Fixed gh-318 so that default and other none database fields will not trigger SQL update and version increment. Fixed gh-317 that had conflict variable naming in the jsonToString helper method. Improved the refresh method for JCB package area.
This commit is contained in:
@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ Watch the [proposed development workflow](
+ *Author*: [Llewellyn van der Merwe](
+ *Name*: [Component Builder](
+ *First Build*: 30th April, 2015
+ *Last Build*: 10th July, 2018
+ *Last Build*: 12th July, 2018
+ *Version*: 2.8.4
+ *Copyright*: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
+ *License*: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
+ *Line count*: **186333**
+ *Line count*: **186363**
+ *Field count*: **1059**
+ *File count*: **1239**
+ *Folder count*: **197**
@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ Watch the [proposed development workflow](
+ *Author*: [Llewellyn van der Merwe](
+ *Name*: [Component Builder](
+ *First Build*: 30th April, 2015
+ *Last Build*: 10th July, 2018
+ *Last Build*: 12th July, 2018
+ *Version*: 2.8.4
+ *Copyright*: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
+ *License*: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
+ *Line count*: **186333**
+ *Line count*: **186363**
+ *Field count*: **1059**
+ *File count*: **1239**
+ *Folder count*: **197**
@ -248,16 +248,16 @@ abstract class ###Component###Helper
if ($external)
if ($name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
if ($_name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
if ($name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
if ($_name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ abstract class ###Component###Helper
if ($external)
if ($name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
if ($_name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
if ($name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
if ($_name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
@ -35,6 +35,31 @@ class ComponentbuilderControllerJoomla_component extends JControllerForm
public function refresh()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession::checkToken() or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
// check if import is allowed for this user.
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if ($user->authorise('joomla_component.import', 'com_componentbuilder') && $user->authorise('core.import', 'com_componentbuilder'))
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('backto_VDM_IMPORT', 'joomla_components');
$session->set('dataType_VDM_IMPORTINTO', 'smart_package');
// clear the session
componentbuilderHelper::set('vdmGithubPackages', null);
componentbuilderHelper::set('communityGithubPackages', null);
// Redirect to import view.
$this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=import_joomla_components&target=smartPackage', false), $message);
// Redirect to the list screen with error.
$this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=joomla_components', false), $message, 'error');
* Method override to check if you can add a new record.
@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ class ComponentbuilderControllerJoomla_components extends JControllerAdmin
public function smartImport()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession::checkToken() or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
// check if import is allowed for this user.
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if ($user->authorise('joomla_component.import', 'com_componentbuilder') && $user->authorise('core.import', 'com_componentbuilder'))
@ -355,6 +357,8 @@ class ComponentbuilderControllerJoomla_components extends JControllerAdmin
public function cloner()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession::checkToken() or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
// Get the model
$model = $this->getModel('Joomla_components');
// check if export is allowed for this user.
