container mx-auto p-5 bg-white">
<div id="${this.id}-content">
<button class="close-button" onclick="document.getElementById('${this.id}').classList.add('hidden')">Close</button>
initializeTrigger() {
this.element.addEventListener('click', () => {
* ModalElement class responsible for creating and managing modal elements.
* It dynamically selects the appropriate modal style based on the available UI framework.
class ModalElement {
* Constructs an instance of ModalElement with the appropriate modal type
* based on the detected UI framework.
* @param {Action} action - The action element that triggers the modal.
constructor(action) {
this.modal = ModalElement.framework(action);
* Loads content into the modal.
* @param {string} content - The content to load into the modal.
load(content) {
* Determines the appropriate modal implementation based on the available UI framework.
* @param {Action} action - The action element triggering the modal.
* @returns {BaseModal|BootstrapModal|UikitModal|FoundationModal|TailwindModal} The modal instance.
static framework(action) {
const frameworks = {
'UIkit': UikitModal,
'bootstrap': BootstrapModal,
'Foundation': FoundationModal,
'tailwind': TailwindModal
for (const [key, ModalType] of Object.entries(frameworks)) {
if (typeof window[key] !== 'undefined' || (key === 'tailwind' && document.querySelector('.tailwind-class') !== null)) {
console.log(`${key} modal selected`);
return new ModalType(action);
console.log(`base modal selected`);
return new BaseModal(action);
* InlineElement class responsible for adding inline elements.
class InlineElement {
* Creates an instance of InlineElement.
* @param {Action} action - The action element that triggers the inline display.
constructor(action) {
this.#action = action;
// Clear initial content
this.element.innerHTML = '';
* Loads content into the trigger element. Appends new content if existing content is present.
* @param {string} content - The content to load into the trigger element.
load(content) {
const existingContent = this.element.innerHTML;
this.element.innerHTML = existingContent ? `${existingContent}\n ${content}` : content;
* Get the action element
* @returns {HTMLElement} - The DOM element being worked with.
get element() {
return this.#action.element;
class BaseTooltip {
* Creates a new BaseTooltip instance.
* @param {Action} action - The action elements that triggers the tooltip.
constructor(action) {
this.#action = action;
this.element.style.cursor = 'help';
* Loads content into the tooltip. If the trigger elements already has a title,
* the new content is appended to it.
* @param {string} content - The content to load into the tooltip.
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the trigger elements is not valid.
load(content) {
const existingTitle = this.element.getAttribute('title');
const newTitle = existingTitle ? existingTitle + "\n" + content : content;
this.element.setAttribute('title', newTitle);
* Get the action element
* @returns {HTMLElement} - The DOM element being worked with.
get element() {
return this.#action.element;
class BootstrapTooltip extends BaseTooltip {
constructor(action) {
load(content) {
try {
const tooltipTriggerList = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]'));
const tooltipList = tooltipTriggerList.map(function (tooltipTriggerEl) {
return new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading BootstrapTooltip:', error);
class UikitTooltip extends BaseTooltip {
constructor(action) {
load(content) {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading UikitTooltip:', error);
class FoundationTooltip extends BaseTooltip {
constructor(action) {
load(content) {
try {
this.element.setAttribute('data-tooltip', '');
new Foundation.Tooltip(this.element, {
// Default options
disableHover: false, // Allows tooltip to be hoverable
fadeOutDuration: 150, // Duration of fade out animation in milliseconds
fadeInDuration: 150, // Duration of fade in animation in milliseconds
showOn: 'all', // Can be 'all', 'large', 'medium', 'small'
templateClasses: '', // Custom class(es) to be added to the tooltip template
tipText: () => this.element.getAttribute('title'), // Function to define tooltip text
triggerClass: 'has-tip', // Class to be added on the trigger elements
touchCloseText: 'tap to close', // Text for close button on touch devices
positionClass: 'top', // Position of tooltip, can be 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', etc.
vOffset: 10, // Vertical offset
hOffset: 12, // Horizontal offset
allowHtml: false // Allow HTML in tooltip content
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading FoundationTooltip:', error);
class TailwindTooltip extends BaseTooltip {
constructor(triggerElement) {
load(content) {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading TailwindTooltip:', error);
_createTooltipElement() {
this.tooltipElement = document.createElement('div');
this.tooltipElement.id = this.tooltipId;
this.tooltipElement.className = 'absolute invisible bg-gray-800 text-white text-xs px-2 py-1 rounded-md';
this.tooltipElement.style.transition = 'visibility 0.3s linear, opacity 0.3s linear';
this.tooltipElement.textContent = this.element.getAttribute('title');
_initializeEvents() {
this.element.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
const rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
this._title = this.element.getAttribute('title');
this.tooltipElement.style.left = `${rect.left + window.scrollX}px`;
this.tooltipElement.style.top = `${rect.bottom + 5 + window.scrollY}px`;
this.element.setAttribute('title', '');
this.element.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
this.element.setAttribute('title', this._title);
* TooltipElement class responsible for creating and managing tooltip elements.
