Robot c8b65b3b0b
Release of v5.0.2-alpha3
Fix database mySql update in J4+. Remove phpspreadsheet completely from Joomla 4+. Add option to use powers in preflight event in the installer class.
2024-07-27 22:55:29 +02:00

1201 lines
32 KiB

* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 4th September 2022
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this JCB template file (EVER)
defined('_JCB_TEMPLATE') or die;
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File;
use Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerAdapter;
use Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerScriptInterface;
use Joomla\CMS\Log\Log;
use Joomla\CMS\Version;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html;
use Joomla\Filesystem\Folder;
use Joomla\Database\DatabaseInterface;
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* Script File of ###Component### Component
* @since 3.6
class Com_###Component###InstallerScript implements InstallerScriptInterface
* The CMS Application.
* @since 4.4.2
protected $app;
* The database class.
* @since 4.4.2
protected $db;
* The version number of the extension.
* @var string
* @since 3.6
protected $release;
* The table the parameters are stored in.
* @var string
* @since 3.6
protected $paramTable;
* The extension name. This should be set in the installer script.
* @var string
* @since 3.6
protected $extension;
* A list of files to be deleted
* @var array
* @since 3.6
protected $deleteFiles = [];
* A list of folders to be deleted
* @var array
* @since 3.6
protected $deleteFolders = [];
* A list of CLI script files to be copied to the cli directory
* @var array
* @since 3.6
protected $cliScriptFiles = [];
* Minimum PHP version required to install the extension
* @var string
* @since 3.6
protected $minimumPhp;
* Minimum Joomla! version required to install the extension
* @var string
* @since 3.6
protected $minimumJoomla;
* Extension script constructor.
* @since 3.0.0
public function __construct()
$this->minimumJoomla = '4.3';
$this->minimumPhp = JOOMLA_MINIMUM_PHP;
$this->app ??= Factory::getApplication();
$this->db = Factory::getContainer()->get(DatabaseInterface::class);
// check if the files exist
if (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_###component###/###component###.php'))
// remove Joomla 3 files
$this->deleteFiles = [
// check if the Folders exist
if (is_dir(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_###component###/modules'))
// remove Joomla 3 folder
$this->deleteFolders = [
* Function called after the extension is installed.
* @param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @return boolean True on success
* @since 4.2.0
public function install(InstallerAdapter $adapter): bool {return true;}
* Function called after the extension is updated.
* @param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @return boolean True on success
* @since 4.2.0
public function update(InstallerAdapter $adapter): bool {return true;}
* Function called after the extension is uninstalled.
* @param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @return boolean True on success
* @since 4.2.0
public function uninstall(InstallerAdapter $adapter): bool
// little notice as after service, in case of bad experience with component.
echo '<div style="background-color: #fff;" class="alert alert-info">
<h2>Did something go wrong? Are you disappointed?</h2>
<p>Please let me know at <a href="mailto:###AUTHOREMAIL###">###AUTHOREMAIL###</a>.
<br />We at ###COMPANYNAME### are committed to building extensions that performs proficiently! You can help us, really!
<br />Send me your thoughts on improvements that is needed, trust me, I will be very grateful!
<br />Visit us at <a href="###AUTHORWEBSITE###" target="_blank">###AUTHORWEBSITE###</a> today!</p></div>';
return true;
* Function called before extension installation/update/removal procedure commences.
* @param string $type The type of change (install or discover_install, update, uninstall)
* @param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @return boolean True on success
* @since 4.2.0
public function preflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $adapter): bool
// Check for the minimum PHP version before continuing
if (!empty($this->minimumPhp) && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $this->minimumPhp, '<'))
Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_MINIMUM_PHP', $this->minimumPhp), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
return false;
// Check for the minimum Joomla version before continuing
if (!empty($this->minimumJoomla) && version_compare(JVERSION, $this->minimumJoomla, '<'))
Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_MINIMUM_JOOMLA', $this->minimumJoomla), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
return false;
// Extension manifest file version
$this->extension = $adapter->getName();
$this->release = $adapter->getManifest()->version;
// do any updates needed
if ($type === 'update')
// do any install needed
if ($type === 'install')
return true;
* Function called after extension installation/update/removal procedure commences.
