72 lines
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72 lines
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* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://dev.vdm.io>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html;
use Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper;
// Extract all keys from $displayData as individual variables.
extract($displayData ?? []);
// The 'id' parameter, defaulting to mastodon-feed.
$id ??= 'mastodon-feed';
// The button 'id' parameter, defaulting to refresh-feed.
$button_id ??= 'refresh-feed';
// The mastodon instance URL
$instance ??= 'https://joomla.social';
// The user account ID
$account ??= '112766899254600077';
// The number of post to load
$posts ??= 5;
// The 'invite_url' parameter, defaulting to https://joomla.social/invite/gzAvC48K.
$invite_url ??= 'https://joomla.social/invite/gzAvC48K';
// The 'invite_heading' parameter.
// The 'invite_title' parameter.
<div class="well well-small mastadon-display-block">
href="<?php echo $invite_url; ?>"
title="<?php echo $invite_title; ?>">
<?php echo $invite_heading; ?>
id="<?php echo $button_id; ?>"
title="<?php echo Text::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_REFRESH_FEED'); ?>">
<i class="icon-loop"></i>
<div id="<?php echo $id; ?>"
data-instance="<?php echo $instance; ?>"
data-account-id="<?php echo $account; ?>"
data-post-count="<?php echo $posts; ?>">
new MastodonFeed("<?php echo $id; ?>", "<?php echo $button_id; ?>");