@ -494,6 +494,13 @@ class Get
public $fieldRelations = array();
* Default Fields
* @var array
public $defaultFields = array('created', 'created_by', 'modified', 'modified_by', 'published', 'ordering', 'access', 'version', 'hits', 'id');
* The list join fields
@ -1540,21 +1547,9 @@ class Get
$view->addfields = (isset($view->addfields) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($view->addfields)) ? json_decode($view->addfields, true) : null;
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addfields))
// build update SQL
if ($old_view = $this->getHistoryWatch('admin_fields', $view->addfields_id))
// add new fields were added
if (isset($old_view->addfields) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($old_view->addfields))
$this->setUpdateSQL(json_decode($old_view->addfields, true), $view->addfields, 'field', $name_single);
// clear this data
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addfields))
$ignoreFields = array();
// load the field data
$view->fields = array_map(function($field) use($name_single, $name_list)
$view->fields = array_map(function($field) use($name_single, $name_list, &$ignoreFields)
// set hash
static $hash = 123467890; // (TODO) I found this making duplicates
@ -1566,12 +1561,32 @@ class Get
$field['settings'] = $this->getFieldData($field['field'], $name_single, $name_list);
// set real field name
$field['base_name'] = $this->getFieldName($field);
// set code name for field type
$field['type_name'] = $this->getFieldType($field);
// check if this field is a default field OR
// check if this is none database related field
if (in_array($field['base_name'], $this->defaultFields) ||
ComponentbuilderHelper::fieldCheck($field['type_name'], 'spacer') ||
$field['list'] == 2) // 2 = none database
$ignoreFields[$field['field']] = $field['field'];
// set unigue name keeper
$this->setUniqueNameCounter($field['base_name'], $name_list);
// return field
return $field;
}, array_values($view->addfields));
// build update SQL
if ($old_view = $this->getHistoryWatch('admin_fields', $view->addfields_id))
// add new fields were added
if (isset($old_view->addfields) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($old_view->addfields))
$this->setUpdateSQL(json_decode($old_view->addfields, true), $view->addfields, 'field', $name_single, $ignoreFields);
// clear this data
// sort the fields acording to order
usort($view->fields, function($a, $b)
@ -1593,14 +1608,13 @@ class Get
return 0;
// do some house cleaning (for fields)
foreach ($view->fields as $field)
// so first we lock the field name in
$field_name = $this->getFieldName($field, $name_list);
// check if the field changed since the last compilation
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($field['settings']->history))
// check if the field changed since the last compilation (default fields never change and are always added)
if (!isset($ignoreFields[$field['field']]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($field['settings']->history))
// check if the datatype changed
if (isset($field['settings']->history->datatype))
@ -1650,7 +1664,6 @@ class Get
// build update SQL
if ($old_view = $this->getHistoryWatch('admin_view', $id))
@ -2498,6 +2511,11 @@ class Get
public function getFieldType(&$field)
// check if we have done this already
if (isset($field['type_name']))
return $field['type_name'];
// set the type name
$type_name = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($field['settings']->type_name);
// check that we have the poperties
@ -2507,16 +2525,17 @@ class Get
if ($property['name'] === 'type')
// if custom (we must use the xml value)
if ($type_name === 'custom' || $type_name === 'customuser')
$type = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString(ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($field['settings']->xml, 'type="', '"'));
// use field core type
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($type_name))
// use field core type (name)
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($type_name) || (isset($property['example']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($property['example']) && $property['adjustable'] == 0))
$type = $type_name;
// make sure none adjustable fields are set (should be same as above)
// make sure none adjustable fields are set (should be same as above) (TODO) hmmm we need look at this again
elseif (isset($property['example']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($property['example']) && $property['adjustable'] == 0)
$type = $property['example'];
@ -3022,11 +3041,12 @@ class Get
* @param mix $new The new values
* @param string $type The type of values
* @param int $key The id/key where values changed
