
1044 lines
40 KiB

* FooTable v3 - FooTable is a jQuery plugin that aims to make HTML tables on smaller devices look awesome.
* @version 3.1.4
* @link
* @copyright Steven Usher & Brad Vincent 2015
* @license Released under the GPLv3 license.
F.Filter = F.Class.extend(/** @lends FooTable.Filter */{
* The filter object contains the query to filter by and the columns to apply it to.
* @constructs
* @extends FooTable.Class
* @param {string} name - The name for the filter.
* @param {(string|FooTable.Query)} query - The query for the filter.
* @param {Array.<FooTable.Column>} columns - The columns to apply the query to.
* @param {string} [space="AND"] - How the query treats space chars.
* @param {boolean} [connectors=true] - Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with spaces.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCase=true] - Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @param {boolean} [hidden=true] - Whether or not this is a hidden filter.
* @returns {FooTable.Filter}
construct: function(name, query, columns, space, connectors, ignoreCase, hidden){
* The name of the filter.
* @instance
* @type {string}
*/ = name;
* A string specifying how the filter treats space characters. Can be either "OR" or "AND".
* @instance
* @type {string}
*/ = && (space == 'OR' || space == 'AND') ? space : 'AND';
* Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with spaces before executing the query.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.connectors = ? connectors : true;
* Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.ignoreCase = ? ignoreCase : true;
* Whether or not this is a hidden filter.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.hidden = ? hidden : false;
* The query for the filter.
* @instance
* @type {(string|FooTable.Query)}
this.query = query instanceof F.Query ? query : new F.Query(query,, this.connectors, this.ignoreCase);
* The columns to apply the query to.
* @instance
* @type {Array.<FooTable.Column>}
this.columns = columns;
* Checks if the current filter matches the supplied string.
* If the current query property is a string it will be auto converted to a {@link FooTable.Query} object to perform the match.
* @instance
* @param {string} str - The string to check.
* @returns {boolean}
match: function(str){
if (! return false;
if ({
this.query = new F.Query(this.query,, this.connectors, this.ignoreCase);
return this.query instanceof F.Query ? this.query.match(str) : false;
* Checks if the current filter matches the supplied {@link FooTable.Row}.
* @instance
* @param {FooTable.Row} row - The row to check.
* @returns {boolean}
matchRow: function(row){
var self = this, text =, function(cell){
return F.arr.contains(self.columns, cell.column) ? cell.filterValue : null;
}).join(' ');
return self.match(text);
(function ($, F) {
F.Filtering = F.Component.extend(/** @lends FooTable.Filtering */{
* The filtering component adds a search input and column selector dropdown to the table allowing users to filter the using space delimited queries.
* @constructs
* @extends FooTable.Component
* @param {FooTable.Table} table - The parent {@link FooTable.Table} object for the component.
* @returns {FooTable.Filtering}
construct: function (table) {
// call the constructor of the base class
this._super(table, table.o.filtering.enabled);
/* PUBLIC */
* The filters to apply to the current {@link FooTable.Rows#array}.
* @instance
* @type {Array.<FooTable.Filter>}
this.filters = table.o.filtering.filters;
* The delay in milliseconds before the query is auto applied after a change.
* @instance
* @type {number}
this.delay = table.o.filtering.delay;
* The minimum number of characters allowed in the search input before it is auto applied.
* @instance
* @type {number}
this.min = table.o.filtering.min;
* Specifies how whitespace in a filter query is handled.
* @instance
* @type {string}
*/ =;
* Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with spaces before executing the query.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.connectors = table.o.filtering.connectors;
* Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.ignoreCase = table.o.filtering.ignoreCase;
* Whether or not search queries are treated as phrases when matching.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.exactMatch = table.o.filtering.exactMatch;
* The placeholder text to display within the search $input.
* @instance
* @type {string}
this.placeholder = table.o.filtering.placeholder;
* The title to display at the top of the search input column select.
* @type {string}
this.dropdownTitle = table.o.filtering.dropdownTitle;
* The position of the $search input within the filtering rows cell.
* @type {string}
this.position = table.o.filtering.position;
* The jQuery row object that contains all the filtering specific elements.
* @instance
* @type {jQuery}
this.$row = null;
* The jQuery cell object that contains the search input and column selector.