* @param string $type The type of change (install or discover_install, update, uninstall)
* @param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @return boolean True on success
* @since 4.2.0
public function postflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $adapter): bool
// set the default component settings
if ($type === 'install')
// do any updates needed
if ($type === 'update')
// move CLI files
// remove old files and folders
return true;
* Remove folders with files (with ignore options)
* @param string $dir The path to the folder to remove.
* @param array|null $ignore The folders and files to ignore and not remove.
* @return bool True if all specified files/folders are removed, false otherwise.
* @since 3.2.2
protected function removeFolder(string $dir, ?array $ignore = null): bool
if (!is_dir($dir))
return false;
$it = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
$it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
// Remove trailing slash
$dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
foreach ($it as $file)
$filePath = $file->getPathname();
$relativePath = str_replace($dir . '/', '', $filePath);
if ($ignore !== null && in_array($relativePath, $ignore, true))
if ($file->isDir())
// Delete the root folder if there are no ignored files/folders left
if ($ignore === null || $this->isDirEmpty($dir, $ignore))
return Folder::delete($dir);
return true;
* Check if a directory is empty considering ignored files/folders.
* @param string $dir The path to the folder to check.
* @param array $ignore The folders and files to ignore.
* @return bool True if the directory is empty or contains only ignored items, false otherwise.
* @since 3.2.1
protected function isDirEmpty(string $dir, array $ignore): bool
$it = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
foreach ($it as $file)
$relativePath = str_replace($dir . '/', '', $file->getPathname());
if (!in_array($relativePath, $ignore, true))
return false;
return true;
* Remove the files and folders in the given array from
* @return void
* @since 3.6
protected function removeFiles()
if (!empty($this->deleteFiles))
foreach ($this->deleteFiles as $file)
if (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . $file) && !File::delete(JPATH_ROOT . $file))
echo Text::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_FOLDER', $file) . '<br>';
if (!empty($this->deleteFolders))
foreach ($this->deleteFolders as $folder)
if (is_dir(JPATH_ROOT . $folder) && !Folder::delete(JPATH_ROOT . $folder))
echo Text::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_FOLDER', $folder) . '<br>';
* Moves the CLI scripts into the CLI folder in the CMS
* @return void
* @since 3.6
protected function moveCliFiles()
if (!empty($this->cliScriptFiles))
foreach ($this->cliScriptFiles as $file)
$name = basename($file);
if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . $file) && !File::move(JPATH_ROOT . $file, JPATH_ROOT . '/cli/' . $name))
echo Text::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_FILE_ERROR_MOVE', $name);
* Set content type integration
* @param string $typeTitle
* @param string $typeAlias
* @param string $table
* @param string $rules
* @param string $fieldMappings
* @param string $router
* @param string $contentHistoryOptions
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function setContentType(
string $typeTitle,
string $typeAlias,
string $table,
string $rules,
string $fieldMappings,
string $router,
string $contentHistoryOptions): void
// Create the content type object.
$content = new stdClass();
$content->type_title = $typeTitle;
$content->type_alias = $typeAlias;
$content->table = $table;
$content->rules = $rules;
$content->field_mappings = $fieldMappings;
$content->router = $router;
$content->content_history_options = $contentHistoryOptions;
// Check if content type is already in content_type DB.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('type_alias') . ' LIKE '. $this->db->quote($content->type_alias));
// Check if the type alias is already in the content types table.
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
$content->type_id = $this->db->loadResult();
if ($this->db->updateObject('#__content_types', $content, 'type_id'))
// If its successfully update.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) was found in the <b>#__content_types</b> table, and updated.', $content->type_alias)
elseif ($this->db->insertObject('#__content_types', $content))
// If its successfully added.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) was added to the <b>#__content_types</b> table.', $content->type_alias)
* Set action log config integration
* @param string $typeTitle
* @param string $typeAlias
* @param string $idHolder
* @param string $titleHolder
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $textPrefix
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function setActionLogConfig(
string $typeTitle,
string $typeAlias,
string $idHolder,
string $titleHolder,
string $tableName,
string $textPrefix): void
// Create the content action log config object.
$content = new stdClass();
$content->type_title = $typeTitle;
$content->type_alias = $typeAlias;
$content->id_holder = $idHolder;
$content->title_holder = $titleHolder;
$content->table_name = $tableName;
$content->text_prefix = $textPrefix;
// Check if the action log config is already in action_log_config DB.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('type_alias') . ' LIKE '. $this->db->quote($content->type_alias));
// Check if the type alias is already in the action log config table.
