Added option to include or exclude Joomla Plugins from being compiled or exported. Added the Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper to helper class header. Added option to only export words if required global option fields are set. Added option to use strict field access on all exports if required global option fields are set. Fixed gh-475 by adding the option to add a github token if needed under the global options global tab, also updated the error message.
This commit is contained in:
@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ TODO
+ *Author*: [Llewellyn van der Merwe](
+ *Name*: [Component Builder](
+ *First Build*: 30th April, 2015
+ *Last Build*: 5th September, 2019
+ *Last Build*: 10th September, 2019
+ *Version*: 2.10.1
+ *Copyright*: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2019 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
+ *License*: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
+ *Line count*: **251450**
+ *Field count*: **1343**
+ *Line count*: **251878**
+ *Field count*: **1345**
+ *File count*: **1608**
+ *Folder count*: **253**
@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ TODO
+ *Author*: [Llewellyn van der Merwe](
+ *Name*: [Component Builder](
+ *First Build*: 30th April, 2015
+ *Last Build*: 5th September, 2019
+ *Last Build*: 10th September, 2019
+ *Version*: 2.10.1
+ *Copyright*: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2019 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
+ *License*: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
+ *Line count*: **251450**
+ *Field count*: **1343**
+ *Line count*: **251878**
+ *Field count*: **1345**
+ *File count*: **1608**
+ *Folder count*: **253**
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* ###Component### component helper.
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* ###Component### component helper
@ -67,6 +67,21 @@
<!-- Github_access_token Field. Type: Text. (joomla) -->
class="text_area full-width"
<!-- Spacer_hr_one Field. Type: Spacer. A None Database Field. (joomla) -->
<field type="spacer" name="spacer_hr_one" hr="true" class="spacer_hr_one" />
<!-- Manage_jcb_package_directories Field. Type: Radio. (joomla) -->
@ -60,6 +60,20 @@ class Get
public $params;
* Add strict field export permissions
* @var boolean
public $strictFieldExportPermissions = false;
* Add text only export options
* @var boolean
public $exportTextOnly = false;
* The global placeholders
@ -1665,7 +1679,12 @@ class Get
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($component->addjoomla_plugins))
$joomla_plugins = array_map(function($array) use(&$component) {
return $this->setJoomlaPlugin($array['plugin'], $component);
// only load the plugins whose target association calles for it
if (!isset($array['target']) || $array['target'] != 2)
return $this->setJoomlaPlugin($array['plugin'], $component);
return null;
}, array_values($component->addjoomla_plugins));
@ -9135,11 +9135,13 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
public function setGetItemsModelMethod($viewName_single, $viewName_list, $config = array('functionName' => 'getExportData', 'docDesc' => 'Method to get list export data.', 'type' => 'export'))
// start the query string
$query = '';
if ($this->eximportView[$viewName_list] || 'export' !== $config['type'])
// check if this is the export method
$isExport = ('export' === $config['type']);
// check if this view has export feature, and or if this is not an export method
if ((isset($this->eximportView[$viewName_list]) && $this->eximportView[$viewName_list]) || !$isExport)
$isExport = ('export' === $config['type']);
$query = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . "/**";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . " * " . $config['docDesc'];
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . " *";
@ -9170,6 +9172,25 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "\$query->where(' IN (' . implode(',',\$pks) . ')');";
// add custom filtering php
$query .= $this->getCustomScriptBuilder('php_getlistquery', $viewName_single, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1));
// first check if we export of text only is avalable
if ($this->exportTextOnly)
// add switch
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Get global switch to activate text only export";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "\$export_text_only = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_" . $this->componentCodeName . "')->get('export_text_only', 0);";
// first check if we have custom queries
$custom_query = $this->setCustomQuery($viewName_list, $viewName_single, $this->_t(2), true);
// if values were returned add the area
if (isset($custom_query) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($custom_query))
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Add these queries only if text only is required";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "if (\$export_text_only)";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "{";
// add the custom fields query
$query .= $custom_query;
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "}";
// add access levels if the view has access set
if (isset($this->accessBuilder[$viewName_single]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($this->accessBuilder[$viewName_single]))
@ -9188,15 +9209,33 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "if (\$db->getNumRows())";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "{";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(4) . "\$items = \$db->loadObjectList();";
$query .= $this->setGetItemsMethodStringFix($viewName_single, $viewName_list, $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'Component' . $this->hhh], $this->_t(2), $isExport);
// add translations
if (!$isExport)
// set the string fixing code
$query .= $this->setGetItemsMethodStringFix($viewName_single, $viewName_list, $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'Component' . $this->hhh], $this->_t(2), $isExport, true);
// first check if we export of text only is avalable
if ($this->exportTextOnly)
$query .= $this->setSelectionTranslationFix($viewName_list, $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'Component' . $this->hhh], $this->_t(2));
