@my wife Roline van der Merwe @copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Builds Complex Joomla Components /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // Use the component builder autoloader ComponentbuilderHelper::autoLoader(); /** * Compiler class */ class Compiler extends Infusion { /* * The Temp path * * @var string */ private $tempPath; public $filepath = ''; // fixed pathes protected $dynamicIntegration = false; protected $backupPath = false; protected $gitPath = false; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct($config = array ()) { // first we run the perent constructor if (parent::__construct($config)) { // set temp directory $comConfig = JFactory::getConfig(); $this->tempPath = $comConfig->get('tmp_path'); // set some folder paths in relation to distribution if ($config['addBackup']) { $this->backupPath = $this->params->get('backup_folder_path', $this->tempPath).'/'.$this->componentBackupName.'.zip'; $this->dynamicIntegration = true; } if ($config['addGit']) { $this->gitPath = $this->params->get('git_folder_path', null); } // remove site folder if not needed (TODO add check if custom script was moved to site folder then we must do a more complex cleanup here) if ($this->removeSiteFolder) { // first remove the files and folders $this->removeFolder($this->componentPath . '/site'); // clear form component xml $xmlPath = $this->componentPath . '/'. $this->fileContentStatic['###component###']. '.xml'; $componentXML = JFile::read($xmlPath); $textToSite = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($componentXML,'',''); $textToSiteLang = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($componentXML,'',''); $componentXML = str_replace(array(''.$textToSite."", ''.$textToSiteLang.""), array('',''), $componentXML); $this->writeFile($xmlPath,$componentXML); } // now update the files if (!$this->updateFiles()) { return false; } // we can remove all undeeded data $this->freeMemory(); // check if this component is install on the current website if ($paths = $this->getLocalInstallPaths()) { // start Automatic import of custom code $userId = JFactory::getUser()->id; $today = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // get the custom code from installed files $this->customCodeFactory($paths, $db, $userId, $today); } // check if we have custom code to add $this->getCustomCode(); // now insert into the new files if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->customCode)) { $this->addCustomCode(); } // move the update server into place $this->setUpdateServer(); // zip the component if (!$this->zipComponent()) { // done return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Set the line number in comments * * @param int $nr The line number * * @return void * */ private function setLine($nr) { if ($this->loadLineNr) { return ' [Compiler '.$nr.']'; } return ''; } /** * Set the dynamic data to the created fils * * @return bool true on success * */ protected function updateFiles() { if (isset($this->newFiles['static']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->newFiles['static']) && isset($this->newFiles['dynamic']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->newFiles['dynamic'])) { // get the bom file $bom = JFile::read($this->bomPath); // first we do the static files foreach ($this->newFiles['static'] as $static) { if (JFile::exists($static['path'])) { $this->fileContentStatic['###FILENAME###'] = $static['name']; $php = ''; if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkFileType($static['name'],'php')) { $php = "fileContentStatic),array_values($this->fileContentStatic),$php.$bom.$code); // add to zip array $this->writeFile($static['path'],$answer); } else { $answer = str_replace(array_keys($this->fileContentStatic),array_values($this->fileContentStatic),$string); // add to zip array $this->writeFile($static['path'],$answer); } $this->lineCount = $this->lineCount + substr_count($answer, PHP_EOL ); } } // now we do the dynamic files foreach ($this->newFiles['dynamic'] as $view => $files) { if (isset($this->fileContentDynamic[$view]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->fileContentDynamic[$view])) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file['view'] == $view) { if (JFile::exists($file['path'])) { $this->fileContentStatic['###FILENAME###'] = $file['name']; // do some weird stuff to improve the verion and dates being added to the license $this->fixLicenseValues($file); $php = ''; if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkFileType($file['name'],'php')) { $php = "fileContentStatic),array_values($this->fileContentStatic),$php.