* @instance
* @type {jQuery}
this.$cell = null;
* The jQuery object of the column selector dropdown.
* @instance
* @type {jQuery}
this.$dropdown = null;
* The jQuery object of the search input.
* @instance
* @type {jQuery}
this.$input = null;
* The jQuery object of the search button.
* @instance
* @type {jQuery}
this.$button = null;
* The timeout ID for the filter changed event.
* @instance
* @private
* @type {?number}
this._filterTimeout = null;
* The regular expression used to check for encapsulating quotations.
* @instance
* @private
* @type {RegExp}
this._exactRegExp = /^"(.*?)"$/;
* Checks the supplied data and options for the filtering component.
* @instance
* @protected
* @param {object} data - The jQuery data object from the parent table.
* @fires FooTable.Filtering#"preinit.ft.filtering"
preinit: function(data){
var self = this;
* The preinit.ft.filtering event is raised before the UI is created and provides the tables jQuery data object for additional options parsing.
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the component.
* @event FooTable.Filtering#"preinit.ft.filtering"
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
* @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event.
* @param {object} data - The jQuery data object of the table raising the event.
return self.ft.raise('preinit.ft.filtering').then(function(){
// first check if filtering is enabled via the class being applied
if (self.ft.$el.hasClass('footable-filtering'))
self.enabled = true;
// then check if the data-filtering-enabled attribute has been set
self.enabled =
? data.filtering
: self.enabled;
// if filtering is not enabled exit early as we don't need to do anything else
if (!self.enabled) return; =
? data.filterSpace
self.min =
? data.filterMin
: self.min;
self.connectors =
? data.filterConnectors
: self.connectors;
self.ignoreCase =
? data.filterIgnoreCase
: self.ignoreCase;
self.exactMatch =
? data.filterExactMatch
: self.exactMatch;
self.delay =
? data.filterDelay
: self.delay;
self.placeholder =
? data.filterPlaceholder
: self.placeholder;
self.dropdownTitle =
? data.filterDropdownTitle
: self.dropdownTitle;
self.filters =
? self.ensure(data.filterFilters)
: self.ensure(self.filters);
if (self.ft.$el.hasClass('footable-filtering-left'))
self.position = 'left';
if (self.ft.$el.hasClass('footable-filtering-center'))
self.position = 'center';
if (self.ft.$el.hasClass('footable-filtering-right'))
self.position = 'right';
self.position =
? data.filterPosition
: self.position;
self.enabled = false;
* Initializes the filtering component for the plugin.
* @instance
* @protected
* @fires FooTable.Filtering#"init.ft.filtering"
init: function () {
var self = this;
* The init.ft.filtering event is raised before its UI is generated.
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the component.
* @event FooTable.Filtering#"init.ft.filtering"
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
* @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event.
return self.ft.raise('init.ft.filtering').then(function(){
}, function(){
self.enabled = false;
* Destroys the filtering component removing any UI from the table.
* @instance
* @protected
* @fires FooTable.Filtering#"destroy.ft.filtering"
destroy: function () {
* The destroy.ft.filtering event is raised before its UI is removed.
* Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the component from being destroyed.
* @event FooTable.Filtering#"destroy.ft.filtering"
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
* @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event.
var self = this;
return self.ft.raise('destroy.ft.filtering').then(function(){
.find('thead > tr.footable-filtering').remove();
* Creates the filtering UI from the current options setting the various jQuery properties of this component.
* @instance
* @protected
* @this FooTable.Filtering
$create: function () {
var self = this;
// generate the cell that actually contains all the UI.
var $form_grp = $('<div/>', {'class': 'form-group footable-filtering-search'})
.append($('<label/>', {'class': 'sr-only', text: 'Search'})),
$input_grp = $('<div/>', {'class': 'input-group'}).appendTo($form_grp),
$input_grp_btn = $('<div/>', {'class': 'input-group-btn'}),
$dropdown_toggle = $('<button/>', {type: 'button', 'class': 'btn btn-default dropdown-toggle'})
.on('click', { self: self }, self._onDropdownToggleClicked)
.append($('<span/>', {'class': 'caret'})),
switch (self.position){
case 'left': position = 'footable-filtering-left'; break;
case 'center': position = 'footable-filtering-center'; break;
default: position = 'footable-filtering-right'; break;
// add it to a row and then populate it with the search input and column selector dropdown.