* It dynamically selects the appropriate tooltip style based on the available UI framework.
class TooltipElement {
* Constructs an instance of TooltipElement with the appropriate tooltip type
* based on the detected UI framework.
* @param {Action} action - The action element that triggers the tooltip.
constructor(action) {
this.tooltip = TooltipElement.framework(action);
* Loads content into the tooltip.
* @param {string} content - The content to load into the tooltip.
load(content) {
* Determines the appropriate tooltip implementation based on the available UI framework.
* @param {Action} action - The action element triggering the tooltip.
* @returns {BaseTooltip|BootstrapTooltip|UikitTooltip|FoundationTooltip|TailwindTooltip} The tooltip instance.
static framework(action) {
const frameworks = {
'UIkit': UikitTooltip,
'bootstrap': BootstrapTooltip,
'Foundation': FoundationTooltip,
'tailwind': TailwindTooltip
for (const [key, TooltipType] of Object.entries(frameworks)) {
if (typeof window[key] !== 'undefined' || (key === 'tailwind' && document.querySelector('.tailwind-class') !== null)) {
console.log(`${key} tooltip selected`);
return new TooltipType(action);
console.log(`base tooltip selected`);
return new BaseTooltip(action);
* Element class responsible for creating and managing different types of elements
* based on the specified format.
class Element {
* Constructs an Element instance based on the given format.
* @param {Action} action - The action element that triggers the inline display.
constructor(action) {
const elementTypes = {
'modal': ModalElement,
'inline': InlineElement,
'tooltip': TooltipElement
const format = action.format;
const ElementType = elementTypes[format] || InlineElement;
this.element = new ElementType(action);
console.log(`${format} element selected`);
* Load the content into the element.
* @param {string} content - The content to load.
load(content) {
* Loader class responsible for handling the loading of Reference references.
* It initializes necessary components and loads data into a specified HTML element.
class Loader {
* Constructs a Loader instance.
* Allows for dependency injection of the Api class for easier testing and flexibility.
* @param {Api} api - Instance of Api class for making API calls.
constructor(api) {
this.#api = api;
* Load the Reference references into the specified HTML element.
* This method extracts references from the element, validates them, and loads each valid reference.
* @param {HTMLElement} element - The element to load Reference references into.
async load(element) {
const references = element.innerHTML.split(';').map(ref => ref.trim());
if (references.length === 0) {
console.error("No references found in the getBible tagged class.");
const validReferences = this.#validateReferences(references);
if (validReferences.length === 0) {
console.error("No valid references found in the getBible tagged class.");
await this.#processReferences(validReferences);
* Validates a list of references to ensure each is no longer than 30 characters and contains at least one number.
* Invalid references are logged and excluded from the return value.
* @param {string[]} references - The array of references to validate.
* @returns {string[]} A filtered array of valid references.
* @private
#validateReferences(references) {
return references.filter(reference => {
// Check if the reference is not longer than 30 characters and contains at least one number
const isValid = reference.length <= 30 && /\d/.test(reference);
// Log invalid references
if (!isValid) {
console.error(`Invalid getBible reference: ${reference}`);
return false;
return true;
* Processes each valid reference by fetching translations and loading the scripture.
* This method handles the asynchronous nature of API calls.
* @param {string[]} validReferences - Array of valid references to be processed.
* @private
async #processReferences(validReferences) {
for (const reference of validReferences) {
for (const translation of this.#action.translations) {
try {
const scripture = await this.#api.get(reference, translation);
if (scripture) {
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error loading reference ${reference}:`, error);
* Initializes components necessary for loading references.
* This includes action, element, and format components.
* @param {HTMLElement} element - The element to be initialized for loading.
* @private
#init(element) {
this.#action = new Action(element);
this.#element = new Element(this.#action);
this.#format = new Format(this.#action);
* Loads the scripture data into the initialized element in the specified format.
* This method is responsible for the final rendering of scripture data.
* @param {Object} scripture - The data containing verses and their details.
* @private
#load(scripture) {
this.#element.load(this.#format.get(new Scripture(scripture)));
* Initializes loaders for elements with class 'getBible'.
* Each element gets its own Loader instance because each loader maintains state
* specific to the element it operates on. This function encapsulates the logic
* for finding relevant elements and initializing loaders for them.
* @param {Api} api - The Api instance to be used by each Loader.
function initializeGetBibleLoaders(api) {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.getBible');
elements.forEach(element => {
// Create a new loader instance for each element
const loader = new Loader(api);
loader.load(element).catch(error => {
// Error handling for each loader instance
console.error(`Loading error for element ${element}:`, error);
* Entry point to load Reference references.
* Attaches event listener to DOMContentLoaded to ensure the DOM is fully loaded
* before attempting to initialize loaders.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
try {
const api = new Api();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error initializing GetBible loaders:", error);