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
$content->id = $this->db->loadResult();
if ($this->db->updateObject('#__action_log_config', $content, 'id'))
// If its successfully update.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) was found in the <b>#__action_log_config</b> table, and updated.', $content->type_alias)
elseif ($this->db->insertObject('#__action_log_config', $content))
// If its successfully added.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) was added to the <b>#__action_log_config</b> table.', $content->type_alias)
* Set action logs extensions integration
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function setActionLogsExtensions(): void
// Create the extension action logs object.
$data = new stdClass();
$data->extension = 'com_###component###';
// Check if ###component### action log extension is already in action logs extensions DB.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('extension') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($data->extension));
// Set the object into the action logs extensions table if not found.
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
// If its already set don't set it again.
Text::_('The (com_###component###) is already in the <b>#__action_logs_extensions</b> table.')
elseif ($this->db->insertObject('#__action_logs_extensions', $data))
// give a success message
Text::_('The (com_###component###) was successfully added to the <b>#__action_logs_extensions</b> table.')
* Set global extension assets permission of this component
* (on install only)
* @param string $rules The component rules
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function setAssetsRules(string $rules): void
// Condition.
$conditions = [
$this->db->quoteName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote('com_###component###')
// Field to update.
$fields = [
$this->db->quoteName('rules') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($rules),
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// give a success message
Text::_('The (com_###component###) rules was successfully added to the <b>#__assets</b> table.')
* Set global extension params of this component
* (on install only)
* @param string $params The component rules
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function setExtensionsParams(string $params): void
// Condition.
$conditions = [
$this->db->quoteName('element') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote('com_###component###')
// Field to update.
$fields = [
$this->db->quoteName('params') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($params),
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// give a success message
Text::_('The (com_###component###) params was successfully added to the <b>#__extensions</b> table.')
* Set database fix (if needed)
* @param int $accessWorseCase This is the max rules column size com_###component### would needs.
* @param string $dataType This datatype we will change the rules column to if it to small.
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function setDatabaseAssetsRulesFix(int $accessWorseCase, string $dataType): void
// Get the biggest rule column in the assets table at this point.
$length = "SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(`rules`) as rule_size FROM #__assets ORDER BY rule_size DESC LIMIT 1";
if ($this->db->execute())
$rule_length = $this->db->loadResult();
// Check the size of the rules column
if ($rule_length <= $accessWorseCase)
// Fix the assets table rules column size
$fix = "ALTER TABLE `#__assets` CHANGE `rules` `rules` {$dataType} NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON encoded access control. Enlarged to {$dataType} by ###Component###';";
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
Text::sprintf('The <b>#__assets</b> table rules column was resized to the %s datatype for the components possible large permission rules.', $dataType)
* Remove remnant data related to this view
* @param string $context The view context
* @param bool $fields The switch to also remove related field data
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeViewData(string $context, bool $fields = false): void
$this->removeUcmContent($context); // this might be obsolete...
if ($fields)
* Remove content types related to this view
* @param string $context The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeContentTypes(string $context): void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Select id from content type table
// Where Item alias is found
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('type_alias') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context));
// Execute query to see if alias is found
$found = $this->db->getNumRows();
// Now check if there were any rows
if ($found)
// Since there are load the needed item type ids
$ids = $this->db->loadColumn();
// Remove Item from the content type table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('type_alias') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully remove Item add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__content_type</b> table.', $context)
// Make sure that all the items are cleared from DB
* Remove fields related to this view
* @param string $context The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeFields(string $context): void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Select ids from fields
// Where context is found
$this->db->quoteName('context') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context)
// Execute query to see if context is found
$found = $this->db->getNumRows();
// Now check if there were any rows
if ($found)
// Since there are load the needed release_check field ids
$ids = $this->db->loadColumn();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Remove context from the field table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('context') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context)
// Execute the query to remove release_check items
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully remove context add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The fields with context (%s) was removed from the <b>#__fields</b> table.', $context)
// Make sure that all the field values are cleared from DB
$this->removeFieldsValues($context, $ids);
* Remove fields values related to fields
* @param string $context The view context
* @param array $ids The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeFieldsValues(string $context, array $ids): void
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('field_id') . ' IN ('. implode(',', $ids) .')'