$query_translations = $this->setSelectionTranslationFix($viewName_list, $this->fileContentStatic[$this->hhh . 'Component' . $this->hhh], $this->_t(3));
// add translations
if (isset($query_translations) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($query_translations))
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Add these translation only if text only is required";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "if (\$export_text_only)";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "{";
$query .= $query_translations;
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "}";
// add custom php to getItems method after all
$query .= $this->getCustomScriptBuilder('php_getitems_after_all', $viewName_single, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2));
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(4) . "return \$items;";
// in privacy export we must return array of arrays
if ('privacy' === $config['type'])
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(4) . "return json_decode(json_encode(\$items), true);";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(4) . "return \$items;";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . "}";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . "}";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . "return false;";
@ -9521,7 +9560,7 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
return '';
public function setCustomQuery($viewName_list, $viewName_single)
public function setCustomQuery($viewName_list, $viewName_single, $tab = '', $just_text = false)
if (isset($this->customBuilder[$viewName_list]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->customBuilder[$viewName_list]))
@ -9529,11 +9568,20 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
foreach ($this->customBuilder[$viewName_list] as $filter)
// only load this if table is set
if (isset($this->customBuilderList[$viewName_list]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->customBuilderList[$viewName_list]) && in_array($filter['code'], $this->customBuilderList[$viewName_list]) && isset($filter['custom']['table']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($filter['custom']['table']) && $filter['method'] == 0)
if ((isset($this->customBuilderList[$viewName_list]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->customBuilderList[$viewName_list]) && in_array($filter['code'], $this->customBuilderList[$viewName_list]) && isset($filter['custom']['table']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($filter['custom']['table']) && $filter['method'] == 0)
|| ($just_text && isset($filter['custom']['table']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($filter['custom']['table']) && $filter['method'] == 0))
$query .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " From the " . ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString(ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($filter['custom']['table'], 'w')) . " table.";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . "\$query->select(\$db->quoteName('" . $filter['custom']['db'] . "." . $filter['custom']['text'] . "','" . $filter['code'] . "_" . $filter['custom']['text'] . "'));";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . "\$query->join('LEFT', \$db->quoteName('" . $filter['custom']['table'] . "', '" . $filter['custom']['db'] . "') . ' ON (' . \$db->quoteName('a." . $filter['code'] . "') . ' = ' . \$db->quoteName('" . $filter['custom']['db'] . "." . $filter['custom']['id'] . "') . ')');";
$query .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . $tab . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " From the " . ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString(ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($filter['custom']['table'], 'w')) . " table.";
// we want to at times just have the words and not the ids as well
if ($just_text)
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . $tab . "\$query->select(\$db->quoteName('" . $filter['custom']['db'] . "." . $filter['custom']['text'] . "','" . $filter['code'] . "'));";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . $tab . "\$query->select(\$db->quoteName('" . $filter['custom']['db'] . "." . $filter['custom']['text'] . "','" . $filter['code'] . "_" . $filter['custom']['text'] . "'));";
$query .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . $tab . "\$query->join('LEFT', \$db->quoteName('" . $filter['custom']['table'] . "', '" . $filter['custom']['db'] . "') . ' ON (' . \$db->quoteName('a." . $filter['code'] . "') . ' = ' . \$db->quoteName('" . $filter['custom']['db'] . "." . $filter['custom']['id'] . "') . ')');";
// build the field type file
$this->setCustomFieldTypeFile($filter, $viewName_list, $viewName_single);
@ -11804,7 +11852,7 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
$allow[] = $this->_t(3) . "{";
$allow[] = $this->_t(4) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " We have to unset then (TODO)";
$allow[] = $this->_t(4) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Hiddend field can not handel array value";
$allow[] = $this->_t(4) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Even if we conver to json we get an error";
$allow[] = $this->_t(4) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Even if we convert to json we get an error";
$allow[] = $this->_t(4) . "\$form->removeField('" . $fieldName . "');";
$allow[] = $this->_t(3) . "}";
$allow[] = $this->_t(2) . "}";
@ -12458,7 +12506,7 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
public function setPopulateState(&$view)
// rest buket
// reset buket
$state = '';
// keep track of all fields already added
$donelist = array();
@ -12665,11 +12713,12 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
return $checkin;
public function setGetItemsMethodStringFix($viewName_single, $viewName_list, $Component, $tab = '', $export = false)
public function setGetItemsMethodStringFix($viewName_single, $viewName_list, $Component, $tab = '', $export = false, $all = false)
// add the fix if this view has the need for it
$fix = '';
$forEachStart = '';
$fix_access = '';
// encryption switches
foreach ($this->cryptionTypes as $cryptionType)
@ -12686,21 +12735,22 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
// check if the item has permissions.