$bom.$code); $answer = str_replace(array_keys($this->fileContentDynamic[$view]),array_values($this->fileContentDynamic[$view]),$answer); // add to zip array $this->writeFile($file['path'],$answer); } else { $answer = str_replace(array_keys($this->fileContentStatic),array_values($this->fileContentStatic),$string); $answer = str_replace(array_keys($this->fileContentDynamic[$view]),array_values($this->fileContentDynamic[$view]),$answer); // add to zip array $this->writeFile($file['path'],$answer); } $this->lineCount = $this->lineCount + substr_count($answer, PHP_EOL ); } } } } // free up some memory unset($this->fileContentDynamic[$view]); } // free up some memory unset($this->newFiles['dynamic']); // do a final run to update the readme file $two = 0; foreach ($this->newFiles['static'] as $static) { if (('README.md' == $static['name'] || 'README.txt' == $static['name']) && $this->componentData->addreadme && JFile::exists($static['path'])) { $this->buildReadMe($static['path']); $two++; } if ($two == 2) { break; } } return true; } return false; } protected function freeMemory() { // free up some memory unset($this->newFiles['static']); unset($this->customScriptBuilder); unset($this->permissionCore); unset($this->permissionDashboard); unset($this->componentData->admin_views); unset($this->componentData->site_views); unset($this->componentData->custom_admin_views); unset($this->componentData->config); unset($this->joomlaVersionData); unset($this->langContent); unset($this->dbKeys); unset($this->permissionBuilder); unset($this->layoutBuilder); unset($this->historyBuilder); unset($this->aliasBuilder); unset($this->titleBuilder); unset($this->customBuilderList); unset($this->hiddenFieldsBuilder); unset($this->intFieldsBuilder); unset($this->dynamicfieldsBuilder); unset($this->maintextBuilder); unset($this->customFieldLinksBuilder); unset($this->setScriptUserSwitch); unset($this->categoryBuilder); unset($this->catCodeBuilder); unset($this->checkboxBuilder); unset($this->jsonItemBuilder); unset($this->base64Builder); unset($this->basicEncryptionBuilder); unset($this->advancedEncryptionBuilder); unset($this->getItemsMethodListStringFixBuilder); unset($this->getItemsMethodEximportStringFixBuilder); unset($this->selectionTranslationFixBuilder); unset($this->listBuilder); unset($this->customBuilder); unset($this->editBodyViewScriptBuilder); unset($this->queryBuilder); unset($this->sortBuilder); unset($this->searchBuilder); unset($this->filterBuilder); unset($this->fieldsNames); unset($this->siteFields); unset($this->siteFieldData); unset($this->customFieldScript); unset($this->configFieldSets); unset($this->jsonStringBuilder); unset($this->importCustomScripts); unset($this->eximportView); unset($this->uninstallBuilder); unset($this->listColnrBuilder); unset($this->customFieldBuilder); unset($this->permissionFields); unset($this->getAsLookup); unset($this->secondRunAdmin); unset($this->uninstallScriptBuilder); unset($this->buildCategories); unset($this->iconBuilder); unset($this->validationFixBuilder); unset($this->targetRelationControl); unset($this->targetControlsScriptChecker); unset($this->accessBuilder); unset($this->tabCounter); unset($this->linkedAdminViews); unset($this->uniquekeys); unset($this->uniquecodes); $this->unsetNow('_adminViewData'); $this->unsetNow('_fieldData'); } /** * move the local update server xml file to a remote ftp server * * @return void * */ protected function setUpdateServer() { // move the update server to host if ($this->componentData->add_update_server && $this->componentData->update_server_target == 1 && isset($this->updateServerFileName) && $this->dynamicIntegration) { $xml_update_server_path = $this->componentPath.'/'.$this->updateServerFileName.'