Refactor of Compiler Interpretation Class #950

opened 2022-08-20 16:00:47 +00:00 by Llewellyn · 0 comments

All Interpretation methods needs to move to [power] class, so we can add them all to a containerized implementation.

All [Interpretation]( methods needs to move to [power] class, so we can add them all to a containerized implementation. - [ ] [__construct]( - [ ] [addCustomButtonPermissions]( - [ ] [addCustomDashboardIcons]( - [ ] [addCustomMainMenu]( - [ ] [addCustomSubMenu]( - [ ] [addCustomTabs]( - [ ] [addEmailHelper]( - [ ] [buildFunctionCall]( - [ ] [buildPermissions]( - [ ] [buildTheViewScript]( - [ ] [checkHelp]( - [ ] [checkJoint]( - [ ] [checkRelationControl]( - [ ] [checkStatmentLicenseLocked]( - [ ] [clearValueScript]( - [ ] [getAssetsTableIntelligentCode]( - [ ] [getAssetsTableIntelligentInstall]( - [ ] [getAssetsTableIntelligentUninstall]( - [ ] [getCategoryContentType]( - [ ] [getContentType]( - [ ] [getCustomAdminViewButtons]( - [ ] [getEditBodyLinkedAdminViewsTabs]( - [ ] [getEditBodyPublishMetaTabs]( - [ ] [getEditBodyTabs]( - [ ] [getExtensionFieldsetXML]( - [x] [getExtensionInstallClass]( - [x] [setInstallMethodScript]( - [ ] [getFilterFieldCode]( - [ ] [getInbetweenStrings]( - [ ] [getLayoutOverride]( - [ ] [getListFieldClass]( - [ ] [getListItem]( - [ ] [getListItemBuilder]( - [ ] [getListItemCode]( - [ ] [getListItemLink]( - [ ] [getListItemLinkAuthority]( - [ ] [getListItemLinkLogic]( - [ ] [getModCode]( - [ ] [getModDefault]( - [ ] [getModHelperCode]( - [ ] [getModLibCode]( - [ ] [getModuleMainXML]( - [ ] [getOptionsScript]( - [ ] [getPluginMainClass]( - [ ] [getPluginMainXML]( - [ ] [getPopulateStateFilterCode]( - [ ] [getPowerCode]( - [ ] [getReplacementNames]( - [ ] [getScriptRootPath]( - [ ] [getStoredIdCode]( - [ ] [getStoredIdCodeMulti]( - [ ] [getTabLayoutFieldsArray]( - [ ] [getTargetRelationScript]( - [ ] [getValueScript]( - [ ] [ifValueScript]( - [ ] [noHelp]( - [ ] [removeAsDot]( - [ ] [routerBuildViews]( - [ ] [routerParseSwitch]( - [ ] [setAccessSections]( - [ ] [setAccessSectionsCategory]( - [ ] [setAccessSectionsJoomlaFields]( - [ ] [setAddToolBar]( - [ ] [setAdminViewDisplayMethod]( - [ ] [setAdminViewMenu]( - [ ] [setAjaxInputReturn]( - [ ] [setAjaxModelMethods]( - [ ] [setAjaxToke]( - [ ] [setAliasTitleFix]( - [ ] [setAutoCheckin]( - [ ] [setBatchCopy]( - [ ] [setBatchDisplayHelper]( - [ ] [setBatchMove]( - [ ] [setBoolLicenseLock]( - [ ] [setCategoryBatchHelper]( - [ ] [setCategorySidebarFilterHelper]( - [ ] [setCheckboxSave]( - [ ] [setCheckinCall]( - [ ] [setChosenMultiSelectionHeaders]( - [ ] [setComponentImageType]( - [ ] [setComponentToContentTypes]( - [ ] [setConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setControllerEximportMethod]( - [ ] [setCreateUserHelperMethod]( - [ ] [setCustomAdminDynamicButton]( - [ ] [setCustomAdminDynamicButtonController]( - [ ] [setCustomAdminSubMenu]( - [ ] [setCustomAdminViewListLink]( - [ ] [setCustomButtons]( - [ ] [setCustomControlConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setCustomCSS]( - [ ] [setCustomQuery]( - [ ] [setCustomViewBody]( - [ ] [setCustomViewCodeBody]( - [ ] [setCustomViewCustomItemMethods]( - [ ] [setCustomViewCustomJoin]( - [ ] [setCustomViewCustomMethods]( - [ ] [setCustomViewDisplayMethod]( - [ ] [setCustomViewExtraDisplayMethods]( - [ ] [setCustomViewFieldDecode]( - [ ] [setCustomViewFieldDecodeFilter]( - [ ] [setCustomViewFieldonContentPrepareChecker]( - [ ] [setCustomViewFieldUikitChecker]( - [ ] [setCustomViewFilter]( - [ ] [setCustomViewForm]( - [ ] [setCustomViewGetItem]( - [ ] [setCustomViewGetItems]( - [ ] [setCustomViewGlobals]( - [ ] [setCustomViewGroup]( - [ ] [setCustomViewLayouts]( - [ ] [setCustomViewListQuery]( - [ ] [setCustomViewMenu]( - [ ] [setCustomViewMethodDefaults]( - [ ] [setCustomViewOrder]( - [ ] [setCustomViewQuery]( - [ ] [setCustomViewSubmitButtonScript]( - [ ] [setCustomViewTemplateBody]( - [ ] [setCustomViewTemplateCode]( - [ ] [setCustomViewWhere]( - [ ] [setDashboardDisplayData]( - [ ] [setDashboardGetCustomData]( - [ ] [setDashboardIconAccess]( - [ ] [setDashboardIcons]( - [ ] [setDashboardModelMethods]( - [ ] [setDefaultBatchHelper]( - [ ] [setDefaultPopulateState]( - [ ] [setDefaultSidebarFilterHelper]( - [ ] [setDefaultViewsBody]( - [ ] [setDocumentCustomCSS]( - [ ] [setDocumentCustomJS]( - [ ] [setDocumentCustomPHP]( - [ ] [setDocumentMetadata]( - [ ] [setDynamicUpdateXMLSQL]( - [ ] [setEditBody]( - [ ] [setEditBodyTabMainCenterPositionDiv]( - [ ] [setEmailHelperConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setEncryptionConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setExportButton]( - [ ] [setFadeInEfect]( - [ ] [setFieldSetAccessControl]( - [ ] [setFileHeader]( - [ ] [setFilterFieldHelper]( - [ ] [setFilterFieldsArray]( - [ ] [setFilterFieldSidebarDisplayHelper]( - [ ] [setFilterQuery]( - [ ] [setFootableScripts]( - [ ] [setFootableScriptsLoader]( - [ ] [setFunctionOnlyButtons]( - [ ] [setGenerateNewAlias]( - [ ] [setGenerateNewTitle]( - [ ] [setGetCryptKey]( - [ ] [setGetItemsMethodStringFix]( - [ ] [setGetItemsModelMethod]( - [ ] [setGetModules]( - [ ] [setGlobalConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setGooglechartConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setGoogleChartLoader]( - [ ] [setGroupControlConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setHelp]( - [ ] [setHelperClassHeader]( - [ ] [setHelperExelMethods]( - [ ] [setHelperLicenseLock]( - [ ] [setImportButton]( - [ ] [setImportCustomScripts]( - [ ] [setIncludeLibScript]( - [ ] [setInitLicenseLock]( - [ ] [setInstall]( - [ ] [setJavaScriptFile]( - [ ] [setJavaScriptForButtons]( - [ ] [setJcontrollerAllowAdd]( - [ ] [setJcontrollerAllowEdit]( - [ ] [setJmodelAdminAllowEdit]( - [ ] [setJmodelAdminCanDelete]( - [ ] [setJmodelAdminCanEditState]( - [ ] [setJmodelAdminGetForm]( - [ ] [setJtableAliasCategory]( - [ ] [setJtableConstructor]( - [ ] [setJviewListCanDo]( - [ ] [setLangAdmin]( - [ ] [setLangAdminSys]( - [ ] [setLangSite]( - [ ] [setLangSiteSys]( - [ ] [setLayout]( - [ ] [setLayoutOverride]( - [ ] [setLibrariesLoader]( - [ ] [setLibraryDocConditions]( - [ ] [setLibraryDocument]( - [ ] [setLibraryScripts]( - [ ] [setLine]( - [ ] [setLinkedView]( - [ ] [setListBody]( - [ ] [setListBodyLinked]( - [ ] [setListColnr]( - [ ] [setListHead]( - [ ] [setListHeadLinked]( - [ ] [setListQuery]( - [ ] [setListQueryLinked]( - [ ] [setLockLicense]( - [ ] [setLockLicensePer]( - [ ] [setMainCustomMehtod]( - [ ] [setMainMenus]( - [ ] [setMetadataItem]( - [ ] [setMetadataList]( - [ ] [setMethodGetItem]( - [ ] [setMethodItemSave]( - [ ] [setModelFieldRelation]( - [ ] [setMoveFolderMethod]( - [ ] [setMoveFolderScript]( - [ ] [setMultiFilterQuery]( - [ ] [setPermissionAccessFields]( - [ ] [setPermissionEditFields]( - [ ] [setPermissionViewFields]( - [ ] [setPopulateState]( - [ ] [setPostInstallScript]( - [ ] [setPostUpdateScript]( - [ ] [setPowersAutoloader]( - [ ] [setPrepareDocument]( - [ ] [setRegisterAjaxTask]( - [ ] [setRequestValues]( - [ ] [setRouterCase]( - [ ] [setRouterCategoryViews]( - [ ] [setRouterHelp]( - [ ] [setSearchQuery]( - [ ] [setSelectionTranslationFix]( - [ ] [setSelectionTranslationFixFunc]( - [ ] [setSingleFilterQuery]( - [ ] [setSiteControlConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setSortFields]( - [ ] [setStoredId]( - [ ] [setSubMenus]( - [ ] [setTargetControlsScript]( - [ ] [setUikitConfigFieldsets]( - [ ] [setUikitGetMethod]( - [ ] [setUikitHelperMethods]( - [ ] [setUikitLoader]( - [ ] [setUninstall]( - [ ] [setUninstallScript]( - [ ] [setUniqueFields]( - [ ] [setUpdateXMLSQL]( - [ ] [setupFrontendParamFields]( - [ ] [setUserPermissionCheckAccess]( - [ ] [setValidationFix]( - [ ] [setVersionController]( - [ ] [setViewScript]( - [ ] [setWHMCSCryption]( - [ ] [shouldLanguageBeAdded](
Llewellyn added this to the Joomla 4 project 2022-08-20 16:01:02 +00:00
Llewellyn added this to the Compiler Refactoring milestone 2022-08-20 16:01:10 +00:00
Llewellyn self-assigned this 2022-08-20 16:04:38 +00:00
Llewellyn changed title from Move some methods in the Compiler Interpretation Class to its own class to Refactor of Compiler Interpretation Class 2022-08-30 07:45:25 +00:00
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Reference: joomla/Component-Builder#950
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