<?php /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www.vdm.io |------/ __ __ _ _____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ \ \ / / | | | __ \ | | | | | \/ | | | | | | | \ \ / /_ _ ___| |_ | | | | _____ _____| | ___ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ | \ / | ___| |_| |__ ___ __| | \ \/ / _` / __| __| | | | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| | |\/| |/ _ \ __| '_ \ / _ \ / _` | \ / (_| \__ \ |_ | |__| | __/\ V / __/ | (_) | |_) | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ | | | | __/ |_| | | | (_) | (_| | \/ \__,_|___/\__| |_____/ \___| \_/ \___|_|\___/| .__/|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__| |_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_| | | |_| /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ @version 2.6.x @created 30th April, 2015 @package Component Builder @subpackage view.html.php @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <http://vdm.bz/component-builder> @github Joomla Component Builder <https://github.com/vdm-io/Joomla-Component-Builder> @copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Builds Complex Joomla Components /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // import Joomla view library jimport('joomla.application.component.view'); /** * Componentbuilder View class for the Fields */ class ComponentbuilderViewFields extends JViewLegacy { /** * Fields view display method * @return void */ function display($tpl = null) { if ($this->getLayout() !== 'modal') { // Include helper submenu ComponentbuilderHelper::addSubmenu('fields'); } // Assign data to the view $this->items = $this->get('Items'); $this->pagination = $this->get('Pagination'); $this->state = $this->get('State'); $this->user = JFactory::getUser(); $this->listOrder = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.ordering')); $this->listDirn = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.direction')); $this->saveOrder = $this->listOrder == 'ordering'; // get global action permissions $this->canDo = ComponentbuilderHelper::getActions('field'); $this->canEdit = $this->canDo->get('field.edit'); $this->canState = $this->canDo->get('field.edit.state'); $this->canCreate = $this->canDo->get('field.create'); $this->canDelete = $this->canDo->get('field.delete'); $this->canBatch = $this->canDo->get('core.batch'); // We don't need toolbar in the modal window. if ($this->getLayout() !== 'modal') { $this->addToolbar(); $this->sidebar = JHtmlSidebar::render(); // load the batch html if ($this->canCreate && $this->canEdit && $this->canState) { $this->batchDisplay = JHtmlBatch_::render(); } } // Check for errors. if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) { throw new Exception(implode("\n", $errors), 500); } // Display the template parent::display($tpl); // Set the document $this->setDocument(); } /** * Setting the toolbar */ protected function addToolBar() { JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELDS'), 'lamp'); JHtmlSidebar::setAction('index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=fields'); JFormHelper::addFieldPath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/models/fields'); if ($this->canCreate) { JToolBarHelper::addNew('field.add'); } // Only load if there are items if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->items)) { if ($this->canEdit) { JToolBarHelper::editList('field.edit'); } if ($this->canState) { JToolBarHelper::publishList('fields.publish'); JToolBarHelper::unpublishList('fields.unpublish'); JToolBarHelper::archiveList('fields.archive'); if ($this->canDo->get('core.admin')) { JToolBarHelper::checkin('fields.checkin'); } } // Add a batch button if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit && $this->canState) { // Get the toolbar object instance $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar'); // set the batch button name $title = JText::_('JTOOLBAR_BATCH'); // Instantiate a new JLayoutFile instance and render the batch button $layout = new JLayoutFile('joomla.toolbar.batch'); // add the button to the page $dhtml = $layout->render(array('title' => $title)); $bar->appendButton('Custom', $dhtml, 'batch'); } if ($this->state->get('filter.published') == -2 && ($this->canState && $this->canDelete)) { JToolbarHelper::deleteList('', 'fields.delete', 'JTOOLBAR_EMPTY_TRASH'); } elseif ($this->canState && $this->canDelete) { JToolbarHelper::trash('fields.trash'); } if ($this->canDo->get('core.export') && $this->canDo->get('field.export')) { JToolBarHelper::custom('fields.exportData', 'download', '', 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_EXPORT_DATA', true); } } if ($this->canDo->get('core.import') && $this->canDo->get('field.import')) { JToolBarHelper::custom('fields.importData', 'upload', '', 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_IMPORT_DATA', false); } // set help url for this view if found $help_url = ComponentbuilderHelper::getHelpUrl('fields'); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($help_url)) { JToolbarHelper::help('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_HELP_MANAGER', false, $help_url); } // add the options comp button if ($this->canDo->get('core.admin') || $this->canDo->get('core.options')) { JToolBarHelper::preferences('com_componentbuilder'); } if ($this->canState) { JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( JText::_('JOPTION_SELECT_PUBLISHED'), 'filter_published', JHtml::_('select.options', JHtml::_('jgrid.publishedOptions'), 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.published'), true) ); // only load if batch allowed if ($this->canBatch) { JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_KEEP_ORIGINAL_STATE'), 'batch[published]', JHtml::_('select.options', JHtml::_('jgrid.publishedOptions', array('all' => false)), 'value', 'text', '', true) ); } } JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( JText::_('JOPTION_SELECT_ACCESS'), 'filter_access', JHtml::_('select.options', JHtml::_('access.assetgroups'), 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.access')) ); if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit) { JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_KEEP_ORIGINAL_ACCESS'), 'batch[access]', JHtml::_('select.options', JHtml::_('access.assetgroups'), 'value', 'text') ); } // Category Filter. JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( JText::_('JOPTION_SELECT_CATEGORY'), 'filter_category_id', JHtml::_('select.options', JHtml::_('category.options', 'com_componentbuilder.fields'), 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.category_id')) ); if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit) { // Category Batch selection. JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_KEEP_ORIGINAL_CATEGORY'), 'batch[category]', JHtml::_('select.options', JHtml::_('category.options', 'com_componentbuilder.fields'), 'value', 'text') ); } // Set Fieldtype Name Selection $this->fieldtypeNameOptions = JFormHelper::loadFieldType('Fieldtypes')->getOptions(); if ($this->fieldtypeNameOptions) { // Fieldtype Name Filter JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( '- Select '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_FIELDTYPE_LABEL').' -', 'filter_fieldtype', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->fieldtypeNameOptions, 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.fieldtype')) ); if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit) { // Fieldtype Name Batch Selection JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( '- Keep Original '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_FIELDTYPE_LABEL').' -', 'batch[fieldtype]', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->fieldtypeNameOptions, 'value', 'text') ); } } // Set Datatype Selection $this->datatypeOptions = $this->getTheDatatypeSelections(); if ($this->datatypeOptions) { // Datatype Filter JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( '- Select '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_DATATYPE_LABEL').' -', 'filter_datatype', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->datatypeOptions, 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.datatype')) ); if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit) { // Datatype Batch Selection JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( '- Keep Original '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_DATATYPE_LABEL').' -', 'batch[datatype]', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->datatypeOptions, 'value', 'text') ); } } // Set Indexes Selection $this->indexesOptions = $this->getTheIndexesSelections(); if ($this->indexesOptions) { // Indexes Filter JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( '- Select '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_INDEXES_LABEL').' -', 'filter_indexes', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->indexesOptions, 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.indexes')) ); if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit) { // Indexes Batch Selection JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( '- Keep Original '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_INDEXES_LABEL').' -', 'batch[indexes]', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->indexesOptions, 'value', 'text') ); } } // Set Null Switch Selection $this->null_switchOptions = $this->getTheNull_switchSelections(); if ($this->null_switchOptions) { // Null Switch Filter JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( '- Select '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_NULL_SWITCH_LABEL').' -', 'filter_null_switch', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->null_switchOptions, 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.null_switch')) ); if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit) { // Null Switch Batch Selection JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( '- Keep Original '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_NULL_SWITCH_LABEL').' -', 'batch[null_switch]', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->null_switchOptions, 'value', 'text') ); } } // Set Store Selection $this->storeOptions = $this->getTheStoreSelections(); if ($this->storeOptions) { // Store Filter JHtmlSidebar::addFilter( '- Select '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_STORE_LABEL').' -', 'filter_store', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->storeOptions, 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.store')) ); if ($this->canBatch && $this->canCreate && $this->canEdit) { // Store Batch Selection JHtmlBatch_::addListSelection( '- Keep Original '.JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_STORE_LABEL').' -', 'batch[store]', JHtml::_('select.options', $this->storeOptions, 'value', 'text') ); } } } /** * Method to set up the document properties * * @return void */ protected function setDocument() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle(JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELDS')); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . "administrator/components/com_componentbuilder/assets/css/fields.css"); } /** * Escapes a value for output in a view script. * * @param mixed $var The output to escape. * * @return mixed The escaped value. */ public function escape($var) { if(strlen($var) > 50) { // use the helper htmlEscape method instead and shorten the string return ComponentbuilderHelper::htmlEscape($var, $this->_charset, true); } // use the helper htmlEscape method instead. return ComponentbuilderHelper::htmlEscape($var, $this->_charset); } /** * Returns an array of fields the table can be sorted by * * @return array Array containing the field name to sort by as the key and display text as value */ protected function getSortFields() { return array( 'a.sorting' => JText::_('JGRID_HEADING_ORDERING'), 'a.published' => JText::_('JSTATUS'), 'a.name' => JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_NAME_LABEL'), 'g.name' => JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_FIELDTYPE_LABEL'), 'a.datatype' => JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_DATATYPE_LABEL'), 'a.indexes' => JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_INDEXES_LABEL'), 'a.null_switch' => JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_NULL_SWITCH_LABEL'), 'c.category_title' => JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_FIELD_CATEGORY'), 'a.store' => JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FIELD_STORE_LABEL'), 'a.id' => JText::_('JGRID_HEADING_ID') ); } protected function getTheDatatypeSelections() { // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select the text. $query->select($db->quoteName('datatype')); $query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_field')); $query->order($db->quoteName('datatype') . ' ASC'); // Reset the query using our newly populated query object. $db->setQuery($query); $results = $db->loadColumn(); if ($results) { // get model $model = $this->getModel(); $results = array_unique($results); $_filter = array(); foreach ($results as $datatype) { // Translate the datatype selection $text = $model->selectionTranslation($datatype,'datatype'); // Now add the datatype and its text to the options array $_filter[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $datatype, JText::_($text)); } return $_filter; } return false; } protected function getTheIndexesSelections() { // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select the text. $query->select($db->quoteName('indexes')); $query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_field')); $query->order($db->quoteName('indexes') . ' ASC'); // Reset the query using our newly populated query object. $db->setQuery($query); $results = $db->loadColumn(); if ($results) { // get model $model = $this->getModel(); $results = array_unique($results); $_filter = array(); foreach ($results as $indexes) { // Translate the indexes selection $text = $model->selectionTranslation($indexes,'indexes'); // Now add the indexes and its text to the options array $_filter[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $indexes, JText::_($text)); } return $_filter; } return false; } protected function getTheNull_switchSelections() { // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select the text. $query->select($db->quoteName('null_switch')); $query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_field')); $query->order($db->quoteName('null_switch') . ' ASC'); // Reset the query using our newly populated query object. $db->setQuery($query); $results = $db->loadColumn(); if ($results) { // get model $model = $this->getModel(); $results = array_unique($results); $_filter = array(); foreach ($results as $null_switch) { // Translate the null_switch selection $text = $model->selectionTranslation($null_switch,'null_switch'); // Now add the null_switch and its text to the options array $_filter[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $null_switch, JText::_($text)); } return $_filter; } return false; } protected function getTheStoreSelections() { // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select the text. $query->select($db->quoteName('store')); $query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_field')); $query->order($db->quoteName('store') . ' ASC'); // Reset the query using our newly populated query object. $db->setQuery($query); $results = $db->loadColumn(); if ($results) { // get model $model = $this->getModel(); $results = array_unique($results); $_filter = array(); foreach ($results as $store) { // Translate the store selection $text = $model->selectionTranslation($store,'store'); // Now add the store and its text to the options array $_filter[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $store, JText::_($text)); } return $_filter; } return false; } }