self.$row = $('<tr/>', {'class': 'footable-filtering'}).prependTo(self.ft.$el.children('thead'));
self.$cell = $('<th/>').attr('colspan', self.ft.columns.visibleColspan).appendTo(self.$row);
self.$form = $('<form/>', {'class': 'form-inline'}).append($form_grp).appendTo(self.$cell);
self.$input = $('<input/>', {type: 'text', 'class': 'form-control', placeholder: self.placeholder});
self.$button = $('<button/>', {type: 'button', 'class': 'btn btn-primary'})
.on('click', { self: self }, self._onSearchButtonClicked)
.append($('<span/>', {'class': 'fooicon fooicon-search'}));
self.$dropdown = $('<ul/>', {'class': 'dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right'});
if (!{
self.$dropdown.append($('<li/>', {'class': 'dropdown-header','text': self.dropdownTitle}));
self.$dropdown.append(, function (col) {
return col.filterable ? $('<li/>').append(
$('<a/>', {'class': 'checkbox'}).append(
$('<label/>', {text: col.title}).prepend(
$('<input/>', {type: 'checkbox', checked: true}).data('__FooTableColumn__', col)
) : null;
if (self.delay > 0){
self.$input.on('keypress keyup paste', { self: self }, self._onSearchInputChanged);
self.$dropdown.on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"]', {self: self}, self._onSearchColumnClicked);
$input_grp_btn.append(self.$button, $dropdown_toggle, self.$dropdown);
$input_grp.append(self.$input, $input_grp_btn);
* Performs the filtering of rows before they are appended to the page.
* @instance
* @protected
predraw: function(){
if (
var self = this;
self.ft.rows.array = $.grep(self.ft.rows.array, function(r){
return r.filtered(self.filters);
* As the rows are drawn by the {@link FooTable.Rows#draw} method this simply updates the colspan for the UI.
* @instance
* @protected
draw: function(){
this.$cell.attr('colspan', this.ft.columns.visibleColspan);
var search = this.find('search');
if (search instanceof F.Filter){
var query = search.query.val();
if (this.exactMatch && this._exactRegExp.test(query)){
query = query.replace(this._exactRegExp, '$1');
} else {
this.setButton(!F.arr.any(this.filters, function(f){ return !f.hidden; }));
/* PUBLIC */
* Adds or updates the filter using the supplied name, query and columns.
* @instance
* @param {(string|FooTable.Filter|object)} nameOrFilter - The name for the filter or the actual filter object itself.
* @param {(string|FooTable.Query)} [query] - The query for the filter. This is only optional when the first parameter is a filter object.
* @param {(Array.<number>|Array.<string>|Array.<FooTable.Column>)} [columns] - The columns to apply the filter to.
* If not supplied the filter will be applied to all selected columns in the search input dropdown.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCase=true] - Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @param {boolean} [connectors=true] - Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with spaces.
* @param {string} [space="AND"] - How the query treats space chars.
* @param {boolean} [hidden=true] - Whether or not this is a hidden filter.
addFilter: function(nameOrFilter, query, columns, ignoreCase, connectors, space, hidden){
var f = this.createFilter(nameOrFilter, query, columns, ignoreCase, connectors, space, hidden);
if (f instanceof F.Filter){
* Removes the filter using the supplied name if it exists.
* @instance
* @param {string} name - The name of the filter to remove.
removeFilter: function(name){
F.arr.remove(this.filters, function(f){ return == name; });
* Performs the required steps to handle filtering including the raising of the {@link FooTable.Filtering#"before.ft.filtering"} and {@link FooTable.Filtering#"after.ft.filtering"} events.
* @instance
* @returns {jQuery.Promise}
* @fires FooTable.Filtering#"before.ft.filtering"
* @fires FooTable.Filtering#"after.ft.filtering"
filter: function(){
var self = this;
self.filters = self.ensure(self.filters);
* The before.ft.filtering event is raised before a filter is applied and allows listeners to modify the filter or cancel it completely by calling preventDefault on the jQuery.Event object.
* @event FooTable.Filtering#"before.ft.filtering"
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
* @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event.
