Joomla 5 Here we come!!!! #1025

opened 2024-01-19 07:59:51 +00:00 by Llewellyn · 18 comments

Beta Release of JCB: Call for Community Engagement and Feedback

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share the beta release of JCB. You'll find that most of your extensions' backends should operate smoothly. However, there are still areas needing refinement, particularly the list and tag, category fields, which aren't fully functional yet. Your input and contributions would be invaluable here, especially in these aspects. I encourage you to open issues on GitHub with your suggestions and findings.

Ongoing Challenges and Progress

  • Styling Issues: Significant progress has been made, but some elements still need attention.
  • Bugs in Complex Views: I've encountered bugs, particularly in views with intricate relationships with tags and categories.
  • Backend Import/Export Area: Currently, this feature is not working as intended, causing errors.
  • Joomla 4 and 5 Transition: We've moved over 50 000 lines of code to adapt to Joomla's backend requirements (since last year beginning of September). Despite this, some functions like the batch function are not yet implemented.
  • Versioning Feature: Thankfully, this feature is functioning well.
  • API Integration: Plans are underway to enable automatic API integration for every backend view.

Apologies and Future Plans

I apologize for the delay in this release. The refactoring of the compiler, critical for JCB's future, especially as we move to Joomla 6, 7, and beyond, had to be temporarily set aside. This refactoring is essential to avoid a complex web of conditional statements, ensuring maintainability. Our aim is to release JCB version 3.2 for Joomla 3 (a stable release), that fully builds Joomla 4 and 5 components, followed by JCB version 5 that it self will run on Joomla 5.

Current Status and Testing

The beta version is now available for testing. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open a new issue on GitHub, tagging it as related to the beta release. This helps in efficiently tracking and addressing beta-specific problems.

A Call for Community Collaboration

I invite you all to participate in a planned code sprint. This event will focus on resolving bugs and discussing future enhancements. The exact date will be coordinated with key contributors and shared soon.

Additional Notes

  • Dashboard Feature: Currently, it requires the dashboard feature to be active for proper functioning. We're exploring integration with Joomla's cPanel dashboard component.
  • Naming Conventions: Components with spaces in their names, resulting in underscores, are causing issues. We're considering removing underscores to align with namespacing requirements.

Your Role

Your participation in testing and feedback is crucial. When reporting issues:

  • Open a new issue for each distinct problem.
  • For beta-related issues, use the format [BETA] Title of the Issue.

Let's collaborate to enhance JCB and ensure it stands out in Joomla 4 and 5. Your understanding and support have been vital in our journey towards maintaining high code quality and industry competitiveness.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement.

Let's move forward together!

## Beta Release of JCB: Call for Community Engagement and Feedback Hello everyone, I'm excited to share the beta release of JCB. You'll find that most of your extensions' backends should operate smoothly. However, there are still areas needing refinement, particularly the list and tag, category fields, which aren't fully functional yet. Your input and contributions would be invaluable here, especially in these aspects. I encourage you to open issues on GitHub with your suggestions and findings. ### Ongoing Challenges and Progress - Styling Issues: Significant progress has been made, but some elements still need attention. - Bugs in Complex Views: I've encountered bugs, particularly in views with intricate relationships with tags and categories. - Backend Import/Export Area: Currently, this feature is not working as intended, causing errors. - Joomla 4 and 5 Transition: We've moved over 50 000 lines of code to adapt to Joomla's backend requirements (since last year beginning of September). Despite this, some functions like the batch function are not yet implemented. - Versioning Feature: Thankfully, this feature is functioning well. - API Integration: Plans are underway to enable automatic API integration for every backend view. ### Apologies and Future Plans I apologize for the delay in this release. The refactoring of the compiler, critical for JCB's future, especially as we move to Joomla 6, 7, and beyond, had to be temporarily set aside. This refactoring is essential to avoid a complex web of conditional statements, ensuring maintainability. Our aim is to release JCB version 3.2 for Joomla 3 (a stable release), that fully builds Joomla 4 and 5 components, followed by JCB version 5 that it self will run on Joomla 5. ### Current Status and Testing The beta version is now available for testing. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open a new issue on GitHub, tagging it as related to the beta release. This helps in efficiently tracking and addressing beta-specific problems. ### A Call for Community Collaboration I invite you all to participate in a planned code sprint. This event will focus on resolving bugs and discussing future enhancements. The exact date will be coordinated with key contributors and shared soon. ### Additional Notes - Dashboard Feature: Currently, it requires the dashboard feature to be active for proper functioning. We're exploring integration with Joomla's cPanel dashboard component. - Naming Conventions: Components with spaces in their names, resulting in underscores, are causing issues. We're considering removing underscores to align with namespacing requirements. ### Your Role Your participation in testing and feedback is crucial. When reporting issues: - Open a new issue for each distinct problem. - For beta-related issues, use the format [BETA] Title of the Issue. Let's collaborate to enhance JCB and ensure it stands out in Joomla 4 and 5. Your understanding and support have been vital in our journey towards maintaining high code quality and industry competitiveness. Thank you for your continued support and involvement. Let's move forward together!
Llewellyn pinned this 2024-01-19 08:00:55 +00:00

Beta JCB v3.1.31 is now out

please start testing the backend build...

