############################### # The Config Template # 1. Copy file to conf/.config # 2. Remove key=values not needed # 3. Update values of each key ############################### key=value ############################### # set scripture folder path (json API files) getbible.api=/home/username/v2 # set the path to the Crosswire zipped modules getbible.zip=/home/username/sword_zip # set Bible config file path getbible.bconf=/home/username/v2_builder/conf/CrosswireModulesMap.json # set download behaviour 0->no download; 1->download getbible.download=1 # push changes to github (if changes exist) 0->no push; 1->push getbible.push=0 # only hash the scriptures 0->normal; 1->only hash getbible.hashonly=0 # kill all messages 0->normal; 1->none getbible.quiet=0