* @git Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\GetHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Factory as Compiler; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Config; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Placeholder; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Language\Extractor; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customcode\External; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Placefix; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\CustomcodeInterface; /** * Compiler Custom Code * * @since 3.2.0 */ class Customcode implements CustomcodeInterface { /** * The function name memory ids * * @var array * @since 3.2.0 **/ public array $functionNameMemory = []; /** * The active custom code * * @var array * @since 3.2.0 */ public $active = []; /** * The custom code memory * * @var array * @since 3.2.0 */ public $memory = []; /** * The placeholders for custom code keys * * @var array */ protected $keys = array( '[' => '[', ']' => ']', ',' => ',', '+' => '+', '=' => '=' ); /** * The custom code to be added * * @var array * @since 3.2.0 */ protected $data = []; /** * Compiler Config * * @var Config * @since 3.2.0 **/ protected Config $config; /** * Compiler Placeholder * * @var Placeholder * @since 3.2.0 **/ protected Placeholder $placeholder; /** * Compiler Language Extractor * * @var Extractor * @since 3.2.0 **/ protected Extractor $extractor; /** * Compiler Custom Code External * * @var External * @since 3.2.0 **/ protected External $external; /** * Database object to query local DB * * @var \JDatabaseDriver * @since 3.2.0 **/ protected $db; /** * Constructor. * * @param Config|null $config The compiler config object. * @param Placeholder|null $placeholder The compiler placeholder object. * @param Extractor|null $extractor The compiler language extractor object. * @param External|null $external The compiler external custom code object. * @param \JDatabaseDriver $db The Database Driver object. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(?Config $config = null, ?Placeholder $placeholder = null, ?Extractor $extractor = null, ?External $external = null, ?\JDatabaseDriver $db = null) { $this->config = $config ?: Compiler::_('Config'); $this->placeholder = $placeholder ?: Compiler::_('Placeholder'); $this->extractor = $extractor ?: Compiler::_('Language.Extractor'); $this->external = $external ?: Compiler::_('Customcode.External'); $this->db = $db ?: Factory::getDbo(); } /** * Update **ALL** dynamic values in a strings here * * @param string $string The content to check * @param int $debug The switch to debug the update * We can now at any time debug the * dynamic build values if it gets broken * * @return string * @since 3.2.0 */ public function update(string $string, int $debug = 0): string { if (StringHelper::check($string)) { $string = $this->extractor->engine( $this->set( $this->external->set($string, $debug), $debug ) ); } // if debug if ($debug) { jexit(); } return $string; } /** * Set the custom code data & can load it in to string * * @param string $string The content to check * @param int $debug The switch to debug the update * @param int|null $not The not switch * * @return string * @since 3.2.0 */ public function set(string $string, int $debug = 0, ?int $not = null): string { // insure the code is loaded $loaded = false; // check if content has custom code place holder if (strpos($string, '[CUSTO' . 'MCODE=') !== false) { // if debug if ($debug) { echo 'Custom Code String:'; var_dump($string); } // the ids found in this content $bucket = array(); $found = GetHelper::allBetween( $string, '[CUSTO' . 'MCODE=', ']' ); if (ArrayHelper::check($found)) { foreach ($found as $key) { // if debug if ($debug) { echo '$key before update:'; var_dump($key); } // check if we have args if (is_numeric($key)) { $id = (int) $key; } elseif (StringHelper::check($key) && strpos($key, '+') === false) { $getFuncName = trim($key); if (!isset($this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName])) { if (!$found_local = GetHelper::var( 'custom_code', $getFuncName, 'function_name', 'id' )) { continue; } $this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName] = $found_local; } $id = (int) $this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName]; } elseif (StringHelper::check($key) && strpos( $key, '+' ) !