* @git Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Factory as Compiler; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\JsonHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Config; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\EventInterface; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\HistoryInterface; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Placeholder; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customcode; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field\Customcode as FieldCustomcode; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field\Validation; /** * Compiler Field Data * * @since 3.2.0 */ class Data { /** * Compiler Fields * * @var array * @since 3.2.0 */ protected array $fields; /** * Compiler Config * * @var Config * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Config $config; /** * Compiler Event * * @var EventInterface * @since 3.2.0 */ protected EventInterface $event; /** * Compiler History * * @var HistoryInterface * @since 3.2.0 */ protected HistoryInterface $history; /** * Compiler Placeholder * * @var Placeholder * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Placeholder $placeholder; /** * Compiler Customcode * * @var Customcode * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Customcode $customcode; /** * Compiler Field Customcode * * @var FieldCustomcode * @since 3.2.0 */ protected FieldCustomcode $fieldCustomcode; /** * Compiler Field Validation * * @var Validation * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Validation $validation; /** * Database object to query local DB * * @var \JDatabaseDriver * @since 3.2.0 **/ protected \JDatabaseDriver $db; /** * Constructor * * @param Config|null $config The compiler config object. * @param EventInterface|null $event The compiler event api object. * @param HistoryInterface|null $history The compiler history object. * @param Placeholder|null $placeholder The compiler placeholder object. * @param Customcode|null $customcode The compiler customcode object. * @param FieldCustomcode|null $fieldCustomcode The field customcode object. * @param Validation|null $validation The field validation rule object. * @param \JDatabaseDriver|null $db The database object. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(?Config $config = null, ?EventInterface $event = null, ?HistoryInterface $history = null, ?Placeholder $placeholder = null, ?Customcode $customcode = null, ?FieldCustomcode $fieldCustomcode = null, ?Validation $validation = null, ?\JDatabaseDriver $db = null) { $this->config = $config ?: Compiler::_('Config'); $this->event = $event ?: Compiler::_('Event'); $this->history = $history ?: Compiler::_('History'); $this->placeholder = $placeholder ?: Compiler::_('Placeholder'); $this->customcode = $customcode ?: Compiler::_('Customcode'); $this->fieldCustomcode = $fieldCustomcode ?: Compiler::_('Field.Customcode'); $this->validation = $validation ?: Compiler::_('Field.Validation'); $this->db = $db ?: Factory::getDbo(); } /** * Get all Field Data * * @param int $id The field ID * @param string|null $singleViewName The view edit or single name * @param string|null $listViewName The view list name * * @return object|null The field data * @since 3.2.0 */ public function get(int $id, ?string $singleViewName = null, ?string $listViewName = null): ?object { if ($id > 0 && !isset($this->fields[$id])) { // Create a new query object. $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); // Select all the values in the field $query->select('a.*'); $query->select( $this->db->quoteName( array('c.name', 'c.properties'), array('type_name', 'properties') ) ); $query->from('#__componentbuilder_field AS a'); $query->join( 'LEFT', $this->db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_fieldtype', 'c') . ' ON (' . $this->db->quoteName('a.fieldtype') . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName('c.id') . ')' ); $query->where( $this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($id) ); // TODO we need to update the event signatures $context = $this->config->component_context; // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeQueryFieldData $this->event->trigger( 'jcb_ce_onBeforeQueryFieldData', array(&$context, &$id, &$query, &$this->db) ); // Reset the query using our newly populated query object. $this->db->setQuery($query); $this->db->execute(); if ($this->db->getNumRows()) { // Load the results as a list of stdClass objects (see later for more options on retrieving data). $field = $this->db->loadObject(); // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeModelFieldData $this->event->trigger( 'jcb_ce_onBeforeModelFieldData', array(&$context, &$field) ); // adding a fix for the changed name of type to fieldtype $field->type = $field->fieldtype; // load the values form params $field->xml = $this->customcode->update(json_decode($field->xml)); // check if we have validate (validation rule and set it if found) $this->validation->set($id, $field->xml); // load the type values form type params $field->properties = (isset($field->properties) && JsonHelper::check($field->properties)) ? json_decode($field->properties, true) : null; if (ArrayHelper::check($field->properties)) { $field->properties = array_values($field->properties); } // check if we have WHMCS encryption if (4 == $field->store && !$this->config->whmcs_encryption) { $this->config->whmcs_encryption = true; } // check if we have basic encryption elseif (3 == $field->store && !$this->config->basic_encryption) { $this->config->basic_encryption = true; } // check if we have better encryption elseif (5 == $field->store && $this->config->medium_encryption) { $this->config->medium_encryption = true; } // check if we have better encryption elseif (6 == $field->store && StringHelper::check( $field->on_get_model_field ) && StringHelper::check( $field->on_save_model_field )) { // add only if string lenght found if (StringHelper::check( $field->initiator_on_save_model )) { $field->initiator_save_key = md5( $field->initiator_on_save_model ); $field->initiator_save = explode( PHP_EOL, $this->placeholder->update( $this->customcode->update( base64_decode( $field->initiator_on_save_model ) ), $this->placeholder->active ) ); } if (StringHelper::check( $field->initiator_on_save_model )) { $field->initiator_get_key = md5( $field->initiator_on_get_model ); $field->initiator_get = explode( PHP_EOL, $this->placeholder->update( $this->customcode->update( base64_decode( $field->initiator_on_get_model ) ), $this->placeholder->active ) ); } // set the field modeling $field->model_field['save'] = explode( PHP_EOL, $this->placeholder->update( $this->customcode->update( base64_decode($field->on_save_model_field) ), $this->placeholder->active ) ); $field->model_field['get'] = explode( PHP_EOL, $this->placeholder->update( $this->customcode->update( base64_decode($field->on_get_model_field) ), $this->placeholder->active ) ); // remove the original values unset( $field->on_save_model_field, $field->on_get_model_field, $field->initiator_on_save_model, $field->initiator_on_get_model ); } // get the last used version $field->history = $this->history->get('field', $id); // Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onAfterModelFieldData $this->event->trigger( 'jcb_ce_onAfterModelFieldData', array(&$context, &$field) ); $this->fields[$id] = $field; } else { return null; } } if ($id > 0 && isset($this->fields[$id])) { // update the customcode of the field $this->fieldCustomcode->update($id, $this->fields[$id], $singleViewName, $listViewName); // return the field return $this->fields[$id]; } return null; } }