
313 lines
12 KiB

* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
/* JS Document */
* JS Function to execute the search
const doSearch = async (signal, tables) => {
try {
let searchValue = document.querySelector('input[name="search_value"]').value;
let replaceValue = document.querySelector('input[name="replace_value"]').value;
// Display 'loading' message in search results message div
document.getElementById('search-mssg-box').innerHTML =
'<progress id="search-loading-progressbar" class="uk-progress" value="10" max="100" style="width: 200px; display: inline-block; margin: 0 !important;"></progress>' +
' <div id="search-loading-spinner" style="margin: -4px 12px 0;" uk-spinner="ratio: 0.8"></div>' +
' <span id="search-loading-percent">0%</span> ' +
'Loading for search text: <b style="font-size: 2em;">' + searchValue + '</b>'
// Clear results table
let search_loading_percent = document.getElementById('search-loading-percent');
let tbl_obj_body = document.getElementById('search-results-tbl-tbody');
tbl_obj_body.innerHTML = '';
let abort_this_search_value = false;
let total = 0;
let index;
for (index = 0; index < searchTables.length; index++) {
const formData = new FormData();
let tableName = searchTables[index];
formData.append('table_name', '');
formData.append('search_value', searchValue);
formData.append('replace_value', replaceValue);
formData.append('match_case', document.querySelector('input[name="match_case"]').checked ? 1 : 0);
formData.append('whole_word', document.querySelector('input[name="whole_word"]').checked ? 1 : 0);
formData.append('regex_search', document.querySelector('input[name="regex_search"]').checked ? 1 : 0);
formData.append('table_name', tableName);
let url = document.getElementById('adminForm').getAttribute('action') + '&layout=dosearch';
let options = {
signal: signal,
method: 'POST', // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
body: formData
if (abort_this_search_value) {
console.log('Aborting this searchValue:' + searchValue);
console.log(total + ' -- SEARCHING: ' + searchValue + ' @[' + tableName + ']');
const response = await fetch(url, options)
// Note: response.text() is a promise ...
.then(response => {
//console.log(total + ' ' + sTables.length);
if (sTables.length == total) setTimeout(function () {
document.getElementById('search-mssg-box').innerHTML = '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><strong>Enter</strong> your text.</div>';
}, 200);
response.text().then(data => {
console.log('++ Fetched for ' + searchValue + ' [' + tableName + ']');
let percent = 100.0 * (total / sTables.length);
search_loading_percent.innerHTML = '' + percent.toFixed(2) + '%';
document.getElementById('search-loading-progressbar').value = percent;
let use_json = false, json_data = false, items = false;
if (use_json) {
try {
json_data = data ? JSON.parse(data) : false;
items = json_data ? json_data.items : false;
} catch (error) {
// Very fast and low memory display HTML table row prepared server-side via PHP instead of JS !!
if (!json_data) {
tbl_obj_body.innerHTML = tbl_obj_body.innerHTML + data;
// Very slow fast and very high memory: Display HTML table rows by creating them now in browser (client-side) via JS instead of using PHP
if (json_data && items) {
let table_rows = '';
for (const [row_num, row_field_vals] of Object.entries(items)) {
for (const [fname, fvals] of Object.entries(row_field_vals)) {
for (const [line, fval] of Object.entries(fvals)) {
let lnk = 'getFSText(this, \'' + tableName + '\', ' + row_num + ', \'' + fname + '\', line)';
let val = fval;
val = val.replaceAll(marker_start, '<b>');
val = val.replaceAll(marker_end, '</b>');
table_rows = table_rows + '<tr onclick="' + lnk + '; return false" style="cursor: pointer;">' +
'<td>' + val + '</td>' +
'<td>' + tableName + '</td>' +
'<td>' + fname + '</td>' +
'<td>' + row_num + '</td>' +
'<td>' + line + '</td>' +
tbl_obj_body.innerHTML = tbl_obj_body.innerHTML + table_rows;
} // END IF json_data && items
.catch(error => {
if (sTables.length == total) document.getElementById('search-mssg-box').innerHTML = '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><strong>Enter</strong> your text.</div>';
// Stop further searches for this search value
if ( === "AbortError") abort_this_search_value = true; === "AbortError"
? console.log(" ... ABORTED fetch() for: " + searchValue)
: console.log(error.toString());
} catch (error) {
} finally {
// Executed regardless if we caught the error
* JS Function to execute the search
const getFSText = async (el, table_name, row_id, field_name, line) => {
let sibling = el.parentNode.firstElementChild;
do {
sibling != el
? sibling.classList.remove('active')
: sibling.classList.add('active');
} while (sibling = sibling.nextElementSibling);
try {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('table_name', table_name);
formData.append('get_full_search_text', 1);
formData.append('row_id', row_id);
formData.append('field_name', field_name);
//let url = `${searchValue}`,
let url = document.getElementById('adminForm').getAttribute('action') + '&layout=dosearch';
let options = {
method: 'POST', // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
mode: 'cors', // no-cors, *cors, same-origin
cache: 'no-cache', // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
credentials: 'same-origin', // include, *same-origin, omit
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json', //'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
redirect: 'follow', // manual, *follow, error
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer', // no-referrer, *no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin, origin-when-cross-origin, same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url
// body: JSON.stringify(formData) // body data type must match "Content-Type" header
body: formData
// Clear full text box
document.getElementById('match-full-text-box').innerHTML = 'Loading ...';
const response = await fetch(url, options)
// Note: response.text() is a promise ...
