(function ($, w, undefined) { if (w.footable === undefined || w.foobox === null) throw new Error('Please check and make sure footable.js is included in the page and is loaded prior to this script.'); var defaults = { /* Plugin options here, example: var defaults = { myPlugin: { enabled: true } }; This would allow you to access this option using ft.options.myPlugin.enabled */ }; function MyPlugin() { var p = this; p.name = 'Footable MyPlugin'; p.init = function(ft) { $(ft.table).bind({ /* Bind to relevant events here to modify/add functionality to Footable, example: $(ft.table).bind({ 'footable_initialized': function(e){ if (e.ft.options.myPlugin.enabled === true){ alert('Hello World'); } } }); This would listen for the 'footable_initialized' event and when called check if the plugin is enabled and if it is alert 'Hello World' to the user. */ }); }; } w.footable.plugins.register(MyPlugin, defaults); })(jQuery, window);