if ($coreLoad && isset($core['core.access']) && isset($this->permissionBuilder[$core['core.access']]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->permissionBuilder[$core['core.access']]) && in_array($viewName_single, $this->permissionBuilder[$core['core.access']]))
$fix .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Remove items the user can't access.";
$fix .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "\$access = (\$user->authorise('" . $core['core.access'] . "', 'com_" . $component . "." . $viewName_single . ".' . (int) \$item->id) && \$user->authorise('" . $core['core.access'] . "', 'com_" . $component . "'));";
$fix .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "if (!\$access)";
$fix .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "{";
$fix .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(4) . "unset(\$items[\$nr]);";
$fix .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(4) . "continue;";
$fix .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "}" . PHP_EOL;
$fix_access = PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Remove items the user can't access.";
$fix_access .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "\$access = (\$user->authorise('" . $core['core.access'] . "', 'com_" . $component . "." . $viewName_single . ".' . (int) \$item->id) && \$user->authorise('" . $core['core.access'] . "', 'com_" . $component . "'));";
$fix_access .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "if (!\$access)";
$fix_access .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "{";
$fix_access .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(4) . "unset(\$items[\$nr]);";
$fix_access .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(4) . "continue;";
$fix_access .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "}" . PHP_EOL;
if (!$export)
// get the correct array
if ($export || $all)
$methodName = 'getItemsMethodListStringFixBuilder';
$methodName = 'getItemsMethodEximportStringFixBuilder';
$methodName = 'getItemsMethodEximportStringFixBuilder';
$methodName = 'getItemsMethodListStringFixBuilder';
// load the relations before modeling
if (isset($this->fieldRelations[$viewName_list]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->fieldRelations[$viewName_list]))
@ -12922,10 +12972,10 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
// close the foreach if needed
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($fix) || $export)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($fix) || ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($fix_access) || $export || $all)
// start the loop
$forEachStart = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(1) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " set values to display correctly.";
$forEachStart = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(1) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Set values to display correctly.";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(1) . "if (" . $Component . "Helper::checkArray(\$items))";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(1) . "{";
// do not add to export since it is already done
@ -12937,19 +12987,43 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "\$user = JFactory::getUser();";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "}";
// the permissional acttion switch
$hasPermissional = false;
// add the permissional removal of values the user has not right to view or access
if (isset($this->permissionFields[$viewName_single]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->permissionFields[$viewName_single]))
if ($this->strictFieldExportPermissions && isset($this->permissionFields[$viewName_single]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->permissionFields[$viewName_single]))
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " -- get global permissional control activation. (default is inactive) ---";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " to use this feature add a global option radio button to your";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " component with a value of 1 as on/activate and 0 as inactive/off";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " make sure it has the name: strict_permission_per_field";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "\$strict_permission_per_field = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_" . $component . "')->get('strict_permission_per_field', 0);" . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($this->permissionFields[$viewName_single] as $fieldName => $permission_options)
if (!$hasPermissional)
foreach($permission_options as $permission_option => $fieldType)
if (!$hasPermissional)
switch ($permission_option)
case 'access':
case 'view':
$hasPermissional = true;
// add the notes and get the global switch
if ($hasPermissional)
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " Get global permissional control activation. (default is inactive)";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "\$strict_permission_per_field = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_" . $component . "')->get('strict_permission_per_field', 0);" . PHP_EOL;
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "foreach (\$items as \$nr => &\$item)";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(2) . "{";
// add the access options
$forEachStart .= $fix_access;
// add the permissional removal of values the user has not right to view or access
if (isset($this->permissionFields[$viewName_single]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->permissionFields[$viewName_single]))
if ($hasPermissional)
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "//" . $this->setLine(__LINE__) . " use permissional control if globaly set.";
$forEachStart .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . $tab . $this->_t(3) . "if (\$strict_permission_per_field)";
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* Componentbuilder component helper.
@ -61,14 +63,14 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
* The VDM packages paths
public static $vdmGithubPackagesUrl = "";
public static $vdmGithubPackageUrl = "";
public static $vdmGithubPackagesUrl = "";
* The JCB packages paths
public static $jcbGithubPackagesUrl = "";
public static $jcbGithubPackageUrl = "";
public static $jcbGithubPackagesUrl = "";
* The bolerplate paths
@ -76,9 +78,6 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
public static $bolerplatePath = '';
public static $bolerplateAPI = '';
// not needed at this time (maybe latter)
public static $accessToken = "";
* The array of constant paths
@ -2413,66 +2412,163 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
* The github access token
protected static $gitHubAccessToken = "";
* The github repo get data errors
public static $githubRepoDataErrors = array();
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
public static function getGithubRepoFileList($type, $target)
// get the current Packages (public)
if (!$repoData = self::get($type))
// get the repo data
if (($repoData = self::getGithubRepoData($type, $target, 'tree')) !== false)
if (self::urlExists($target))
$repoData = self::getFileContents($target);
if (self::checkJson($repoData))
$test = json_decode($repoData);
if (self::checkObject($test) && isset($test->tree) && self::checkArray($test->tree) )
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
// check if we have error message from github
elseif ($errorMessage = self::githubErrorHandeler(array('error' => null), $test))
if (self::checkString($errorMessage['error']))
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($errorMessage['error'], 'Error');
$repoData = false;
$repoData = false;
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DOES_NOT_EXIST', $target), 'Error');
// check if we could find packages
if (isset($repoData) && self::checkJson($repoData))
$repoData = json_decode($repoData);
if (self::checkObject($repoData) && isset($repoData->tree) && self::checkArray($repoData->tree) )
return $repoData->tree;
return $repoData->tree;
return false;
* get the github error messages
* @return array of errors on success
protected static function githubErrorHandeler($message, &$github)
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
public static function getGithubRepoData($type, $url, $target = null, $return_type = 'object')
// always reset errors per/request
self::$githubRepoDataErrors = array();
// get the current Packages (public)
if ('nomemory' === $type || !$repoData = self::get($type))
// add the token if not already added
$_url = self::setGithubToken($url);
// check if the url exist
if (self::urlExists($_url))
// get the data from github
if (($repoData = self::getFileContents($_url)) !== false && self::checkJson($repoData))
$github_returned = json_decode($repoData);
if (self::checkString($target) && self::checkObject($github_returned) &&
isset($github_returned->{$target}) && self::checkArray($github_returned->{$target}) )
if ('nomemory' !== $type)
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
elseif (!self::checkString($target) && self::checkObject($github_returned) && !isset($github_returned->message))
if ('nomemory' !== $type)
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
// check if we have error message from github
elseif (($errorMessage = self::githubErrorHandeler(array('error' => null), $github_returned, $type)) !== false)
if (isset($errorMessage['error']) && self::checkString($errorMessage['error']))
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($errorMessage['error'], 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $errorMessage['error'];
return false;
elseif (self::checkString($target))
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
elseif ('nomemory' !== $type)
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// check if we could find packages