* @param array $ignore The ids to ignore
* @return void
protected function setUpdateSQL($old, $new, $type, $key = null)
protected function setUpdateSQL($old, $new, $type, $key = null, $ignore = null)
// check if there were new items added
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($new) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old))
@ -3037,8 +3057,14 @@ class Get
foreach ($new[$type] as $item)
$newItem = true;
// check if this is an id to ignore
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($ignore) && in_array($item, $ignore))
// don't add ignored ids
$newItem = false;
// check if this is old repeatable field
if (isset($old[$type]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old[$type]))
elseif (isset($old[$type]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old[$type]))
if (!in_array($item, $old[$type]))
@ -3084,12 +3110,18 @@ class Get
foreach ($new as $item)
// search to see if this is a new value
$newItem = true;
if (isset($item[$type]))
// search to see if this is a new value
$newItem = true;
// check if this is an id to ignore
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($ignore) && in_array($item[$type], $ignore))
// don't add ignored ids
$newItem = false;
// check if this is old repeatable field
if (isset($old[$type]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old[$type]))
elseif (isset($old[$type]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old[$type]))
if (in_array($item[$type], $old[$type]))
@ -3120,11 +3152,6 @@ class Get
$newItem = false;
// add if new
if ($newItem)
@ -3134,6 +3161,7 @@ class Get
elseif ($key && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($new) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($old) && $new !== $old)
// the string changed, lets add to SQL update
@ -319,13 +319,6 @@ class Fields extends Structure
public $fieldsNames = array();
* Default Fields
* @var array
public $defaultFields = array('created', 'created_by', 'modified', 'modified_by', 'published', 'ordering', 'access', 'version', 'hits', 'id');
* Default Fields set to publishing
@ -4226,16 +4226,16 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
if ($external)
if ($name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
if ($_name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
if ($name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
if ($_name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
@ -1508,14 +1508,14 @@ INSERT INTO `#__componentbuilder_snippet` (`id`, `contributor_company`, `contrib
INSERT INTO `#__componentbuilder_field` (`id`, `add_css_view`, `add_css_views`, `add_javascript_view_footer`, `add_javascript_views_footer`, `catid`, `css_view`, `css_views`, `datadefault`, `datadefault_other`, `datalenght`, `datalenght_other`, `datatype`, `indexes`, `javascript_view_footer`, `javascript_views_footer`, `name`, `null_switch`, `store`, `fieldtype`, `xml`, `published`, `created`, `modified`, `version`, `hits`, `ordering`) VALUES
(23, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 64, '', 'CHAR', '', '', '', 'Alias', 'NOT NULL', '', 24, '\"<field type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"alias\\\" label=\\\"Alias\\\" filter=\\\"STRING\\\" hint=\\\"Auto-generated from name\\\"\\/>\"', 1, '2015-04-09 13:46:04', '2016-05-05 22:30:18', 2, '', 216),
(84, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'TEXT', '', '', '', 'Description (full width)', 'NOT NULL', '', 25, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"textarea\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"description\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Description\\\" \\r\\n\\trows=\\\"11\\\" \\r\\n\\tcols=\\\"10\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Add Description Here\\\" \\r\\n\\tclass=\\\"text_area span12\\\" \\r\\n\\tfilter=\\\"HTML\\\" \\r\\n\\thint=\\\"Add Description Here\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-03-19 18:20:49', '2016-10-20 17:01:21', 4, '', 265),
(23, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 64, '', 'CHAR', '', '', '', 'Alias', 'NOT NULL', '', 24, '\"<field type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"alias\\\" label=\\\"Alias\\\" filter=\\\"STRING\\\" hint=\\\"Auto-generated from name\\\"\\/>\"', 1, '2015-04-09 13:46:04', '2018-07-12 04:14:35', 2, '', 216),