* @param {Array.<FooTable.Filter>} filters - The filters that are about to be applied.
return self.ft.raise('before.ft.filtering', [self.filters]).then(function(){
self.filters = self.ensure(self.filters);
return self.ft.draw().then(function(){
* The after.ft.filtering event is raised after a filter has been applied.
* @event FooTable.Filtering#"after.ft.filtering"
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event.
* @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event.
* @param {FooTable.Filter} filter - The filters that were applied.
self.ft.raise('after.ft.filtering', [self.filters]);
* Removes the current search filter.
* @instance
* @returns {jQuery.Promise}
* @fires FooTable.Filtering#"before.ft.filtering"
* @fires FooTable.Filtering#"after.ft.filtering"
clear: function(){
this.filters = F.arr.get(this.filters, function(f){ return f.hidden; });
return this.filter();
* Toggles the button icon between the search and clear icons based on the supplied value.
* @instance
* @param {boolean} search - Whether or not to display the search icon.
setButton: function(search){
if (!search){
} else {
* Finds a filter by name.
* @param {string} name - The name of the filter to find.
* @returns {(FooTable.Filter|null)}
find: function(name){
return F.arr.first(this.filters, function(f){ return == name; });
* Gets an array of {@link FooTable.Column} to apply the search filter to. This also doubles as the default columns for filters which do not specify any columns.
* @instance
* @returns {Array.<FooTable.Column>}
columns: function(){
if ($dropdown)){
// if we have a dropdown containing the column names get the selected columns from there
return this.$dropdown.find('input:checked').map(function(){
return $(this).data('__FooTableColumn__');
} else {
// otherwise find all columns that are set to be filterable.
return this.ft.columns.get(function(c){ return c.filterable; });
* Takes an array of plain objects containing the filter values or actual {@link FooTable.Filter} objects and ensures that an array of only {@link FooTable.Filter} is returned.
* If supplied a plain object that object must contain a name, query and columns properties which are used to create a new {@link FooTable.Filter}.
* @instance
* @param {({name: string, query: (string|FooTable.Query), columns: (Array.<string>|Array.<number>|Array.<FooTable.Column>)}|Array.<FooTable.Filter>)} filters - The array of filters to check.
* @returns {Array.<FooTable.Filter>}
ensure: function(filters){
var self = this, parsed = [], filterable = self.columns();
if (!{
F.arr.each(filters, function(f){
f = self._ensure(f, filterable);
if (f instanceof F.Filter) parsed.push(f);
return parsed;
* Creates a new filter using the supplied object or individual parameters to populate it.
* @instance
* @param {(string|FooTable.Filter|object)} nameOrObject - The name for the filter or the actual filter object itself.
* @param {(string|FooTable.Query)} [query] - The query for the filter. This is only optional when the first parameter is a filter object.
* @param {(Array.<number>|Array.<string>|Array.<FooTable.Column>)} [columns] - The columns to apply the filter to.
* If not supplied the filter will be applied to all selected columns in the search input dropdown.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCase=true] - Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @param {boolean} [connectors=true] - Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with spaces.
* @param {string} [space="AND"] - How the query treats space chars.
* @param {boolean} [hidden=true] - Whether or not this is a hidden filter.
* @returns {*}
createFilter: function(nameOrObject, query, columns, ignoreCase, connectors, space, hidden){
if ({
nameOrObject = {name: nameOrObject, query: query, columns: columns, ignoreCase: ignoreCase, connectors: connectors, space: space, hidden: hidden};
return this._ensure(nameOrObject, this.columns());
_ensure: function(filter, selectedColumns){
if (( || filter instanceof F.Filter) && ! && (! || filter.query instanceof F.Query)){
filter.columns = ? selectedColumns : this.ft.columns.ensure(filter.columns);
filter.ignoreCase = ? filter.ignoreCase : this.ignoreCase;
filter.connectors = ? filter.connectors : this.connectors;
filter.hidden = ? filter.hidden : false; = && ( === 'AND' || === 'OR') ? :;
filter.query = ? new F.Query(filter.query,, filter.connectors, filter.ignoreCase) : filter.query;
return (filter instanceof F.Filter)
? filter
: new F.Filter(, filter.query, filter.columns,, filter.connectors, filter.ignoreCase, filter.hidden);
return null;
* Handles the change event for the {@link FooTable.Filtering#$input}.
* @instance
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The event object for the event.