if (isset($repoData) && self::checkJson($repoData))
if ('object' === $return_type)
return json_decode($repoData);
elseif ('array' === $return_type)
return json_decode($repoData, true);
return $repoData;
return false;
* get the github error messages
* @return array of errors on success
protected static function githubErrorHandeler($message, &$github, $type)
if (self::checkObject($github) && isset($github->message) && self::checkString($github->message))
@ -2481,13 +2577,17 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
// add the documentation URL
if (isset($github->documentation_url) && self::checkString($github->documentation_url))
$errorMessage = $errorMessage.'<br />'.$github->documentation_url;
$errorMessage = $errorMessage . '<br />' . $github->documentation_url;
// check the message
if (strpos($errorMessage, 'Authenticated') !== false)
if ('nomemory' === $type)
$type = 'data';
// add little more help if it is an access token issue
// set error notice
$message['error'] = $errorMessage;
@ -2497,6 +2597,36 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
return false;
* set the github token
* @return array of errors on success
protected static function setGithubToken($url)
// first check if token already set
if (strpos($url, 'access_token=') !== false)
// make sure the token is loaded
if (!self::checkString(self::$gitHubAccessToken))
// get the global settings
if (!self::checkObject(self::$params))
self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder');
self::$gitHubAccessToken = self::$params->get('github_access_token', null);
// make sure the token is loaded at this point
if (self::checkString(self::$gitHubAccessToken))
$url .= '&access_token=' . self::$gitHubAccessToken;
return $url;
* get Dynamic Scripts
@ -3031,12 +3031,15 @@ COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_COMPONENT_PLUGINS="Component Plugins"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_COMPONENT_PLUGINS_CREATED_BY_DESC="The user that created this Component Plugins."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_COMPONENT_PLUGINS_SAVE_WARNING="Alias already existed so a number was added at the end. You can re-edit the Component Plugins to customise the alias."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_COMPONENT_PLUGINS_VERSION_DESC="A count of the number of times this Component Plugins has been revised."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_CONFIG_FROMNAME_DESCRIPTION="Text displayed in the header "From:" field when sending a site email. Usually the site name."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_CONFIG_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION="This is only needed when you are on a shared IP or/and have reached the public free limit of API queries to gitHub. So unless you have seen some kind of error that directed you here to add an <b>access token</b> you can just ignore this field."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_CONFIG_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_LABEL="gitHub Access Token<br /><small>Check <a href='' target='_blank'></a> for more info.</small>"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_CONFIG_GIT_FOLDER_PATH_DESCRIPTION="Here you can set the path to the git folder."
@ -7269,7 +7278,7 @@ COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_RIGHT_OF_TABS="Right of Tabs"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SAVE_SUCCESS="Great! Item successfully saved."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SAVE_WARNING="The value already existed so please select another."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SBR_YOU_CAN_ADD_AN_BACCESS_TOKENB_TO_GETBIBLE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS_TO_MAKE_AUTHENTICATED_REQUESTS_AN_ACCESS_TOKEN_WITH_ONLY_PUBLIC_ACCESS_WILL_DO="%s<br />You can add an <b>access token<b/> to getBible global options to make authenticated requests. An access token with only public access will do."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SBR_YOU_CAN_ADD_A_BGITHUB_ACCESS_TOKENB_TO_COMPONENTBUILDER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS_TO_MAKE_AUTHENTICATED_REQUESTS_TO_GITHUB_AN_ACCESS_TOKEN_WITH_ONLY_PUBLIC_ACCESS_WILL_DO_TO_RETRIEVE_S="%s<br />You can add a <b>gitHub Access Token</b> to Componentbuilder global options to make authenticated requests to gitHub. An access token with only public access will do to retrieve %s."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_SERVER_DETAILS_FOR_BID_SB_COULD_NOT_BE_RETRIEVED="The server details for <b>(ID: %s)</b> could not be retrieved!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DID_NOT_RETURN_S_DATA="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages did not return %s data!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DID_NOT_RETURN_VALID_DATA="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages did not return valid data!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DOES_NOT_EXIST="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages does not exist!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DOES_NOT_RETURN_ANY_DATA="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages does not return any data!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THIS_BSB_IS_NOT_LINKED_TO_ANY_OTHER_AREAS_OF_JCB_AT_THIS_TIME="This <b>%s</b> is not linked to any other areas of JCB at this time!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THIS_PACKAGE_BPASSEDB_THE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATIONBR_BR_SMALLMANUALLY_ALSO_VALIDATE_THAT_THE_CORRECT_CHECKSUM_WAS_USEDSMALLBR_THIS_CHECKSUM_BSB_MUST_BE_THE_SAME_AS_THE_ONE_FOUND_A_S_SA="This package <b>PASSED</b> the checksum validation!<br /><br /><small>Manually also validate that the correct checksum was used.</small><br />This checksum: <b>%s</b> must be the same as the one found @ <a %s %s</a>"
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelAdmin_views extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelAdmin_views extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelAdmins_custom_tabs extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelAdmins_fields extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelAdmins_fields_conditions extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelAdmins_fields_relations extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -3212,13 +3212,14 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelAjax extends JModelList
// secure path
$path = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString(str_replace('.json','',$path), 'filename', '', false).'.json';
// base path
$base_path = basename($path);
// set url
$url = ComponentbuilderHelper::$snippetPath.rawurlencode(basename($path));
$url = ComponentbuilderHelper::$snippetPath.rawurlencode($base_path);
// get the snippets
$snippet = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents($url);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($snippet))
if (($snippet = ComponentbuilderHelper::getGithubRepoData('lib_snippet_' . $base_path, $url)) !== false)
return $this->saveSnippet(json_decode($snippet, true), $status, $user);
return $this->saveSnippet($snippet, $status, $user);
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelClass_extendings extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelClass_methods extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelClass_methods extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelClass_properties extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelClass_properties extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_admin_views extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_config extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_custom_admin_menus extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_custom_admin_views extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_dashboard extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_files_folders extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_mysql_tweaks extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_placeholders extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_plugins extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_site_views extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelComponents_updates extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelCustom_admin_views extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelCustom_admin_views extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelCustom_codes extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelCustom_codes extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelDynamic_gets extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelDynamic_gets extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelFields extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelFields extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelFieldtype extends JModelAdmin
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelFieldtypes extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelFieldtypes extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -120,6 +120,23 @@
<!-- Target Field. Type: List. (joomla) -->
<!-- Option Set. -->
<option value="1">
<option value="2">
<option value="0">
<!-- Note_on_joomla_plugins Field. Type: Note. A None Database Field. (joomla) -->
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelHelp_documents extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelHelp_documents extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_components extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -2190,7 +2190,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_components extends JModelList
// Get the encryption object.
$basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey);
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -45,28 +45,23 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_plugins extends JModelList
public function getBoilerplate()
// get boilerplate repo root details
if (($result = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents(ComponentbuilderHelper::$bolerplateAPI)) !== false && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($result))
if (($repo_tree = ComponentbuilderHelper::getGithubRepoFileList('boilerplate', ComponentbuilderHelper::$bolerplateAPI)) !== false)
$result = json_decode($result);
// check if we have a three
if (isset($result->tree) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->tree))
$found = array_values(array_filter(
function($tree) {
if (isset($tree->path) && $tree->path === 'plugins')
return true;
return false;
$found = array_values(array_filter(
function($tree) {
if (isset($tree->path) && $tree->path === 'plugins')
return true;
// make sure we have the correct boilerplate
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($found) && count($found) == 1 && method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getPluginsBoilerplate'))
// get the plugins boilerplate
return $this->getPluginsBoilerplate($found[0]->url);
return false;
// make sure we have the correct boilerplate
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($found) && count($found) == 1 && method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getPluginsBoilerplate'))
// get the plugins boilerplate
return $this->getPluginsBoilerplate($found[0]->url);
return false;
@ -81,85 +76,80 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_plugins extends JModelList
protected function getPluginsBoilerplate($url)
// get boilerplate root for plugins
if (($result = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents($url)) !== false && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($result))
if (($plugin_tree = ComponentbuilderHelper::getGithubRepoFileList('boilerplate_plugins', $url)) !== false)
$result = json_decode($result);
// check if we have a tree
if (isset($result->tree) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->tree))
// get the app object
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
// set the table names
$tables = array();
$tables['e'] = 'class_extends';
$tables['g'] = 'joomla_plugin_group';
$tables['m'] = 'class_method';
$tables['p'] = 'class_property';
// load the needed models
$models = array();
$models['e'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['e']);
$models['g'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['g']);
$models['p'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['p']);
$models['m'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['m']);
// get the needed data of each plugin group
$groups = array_map(
function($tree) use(&$app, &$models, &$tables){
if (($fooClass = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents(ComponentbuilderHelper::$bolerplatePath . '/plugins/' . $tree->path . '/foo.php')) !== false && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($fooClass))
// get the app object
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
// set the table names
$tables = array();
$tables['e'] = 'class_extends';
$tables['g'] = 'joomla_plugin_group';
$tables['m'] = 'class_method';
$tables['p'] = 'class_property';
// load the needed models
$models = array();
$models['e'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['e']);
$models['g'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['g']);
$models['p'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['p']);
$models['m'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel($tables['m']);
// get the needed data of each plugin group
$groups = array_map(
function($tree) use(&$app, &$models, &$tables){
if (($fooClass = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents(ComponentbuilderHelper::$bolerplatePath . '/plugins/' . $tree->path . '/foo.php')) !== false && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($fooClass))
// extract the boilerplate class extends and check if already set
if (($classExtends = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassExtends($fooClass, 'plugins')) !== false &&
($classExtendsID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('class_extends', $classExtends, 'name', 'id')) === false)
// extract the boilerplate class extends and check if already set
if (($classExtends = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassExtends($fooClass, 'plugins')) !== false &&
($classExtendsID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('class_extends', $classExtends, 'name', 'id')) === false)
// load the extends class name
$class = array('id' => 0, 'published' => 1, 'version' => 1, 'name' => $classExtends);
// extract the boilerplate class header
$class['head'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassHeader($fooClass, $classExtends, 'plugins');
// extract the boilerplate class comment
$class['comment'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassComment($fooClass, $classExtends, 'plugins');
// set the extension type
$class['extension_type'] = 'plugins';
// store the class
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['e'], $models['e'], $class, $app);
// work around
$classExtendsID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('class_extends', $classExtends, 'name', 'id');
// set plugin group if not already set
if (($pluginGroupID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('joomla_plugin_group', $tree->path, 'name', 'id')) === false)
// load the plugin group name
$pluginGroup = array('id' => 0, 'published' => 1, 'version' => 1, 'name' => $tree->path, 'class_extends' => $classExtendsID);
// store the group
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['g'], $models['g'], $pluginGroup, $app);
// work around
$pluginGroupID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('joomla_plugin_group', $tree->path, 'name', 'id');
// extract the boilerplate class property and methods
if (($classProperiesMethods = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassPropertiesMethods($fooClass, $classExtends, 'plugins', $pluginGroupID)) !== false)
// create the properties found
if (isset($classProperiesMethods['property']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($classProperiesMethods['property']))
// load the extends class name
$class = array('id' => 0, 'published' => 1, 'version' => 1, 'name' => $classExtends);
// extract the boilerplate class header
$class['head'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassHeader($fooClass, $classExtends, 'plugins');
// extract the boilerplate class comment