== false) { $array = explode('+', $key); // set ID if (is_numeric($array[0])) { $id = (int) $array[0]; } elseif (StringHelper::check($array[0])) { $getFuncName = trim($array[0]); if (!isset($this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName])) { if (!$found_local = GetHelper::var( 'custom_code', $getFuncName, 'function_name', 'id' )) { continue; } $this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName] = $found_local; } $id = (int) $this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName]; } else { continue; } // load args for this ID if (isset($array[1])) { if (!isset($this->data[$id]['args'])) { $this->data[$id]['args'] = array(); } // only load if not already loaded if (!isset($this->data[$id]['args'][$key])) { if (strpos($array[1], ',') !== false) { // update the function values with the custom code key placeholders (this allow the use of [] + and , in the values) $this->data[$id]['args'][$key] = array_map( function ($_key) { return $this->placeholder->update( $_key, $this->keys ); }, (array) explode(',', $array[1]) ); } elseif (StringHelper::check( $array[1] )) { $this->data[$id]['args'][$key] = array(); // update the function values with the custom code key placeholders (this allow the use of [] + and , in the values) $this->data[$id]['args'][$key][] = $this->placeholder->update( $array[1], $this->keys ); } } } } else { continue; } // make sure to remove the not if set if ($not && is_numeric($not) && $not > 0 && $not == $id) { continue; } $bucket[$id] = $id; } } // if debug if ($debug) { echo 'Bucket:'; var_dump($bucket); } // check if any custom code placeholders where found if (ArrayHelper::check($bucket)) { $_tmpLang = $this->config->lang_target; // insure we add the langs to both site and admin $this->config->lang_target = 'both'; // now load the code to memory $loaded = $this->get($bucket, false, $debug); // revert lang to current setting $this->config->lang_target = $_tmpLang; } // if debug if ($debug) { echo 'Loaded:'; var_dump($loaded); } // when the custom code is loaded if ($loaded === true) { $string = $this->insert($bucket, $string, $debug); } // if debug if ($debug) { echo 'Custom Code String After Update:'; var_dump($string); } } return $string; } /** * Load the custom code from the system * * @param array|null $ids The custom code ides if known * @param bool $setLang The set lang switch * @param int $debug The switch to debug the update * * @return bool * @since 3.2.0 */ public function get(?array $ids = null, bool $setLang = true, $debug = 0): bool { // should the result be stored in memory $loadInMemory = false; // Create a new query object. $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $query->from( $this->db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_custom_code', 'a') ); if (ArrayHelper::check($ids)) { if (($idArray = $this->check($ids)) !== false) { $query->select( $this->db->quoteName( array('a.id', 'a.code', 'a.comment_type') ) ); $query->where( $this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' IN (' . implode( ',', $idArray ) . ')' ); $query->where( $this->db->quoteName('a.target') . ' = 2' ); // <--- to load the correct target $loadInMemory = true; } else { // all values are already in memory continue return true; } } else { $query->select( $this->db->quoteName( array('a.id', 'a.code', 'a.comment_type', 'a.component', 'a.from_line', 'a.hashtarget', 'a.hashendtarget', 'a.path', 'a.to_line', 'a.type') ) ); $query->where( $this->db->quoteName('a.component') . ' = ' . (int) $this->config->component_id ); $query->where( $this->db->quoteName('a.target') . ' = 1' ); // <--- to load the correct target $query->order( $this->db->quoteName('a.from_line') . ' ASC' ); // <--- insure we always add code from top of file // reset custom code $this->active = array(); } $query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1'); $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->execute(); if ($this->db->getNumRows()) { $bucket = $this->db->loadAssocList('id'); // open the code foreach ($bucket as $nr => &$customCode) { $customCode['code'] = base64_decode($customCode['code']); // always insure that the external code is loaded $customCode['code'] = $this->external->set( $customCode['code'] ); // set the lang only if needed (we do the other later when we add it to the correct position) if ($setLang) { $customCode['code'] = $this->extractor->engine( $customCode['code'] ); } // check for more custom code (since this is a custom code placeholder) else { $customCode['code'] = $this->set( $customCode['code'], $debug, $nr ); } // build the hash array if (isset($customCode['hashtarget'])) { $customCode['hashtarget'] = explode( "__", $customCode['hashtarget'] ); // is this a replace code, set end has array if ($customCode['type'] == 1 && strpos($customCode['hashendtarget'], '__') !