.xml'; // make sure we have the correct file if (JFile::exists($xml_update_server_path) && isset($this->componentData->update_server_ftp)) { // Get the basic encription. $basickey = ComponentbuilderHelper::getCryptKey('basic'); // Get the encription object. $basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey, 128); if (!empty($this->componentData->update_server_ftp) && $basickey && !is_numeric($this->componentData->update_server_ftp) && $this->componentData->update_server_ftp === base64_encode(base64_decode($this->componentData->update_server_ftp, true))) { // basic decript data update_server_ftp. $this->componentData->update_server_ftp = rtrim($basic->decryptString($this->componentData->update_server_ftp), "\0"); } // now move the file $this->moveFileToFtpServer($xml_update_server_path,$this->componentData->update_server_ftp); } } } // link canges made to views into the file license protected function fixLicenseValues($data) { // check if these files have its own config data if (isset($data['config']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($data['config'])) { foreach ($data['config'] as $key => $value) { if ('###VERSION###' == $key) { // hmm we sould in some way make it known that this version number // is not in relation the the project but to the file only... any ideas? // this is the best for now... if (1 == $value) { $value = '@first version of this MVC'; } else { $value = '@update number '.$value.' of this MVC'; } } $this->fileContentStatic[$key] = $value; } return true; } // else insure to reset to global $this->fileContentStatic['###CREATIONDATE###'] = $this->fileContentStatic['###CREATIONDATE###GLOBAL']; $this->fileContentStatic['###BUILDDATE###'] = $this->fileContentStatic['###BUILDDATE###GLOBAL']; $this->fileContentStatic['###VERSION###'] = $this->fileContentStatic['###VERSION###GLOBAL']; } private function buildReadMe($path) { // set readme data if not set already if (!isset($this->fileContentStatic['###LINE_COUNT###']) || $this->fileContentStatic['###LINE_COUNT###'] != $this->lineCount) { $this->buildReadMeData(); } // get the file $string = JFile::read($path); // update the file $answer = str_replace(array_keys($this->fileContentStatic),array_values($this->fileContentStatic),$string); // add to zip array $this->writeFile($path,$answer); } private function buildReadMeData() { // setup the unrealistic numbers $folders = $this->folderCount * 5; $files = $this->fileCount * 5; $lines = $this->lineCount * 10; $seconds = $folders + $files + $lines; $totalHours = round($seconds / 3600); $totalDays = round($totalHours / 8); // setup the more realistic numbers $debugging = $seconds / 4; $planning = $seconds / 7; $mapping = $seconds / 10; $office = $seconds / 6; $seconds = $folders + $files + $lines + $debugging + $planning + $mapping + $office; $actualTotalHours = round($seconds / 3600); $actualTotalDays = round($actualTotalHours / 8); $debuggingHours = round($debugging / 3600); $planningHours = round($planning / 3600); $mappingHours = round($mapping / 3600); $officeHours = round($office / 3600); // the actual time spent $actualHoursSpent = $actualTotalHours - $totalHours; $actualDaysSpent = $actualTotalDays - $totalDays; // calculate the projects actual time frame of completion $projectWeekTime = round($actualTotalDays / 5,1); $projectMonthTime = round($actualTotalDays / 24,1); // set some defaults $this->fileContentStatic['###LINE_COUNT###'] = $this->lineCount; $this->fileContentStatic['###FILE_COUNT###'] = $this->fileCount; $this->fileContentStatic['###FOLDER_COUNT###'] = $this->folderCount; $this->fileContentStatic['###folders###'] = $folders; $this->fileContentStatic['###files###'] = $files; $this->fileContentStatic['###lines###'] = $lines; $this->fileContentStatic['###seconds###'] = $seconds; $this->fileContentStatic['###totalHours###'] = $totalHours; $this->fileContentStatic['###totalDays###'] = $totalDays; $this->fileContentStatic['###debugging###'] = $debugging; $this->fileContentStatic['###planning###'] = $planning; $this->fileContentStatic['###mapping###'] = $mapping; $this->fileContentStatic['###office###'] = $office; $this->fileContentStatic['###actualTotalHours###'] = $actualTotalHours; $this->fileContentStatic['###actualTotalDays###'] = $actualTotalDays; $this->fileContentStatic['###debuggingHours###'] = $debuggingHours; $this->fileContentStatic['###planningHours###'] = $planningHours; $this->fileContentStatic['###mappingHours###'] = $mappingHours; $this->fileContentStatic['###officeHours###'] = $officeHours; $this->fileContentStatic['###actualHoursSpent###'] = $actualHoursSpent; $this->fileContentStatic['###actualDaysSpent###'] = $actualDaysSpent; $this->fileContentStatic['###projectWeekTime###'] = $projectWeekTime; $this->fileContentStatic['###projectMonthTime###'] = $projectMonthTime; } private