_onSearchInputChanged: function (e) {
var self =;
var alpha = e.type == 'keypress' && !,
ctrl = e.type == 'keyup' && (e.which == 8 || e.which == 46),
paste = e.type == 'paste'; // backspace & delete
// if alphanumeric characters or specific control characters
if(alpha || ctrl || paste) {
if (e.which == 13) e.preventDefault();
if (self._filterTimeout != null) clearTimeout(self._filterTimeout);
self._filterTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
self._filterTimeout = null;
var query = self.$input.val();
if (query.length >= self.min){
if (self.exactMatch && !self._exactRegExp.test(query)){
query = '"' + query + '"';
self.addFilter('search', query);
} else if ({
}, self.delay);
* Handles the click event for the {@link FooTable.Filtering#$button}.
* @instance
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The event object for the event.
_onSearchButtonClicked: function (e) {
var self =;
if (self._filterTimeout != null) clearTimeout(self._filterTimeout);
var $icon = self.$button.children('.fooicon');
if ($icon.hasClass('fooicon-remove')) self.clear();
else {
var query = self.$input.val();
if (query.length >= self.min){
if (self.exactMatch && !self._exactRegExp.test(query)){
query = '"' + query + '"';
self.addFilter('search', query);
* Handles the click event for the column checkboxes in the {@link FooTable.Filtering#$dropdown}.
* @instance
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The event object for the event.
_onSearchColumnClicked: function (e) {
var self =;
if (self._filterTimeout != null) clearTimeout(self._filterTimeout);
self._filterTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
self._filterTimeout = null;
var $icon = self.$button.children('.fooicon');
if ($icon.hasClass('fooicon-remove')){
self.addFilter('search', self.$input.val());
}, self.delay);
* Handles the click event for the {@link FooTable.Filtering#$dropdown} toggle.
* @instance
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The event object for the event.
_onDropdownToggleClicked: function (e) {
var self =;
if (self.$dropdown.parent().hasClass('open')) $(document).on('click.footable', { self: self }, self._onDocumentClicked);
else $(document).off('click.footable', self._onDocumentClicked);
* Checks all click events when the dropdown is visible and closes the menu if the target is not the dropdown.
* @instance
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e - The event object for the event.
_onDocumentClicked: function(e){
if ($('.dropdown-menu').length == 0){
var self =;
$(document).off('click.footable', self._onDocumentClicked);
F.components.register('filtering', F.Filtering, 500);
})(jQuery, FooTable);
F.Query = F.Class.extend(/** @lends FooTable.Query */{
* The query object is used to parse and test the filtering component's queries
* @constructs
* @extends FooTable.Class
* @param {string} query - The string value of the query.
* @param {string} [space="AND"] - How the query treats whitespace.
* @param {boolean} [connectors=true] - Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with spaces.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCase=true] - Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @returns {FooTable.Query}
construct: function(query, space, connectors, ignoreCase){
* Holds the previous value of the query and is used internally in the {@link FooTable.Query#val} method.
* @type {string}
* @private
this._original = null;
* Holds the value for the query. Access to this variable is provided through the {@link FooTable.Query#val} method.
* @type {string}
* @private
this._value = null;
/* PUBLIC */
* A string specifying how the query treats whitespace. Can be either "OR" or "AND".
* @type {string}
*/ = && (space == 'OR' || space == 'AND') ? space : 'AND';
* Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with spaces before executing the query.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.connectors = ? connectors : true;
* Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
this.ignoreCase = ? ignoreCase : true;
* The left side of the query if one exists. OR takes precedence over AND.
* @type {FooTable.Query}
* @example <caption>The below shows what is meant by the "left" side of a query</caption>
* query = "Dave AND Mary" - "Dave" is the left side of the query.
* query = "Dave AND Mary OR John" - "Dave and Mary" is the left side of the query.
this.left = null;
* The right side of the query if one exists. OR takes precedence over AND.
* @type {FooTable.Query}
* @example <caption>The below shows what is meant by the "right" side of a query</caption>
* query = "Dave AND Mary" - "Mary" is the right side of the query.
* query = "Dave AND Mary OR John" - "John" is the right side of the query.
this.right = null;
* The parsed parts of the query. This contains the information used to actually perform a match against a string.
* @type {Array}
*/ = [];
* The type of operand to apply to the results of the individual parts of the query.