$class['comment'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassComment($fooClass, $classExtends, 'plugins');
// set the extension type
$class['extension_type'] = 'plugins';
// store the class
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['e'], $models['e'], $class, $app);
// work around
$classExtendsID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('class_extends', $classExtends, 'name', 'id');
// set plugin group if not already set
if (($pluginGroupID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('joomla_plugin_group', $tree->path, 'name', 'id')) === false)
// load the plugin group name
$pluginGroup = array('id' => 0, 'published' => 1, 'version' => 1, 'name' => $tree->path, 'class_extends' => $classExtendsID);
// store the group
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['g'], $models['g'], $pluginGroup, $app);
// work around
$pluginGroupID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('joomla_plugin_group', $tree->path, 'name', 'id');
// extract the boilerplate class property and methods
if (($classProperiesMethods = ComponentbuilderHelper::extractBoilerplateClassPropertiesMethods($fooClass, $classExtends, 'plugins', $pluginGroupID)) !== false)
// create the properties found
if (isset($classProperiesMethods['property']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($classProperiesMethods['property']))
foreach ($classProperiesMethods['property'] as $_property)
foreach ($classProperiesMethods['property'] as $_property)
// force update by default
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['p'], $models['p'], $_property, $app);
// force update by default
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['p'], $models['p'], $_property, $app);
// create the method found (TODO just create for now but we could later add a force update)
if (isset($classProperiesMethods['method']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($classProperiesMethods['method']))
// create the method found (TODO just create for now but we could later add a force update)
if (isset($classProperiesMethods['method']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($classProperiesMethods['method']))
foreach ($classProperiesMethods['method'] as $_method)
foreach ($classProperiesMethods['method'] as $_method)
// force update by default
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['m'], $models['m'], $_method, $app);
// force update by default
$this->storePluginBoilerplate($tables['m'], $models['m'], $_method, $app);
@ -214,6 +204,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_plugins extends JModelList
return true;
* Method to auto-populate the model state.
@ -273,7 +264,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_plugins extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_plugins_files_folders_urls extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_plugins_updates extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLanguage_translations extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLanguage_translations extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLanguages extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLanguages extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLayouts extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLayouts extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLibraries extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLibraries_config extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelLibraries_files_folders_urls extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelPlaceholders extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelPlaceholders extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelServer extends JModelAdmin
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelServers extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelServers extends JModelList
// Get the encryption object.
$basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey);
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelSite_views extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelSite_views extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelSnippet_types extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelSnippets extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelSnippets extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelTemplates extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelTemplates extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelValidation_rules extends JModelList
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
// Get the user object if not set.
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderModelValidation_rules extends JModelList
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
// set values to display correctly.
// Set values to display correctly.
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ JHtml::_('script', 'system/core.js', false, true);
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php if ($this->hasPackage && $this->dataType === 'smart_package'): ?>
<?php if (isset($this->hasPackage) && $this->hasPackage && $this->dataType === 'smart_package'): ?>
Joomla.continueExtImport = function()
var form = document.getElementById('adminForm');
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
<div style="text-align:right;"><small><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:gray"><<ewe>>yn</a></small></div>
<div id="installer-import">
<?php if ($this->hasPackage && $this->dataType === 'smart_package') : ?>
<?php if (isset($this->hasPackage) && $this->hasPackage && $this->dataType === 'smart_package') : ?>
if (isset($this->packageInfo['name']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->packageInfo['name']))
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
<?php echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.endTab'); ?>
<?php if ($this->vdmPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->vdmPackages)): ?>
<?php if (isset($this->vdmPackages) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->vdmPackages)): ?>
<?php echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.addTab', 'jcbImportTab', 'url_vdm', JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_VDM_PACKAGES', true)); ?>
<div class="span12" id="vdm_packages_installer">
<div class="alert alert-success">
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
<?php echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.endTab'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->jcbPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->jcbPackages)) : ?>
