2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
< ? php
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www . vdm . io |------/
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2017-04-26 09:55:02 +01:00
@ version 2.4 . 4
@ build 26 th April , 2017
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
@ created 30 th April , 2015
@ package Component Builder
@ subpackage snippets . php
2016-12-22 23:32:13 +02:00
@ author Llewellyn van der Merwe < http :// vdm . bz / component - builder >
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
@ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@ license GNU / GPL Version 2 or later - http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl - 2.0 . html
Builds Complex Joomla Components
// No direct access to this file
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );
// import the list field type
jimport ( 'joomla.form.helper' );
JFormHelper :: loadFieldClass ( 'list' );
* Snippets Form Field class for the Componentbuilder component
class JFormFieldSnippets extends JFormFieldList
* The snippets field type .
* @ var string
public $type = 'snippets' ;
* Override to add new button
* @ return string The field input markup .
* @ since 3.2
2016-02-26 14:46:15 +02:00
protected function getInput ()
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// see if we should add buttons
$setButton = $this -> getAttribute ( 'button' );
// get html
$html = parent :: getInput ();
// if true set button
if ( $setButton === 'true' )
2016-05-07 00:41:41 +01:00
$button = array ();
$script = array ();
$buttonName = $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' );
// get the input from url
2016-12-22 23:32:13 +02:00
$app = JFactory :: getApplication ();
$jinput = $app -> input ;
2016-05-07 00:41:41 +01:00
// get the view name & id
$values = $jinput -> getArray ( array (
'id' => 'int' ,
'view' => 'word'
// check if new item
$ref = '' ;
$refJ = '' ;
if ( ! is_null ( $values [ 'id' ]) && strlen ( $values [ 'view' ]))
// only load referal if not new item.
$ref = '&ref=' . $values [ 'view' ] . '&refid=' . $values [ 'id' ];
$refJ = '&ref=' . $values [ 'view' ] . '&refid=' . $values [ 'id' ];
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$user = JFactory :: getUser ();
// only add if user allowed to create snippet
2016-12-22 23:32:13 +02:00
if ( $user -> authorise ( 'core.create' , 'com_componentbuilder' ) && $app -> isAdmin ()) // TODO for now only in admin area.
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
2016-05-07 00:41:41 +01:00
// build Create button
2016-05-31 06:11:07 +01:00
$buttonNamee = trim ( $buttonName );
$buttonNamee = preg_replace ( '/_+/' , ' ' , $buttonNamee );
$buttonNamee = preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $buttonNamee );
$buttonNamee = preg_replace ( " /[^A-Za-z ]/ " , '' , $buttonNamee );
$buttonNamee = ucfirst ( strtolower ( $buttonNamee ));
$button [] = '<a id="' . $buttonName . 'Create" class="btn btn-small btn-success hasTooltip" title="' . JText :: sprintf ( 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_CREATE_NEW_S' , $buttonNamee ) . ' " style= " border - radius : 0 px 4 px 4 px 0 px ; padding : 4 px 4 px 4 px 7 px ; "
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
href = " index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=snippet&layout=edit'. $ref .' " >
2016-05-07 00:41:41 +01:00
< span class = " icon-new icon-white " ></ span ></ a > ' ;
// only add if user allowed to edit snippet
2017-02-01 15:17:04 +02:00
if (( $buttonName === 'snippet' || $buttonName === 'snippets' ) && $user -> authorise ( 'core.edit' , 'com_componentbuilder' ) && $app -> isAdmin ()) // TODO for now only in admin area.
2016-05-07 00:41:41 +01:00
// build edit button
2016-05-31 06:11:07 +01:00
$buttonNamee = trim ( $buttonName );
$buttonNamee = preg_replace ( '/_+/' , ' ' , $buttonNamee );
$buttonNamee = preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $buttonNamee );
$buttonNamee = preg_replace ( " /[^A-Za-z ]/ " , '' , $buttonNamee );
$buttonNamee = ucfirst ( strtolower ( $buttonNamee ));
$button [] = '<a id="' . $buttonName . 'Edit" class="btn btn-small hasTooltip" title="' . JText :: sprintf ( 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_EDIT_S' , $buttonNamee ) . ' " style= " display : none ; padding : 4 px 4 px 4 px 7 px ; " href= " #" >
2016-05-07 00:41:41 +01:00
< span class = " icon-edit " ></ span ></ a > ' ;
// build script
$script [] = "
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function () {
jQuery ( '#adminForm' ) . on ( 'change' , '#jform_".$buttonName."' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ();
var " . $buttonName . " Value = jQuery ( '#jform_".$buttonName."' ) . val ();
" . $buttonName . " Button ( " . $buttonName . " Value );
var " . $buttonName . " Value = jQuery ( '#jform_".$buttonName."' ) . val ();
" . $buttonName . " Button ( " . $buttonName . " Value );
function " . $buttonName . " Button ( value ) {
if ( value > 0 ) {
// hide the create button
jQuery ( '#".$buttonName."Create' ) . hide ();
// show edit button
jQuery ( '#".$buttonName."Edit' ) . show ();
var url = 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=snippets&task=snippet.edit&id=' + value + '".$refJ."' ;
jQuery ( '#".$buttonName."Edit' ) . attr ( 'href' , url );
} else {
// show the create button
jQuery ( '#".$buttonName."Create' ) . show ();
// hide edit button
jQuery ( '#".$buttonName."Edit' ) . hide ();
} " ;
// check if button was created for snippet field.
2016-05-31 06:11:07 +01:00
if ( is_array ( $button ) && count ( $button ) > 0 )
2016-05-07 00:41:41 +01:00
// Load the needed script.
$document = JFactory :: getDocument ();
$document -> addScriptDeclaration ( implode ( ' ' , $script ));
// return the button attached to input field.
2016-07-12 22:07:55 +01:00
return '<div class="input-append">' . $html . implode ( '' , $button ) . '</div>' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
return $html ;
* Method to get a list of options for a list input .
* @ return array An array of JHtml options .
public function getOptions ()
$db = JFactory :: getDBO ();
$query = $db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> select ( $db -> quoteName ( array ( 'a.id' , 'a.name' , 'a.type' ), array ( 'id' , 'snippet_name' , 'type' )));
$query -> from ( $db -> quoteName ( '#__componentbuilder_snippet' , 'a' ));
$query -> where ( $db -> quoteName ( 'a.published' ) . ' = 1' );
$query -> order ( 'a.name ASC' );
$db -> setQuery (( string ) $query );
$items = $db -> loadObjectList ();
$options = array ();
if ( $items )
$options [] = JHtml :: _ ( 'select.option' , '' , 'Select an option' );
$model = ComponentbuilderHelper :: getModel ( 'snippets' );
foreach ( $items as $item )
$type = $model -> selectionTranslation ( $item -> type , 'type' );
$options [] = JHtml :: _ ( 'select.option' , $item -> id , $item -> snippet_name . ' (' . JText :: _ ( $type ) . ')' );
return $options ;