* @git Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\GetHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Factory as Compiler; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Config; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Placefix; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\PlaceholderInterface; /** * Compiler Placeholder * * @since 3.2.0 */ class Placeholder implements PlaceholderInterface { /** * The active placeholders * * @var array * @since 3.2.0 **/ public array $active = []; /** * Compiler Config * * @var Config * @since 3.2.0 **/ protected Config $config; /** * Constructor. * * @param Config|null $config The compiler config object. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(?Config $config = null) { $this->config = $config ?: Compiler::_('Config'); } /** * Set a type of placeholder with set of values * * @param string $key The main string for placeholder key * @param array $values The values to add * * @return void * @since 3.2.0 */ public function setType(string $key, array $values) { // always fist reset the type $this->clearType($key); // only add if there are values if (ArrayHelper::check($values)) { $number = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { $this->active[Placefix::_($key . $number)] = $value; $number++; } } } /** * Remove a type of placeholder by main key * * @param string $key The main string for placeholder key * * @return void * @since 3.2.0 */ public function clearType(string $key) { $key = Placefix::_($key); $this->active = array_filter( $this->active, function(string $k) use($key){ return preg_replace('/\d/', '', $k) !== $key; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); } /** * Update the data with the placeholders * * @param string $data The actual data * @param array $placeholder The placeholders * @param int $action The action to use * * THE ACTION OPTIONS ARE * 1 -> Just replace (default) * 2 -> Check if data string has placeholders * 3 -> Remove placeholders not in data string * * @return string * @since 3.2.0 */ public function update(string $data, array &$placeholder, int $action = 1): string { // make sure the placeholders is an array if (!ArrayHelper::check($placeholder)) { // This is an error, TODO actually we need to add a kind of log here to know that this happened return $data; } // continue with the work of replacement if (1 == $action) // <-- just replace (default) { return str_replace( array_keys($placeholder), array_values($placeholder), $data ); } elseif (2 == $action) // <-- check if data string has placeholders { $replace = false; foreach ($placeholder as $key => $val) { if (strpos($data, $key) !== false) { $replace = true; break; } } // only replace if the data has these placeholder values if ($replace === true) { return str_replace( array_keys($placeholder), array_values($placeholder), $data ); } } elseif (3 == $action) // <-- remove placeholders not in data string { $replace = $placeholder; foreach ($replace as $key => $val) { if (strpos($data, $key) === false) { unset($replace[$key]); } } // only replace if the data has these placeholder values if (ArrayHelper::check($replace)) { return str_replace( array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $data ); } } return $data; } /** * return the placeholders for inserted and replaced code * * @param int $type The type of placement * @param int|null $id The code id in the system * * @return array with start and end keys * @since 3.2.0 */ public function keys(int $type, ?int $id = null): array { switch ($type) { case 11: //***[REPLACED$$$$]***//**1**/ if ($this->config->get('add_placeholders', false) === true) { return [ 'start' => '/***[REPLACED$$$$]***//**' . $id . '**/', 'end' => '/***[/REPLACED$$$$]***/' ]; } break; case 12: //***[INSERTED$$$$]***//**1**/ if ($this->config->get('add_placeholders', false) === true) { return [ 'start' => '/***[INSERTED$$$$]***//**' . $id . '**/', 'end' => '/***[/INSERTED$$$$]***/' ]; } break; case 21: // if ($this->config->get('add_placeholders', false) === true) { return [ 'start' => '', 'end' => '' ]; } break; case 22: // if ($this->config->get('add_placeholders', false) === true) { return [ 'start' => '', 'end' => '' ]; } break; case 33: return ['start' => Placefix::h(), 'end' => Placefix::h()]; break; case 66: return ['start' => Placefix::b(), 'end' => Placefix::d()]; break; } return [ 'start' => "", 'end' => ""]; } }