(84, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'TEXT', '', '', '', 'Description (full width)', 'NOT NULL', '', 25, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"textarea\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"description\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Description\\\" \\r\\n\\trows=\\\"11\\\" \\r\\n\\tcols=\\\"10\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Add Description Here\\\" \\r\\n\\tclass=\\\"text_area span12\\\" \\r\\n\\tfilter=\\\"HTML\\\" \\r\\n\\thint=\\\"Add Description Here\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-03-19 18:20:49', '2018-07-12 04:14:35', 4, '', 265),
(100, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 255, '', 'VARCHAR', '', '', '', 'Email (required)', 'NOT NULL', '', 24, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"text\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"email\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Email\\\" \\r\\n\\tsize=\\\"10\\\" \\r\\n\\tmaxlength=\\\"50\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Enter Email\\\" \\r\\n\\tclass=\\\"text_area\\\"\\r\\n\\tfilter=\\\"STRING\\\" \\r\\n\\tvalidate=\\\"email\\\" \\r\\n\\trequired=\\\"true\\\"\\r\\n\\tmessage=\\\"Error! Please add email address here.\\\" \\r\\n\\thint=\\\"\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-05-05 23:44:32', '2016-02-07 22:43:18', 4, '', 285),
(158, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 64, '', 'CHAR', '', '', '', 'Image', 'NOT NULL', '', 12, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"media\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"image\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Image\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"\\\" \\r\\n\\tdirectory=\\\"\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-04-29 14:00:56', '2015-08-25 21:15:22', 1, '', 45),
(196, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 64, '', 'VARCHAR', '', '', '', 'Mobile Phone', 'NOT NULL', '', 23, '\"<field type=\\\"text\\\" \\r\\nname=\\\"mobile_phone\\\" \\r\\nlabel=\\\"Mobile Phone\\\" \\r\\nsize=\\\"10\\\" \\r\\nmaxlength=\\\"50\\\" \\r\\ndefault=\\\"\\\" \\r\\ndescription=\\\"Enter Mobile Phone Number\\\" \\r\\nclass=\\\"text_area\\\" \\r\\nfilter=\\\"STRING\\\" \\r\\nvalidated=\\\"tel\\\" \\r\\nrequired=\\\"true\\\" \\r\\nmessage=\\\"Error! Please add mobile phone number here.\\\" \\r\\nhint=\\\"Mobile Phone Here\\\" \\/>\"', 1, '2015-04-07 22:12:58', '2016-03-28 14:00:02', 2, '', 7),
(199, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 255, '', 'VARCHAR', 2, '', '', 'Name', 'NOT NULL', '', 24, '\"<field\\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"text\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"name\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Name\\\" \\r\\n\\tsize=\\\"40\\\" \\r\\n\\tmaxlength=\\\"150\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Enter Name Here\\\" \\r\\n\\tclass=\\\"text_area\\\" \\r\\n\\treadonly=\\\"false\\\" \\r\\n\\tdisabled=\\\"false\\\" \\r\\n\\trequired=\\\"true\\\"\\r\\n\\tfilter=\\\"STRING\\\" \\r\\n\\tmessage=\\\"Error! Please add name here.\\\" \\r\\n\\thint=\\\"Name Here\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-03-19 17:30:59', '2017-10-25 20:26:02', 8, '', 4),
(203, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '', 'INT', '', '', '', 'Not Required', 'NOT NULL', '', 9, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"hidden\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"not_required\\\" \\r\\n\\tdefault=\\\"[]\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-05-08 16:19:16', '2015-08-25 21:15:22', 1, '', 19),
(280, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 255, '', 'VARCHAR', '', '', '', 'Website', 'NOT NULL', '', 27, '\"<field\\n\\ttype=\\\"url\\\"\\n\\tname=\\\"website\\\"\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Website\\\"\\n\\tsize=\\\"60\\\"\\n\\tmaxlength=\\\"150\\\"\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Enter website address\\\"\\n\\tclass=\\\"text_area\\\"\\n\\tfilter=\\\"url\\\"\\n\\tvalidated=\\\"url\\\"\\n\\tmessage=\\\"Error! Please add website here.\\\"\\n\\thint=\\\"http:\\/\\/\\\"\\n\\tscheme=\\\"http,https\\\"\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-04-08 00:36:16', '2018-07-08 00:11:05', 2, '', 105),
(199, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 255, '', 'VARCHAR', 2, '', '', 'Name', 'NOT NULL', '', 24, '\"<field\\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"text\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"name\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Name\\\" \\r\\n\\tsize=\\\"40\\\" \\r\\n\\tmaxlength=\\\"150\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Enter Name Here\\\" \\r\\n\\tclass=\\\"text_area\\\" \\r\\n\\treadonly=\\\"false\\\" \\r\\n\\tdisabled=\\\"false\\\" \\r\\n\\trequired=\\\"true\\\"\\r\\n\\tfilter=\\\"STRING\\\" \\r\\n\\tmessage=\\\"Error! Please add name here.\\\" \\r\\n\\thint=\\\"Name Here\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-03-19 17:30:59', '2018-07-12 04:14:35', 8, '', 4),
