/* * FooTable v3 - FooTable is a jQuery plugin that aims to make HTML tables on smaller devices look awesome. * @version 3.1.4 * @link http://fooplugins.com * @copyright Steven Usher & Brad Vincent 2015 * @license Released under the GPLv3 license. */ table.footable > thead > tr > td.footable-sortable, table.footable > thead > tr > th.footable-sortable, table.footable > tbody > tr > td.footable-sortable, table.footable > tbody > tr > th.footable-sortable, table.footable > tfoot > tr > td.footable-sortable, table.footable > tfoot > tr > th.footable-sortable { position: relative; padding-right: 30px; cursor: pointer; } td.footable-sortable > span.fooicon, th.footable-sortable > span.fooicon { position: absolute; right: 6px; top: 50%; margin-top: -7px; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in; } td.footable-sortable:hover > span.fooicon, th.footable-sortable:hover > span.fooicon { opacity: 1; } td.footable-sortable.footable-asc > span.fooicon, th.footable-sortable.footable-asc > span.fooicon, td.footable-sortable.footable-desc > span.fooicon, th.footable-sortable.footable-desc > span.fooicon { opacity: 1; } /* hides the sort icons when sorting is not allowed */ table.footable-sorting-disabled td.footable-sortable.footable-asc > span.fooicon, table.footable-sorting-disabled td.footable-sortable.footable-desc > span.fooicon, table.footable-sorting-disabled td.footable-sortable:hover > span.fooicon, table.footable-sorting-disabled th.footable-sortable.footable-asc > span.fooicon, table.footable-sorting-disabled th.footable-sortable.footable-desc > span.fooicon, table.footable-sorting-disabled th.footable-sortable:hover > span.fooicon { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; }