<?php if (isset($this->jcbPackages) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->jcbPackages)) : ?>
<?php echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.addTab', 'jcbImportTab', 'url_jcb', JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_JCB_COMMUNITY_PACKAGES', true)); ?>
<div class="span12" id="jcb_packages_installer">
<div class="alert alert-success">
@ -349,12 +349,12 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php if (($this->vdmPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->vdmPackages)) || ($this->jcbPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->jcbPackages))): ?>
<?php if ((isset($this->vdmPackages) && $this->vdmPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->vdmPackages)) || (isset($this->jcbPackages) && $this->jcbPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->jcbPackages))): ?>
// set packages that are on the page
var packages = {};
<?php if ($this->jcbPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->jcbPackages)): ?>
<?php if (isset($this->jcbPackages) && $this->jcbPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->jcbPackages)): ?>
// get all jcb packages
jQuery("#jcb_package option").each(function()
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($)
packages[key] = 'jcb';
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->vdmPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->vdmPackages)): ?>
<?php if (isset($this->vdmPackages) && $this->vdmPackages && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->vdmPackages)): ?>
// get all vdm packages
jQuery("#vdm_package option").each(function()
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderViewImport_joomla_components extends JViewLegacy
$form[] = $sleutle;
elseif ('vdm_package' === $type && in_array('vdm', $this->directories) && $vdmListObjects = ComponentbuilderHelper::getGithubRepoFileList('vdmGithubPackages', ComponentbuilderHelper::$vdmGithubPackagesUrl.ComponentbuilderHelper::$accessToken))
elseif ('vdm_package' === $type && in_array('vdm', $this->directories) && $vdmListObjects = ComponentbuilderHelper::getGithubRepoFileList('vdmGithubPackages', ComponentbuilderHelper::$vdmGithubPackagesUrl))
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($vdmListObjects))
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ class ComponentbuilderViewImport_joomla_components extends JViewLegacy
elseif ('jcb_package' === $type && in_array('jcb', $this->directories) && $jcbListObjects = ComponentbuilderHelper::getGithubRepoFileList('communityGithubPackages', ComponentbuilderHelper::$jcbGithubPackagesUrl.ComponentbuilderHelper::$accessToken))
elseif ('jcb_package' === $type && in_array('jcb', $this->directories) && $jcbListObjects = ComponentbuilderHelper::getGithubRepoFileList('communityGithubPackages', ComponentbuilderHelper::$jcbGithubPackagesUrl))
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($jcbListObjects))
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="component" version="3.2" method="upgrade">
<creationDate>5th September, 2019</creationDate>
<creationDate>10th September, 2019</creationDate>
<author>Llewellyn van der Merwe</author>
@ -5630,7 +5630,7 @@ class com_componentbuilderInstallerScript
$admin_view_action_log_config->type_title = 'ADMIN_VIEW';
$admin_view_action_log_config->type_alias = 'com_componentbuilder.admin_view';
$admin_view_action_log_config->id_holder = 'id';
$admin_view_action_log_config->title_holder = '';
$admin_view_action_log_config->title_holder = 'system_name';
$admin_view_action_log_config->table_name = '#__componentbuilder_admin_view';
$admin_view_action_log_config->text_prefix = 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER';
@ -7721,7 +7721,7 @@ class com_componentbuilderInstallerScript
$admin_view_action_log_config->type_title = 'ADMIN_VIEW';
$admin_view_action_log_config->type_alias = 'com_componentbuilder.admin_view';
$admin_view_action_log_config->id_holder = 'id';
$admin_view_action_log_config->title_holder = '';
$admin_view_action_log_config->title_holder = 'system_name';
$admin_view_action_log_config->table_name = '#__componentbuilder_admin_view';
$admin_view_action_log_config->text_prefix = 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER';
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* Componentbuilder component helper
@ -61,14 +63,14 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
* The VDM packages paths
public static $vdmGithubPackagesUrl = "";
public static $vdmGithubPackageUrl = "";
public static $vdmGithubPackagesUrl = "";
* The JCB packages paths
public static $jcbGithubPackagesUrl = "";
public static $jcbGithubPackageUrl = "";
public static $jcbGithubPackagesUrl = "";
* The bolerplate paths
@ -76,9 +78,6 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
public static $bolerplatePath = '';
public static $bolerplateAPI = '';
// not needed at this time (maybe latter)
public static $accessToken = "";
* The array of constant paths
@ -2413,66 +2412,163 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
* The github access token
protected static $gitHubAccessToken = "";
* The github repo get data errors
public static $githubRepoDataErrors = array();
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
public static function getGithubRepoFileList($type, $target)
// get the current Packages (public)
if (!$repoData = self::get($type))
// get the repo data
if (($repoData = self::getGithubRepoData($type, $target, 'tree')) !== false)
if (self::urlExists($target))
$repoData = self::getFileContents($target);
if (self::checkJson($repoData))
$test = json_decode($repoData);
if (self::checkObject($test) && isset($test->tree) && self::checkArray($test->tree) )
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
// check if we have error message from github
elseif ($errorMessage = self::githubErrorHandeler(array('error' => null), $test))
if (self::checkString($errorMessage['error']))
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($errorMessage['error'], 'Error');
$repoData = false;
$repoData = false;
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DOES_NOT_EXIST', $target), 'Error');
// check if we could find packages
if (isset($repoData) && self::checkJson($repoData))
$repoData = json_decode($repoData);
if (self::checkObject($repoData) && isset($repoData->tree) && self::checkArray($repoData->tree) )
return $repoData->tree;
return $repoData->tree;
return false;
* get the github error messages
* @return array of errors on success
protected static function githubErrorHandeler($message, &$github)
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
public static function getGithubRepoData($type, $url, $target = null, $return_type = 'object')
// always reset errors per/request