function zipComponent() { // before we zip the component we first need to move it to the git folder if set if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($this->gitPath)) { // set the git path $this->gitPath = $this->gitPath.'/com_'.$this->componentData->sales_name.'__joomla_'.$this->joomlaVersion; // remove old data $this->removeFolder($this->gitPath,true); // set the new data JFolder::copy($this->componentPath, $this->gitPath, '', true); } // the name of the zip file to create $this->filepath = $this->tempPath.'/'.$this->componentFolderName.'.zip'; // store the current joomla working directory $joomla = getcwd(); // we are changing the working directory to the componet temp folder chdir($this->componentPath); // the full file path of the zip file $this->filepath = JPath::clean($this->filepath); // delete an existing zip file (or use an exclusion parameter in JFolder::files() JFile::delete($this->filepath); // get a list of files in the current directory tree $files = JFolder::files('.', '', true, true); $zipArray = array(); // setup the zip array foreach ($files as $file) { $tmp = array(); $tmp['name'] = str_replace('./', '', $file); $tmp['data'] = JFile::read($file); $tmp['time'] = filemtime($file); $zipArray[] = $tmp; } // change back to joomla working directory chdir($joomla); // get the zip adapter $zip = JArchive::getAdapter('zip'); //create the zip file if ($zip->create($this->filepath, $zipArray)) { // now move to backup if zip was made and backup is requered if ($this->backupPath && $this->dynamicIntegration) { JFile::copy($this->filepath, $this->backupPath); } // move to sales server host if ($this->componentData->add_sales_server && $this->dynamicIntegration) { // make sure we have the correct file if (isset($this->componentData->sales_server_ftp)) { // Get the basic encription. $basickey = ComponentbuilderHelper::getCryptKey('basic'); // Get the encription object. $basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey, 128); if (!empty($this->componentData->sales_server_ftp) && $basickey && !is_numeric($this->componentData->sales_server_ftp) && $this->componentData->sales_server_ftp === base64_encode(base64_decode($this->componentData->sales_server_ftp, true))) { // basic decript data update_server_ftp. $this->componentData->sales_server_ftp = rtrim($basic->decryptString($this->componentData->sales_server_ftp), "\0"); } // now move the file $this->moveFileToFtpServer($this->filepath, $this->componentData->sales_server_ftp, $this->componentSalesName.'.zip',false); } } // remove the component folder since we are done if ($this->removeFolder($this->componentPath)) { return true; } } return false; } private function moveFileToFtpServer($localPath, $clientInput, $remote = null, $removeLocal = true) { // get the ftp opbject $ftp = $this->getFTP($clientInput); // chack if we are conected if ($ftp instanceof JClientFtp && $ftp->isConnected()) { // move the file if ($ftp->store($localPath,$remote)) { // if moved then remove the file from repository if ($removeLocal) { JFile::delete($localPath); } } // at the end close the conection $ftp->quit(); } } private function getFTP($clientInput) { $signature = md5($clientInput); if (isset($this->FTP[$signature]) && $this->FTP[$signature] instanceof JClientFtp) { return $this->FTP[$signature]; } else { // make sure we have a string and it is not default or empty if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($clientInput)) { // turn into vars parse_str($clientInput); // set options if (isset($options) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($options)) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { