Implement onContentPrepare #192

stutteringp0et wants to merge 4 commits from patch-3 into master

View File

@ -1653,13 +1653,18 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
public function setCustomViewFieldUikitChecker(&$get, $checker, $string, $code, $tab = '')
$fieldUikit = '';
$runplugins = false;
foreach ($checker as $field => $array)
if (strpos($get['selection']['select'], $field) !== false)
// build decoder string
$fieldUikit .= PHP_EOL."\t".$tab."\t//".$this->setLine(__LINE__)." Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on ".$field." (TODO)";
$fieldUikit .= PHP_EOL."\t".$tab."\t".$string."->".$field." = JHtml::_('content.prepare',".$string."->".$field.");";
if(!$runplugins) {
$runplugins = PHP_EOL."\t".$tab."\tJPluginHelper::importPlugin('content');";
$runplugins .= PHP_EOL."\t".$tab."\t".'$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();';
$fieldUikit .= PHP_EOL."\t".$tab."\t//".$this->setLine(__LINE__)." Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on ".$field;
$fieldUikit .= PHP_EOL."\t".$tab."\t".'$dispatcher->trigger("onContentPrepare",array($this->_context,&'.$string.'->'.$field.',$item->params));';
// only load for uikit version 2 (TODO) we may need to add another check here
if (2 == $this->uikit || 1 == $this->uikit)
@ -1668,7 +1673,7 @@ class Interpretation extends Fields
return $fieldUikit;
return ($runplugins?:'').$fieldUikit;
public function setCustomViewCustomJoin(&$gets,$string,$code,&$asBucket,$tab = '')