self::$githubRepoDataErrors = array();
// get the current Packages (public)
if ('nomemory' === $type || !$repoData = self::get($type))
// add the token if not already added
$_url = self::setGithubToken($url);
// check if the url exist
if (self::urlExists($_url))
// get the data from github
if (($repoData = self::getFileContents($_url)) !== false && self::checkJson($repoData))
$github_returned = json_decode($repoData);
if (self::checkString($target) && self::checkObject($github_returned) &&
isset($github_returned->{$target}) && self::checkArray($github_returned->{$target}) )
if ('nomemory' !== $type)
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
elseif (!self::checkString($target) && self::checkObject($github_returned) && !isset($github_returned->message))
if ('nomemory' !== $type)
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
// check if we have error message from github
elseif (($errorMessage = self::githubErrorHandeler(array('error' => null), $github_returned, $type)) !== false)
if (isset($errorMessage['error']) && self::checkString($errorMessage['error']))
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($errorMessage['error'], 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $errorMessage['error'];
return false;
elseif (self::checkString($target))
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
elseif ('nomemory' !== $type)
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// check if we could find packages
if (isset($repoData) && self::checkJson($repoData))
if ('object' === $return_type)
return json_decode($repoData);
elseif ('array' === $return_type)
return json_decode($repoData, true);
return $repoData;
return false;
* get the github error messages
* @return array of errors on success
protected static function githubErrorHandeler($message, &$github, $type)
if (self::checkObject($github) && isset($github->message) && self::checkString($github->message))
@ -2481,13 +2577,17 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
// add the documentation URL
if (isset($github->documentation_url) && self::checkString($github->documentation_url))
$errorMessage = $errorMessage.'<br />'.$github->documentation_url;
$errorMessage = $errorMessage . '<br />' . $github->documentation_url;
// check the message
if (strpos($errorMessage, 'Authenticated') !== false)
if ('nomemory' === $type)
$type = 'data';
// add little more help if it is an access token issue
// set error notice
$message['error'] = $errorMessage;
@ -2497,6 +2597,36 @@ abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
return false;
* set the github token
* @return array of errors on success
protected static function setGithubToken($url)
// first check if token already set
if (strpos($url, 'access_token=') !== false)
// make sure the token is loaded
if (!self::checkString(self::$gitHubAccessToken))
// get the global settings
if (!self::checkObject(self::$params))
self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder');
self::$gitHubAccessToken = self::$params->get('github_access_token', null);
// make sure the token is loaded at this point
if (self::checkString(self::$gitHubAccessToken))
$url .= '&access_token=' . self::$gitHubAccessToken;
return $url;
* get Dynamic Scripts
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_PACKAGE_OWNER_DETAILS_NOT_FOUND="Package owner details not
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SBR_YOU_CAN_ADD_AN_BACCESS_TOKENB_TO_GETBIBLE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS_TO_MAKE_AUTHENTICATED_REQUESTS_AN_ACCESS_TOKEN_WITH_ONLY_PUBLIC_ACCESS_WILL_DO="%s<br />You can add an <b>access token<b/> to getBible global options to make authenticated requests. An access token with only public access will do."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SBR_YOU_CAN_ADD_A_BGITHUB_ACCESS_TOKENB_TO_COMPONENTBUILDER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS_TO_MAKE_AUTHENTICATED_REQUESTS_TO_GITHUB_AN_ACCESS_TOKEN_WITH_ONLY_PUBLIC_ACCESS_WILL_DO_TO_RETRIEVE_S="%s<br />You can add a <b>gitHub Access Token</b> to Componentbuilder global options to make authenticated requests to gitHub. An access token with only public access will do to retrieve %s."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SINCE_THE_OWNER_DETAILS_ARE_DISPLAYED_DURING_BIMPORT_PROCESSB_BEFORE_ADDING_THE_KEY_THIS_WAY_IF_THE_USERDEV_BDOES_NOTB_HAVE_THE_KEY_THEY_CAN_SEE_BWHERE_TO_GET_ITB="Since the owner details are displayed during <b>import process</b> before adding the key, this way if the user/dev <b>does not</b> have the key they can see <b>where to get it</b>."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SINCE_THE_OWNER_DETAILS_ARE_DISPLAYED_DURING_IMPORT_PROCESS_BEFORE_ADDING_THE_KEY_THIS_WAY_IF_THE_USERDEV_DOES_NOT_HAVE_THE_KEY_THEY_CAN_SEE_WHERE_TO_GET_IT="Since the owner details are displayed during import process before adding the key, this way if the user/dev does not have the key they can see where to get it."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_S_WAS_NOT_INSTALLED_BY_YOUR_REQUEST_AND_IS_STILL_IN_THE_TEMP_FOLDER="The %s was not Installed by your request and is still in the temp folder."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_S_WAS_SUCCESSFULLY_INSTALLED_AND_REMOVED_FROM_TEMP_FOLDER="The %s was successfully Installed and removed from temp folder."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DID_NOT_RETURN_S_DATA="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages did not return %s data!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DID_NOT_RETURN_VALID_DATA="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages did not return valid data!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DOES_NOT_EXIST="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages does not exist!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_THE_URL_S_SET_TO_RETRIEVE_THE_PACKAGES_DOES_NOT_RETURN_ANY_DATA="The url (%s) set to retrieve the packages does not return any data!"
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_TO_CHANGE_THE_PACKAGE_OWNER_DEFAULTS_OPEN_THE_BJCB_GLOBAL_OPTIONSB_GO_TO_THE_BCOMPANYB_TAB_AND_ADD_THE_CORRECT_COMPANY_DETAILS_THERE="To change the package owner defaults. Open the <b>JCB Global Options</b>, go to the <b>Company</b> tab and add the correct company details there."
COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_TO_CHANGE_THE_PACKAGE_OWNER_DEFAULTS_OPEN_THE_JCB_GLOBAL_OPTIONS_GO_TO_THE_COMPANY_TAB_AND_ADD_THE_CORRECT_COMPANY_DETAILS_THERE="To change the package owner defaults. Open the JCB Global Options, go to the Company tab and add the correct company details there."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user