* @type {string}
this.operator = null;
* Gets or sets the value for the query. During set the value is parsed setting all properties as required.
* @param {string} [value] - If supplied the value to set for this query.
* @returns {(string|undefined)}
val: function(value){
// get
if ( return this._value;
// set
if ( this._original = value;
else if (this._original == value) return;
this._value = value;
* Tests the supplied string against the query.
* @param {string} str - The string to test.
* @returns {boolean}
match: function(str){
if ( || this.operator === 'OR')
return this._left(str, false) || this._match(str, false) || this._right(str, false);
if (this.operator === 'AND')
return this._left(str, true) && this._match(str, true) && this._right(str, true);
* Matches this queries parts array against the supplied string.
* @param {string} str - The string to test.
* @param {boolean} def - The default value to return based on the operand.
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
_match: function(str, def){
var self = this, result = false, empty =;
if ( && self.left instanceof F.Query) return def;
if ( return result;
if ( === 'OR'){
// with OR we give the str every part to test and if any match it is a success, we do exit early if a negated match occurs
F.arr.each(, function(p){
if (p.empty && empty){
result = true;
if (p.negate){
result = false;
return result;
} else {
var match = (p.exact ? F.str.containsExact : F.str.contains)(str, p.query, self.ignoreCase);
if (match && !p.negate) result = true;
if (match && p.negate) {
result = false;
return result;
} else {
// otherwise with AND we check until the first failure and then exit
result = true;
F.arr.each(, function(p){
if (p.empty){
if ((!empty && !p.negate) || (empty && p.negate)) result = false;
return result;
} else {
var match = (p.exact ? F.str.containsExact : F.str.contains)(str, p.query, self.ignoreCase);
if ((!match && !p.negate) || (match && p.negate)) result = false;
return result;
return result;
* Matches the left side of the query if one exists with the supplied string.
* @param {string} str - The string to test.
* @param {boolean} def - The default value to return based on the operand.
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
_left: function(str, def){
return (this.left instanceof F.Query) ? this.left.match(str) : def;
* Matches the right side of the query if one exists with the supplied string.
* @param {string} str - The string to test.
* @param {boolean} def - The default value to return based on the operand.
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
_right: function(str, def){
return (this.right instanceof F.Query) ? this.right.match(str) : def;
* Parses the private {@link FooTable.Query#_value} property and populates the object.
* @private
_parse: function(){
if ( return;
// OR takes precedence so test for it first
if (/\sOR\s/.test(this._value)){
// we have an OR so split the value on the first occurrence of OR to get the left and right sides of the statement
this.operator = 'OR';
var or = this._value.split(/(?:\sOR\s)(.*)?/);
this.left = new F.Query(or[0],, this.connectors, this.ignoreCase);
this.right = new F.Query(or[1],, this.connectors, this.ignoreCase);
} else if (/\sAND\s/.test(this._value)) {
// there are no more OR's so start with AND
this.operator = 'AND';
var and = this._value.split(/(?:\sAND\s)(.*)?/);
this.left = new F.Query(and[0],, this.connectors, this.ignoreCase);
this.right = new F.Query(and[1],, this.connectors, this.ignoreCase);
} else {
// we have no more statements to parse so set the parts array by parsing each part of the remaining query
var self = this; =[^\s"]+|"[^"]*")+/g), function(str){
return self._part(str);
* Parses a single part of a query into an object to use during matching.
* @param {string} str - The string representation of the part.
* @returns {{query: string, negate: boolean, phrase: boolean, exact: boolean}}
* @private
_part: function(str){
var p = {
query: str,
negate: false,
phrase: false,
exact: false,
empty: false
// support for NEGATE operand - (minus sign). Remove this first so we can get onto phrase checking
if (F.str.startsWith(p.query, '-')){
p.query = F.str.from(p.query, '-');
p.negate = true;
// support for PHRASES (exact matches)
if (/^"(.*?)"$/.test(p.query)){ // if surrounded in quotes strip them and nothing else
p.query = p.query.replace(/^"(.*?)"$/, '$1');
p.phrase = true;
p.exact = true;
} else if (this.connectors && /(?:\w)+?([-_\+\.])(?:\w)+?/.test(p.query)) { // otherwise replace supported phrase connectors (-_+.) with spaces
p.query = p.query.replace(/(?:\w)+?([-_\+\.])(?:\w)+?/g, function(match, p1){
return match.replace(p1, ' ');
p.phrase = true;
p.empty = p.phrase &&;
return p;
* The value used by the filtering component during filter operations. Must be a string and can be set using the data-filter-value attribute on the cell itself.