if ('timeout' == $option) { $options[$option] = (int) $value; } if ('type' == $option) { $options[$option] = (string) $value; } } } else { $options = array(); } // get ftp object if (isset($host) && $host != 'HOSTNAME' && isset($port) && $port != 'PORT_INT' && isset($username) && $username != 'user@name.com' && isset($password) && $password != 'password') { // load for reuse $this->FTP[$signature] = JClientFtp::getInstance($host, $port, $options, $username, $password); return $this->FTP[$signature]; } } } return false; } protected function addCustomCode() { foreach($this->customCode as $nr => $target) { // reset each time per custom code $fingerPrint = array(); if (isset($target['hashtarget'][0]) && $target['hashtarget'][0] > 3 && isset($target['path']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($target['path']) && isset($target['hashtarget'][1]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($target['hashtarget'][1])) { $file = $this->componentPath . '/'. $target['path']; $size = (int) $target['hashtarget'][0]; $hash = $target['hashtarget'][1]; $cut = $size - 1; $found = false; $bites = 0; $replace = array(); if ($target['type'] == 1 && isset($target['hashendtarget'][0]) && $target['hashendtarget'][0] > 0) { $foundEnd = false; $sizeEnd = (int) $target['hashendtarget'][0]; $hashEnd = $target['hashendtarget'][1]; $cutEnd = $sizeEnd - 1; } else { // replace to the end of the file $foundEnd = true; } $counter = 0; // check if file is new structure if (JFile::exists($file)) { foreach (new SplFileObject($file) as $lineNumber => $lineContent) { if (!$found) { $bites = (int) bcadd(mb_strlen($lineContent, '8bit'), $bites); } if ($found && !$foundEnd) { $replace[] = (int) mb_strlen($lineContent, '8bit'); // we musk keep last three lines to dynamic find target entry $fingerPrint[$lineNumber] = trim($lineContent); // check lines each time if it fits our target if (count($fingerPrint) === $sizeEnd && !$foundEnd) { $fingerTest = md5(implode('',$fingerPrint)); if ($fingerTest === $hashEnd) { // we are done here $foundEnd = true; $replace = array_slice($replace, 0, count($replace)-$sizeEnd); break; } else { $fingerPrint = array_slice($fingerPrint, -$cutEnd, $cutEnd, true); } } } if ($found && $foundEnd) { $replace[] = (int) mb_strlen($lineContent, '8bit'); } // we musk keep last three lines to dynamic find target entry $fingerPrint[$lineNumber] = trim($lineContent); // check lines each time if it fits our target if (count($fingerPrint) === $size && !$found) { $fingerTest = md5(implode('',$fingerPrint)); if ($fingerTest === $hash) { // we are done here $found = true; // reset in case $fingerPrint = array(); // break if it is insertion if ($target['type'] == 2) { break; } } else { $fingerPrint = array_slice($fingerPrint, -$cut, $cut, true); } } } if ($found) { $placeholder = $this->getPlaceHolder($target['type'], $target['id']); $data = $placeholder['start'] . "\n" . $target['code'] . $placeholder['end'] . "\n"; if ($target['type'] == 2) { // found it now add code from the next line $this->addDataToFile($file, $data, $bites); } elseif ($target['type'] == 1 && $foundEnd) { // found it now add code from the next line $this->addDataToFile($file, $data, $bites, (int) array_sum($replace)); } else { // TODO give developer a notice that the code could not be added and needs his attention. } } else { // TODO give developer a notice that the code could not be added and needs his attention. } } else { // TODO give developer a notice that the code could not be added and needs his attention. } } } } // Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/a/16813550/1429677 protected function addDataToFile($file, $data, $position, $replace = null) { $fpFile = fopen($file, "rw+"); $fpTemp = fopen('php://temp', "rw+"); $len = stream_copy_to_stream($fpFile, $fpTemp); // make a copy fseek($fpFile, $position); // move to the position if ($replace) { $position = bcadd($position, $replace); } fseek($fpTemp, $position); // move to the position fwrite($fpFile, $data); // Add the data stream_copy_to_stream($fpTemp, $fpFile); // @Jack fclose($fpFile); // close file fclose($fpTemp); // close tmp } }