2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
< ? php
2018-05-18 08:28:27 +02:00
* @ package Joomla . Component . Builder
* @ created 30 th April , 2015
* @ author Llewellyn van der Merwe < http :// www . joomlacomponentbuilder . com >
* @ github Joomla Component Builder < https :// github . com / vdm - io / Joomla - Component - Builder >
2019-02-23 15:28:54 +02:00
* @ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2015 - 2019 Vast Development Method . All rights reserved .
2018-05-18 08:28:27 +02:00
* @ license GNU General Public License version 2 or later ; see LICENSE . txt
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// No direct access to this file
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );
* Compiler Controller
2017-02-02 13:54:07 +02:00
class ComponentbuilderControllerCompiler extends JControllerAdmin
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
2017-02-02 13:54:07 +02:00
protected $text_prefix = 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_COMPILER' ;
* Proxy for getModel .
* @ since 2.5
public function getModel ( $name = 'Compiler' , $prefix = 'ComponentbuilderModel' , $config = array ())
$model = parent :: getModel ( $name , $prefix , array ( 'ignore_request' => true ));
return $model ;
public function dashboard ()
$this -> setRedirect ( JRoute :: _ ( 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder' , false ));
return ;
2018-09-20 21:17:07 +02:00
* Run the Compiler
* @ return true on success
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
public function compiler ()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession :: checkToken () or jexit ( JText :: _ ( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory :: getUser ();
if ( $user -> authorise ( 'core.admin' , 'com_componentbuilder' ))
// get the post values
2018-04-18 21:11:14 +02:00
$jinput = JFactory :: getApplication () -> input ;
$componentId = $jinput -> post -> get ( 'component' , 0 , 'INT' );
$version = $jinput -> post -> get ( 'version' , 0 , 'INT' );
$addBackup = $jinput -> post -> get ( 'backup' , 0 , 'INT' );
$addRepo = $jinput -> post -> get ( 'repository' , 0 , 'INT' );
$addPlaceholders = $jinput -> post -> get ( 'placeholders' , 2 , 'INT' );
$debugLinenr = $jinput -> post -> get ( 'debuglinenr' , 2 , 'INT' );
$minify = $jinput -> post -> get ( 'minify' , 2 , 'INT' );
2017-02-02 13:54:07 +02:00
// include component compiler
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/compiler.php' ;
2018-04-18 21:11:14 +02:00
$model = $this -> getModel ( 'compiler' );
if ( $model -> builder ( $version , $componentId , $addBackup , $addRepo , $addPlaceholders , $debugLinenr , $minify ))
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$cache = JFactory :: getCache ( 'mod_menu' );
$cache -> clean ();
// TODO: Reset the users acl here as well to kill off any missing bits
return false ;
$app = JFactory :: getApplication ();
2018-04-18 21:11:14 +02:00
$redirect_url = $app -> getUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.redirect_url' );
$message = $app -> getUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.message' );
2017-02-02 13:54:07 +02:00
if ( empty ( $redirect_url ) && $componentId > 0 )
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$redirect_url = JRoute :: _ ( 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler' , false );
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
if (( $pos = strpos ( $model -> compiler -> filepath , " /tmp/ " )) !== FALSE )
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$url = JURI :: root () . substr ( $model -> compiler -> filepath , $pos + 1 );
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// Message of successful build
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message = '<h1>The (' . $model -> compiler -> componentFolderName . ') Was Successfully Compiled!</h1>' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$message .= '<p><button class="btn btn-small btn-success" onclick="Joomla.submitbutton(\'compiler.installExtention\')">' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= 'Install ' . $model -> compiler -> componentFolderName . ' on this <span class="icon-joomla icon-white"></span>Joomla website.</button></p>' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$message .= '<h2>Total time saved</h2>' ;
$message .= '<ul>' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= '<li>Total folders created: <b>' . $model -> compiler -> folderCount . '</b></li>' ;
$message .= '<li>Total files created: <b>' . $model -> compiler -> fileCount . '</b></li>' ;
2017-12-14 15:30:21 +02:00
$message .= '<li>Total fields created: <b>' . $model -> compiler -> fieldCount . '</b></li>' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= '<li>Total lines written: <b>' . $model -> compiler -> lineCount . '</b></li>' ;
$message .= '<li>A4 Book of: <b>' . $model -> compiler -> pageCount . ' pages</b></li>' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$message .= '</ul>' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= '<p><b>' . $model -> compiler -> totalHours . ' Hours</b> or <b>' . $model -> compiler -> totalDays . ' Eight Hour Days</b> <em>(actual time you saved)</em><br />' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$message .= '<small>(if creating a folder and file took <b>5 seconds</b> and writing one line of code took <b>10 seconds</b>, never making one mistake or taking any coffee break.)</small><br />' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= '<b>' . $model -> compiler -> actualHoursSpent . ' Hours</b> or <b>' . $model -> compiler -> actualDaysSpent . ' Eight Hour Days</b> <em>(the actual time you spent)</em><br />' ;
$message .= '<small>(with the following break down: <b>debugging @' . $model -> compiler -> debuggingHours . 'hours</b> = codingtime / 4; <b>planning @' . $model -> compiler -> planningHours . 'hours</b> = codingtime / 7; <b>mapping @' . $model -> compiler -> mappingHours . 'hours</b> = codingtime / 10; <b>office @' . $model -> compiler -> officeHours . 'hours</b> = codingtime / 6;)</small></p>' ;