# Beta JCB v3.1.31 is now out > please start testing the backend build...

Thanks!, Let's check it out.

Thanks!, Let's check it out.

Beta JCB v3.1.32 is now out

please continue testing the backend build...

# Beta JCB v3.1.32 is now out > please continue testing the backend build...

Beta JCB v3.1.33 is now out

please continue testing the backend build...

see changelog

# Beta JCB v3.1.33 is now out > please continue testing the backend build... > see [changelog](

Beta JCB v3.1.34 is now out

please continue testing the back-end area (administrator area)...

see changelog

# Beta JCB v3.1.34 is now out > please continue testing the back-end area (administrator area)... > see [changelog](

How about field type settings that needs updating for new J4? How is that handled?

How about field type settings that needs updating for new J4? How is that handled?

Can we create some sort of checklist of document or maybe a repo for it? of what to change when you are in the process of updating your component? This would be a upgrade guide We could all contribute to and we can all use it when we are upgrading our components.

Can we create some sort of checklist of document or maybe a repo for it? of what to change when you are in the process of updating your component? This would be a upgrade guide We could all contribute to and we can all use it when we are upgrading our components.

How about field type settings that needs updating for new J4? How is that handled?

Currently, the process of updating field type settings for Joomla 4 is primarily a manual task left to individual developers. However, I am open to ideas for streamlining this process.

At present, my focus is on custom fields. I have implemented a system that converts specific classes in the code area to their namespace equivalents:

  • JFactory:: to Factory::
  • JHtml:: to Html::
  • JText:: to Text::
  • JComponentHelper:: to ComponentHelper::

I strive to keep coding gymnastics minimal. However, if more comprehensive changes are necessary, I am open to suggestions.

Can we create some sort of checklist of document or maybe a repo for it?

Yes, a checklist or repository is a feasible idea. In just the past few days, I've migrated over five components (back-end only) to Joomla 4. Most of the changes involved namespace and SQL updates, especially in custom code. I've been updating the code generated by JCB to ensure compatibility with Joomla 4/5. The goal is to make JCB's output as painless as possible to use. Therefore, improving JCB itself is preferable to overriding the code it generates. This approach ensures that as JCB evolves through community contributions, everyone benefits, and transitions to new versions like Joomla 5 become seamless. Typically, if there's an issue, it's with custom code, as the core JCB output is robust.

Regarding the repository, I've initiated an AI-GENERATED upgrade checklist as a baseline. I encourage contributions through pull requests to refine and enhance this resource. Thank you for your collaboration!

> How about field type settings that needs updating for new J4? How is that handled? Currently, the process of updating field type settings for Joomla 4 is primarily a manual task left to individual developers. However, I am open to ideas for streamlining this process. At present, my focus is on [custom fields]( I have implemented a system that converts specific classes in the code area to their namespace equivalents: - `JFactory::` to `Factory::` - `JHtml::` to `Html::` - `JText::` to `Text::` - `JComponentHelper::` to `ComponentHelper::` I strive to keep [coding gymnastics]( minimal. However, if more comprehensive changes are necessary, I am open to suggestions. > Can we create some sort of checklist of document or maybe a repo for it? Yes, a checklist or repository is a feasible idea. In just the past few days, I've migrated over five components (back-end only) to Joomla 4. Most of the changes involved namespace and SQL updates, especially in custom code. I've been updating the code generated by JCB to ensure compatibility with Joomla 4/5. The goal is to make JCB's output as painless as possible to use. Therefore, improving JCB itself is preferable to overriding the code it generates. This approach ensures that as JCB evolves through community contributions, everyone benefits, and transitions to new versions like Joomla 5 become seamless. Typically, if there's an issue, it's with custom code, as the core JCB output is robust. Regarding the repository, I've initiated an [**AI-GENERATED** upgrade checklist]( as a baseline. I encourage contributions through pull requests to refine and enhance this resource. Thank you for your collaboration!

