import argparse import json import os import requests import sys from pysword.modules import SwordModules if sys.version_info > (3, 0): from past.builtins import xrange # get arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # get the arguments parser.add_argument('--source_file') parser.add_argument('--output_path') parser.add_argument('--no_whiptail', action='store_false') parser.add_argument('--counter', default=0) parser.add_argument('--next', default=90) parser.add_argument('--conf_dir') parser.add_argument('--bible_conf') # set to args args = parser.parse_args() # some helper dictionaries v1_translation_names = json.loads(open(args.bible_conf).read()) v1_translations = json.loads(open(args.conf_dir + "/v1Translations.json").read()) book_numbers = json.loads(open(args.conf_dir + "/bookNumbers.json").read()) book_names = json.loads(open(args.conf_dir + "/bookNames.json").read()) lang_correction = json.loads(open(args.conf_dir + "/langCorrection.json").read()) language_names = json.loads(open(args.conf_dir + "/languageNames.json").read()) text_direction = json.loads(open(args.conf_dir + "/textDirection.json").read()) # function to build Bible dictionaries def get_bible_dict(source_file, bible_version, output_path, current_counter, next_counter): # set some counter values counter = int(current_counter) current = int(current_counter) next = int(next_counter) # load the sword module module = SwordModules(source_file) # get the config module_config = module.parse_modules()[bible_version] # load the bible version bible_mod = module.get_bible_from_module(bible_version) # load the list of books per/testament testaments = bible_mod.get_structure()._books # merge the books books = [] for testament in testaments: books += testaments[testament] # set the abbreviation abbreviation = v1_translation_names.get(bible_version, bible_version.lower()) # get v1 Book Names (some are in the same language) v1_book_names = {} # we add a local book name set local_book_names = {} # check if we have a local file for this translations book names if os.path.exists(args.conf_dir + "/books_" + abbreviation + ".json"): local_book_names = json.loads(open(args.conf_dir + "/books_" + abbreviation + ".json").read()) # check if this translations was in v1 elif bible_version in v1_translation_names: try: v1_book_names = requests.get('' + abbreviation + '/books.json').json() except ValueError: # no json found v1_book_names = {} # start to build the complete scripture of the translation bible_ = {} bible_['translation'] = v1_translations.get(abbreviation, module_config.get('description', bible_version)) bible_['abbreviation'] = abbreviation bible_['discription'] = module_config.get('description', '') # set language lang_ = module_config.get('lang', '') bible_['lang'] = lang_correction.get(lang_, lang_) bible_['language'] = language_names.get(lang_, '') bible_['direction'] = text_direction.get(lang_, 'LTR') # not sure if this is relevant seeing that json.dump ensure_ascii=True bible_['encoding'] = module_config.get('encoding', '') # set global book bible_book = { 'translation': bible_.get('translation'), 'abbreviation': abbreviation, 'lang': bible_.get('lang'), 'language': bible_.get('language'), 'direction': bible_.get('direction', 'LTR'), 'encoding': bible_.get('encoding') } # set global chapter bible_chapter = { 'translation': bible_.get('translation'), 'abbreviation': abbreviation, 'lang': bible_.get('lang'), 'language': bible_.get('language'), 'direction': bible_.get('direction', 'LTR'), 'encoding': bible_.get('encoding') } # start building the books bible_['books'] = [] for book in books: # add the book only if it has verses book_has_verses = False; # reset chapter bucket chapters = [] # set book number book_nr = book_numbers.get( # get book name as set in local or v1 book_name = local_book_names.get(str(book_nr), v1_book_names.get(str(book_nr), {}).get('name', book_names.get(, # get book path book_path = os.path.join(output_path, bible_.get('abbreviation'), str(book_nr)) # check if path is set check_path(book_path) # add the book only if it has verses chapter_has_verses = False; for chapter in xrange(1, book.num_chapters+1): # reset verse bucket verses = [] for verse in xrange(1, len(book.get_indicies(chapter))+1 ): text = bible_mod.get(books=[], chapters=[chapter], verses=[verse]) _text = text.replace('[]', '') if len(text) > 0 and not _text.isspace(): book_has_verses = True; chapter_has_verses = True; verses.append({ 'chapter': chapter, 'verse': verse, 'name': book_name + " " + str(chapter) + ":" + str(verse), 'text': text }) if chapter_has_verses: # load to complete Bible chapters.append({ 'chapter': chapter, 'name': book_name + " " + str(chapter), 'verses': verses }) # set chapter bible_chapter['book_nr'] = book_nr bible_chapter['book_name'] = book_name bible_chapter['chapter'] = chapter bible_chapter['name'] = book_name + " " + str(chapter) bible_chapter['verses'] = verses # store to chapter file write_json(bible_chapter, os.path.join(book_path, str(chapter) + '.json')) print('XXX\n{}\nChapter {} was added to {}-{}\nXXX'.format(counter, chapter, book_name, abbreviation)) counter = increment_counter(counter, next, current) if book_has_verses: # load to complete Bible bible_['books'].append({ 'nr': book_nr, 'name': book_name, 'chapters': chapters }) # set book bible_book['nr'] = book_nr bible_book['name'] = book_name bible_book['chapters'] = chapters # store to book file write_json(bible_book, book_path + '.json') print('XXX\n{}\nBook ({}) was added to {}\nXXX'.format(counter, book_name, abbreviation)) counter = increment_counter(counter, next, current) # add distribution info bible_['distribution_lcsh'] = module_config.get('lcsh', '') bible_['distribution_version'] = module_config.get('version', '') bible_['distribution_version_date'] = module_config.get('SwordVersionDate', module_config.get('swordversiondate', '')) bible_['distribution_abbreviation'] = module_config.get('abbreviation', abbreviation) bible_['distribution_about'] = module_config.get('about', '') bible_['distribution_license'] = module_config.get('distributionlicense', '') bible_['distribution_sourcetype'] = module_config.get('sourcetype', '') bible_['distribution_source'] = module_config.get('textsource', '') bible_['distribution_versification'] = module_config.get('versification', '') # load the distribution history bible_['distribution_history'] = {} for k,v in module_config.items(): if 'history' in k: bible_['distribution_history'][k] = v return bible_ # function to safe the json file output def write_json(bible_dict, output_file): with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(bible_dict, outfile, indent=4) # function to create path if not exist def check_path(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) # function to manange increment of counter def increment_counter(counter, next, current): if counter >= next: return int(current) return counter + 1 # customary main function def main(): # check if books directory exist check_path(args.output_path) # get version name from source file bible_version = args.source_file.replace(".zip", "").rsplit('/', 1)[-1] # get the all the scripture of this Bible bible_dict = get_bible_dict(args.source_file, bible_version, args.output_path, args.counter, # set the correct file name to match v1 if found version_file_name = v1_translation_names.get(bible_version, bible_version.lower()) + '.json' # save to json write_json(bible_dict, os.path.join(args.output_path, version_file_name)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()