$message .= '<p><b>' . $model -> compiler -> actualTotalHours . ' Hours</b> or <b>' . $model -> compiler -> actualTotalDays . ' Eight Hour Days</b> <em>(a total of the realistic time frame for this project)</em><br />' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$message .= '<small>(if creating a folder and file took <b>5 seconds</b> and writing one line of code took <b>10 seconds</b>, with the normal everyday realities at the office, that includes the component planning, mapping & debugging.)</small></p>' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= '<p>Project duration: <b>' . $model -> compiler -> projectWeekTime . ' weeks</b> or <b>' . $model -> compiler -> projectMonthTime . ' months</b></p>' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$message .= '<h2>Path to Zip File</h2>' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= '<p><b>Path:</b> <code>' . $model -> compiler -> filepath . '</code><br />' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$message .= '<b>URL:</b> <code>' . $url . '</code><br /><br />' ;
$message .= '<small>Hey! you can also download the file right now!</small><br /><a class="btn btn-success" href="' . $url . '" ><span class="icon-download icon-white"></span>Download</a></p>' ;
$message .= '<p><small><b>Remember!</b> This file is in your tmp folder and therefore publicly accessible untill you click [Clear tmp]!</small> </p>' ;
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$message .= '<p><small>Compilation took <b>' . $model -> compiler -> secondsCompiled . '</b> seconds to complete.</small> </p>' ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// set redirect
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'message' );
2017-03-03 23:53:18 +02:00
$app -> setUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.extension_name' , $model -> compiler -> componentFolderName );
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// wipe out the user state when we're going to redirect
$app -> setUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.redirect_url' , '' );
$app -> setUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.message' , '' );
$app -> setUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.extension_message' , '' );
$app -> setUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.extension_name' , '' );
// set redirect
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message );
return true ;
return false ;
2018-09-20 21:17:07 +02:00
* Install Compiled Extension
* @ return true on success
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
public function installExtention ()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession :: checkToken () or jexit ( JText :: _ ( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory :: getUser ();
// set page redirect
$redirect_url = JRoute :: _ ( 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler' , false );
$message = 'Could not install component!' ;
if ( $user -> authorise ( 'core.admin' ))
// get the model
$model = $this -> getModel ( 'compiler' );
$app = JFactory :: getApplication ();
$fileName = $app -> getUserState ( 'com_componentbuilder.extension_name' );
if ( ComponentbuilderHelper :: checkString ( $fileName ))
$lang = JFactory :: getLanguage ();
$extension = 'com_installer' ;
$language_tag = 'en-GB' ;
$reload = true ;
$lang -> load ( $extension , $base_dir , $language_tag , $reload );
$message = '(' . $fileName . '.zip) file was also removed from tmp!' ;
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'message' );
2018-04-25 00:36:05 +02:00
return $model -> install ( $fileName . '.zip' );
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'error' );
return false ;
2019-05-15 19:39:27 +02:00
* Run the Expansion
* @ return void
public function runExpansion ()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession :: checkToken () or jexit ( JText :: _ ( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory :: getUser ();
// set page redirect
$redirect_url = JRoute :: _ ( 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler' , false );
// set massage
// check if this user has the right to run expansion
if ( $user -> authorise ( 'compiler.run_expansion' , 'com_componentbuilder' ))
// set massage
// run expansion via API
$result = ComponentbuilderHelper :: getFileContents ( JURI :: root () . 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=api.expand' );
// is there a message returned
if ( ! is_numeric ( $result ) && ComponentbuilderHelper :: checkString ( $result ))
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $result );
return true ;
elseif ( is_numeric ( $result ) && 1 == $result )
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'message' );
return true ;
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'error' );
return false ;
* Clear tmp folder
* @ return true on success
public function clearTmp ()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession :: checkToken () or jexit ( JText :: _ ( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory :: getUser ();
// set page redirect
$redirect_url = JRoute :: _ ( 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler' , false );
if ( $user -> authorise ( 'core.admin' , 'com_componentbuilder' ))
// get the model
$model = $this -> getModel ( 'compiler' );
// get tmp folder
$comConfig = JFactory :: getConfig ();
$tmp = $comConfig -> get ( 'tmp_path' );
if ( $model -> emptyFolder ( $tmp ))
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'message' );
return true ;
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'error' );
return false ;
* Run the Translator
* @ return void
public function runTranslator ()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession :: checkToken () or jexit ( JText :: _ ( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory :: getUser ();
// set page redirect
$redirect_url = JRoute :: _ ( 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler' , false );
// set massage
// check if this user has the right to run expansion
if ( $user -> authorise ( 'compiler.run_translator' , 'com_componentbuilder' ))
// set massage
// run translator via API
$result = ComponentbuilderHelper :: getFileContents ( JURI :: root () . 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&task=api.translator' );
// is there a message returned
if ( ! is_numeric ( $result ) && ComponentbuilderHelper :: checkString ( $result ))
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $result );
return true ;
$this -> setRedirect ( $redirect_url , $message , 'error' );
return false ;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00