
268 lines
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* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @gitea Joomla Component Builder <>
* @github Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
namespace VDM\Gitea\Package;
use Joomla\CMS\Http\Http;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
use VDM\Gitea\AbstractPackage;
class Repo extends AbstractPackage
* List your repositories.
* List repositories for the authenticated user.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function getListOwn()
// Build the request path.
$uri = $this->fetchUrl('/user/repos');
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse($this->client->get($uri));
* List user repositories.
* List public repositories for the specified user.
* @param string $user The user name.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function getListUser($user)
// Build the request path.
$uri = $this->fetchUrl('/users/' . $user . '/repos');
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse($this->client->get($uri));
* List organization repositories.
* List repositories for the specified org.
* @param string $org The name of the organization.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function getListOrg($org)
// Build the request path.
$uri = $this->fetchUrl('/orgs/' . $org . '/repos');
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse($this->client->get($uri));
* Create.
* Create a new repository for the authenticated user or an organization. OAuth users must supply repo scope.
* @param string $name The repository name.
* @param string $org The organization name (if needed).
* @param string $description The repository description.
* @param string $readme Readme of the repository to create.
* @param boolean $private Set true to create a private repository, false to create a public one.
* @param string $defaultBranch DefaultBranch of the repository (used when initializes and in template).
* @param string $license License to use.
* @param boolean $autoInit Whether the repository should auto init.
* @param boolean $template Whether the repository is template.
* @param string $gitignores Gitignores to use.
* options: [ Joomla, JetBrains ] and much more...
* @param string $issueLabels Label-Set to use.
* @param string $trustModel TrustModel of the repository.
* options: [ default, collaborator, committer, collaboratorcommitter ]
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function create($name, $org = '', $description = '', $readme = 'Default', $private = false, $defaultBranch = 'master',
$license = 'GPL-2.0-or-later', $autoInit = true, $template = false, $trustModel = 'default', $gitignores = '', $issueLabels = ''
$path = ($org)
// Create a repository for an organization
? '/orgs/' . $org . '/repos'
// Create a repository for a user
: '/user/repos';
$data = [
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'readme' => $readme,
'private' => $private,
'auto_init' => $autoInit,
'default_branch' => $defaultBranch,
'issue_labels' => $issueLabels,
'license' => $license,
'template' => $template,
'gitignores' => $gitignores,
'trust_model' => $trustModel
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse(
$this->client->post($this->fetchUrl($path), json_encode($data)),
* Get.
* @param string $owner Repository owner.
* @param string $repo Repository name.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function get($owner, $repo)
// Build the request path.
$path = '/repos/' . $owner . '/' . $repo;
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse(
* List contributors.
* @param string $owner Repository owner.
* @param string $repo Repository name.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function getListContributors($owner, $repo)
// Build the request path.
$uri = $this->fetchUrl('/repos/' . $owner . '/' . $repo . '/contributors');
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse($this->client->get($uri));
* List languages.
* List languages for the specified repository. The value on the right of a language is the number of bytes of code
* written in that language.
* @param string $owner Repository owner.
* @param string $repo Repository name.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function getListLanguages($owner, $repo)
// Build the request path.
$path = '/repos/' . $owner . '/' . $repo . '/languages';
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse(
* List Teams
* @param string $owner Repository owner.
* @param string $repo Repository name.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function getListTeams($owner, $repo)
// Build the request path.
$path = '/repos/' . $owner . '/' . $repo . '/teams';
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse(
* List Tags.
* @param string $owner Repository owner.
* @param string $repo Repository name.
* @param integer $page Page to request
* @param integer $limit Number of results to return per page
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function getListTags($owner, $repo, $page = 0, $limit = 0)
// Build the request path.
$path = '/repos/' . $owner . '/' . $repo . '/tags';
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse(
$this->client->get($this->fetchUrl($path, $page, $limit))
* Delete a Repository.
* Deleting a repository requires admin access. If OAuth is used, the delete_repo scope is required.
* @param string $owner Repository owner.
* @param string $repo Repository name.
* @return object
* @since 1.0
public function delete($owner, $repo)
// Build the request path.
$path = '/repos/' . $owner . '/' . $repo;
// Send the request.
return $this->processResponse(