(203, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '', 'INT', '', '', '', 'Not Required', 'NOT NULL', '', 9, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"hidden\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"not_required\\\" \\r\\n\\tdefault=\\\"[]\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-05-08 16:19:16', '2018-07-12 04:14:35', 1, '', 19),
(280, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 255, '', 'VARCHAR', '', '', '', 'Website', 'NOT NULL', '', 27, '\"<field\\n\\ttype=\\\"url\\\"\\n\\tname=\\\"website\\\"\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Website\\\"\\n\\tsize=\\\"60\\\"\\n\\tmaxlength=\\\"150\\\"\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Enter website address\\\"\\n\\tclass=\\\"text_area\\\"\\n\\tfilter=\\\"url\\\"\\n\\tvalidated=\\\"url\\\"\\n\\tmessage=\\\"Error! Please add website here.\\\"\\n\\thint=\\\"http:\\/\\/\\\"\\n\\tscheme=\\\"http,https\\\"\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-04-08 00:36:16', '2018-07-12 04:14:35', 2, '', 105),
(682, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '', 'TINYINT', 2, '', '', 'Add More', 'NOT NULL', '', 17, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"radio\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"add\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Add More\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"\\\" \\r\\n\\tclass=\\\"btn-group btn-group-yesno\\\" \\r\\n\\toption=\\\"1|Yes,0|No\\\" \\r\\n\\tdefault=\\\"0\\\" \\r\\n\\trequired=\\\"true\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-08-05 01:18:20', '2018-03-30 09:30:45', 4, '', 196),
(1011, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Other', '0000-00-00', '', '', 'DATE', '', '', '', 'Date of Birth', 'NOT NULL', '', 1, '\"<field \\r\\n\\ttype=\\\"calendar\\\" \\r\\n\\tname=\\\"dateofbirth\\\" \\r\\n\\tlabel=\\\"Date of Birth\\\" \\r\\n\\tdefault=\\\"1970-01-01\\\" \\r\\n\\tdescription=\\\"Your date of birth\\\" \\r\\n\\tclass=\\\"\\\" \\r\\n\\tformat=\\\"%Y-%m-%d\\\" \\r\\n\\tfilter=\\\"\\\" \\r\\n\\trequired=\\\"\\\" \\r\\n\\/>\"', 1, '2015-12-07 01:47:32', '2015-12-07 02:15:24', 3, '', 649);
@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ INSERT INTO `#__componentbuilder_fieldtype` (`id`, `catid`, `description`, `name
INSERT INTO `#__componentbuilder_language` (`id`, `langtag`, `name`, `params`, `published`, `created`, `modified`, `version`, `hits`, `ordering`) VALUES
(1, 'af-ZA', 'Afrikaans', '', 1, '2018-04-19 13:43:44', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, '', 1),
(1, 'af-ZA', 'Afrikaans', '', 1, '2018-04-19 13:43:44', '2018-07-12 04:14:35', 1, '', 1),
(2, 'sq-AL', 'Albanian', '', 1, '2018-04-19 13:43:44', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, '', 1),
(3, 'ar-AA', 'Arabic Unitag', '', 1, '2018-04-19 13:43:44', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, '', 1),
(4, 'hy-AM', 'Armenian', '', 1, '2018-04-19 13:43:44', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, '', 1),
@ -36,13 +36,14 @@ JHtml::_('behavior.keepalive');
<?php else: ?>
Joomla.submitbutton = function(task)
if ('refresh' === task){
if ('joomla_component.refresh' === task){
jQuery('#loading').css('display', 'block');
// clear the history
// now start the update
// also clear the session memory around the component list
} else {
var form = document.getElementById('adminForm');
// do field validation
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderViewImport_joomla_components extends JViewLegacy
// add title to the page
// add refesh button.
JToolBarHelper::custom('refresh', 'refresh', '', 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_REFRESH', false);
JToolBarHelper::custom('joomla_component.refresh', 'refresh', '', 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_REFRESH', false);
// get the session object
$session = JFactory::getSession();
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="component" version="3.2" method="upgrade">
<creationDate>10th July, 2018</creationDate>
<creationDate>12th July, 2018</creationDate>
<author>Llewellyn van der Merwe</author>
@ -3604,16 +3604,16 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
if ($external)
if ($name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
if ($_name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
if ($name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
if ($_name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name))
$names[] = $name;
$names[] = $_name;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user