Beta JCB v3.1.35 is now out

please continue testing the back-end area (administrator area)...

see changelog

# Beta JCB v3.1.35 is now out > please continue testing the back-end area (administrator area)... > see [changelog](

JCB J5 installation crashes when installing from the URL. The given error is as follows:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Field 'addcontributors' doesn't have a default value

JCB J5 installation crashes when installing from the URL. The given error is as follows: JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Field 'addcontributors' doesn't have a default value

Hi Eben, JCB does not yet install on Joomla 5, it only installs on Joomla 3, but builds for Joomla 4 and 5.

Hi Eben, JCB **does not yet install on Joomla 5**, it **only installs on Joomla 3**, but builds for Joomla 4 and 5.

Thanks for the clarification

Thanks for the clarification

Beta JCB v3.1.37 is now out

please continue testing the back-end area (administrator area)...

see changelog

# Beta JCB v3.1.37 is now out > please continue testing the back-end area (administrator area)... > see [changelog](

Beta JCB v3.1.39 is now out

please test and give feedback.

see changelog

# Beta JCB v3.1.39 is now out > please test and give feedback. > see [changelog](

JCB v3.2.0-beta1 is now out

Take note!!!

We moved the beta branch to the main REPO
So the update package has moved.

see changelog

# JCB v3.2.0-beta1 is now out > # Take note!!! > We moved the beta branch to the main REPO > So the update package has moved. > see [changelog](

JCB v3.2.0-beta5, v4.0.0-alpha1, v5.0.0-alpha1 is now out!

We have three version now One for Joomla 3, 4, and 5
Joomla 3 is in beta (nearly stable)
Joomla 4 is in Alpha (needs lots of testing and feedback)
Joomla 5 is in Alpha (needs lots of testing and feedback)

We know the JCB package importing is not working, and we know the GUI needs little help. But we made it guys!!! Celebration!!!

Just two months from when JCB could start building towards Joomla 4 and 5 and we are able to move JCB itself.... wow!

see changelog

see changelog

see changelog

Let the testing begin.

# JCB v3.2.0-beta5, v4.0.0-alpha1, v5.0.0-alpha1 is now out! > We have three version now One for Joomla 3, 4, and 5 > Joomla 3 is in beta (nearly stable) > Joomla 4 is in Alpha (needs lots of testing and feedback) > Joomla 5 is in Alpha (needs lots of testing and feedback) #### We know the JCB package importing is not working, and we know the GUI needs little help. But we made it guys!!! Celebration!!! Just two months from when JCB could start building towards Joomla 4 and 5 and we are able to move JCB itself.... wow! > see [changelog]( > see [changelog]( > see [changelog]( ## Let the testing begin.

JCB v3.2.0-beta6, v4.0.0-alpha2, v5.0.0-alpha2 is now out!

  • Some PHP settings that should be helpful going forward:
; Resource Limits and File Uploads
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_vars = 5000
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 256M

Add these to the php.ini file where you are running JCB since JCB is large and some defaults are to low.

see changelog

see changelog

see changelog

Thank you for all the testing!!!

# JCB v3.2.0-beta6, v4.0.0-alpha2, v5.0.0-alpha2 is now out! - Some PHP settings that should be helpful going forward: ``` ; Resource Limits and File Uploads upload_max_filesize = 128M post_max_size = 128M max_execution_time = 60 max_input_vars = 5000 max_input_time = 60 memory_limit = 256M ``` > Add these to the php.ini file where you are running JCB since JCB is large and some defaults are to low. > see [changelog]( > see [changelog]( > see [changelog]( ## Thank you for all the testing!!!

JCB v3.2.1-beta1, v4.0.0-beta4, v5.0.0-beta4 is now out!

  • We added a check to give indication of PHP settings.
  • We added a check to see that all tables and columns exist.
  • We can now build component from SQL dumps again, with a more stable back-end set of classes.
  • We moved the power autoloader to its own file.

We would like to have a stable versions

So please test, test, test!!!

see changelog

see changelog

see changelog

Thank you for all the testing!!!

# JCB v3.2.1-beta1, v4.0.0-beta4, v5.0.0-beta4 is now out! - We added a check to give indication of PHP settings. - We added a check to see that all tables and columns exist. - We can now build component from SQL dumps again, with a more stable back-end set of classes. - We moved the power autoloader to its own file. ### We would like to have a stable versions > So please test, test, test!!! > see [changelog]( > see [changelog]( > see [changelog]( ## Thank you for all the testing!!!
Llewellyn unpinned this 2024-07-18 18:07:46 +00:00
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Reference: joomla/Component-Builder#1025
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