.then(response => {
response.text().then(data => {
console.log("Fetched full text for row: " + row_id + ' field name: ' + field_name + ' for Table: ' + table_name);
document.getElementById('match-full-text-box').innerHTML = '<div id="match-full-text-header">'
+ table_name + ' @ ' + field_name + ': ' + row_id + '</div><textarea id="match-full-text">' + data + '</textarea>';
document.getElementById('match-full-text-box').style.display = '';
attachCodeMirror(jQuery('#match-full-text'), null);
cm_toggle_fully_searchable('match-full-text', 1);
cm_jumpToLine('match-full-text', line);
//cm_toggle_plain_textarea('match-full-text-box', 1);
.catch(error => {
// Stop further searches for this search value
if ( === "AbortError") abort_this_search_value = true; === "AbortError"
? console.log(" ... ABORTED fetch() for: " + searchValue)
: console.log(error.toString());
} catch (error) {
} finally {
// Executed regardless if we caught the error
const cm_jumpToLine = function (tag_id, row)
console.log('#' + tag_id);
let codeMirrorEl = jQuery('#' + tag_id).next('.CodeMirror');
if (!codeMirrorEl.length) return;
let codeMirrorRef = jQuery('#' + tag_id).next('.CodeMirror').get(0).CodeMirror;
let t = codeMirrorRef.charCoords({line: row, ch: 0}, "local").top;
let middleHeight = codeMirrorRef.getScrollerElement().offsetHeight / 2;
codeMirrorRef.scrollTo(null, t - middleHeight - 5);
/* Attach CodeMirror with optional settings */
const cm_toggle_fully_searchable = function (el, toggle)
if (typeof CodeMirror === 'undefined') {alert('CodeMirror not loaded'); return;}
jQuery([el]).each(function(i, tag_id) {
let codeMirrorEl = jQuery('#' + tag_id).next('.CodeMirror');
if (!codeMirrorEl.length) return;
let codeMirrorRef = jQuery('#' + tag_id).next('.CodeMirror').get(0).CodeMirror;
codeMirrorRef.setOption('viewportMargin', toggle ? '9999' : '');
const cm_toggle_plain_textarea = function (el, toggle)
if (typeof CodeMirror === 'undefined') {alert('CodeMirror not loaded'); return;}
jQuery([el]).each(function(i, tag_id) {
let codeMirrorEl = jQuery('#' + tag_id).next('.CodeMirror');
if (toggle) {
let options = jQuery('#' + tag_id).data('options');
options.viewportMargin = jQuery('#cm_toggle_fully_searchable_btn input').prop('checked') ? '9999' : '';
jQuery('#' + tag_id).prev('p').show();
attachCodeMirror(jQuery('#' + tag_id), options);
else if (codeMirrorEl.length)
let codeMirrorRef = codeMirrorEl.get(0).CodeMirror;
jQuery('#' + tag_id).prev('p').hide();
jQuery('#' + tag_id).css({width: '100%', height: '400px'});
// Remove codemirror container in case that removing it failed
if (jQuery('#' + tag_id).next('.CodeMirror').length) {
jQuery('#' + tag_id).next('.CodeMirror').remove();
const attachCodeMirror = function (txtareas, CMoptions, mode)
CMoptions = typeof CMoptions!=='undefined' && CMoptions ? CMoptions : {
mode: mode || 'application/x-httpd-php',
indentUnit: 2,
lineNumbers: true,
matchBrackets: true,
lineWrapping: true,
onCursorActivity: function(CM)
CM.setLineClass(hlLine, null);
hlLine = CM.setLineClass(CM.getCursor().line, 'activeline');
var editor, theArea;
txtareas.each(function(i, txtarea)
theArea = jQuery(txtarea);
theArea.removeClass(); // Remove all classes from the textarea
editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(theArea.get(0), CMoptions);
return txtareas.length==1 ? editor : true;
* JS Function to execute (A) on search text change , (B) on search options changes
const onChange = () => {
const searchValue = searchValueInp.value;
if (searchValue.length > 2) {
// Cancel any ongoing requests
if (controller) controller.abort();
// Create new controller and issue new request
controller = new AbortController();
doSearch(controller.signal, sTables);
} else {
// Clear any message in search results message div
//document.getElementById('search-mssg-box').innerHTML = '';
const previewReplace = () => {
const replaceValue = replaceValueInp.value;
if (replaceValue.length) {
document.getElementById('search-mssg-box').innerHTML = replaceValue;
// Do the search on key up of search or replace input element
searchValueInp.onkeyup = onChange;
replaceValueInp.onkeyup = previewReplace;
// Do the search on key up of search input element
caseSensitiveLbl.onchange = onChange;
completeWordLbl.onchange = onChange;
regexpSearchLbl.onchange = onChange;