== false) { $customCode['hashendtarget'] = explode( "__", $customCode['hashendtarget'] ); // NOW see if this is an end of page target (TODO not sure if the string is always d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) // I know this fix is not air-tight, but it should work as the value of an empty line when md5'ed is ^^^^ // Then if the line number is only >>>one<<< it is almost always end of the page. // So I am using those two values to detect end of page replace ending, to avoid mismatching the ending target hash. if ($customCode['hashendtarget'][0] == 1 && 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' === $customCode['hashendtarget'][1]) { // unset since this will force the replacement unto end of page. unset($customCode['hashendtarget']); } } } } // load this code into memory if needed if ($loadInMemory === true) { $this->memory = $this->memory + $bucket; } // add to active set $this->active = array_merge($this->active, $bucket); return true; } return false; } /** * Insert the custom code into the string * * @param array|null $ids The custom code ides if known * @param string $string The string to insert custom code into * @param int $debug The switch to debug the update * * @return string on success * @since 3.2.0 */ protected function insert(array $ids, string $string, int $debug = 0): string { $code = array(); // load the code foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->buildPlaceholders( $this->memory[$id], $code, $debug ); } // if debug if ($debug) { echo 'Place holders to Update String:'; var_dump($code); echo 'Custom Code String Before Update:'; var_dump($string); } // now update the string return $this->placeholder->update($string, $code); } /** * Build custom code placeholders * * @param array $item The memory item * @param array $code The custom code bucket * @param int $debug The switch to debug the update * * @return void * @since 3.2.0 */ protected function buildPlaceholders(array $item, array &$code, int $debug = 0) { // check if there is args for this code if (isset($this->data[$item['id']]['args']) && ArrayHelper::check( $this->data[$item['id']]['args'] )) { // since we have args we cant update this code via IDE (TODO) $placeholder = $this->placeholder->keys(3, null); // if debug if ($debug) { echo 'Custom Code Placeholders:'; var_dump($placeholder); } // we have args and so need to load each foreach ( $this->data[$item['id']]['args'] as $key => $args ) { $this->placeholder->setType('arg', $args); // if debug if ($debug) { echo 'Custom Code Global Placeholders:'; var_dump($this->placeholder->active); } $code['[CUSTOM' . 'CODE=' . $key . ']'] = $placeholder['start'] . PHP_EOL . $this->placeholder->update( $item['code'], $this->placeholder->active ) . $placeholder['end']; } // always clear the args $this->placeholder->clearType('arg'); } else { if (($keyPlaceholder = array_search( $item['id'], $this->functionNameMemory )) === false) { $keyPlaceholder = $item['id']; } // check what type of place holders we should load here $placeholderType = (int) $item['comment_type'] . '2'; if (stripos($item['code'], Placefix::b() . 'view') !== false || stripos($item['code'], Placefix::b() . 'sview') !== false || stripos($item['code'], Placefix::b() . 'arg') !== false) { // if view is being set dynamicly then we can't update this code via IDE (TODO) $placeholderType = 3; } // if now ars were found, clear it $this->placeholder->clearType('arg'); // load args for this code $placeholder = $this->placeholder->keys( $placeholderType, $item['id'] ); $code['[CUSTOM' . 'CODE=' . $keyPlaceholder . ']'] = $placeholder['start'] . PHP_EOL . $this->placeholder->update( $item['code'], $this->placeholder->active ) . $placeholder['end']; } } /** * check if we already have these ids in local memory * * @param array $ids The custom code ids * * @return Mixed * @since 3.2.0 */ protected function check(array $ids) { // reset custom code $this->active = []; foreach ($ids as $pointer => $id) { if (isset($this->memory[$id])) { $this->active[] = $this->memory[$id]; unset($ids[$pointer]); } } // check if any ids left to fetch if (ArrayHelper::check($ids)) { return $ids; } return false; } }