* If this is not supplied it is set to the result of the toString method called on the value for the cell. Added by the {@link FooTable.Filtering} component.
* @type {string}
* @default null
F.Cell.prototype.filterValue = null;
// this is used to define the filtering specific properties on cell creation
F.Cell.prototype.__filtering_define__ = function(valueOrElement){
this.filterValue =, valueOrElement);
// this is used to update the filterValue property whenever the cell value is changed
F.Cell.prototype.__filtering_val__ = function(value){
if ({
// set only
this.filterValue =, value);
// overrides the public define method and replaces it with our own
F.Cell.extend('define', function(valueOrElement){
// overrides the public val method and replaces it with our own
F.Cell.extend('val', function(value){
var val = this._super(value);
return val;
(function($, F){
* Whether or not the column can be used during filtering. Added by the {@link FooTable.Filtering} component.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
F.Column.prototype.filterable = true;
* This is supplied either the cell value or jQuery object to parse. A string value must be returned from this method and will be used during filtering operations.
* @param {(*|jQuery)} valueOrElement - The value or jQuery cell object.
* @returns {string}
* @this FooTable.Column
F.Column.prototype.filterValue = function(valueOrElement){
// if we have an element or a jQuery object use jQuery to get the value
if ( ||{
var data = $(valueOrElement).data('filterValue');
return ? ''+data : $(valueOrElement).text();
// if options are supplied with the value
if ( &&{
if ( return valueOrElement.options.filterValue;
if ( valueOrElement = valueOrElement.value;
if ( && valueOrElement != null) return valueOrElement+''; // use the native toString of the value
return ''; // otherwise we have no value so return an empty string
// this is used to define the filtering specific properties on column creation
F.Column.prototype.__filtering_define__ = function(definition){
this.filterable = ? definition.filterable : this.filterable;
this.filterValue = F.checkFnValue(this, definition.filterValue, this.filterValue);
// overrides the public define method and replaces it with our own
F.Column.extend('define', function(definition){
this._super(definition); // call the base so we don't have to redefine any previously set properties
this.__filtering_define__(definition); // then call our own
})(jQuery, FooTable);
* An object containing the filtering options for the plugin. Added by the {@link FooTable.Filtering} component.
* @type {object}
* @prop {boolean} enabled=false - Whether or not to allow filtering on the table.
* @prop {({name: string, query: (string|FooTable.Query), columns: (Array.<string>|Array.<number>|Array.<FooTable.Column>)}|Array.<FooTable.Filter>)} filters - The filters to apply to the current {@link FooTable.Rows#array}.
* @prop {number} delay=1200 - The delay in milliseconds before the query is auto applied after a change (any value equal to or less than zero will disable this).
* @prop {number} min=1 - The minimum number of characters allowed in the search input before it is auto applied.
* @prop {string} space="AND" - Specifies how whitespace in a filter query is handled.
* @prop {string} placeholder="Search" - The string used as the placeholder for the search input.
* @prop {string} dropdownTitle=null - The title to display at the top of the search input column select.
* @prop {string} position="right" - The string used to specify the alignment of the search input.
* @prop {string} connectors=true - Whether or not to replace phrase connectors (+.-_) with space before executing the query.
* @prop {boolean} ignoreCase=true - Whether or not ignore case when matching.
* @prop {boolean} exactMatch=false - Whether or not search queries are treated as phrases when matching.
F.Defaults.prototype.filtering = {
enabled: false,
filters: [],
delay: 1200,
min: 1,
space: 'AND',
placeholder: 'Search',
dropdownTitle: null,
position: 'right',
connectors: true,
ignoreCase: true,
exactMatch: false
* Checks if the row is filtered using the supplied filters.
* @this FooTable.Row
* @param {Array.<FooTable.Filter>} filters - The filters to apply.
* @returns {boolean}
F.Row.prototype.filtered = function(filters){
var result = true, self = this;
F.arr.each(filters, function(f){
if ((result = f.matchRow(self)) == false) return false;
return result;