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove field values
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully remove release_check add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The fields values for (%s) was removed from the <b>#__fields_values</b> table.', $context)
* Remove fields groups related to fields
* @param string $context The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeFieldsGroups(string $context): void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Select ids from fields
// Where context is found
$this->db->quoteName('context') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context)
// Execute query to see if context is found
$found = $this->db->getNumRows();
// Now check if there were any rows
if ($found)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Remove context from the field table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('context') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context)
// Execute the query to remove release_check items
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully remove context add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The fields with context (%s) was removed from the <b>#__fields_groups</b> table.', $context)
* Remove history related to this view
* @param string $context The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeViewHistory(string $context): void
// Remove Item items from the ucm content table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('item_id') . ' LIKE ' . $this->db->quote($context . '.%')
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully removed Items add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) items were removed from the <b>#__history</b> table.', $context)
* Remove ucm base values related to these IDs
* @param array $ids The type ids
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeUcmBase(array $ids): void
// Make sure that all the items are cleared from DB
foreach ($ids as $type_id)
// Remove Item items from the ucm base table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('ucm_type_id') . ' = ' . $type_id
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove Item items
Text::_('All related items was removed from the <b>#__ucm_base</b> table.')
* Remove ucm content values related to this view
* @param string $context The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeUcmContent(string $context): void
// Remove Item items from the ucm content table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('core_type_alias') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($context)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully removed Item add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__ucm_content</b> table.', $context)
* Remove content item tag map related to this view
* @param string $context The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeContentItemTagMap(string $context): void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Remove Item items from the contentitem tag map table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('type_alias') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully remove Item add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__contentitem_tag_map</b> table.', $context)
* Remove action log config related to this view
* @param string $context The view context
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeActionLogConfig(string $context): void
// Remove ###component### view from the action_log_config table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('type_alias') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($context)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove com_###component###.view
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully removed ###component### view add queued success message.
Text::sprintf('The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__action_log_config</b> table.', $context)
* Remove Asset Table Integrated
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeAssetData(): void
// Remove ###component### assets from the assets table
$condition = [
$this->db->quoteName('name') . ' LIKE ' . $this->db->quote('com_###component###.%')
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully removed ###component### add queued success message.
Text::_('All related (com_###component###) items was removed from the <b>#__assets</b> table.')
* Remove action logs extensions integrated
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeActionLogsExtensions(): void
// Remove ###component### from the action_logs_extensions table
$extension = [
$this->db->quoteName('extension') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote('com_###component###')
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Execute the query to remove ###component###
$done = $this->db->execute();
if ($done)
// If successfully remove ###component### add queued success message.
Text::_('The (com_###component###) extension was removed from the <b>#__action_logs_extensions</b> table.')
* Remove remove database fix (if possible)
* @return void
* @since 4.4.2
protected function removeDatabaseAssetsRulesFix(): void
// Get the biggest rule column in the assets table at this point.
$length = "SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(`rules`) as rule_size FROM #__assets ORDER BY rule_size DESC LIMIT 1";
if ($this->db->execute())
$rule_length = $this->db->loadResult();
// Check the size of the rules column
if ($rule_length < 5120)
// Revert the assets table rules column back to the default
$revert_rule = "ALTER TABLE `#__assets` CHANGE `rules` `rules` varchar(5120) NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON encoded access control.';";
Text::_('Reverted the <b>#__assets</b> table rules column back to its default size of varchar(5120).')
Text::_('Could not revert the <b>#__assets</b> table rules column back to its default size of varchar(5120), since there is still one or more components that still requires the column to be larger.')
* Ensures that a class in the namespace is available.
* If the class is not already loaded, it attempts to load it via the specified autoloader.
* @param string $className The fully qualified name of the class to check.
* @return bool True if the class exists or was successfully loaded, false otherwise.
* @since 4.0.1
protected function classExists(string $className): bool
if (class_exists($className, true))
return true;
// Autoloaders to check
foreach ($autoloaders as $autoloader)
if (file_exists($autoloader))
require_once $autoloader;
if (class_exists($className, true))
return true;
return false;