Refactor of Compiler Get Class #932

opened 2022-07-11 13:54:55 +00:00 by Llewellyn · 0 comments

Each get method needs to move to its own [power] class, so we can add them all to a containerized implementation.

Each [get]( method needs to move to its own [power] class, so we can add them all to a containerized implementation. - [ ] [__construct]( - [x] [_t]( - [x] [addLineChecker]( - [x] [buildCustomCodePlaceholders]( - [x] [buildSqlDump]( - [x] [canAddGuiCodePlaceholder]( - [x] [checkCustomCodeMemory]( - [x] [clearFromPlaceHolders]( - [x] [customCodeFactory]( - [x] [cutExternalCodeString]( - [x] [fixLangString]( - [x] [getAdminViewData]( - [x] [getComponentData]( - [x] [getCustomCode]( - [x] [getCustomScriptBuilder]( - [x] [getCustomViewData]( - [x] [getDataWithAlias]( - [x] [getExternalCodeString]( - [x] [getFieldData]( - [x] [getFieldDatabaseName]( - [x] [getFieldName]( - [x] [getFieldType]( - [x] [getFootableScripts]( - [x] [getGetModule]( - [x] [getGlobalPlaceholders]( - [x] [getGoogleChart]( - [x] [getHistoryWatch]( - [x] [getInput]( - [x] [getLabel]( - [ ] [getListViewDefaultOrdering]( - [x] [getLocalInstallPaths]( - [x] [getMediaLibrary]( - [x] [getModAdminVvvvvvvdm]( - [x] [getModuleIDs]( - [x] [getModulePath]( - [x] [getModuleXMLTemplate]( - [ ] [getMultiLangStrings]( - [x] [getPlaceHolder]( - [x] [getPluginIDs]( - [x] [getPluginPath]( - [x] [getPluginXMLTemplate]( - [x] [getPower]( - [x] [getPowers]( - [x] [getSystemID]( - [x] [getViewTableName]( - [x] [guiCodeSearch]( - [x] [insertCustomCode]( - [x] [mysql_escape]( - [ ] [purgeLanuageStrings]( - [ ] [removeExitingLangString]( - [x] [reversePlaceholders]( - [x] [searchFileContent]( - [x] [setAddSQL]( - [x] [setBase64LOCK]( - [x] [setCustomCodeData]( - [x] [setCustomScriptBuilder]( - [x] [setDataSelection]( - [x] [setDataWithAliasKeys]( - [x] [setDynamicHASHING]( - [x] [setDynamicValues]( - [x] [setExistingCustomCode]( - [ ] [setExistingLangStrings]( - [x] [setExternalCodeString]( - [x] [setFieldDetails]( - [x] [setGetData]( - [x] [setGuiCodePlaceholder]( - [x] [setHistoryWatch]( - [x] [setJoomlaModule]( - [x] [setJoomlaPlugin]( - [x] [setLang]( - [x] [setLangContent]( - [ ] [setLangPlaceholders]( - [x] [setLangStrings]( - [x] [setLine]( - [x] [setNewCustomCode]( - [ ] [setNewLangStrings]( - [x] [setPlaceholders]( - [x] [setPower]( - [x] [setReverseLangPlaceholders]( - [x] [setSqlTweaking]( - [x] [setStartReplace]( - [x] [setTemplateAndLayoutData]( - [x] [setThesePlaceHolders]( - [x] [setUniqueNameCounter]( - [ ] [setUpdateExistingLangStrings]( - [x] [setUpdateSQL]( - [x] [triggerEvent]( - [x] [uniqueCode]( - [x] [uniquekey]( - [x] [uniqueName]( - [ ] [unsetNow](
Llewellyn added this to the Compiler Refactoring milestone 2022-07-11 13:54:55 +00:00
Llewellyn added this to the Joomla 4 project 2022-07-11 13:54:55 +00:00
Llewellyn self-assigned this 2022-07-11 13:55:37 +00:00
Llewellyn changed title from Move some get in the Compiler Get Class to its own class. to Refactor of Compiler Get Class 2022-08-30 07:46:00 +00:00
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Reference: joomla/Component-Builder#932
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