2024-03-09 21:47:28 +02:00
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 4th September 2022
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://dev.vdm.io>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this JCB template file (EVER)
defined('_JCB_TEMPLATE') or die;
2024-03-11 16:14:23 +02:00
namespace ###NAMESPACEPREFIX###\Component\###ComponentNamespace###\Administrator\Model;
2024-03-09 21:47:28 +02:00
// No direct access to this file
\defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* ###Component### List Model
* @since 1.6
class ###Component###Model extends ListModel
public function getIcons()
// load user for access menus
$user = Factory::getApplication()->getIdentity();
// reset icon array
$icons = [];
// view groups array
$viewGroups = array(
'main' => array(###DASHBOARDICONS###)
// loop over the $views
foreach($viewGroups as $group => $views)
$i = 0;
if (Super___0a59c65c_9daf_4bc9_baf4_e063ff9e6a8a___Power::check($views))
foreach($views as $view)
$add = false;
// external views (links)
if (strpos($view,'||') !== false)
$dwd = explode('||', $view);
if (count($dwd) == 3)
list($type, $name, $url) = $dwd;
$viewName = $name;
$alt = $name;
$url = $url;
$image = $name . '.' . $type;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_' . Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($name,'U');
// internal views
elseif (strpos($view,'.') !== false)
$dwd = explode('.', $view);
if (count($dwd) == 3)
list($type, $name, $action) = $dwd;
elseif (count($dwd) == 2)
list($type, $name) = $dwd;
$action = false;
if ($action)
$viewName = $name;
case 'add':
$url = 'index.php?option=com_###component###&view=' . $name . '&layout=edit';
$image = $name . '_' . $action. '.' . $type;
$alt = $name . ' ' . $action;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_'.Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($name,'U').'_ADD';
$add = true;
// check for new convention (more stable)
if (strpos($action, '_qpo0O0oqp_') !== false)
list($action, $extension) = (array) explode('_qpo0O0oqp_', $action);
$extension = str_replace('_po0O0oq_', '.', $extension);
$extension = 'com_###component###.' . $name;
$url = 'index.php?option=com_categories&view=categories&extension=' . $extension;
$image = $name . '_' . $action . '.' . $type;
$alt = $viewName . ' ' . $action;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_' . Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($name,'U') . '_' . Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($action,'U');
$viewName = $name;
$alt = $name;
$url = 'index.php?option=com_###component###&view=' . $name;
$image = $name . '.' . $type;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_' . Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::safe($name,'U');
$hover = false;
$viewName = $view;
$alt = $view;
$url = 'index.php?option=com_###component###&view=' . $view;
$image = $view . '.png';
$name = ucwords($view).'<br /><br />';
$hover = false;
// first make sure the view access is set
if (Super___0a59c65c_9daf_4bc9_baf4_e063ff9e6a8a___Power::check($viewAccess))
// setup some defaults
$dashboard_add = false;
$dashboard_list = false;
$accessTo = '';
$accessAdd = '';
// access checking start
$accessCreate = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.create'])) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($viewAccess[$viewName.'.create']):false;
$accessAccess = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.access'])) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($viewAccess[$viewName.'.access']):false;
// set main controllers
$accessDashboard_add = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add'])) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add']):false;
$accessDashboard_list = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list'])) ? Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list']):false;
// check for adding access
if ($add && $accessCreate)
$accessAdd = $viewAccess[$viewName.'.create'];
elseif ($add)
$accessAdd = 'core.create';
// check if access to view is set
if ($accessAccess)
$accessTo = $viewAccess[$viewName.'.access'];
// set main access controllers
if ($accessDashboard_add)
$dashboard_add = $user->authorise($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add'], 'com_###component###');
if ($accessDashboard_list)
$dashboard_list = $user->authorise($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list'], 'com_###component###');
if (Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($accessAdd) && Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($accessTo))
// check access
if($user->authorise($accessAdd, 'com_###component###') && $user->authorise($accessTo, 'com_###component###') && $dashboard_add)
$icons[$group][$i] = new \StdClass;
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
elseif (Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($accessTo))
// check access
if($user->authorise($accessTo, 'com_###component###') && $dashboard_list)
$icons[$group][$i] = new \StdClass;
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
elseif (Super___1f28cb53_60d9_4db1_b517_3c7dc6b429ef___Power::check($accessAdd))
// check access
if($user->authorise($accessAdd, 'com_###component###') && $dashboard_add)
$icons[$group][$i] = new \StdClass;
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
$icons[$group][$i] = new \StdClass;
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
$icons[$group][$i] = new \StdClass;
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
$icons[$group][$i] = false;
return $icons;