From 028202055497ff5af058e5effa2486d00830195b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Amigo <> Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 11:52:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Updated 004 General Planning (markdown) --- | 18 +++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 7c9baee..83fcb4d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -10,4 +10,20 @@ When Sermon Distributor is going to be build, [00:02:20]( The site views and custom back end views are mostly the same kind of implementation, both drawing their data from the Dynamic Get feature in Component Builder. Think of these three as working as a team, while the back end views stand as the database for these. You need to set these up first. Add them to all the necessary fields that will then be mapped to the database [00:05:16]( columns, which then through the Dynamic Get connect to formulate a data model. This can be reused in your custom back end and in your site views. -Back end views are very tightly connected to database structures. If you look at Component Builder itself, you have what is called components, and if you open one, it has fields in it. If you want to go to the database, [00:06:02]( and open Component Builder, components table, if you click on structure you would see the fields there. All these names [00:06:31]( are actually mapping directly into the database, add licence. These names are alphabetical. It directly maps to the database and it is in a way editing the database through this view. When it comes to the Components, your back end views are all being limited to this kind of structure, and is not a limitation on Component Builders behalf. It is the way Joomla [00:07:13]( wants to implement it by doing it this way. Your class, your model, your controllers and everything else behave correctly because of that implementation. It is a major limitation but that is the Joomla API's implementation. If you want to go beyond that kind of infrastructure you must probably need to look at another way of using Component Builder. We only implemented it that way so that your back end views directed maps to the database. We know that from time to time there is back end views that do not have their own Database, but rather takes saved information in the database. Either from other third-party components or even your own component, because we know that you would like to take that information and remodel it into a spreadsheet. [00:08:17]( Or into a chart or any other kind of way we added this custom back end views, which behaves on the same Dynamics as the site views. We are trying to give you best of both worlds. First being that strong tightening manage data sets, which relates directly to the view and the list view and so forth. At the same time the option of adding a custom back end view, which can be dynamic and you can do custom scripting in it.[00:09:08]( First you need to know your back end views and then any possible custom views that combines back end view. In the future we haven't done so yet. Possibly takes Statistics and Sermons and Preachers and Series, because these Statistics are taking only the downloads, where as Preachers has in them a field called hits. And Sermons also have a field called hits. When someone opens one, downloading isn't necessarily so does series's. [00:09:55]( But statistics only counts the downloads of the sermons, we could possibly add an extra custom back end view called; Analysis. Then in Analysis we can use the Dynamic Get Option to get data from all through those tables. [00:10:29]( These tables; Preacher table, series table. Let us shortened it by removing statisctics, and then do modelling. [00:11:15]( Modelling the data possibly end up with a whole new Data structure which we can place into a table, or into a chart. In that view which means that it is now dynamic, and no longer directly connected to the Database. [00:11:38]( These above views won't have an edit view, it will be a single view. Displaying rows of analysis data. From multiple back end Database tables. And this Can also be done on the front of the site. [00:11:59]( We can put this whole Get Feature under get and we can give it a name and call it the Analysis Get. [00:12:17]( Get Analysis, We could call it that and the analysis view used to get analysis. To get the data and then takes that data and displays it on a page and the same can be done [00:12:37]( to the front. The same Dynamic Get can be use in the front again. That is how Component Builder works. If you are not looking at the fields itself, the fields is a discussion on its own, but this which I have typed out are very basic and alimentary. It is what you need to know before coming to Component Builder. You need to know what you want to achieve. [00:13:05]( What do you want to build and if possible mapped the field under each of these. In Sermons we will have Name and we will have Preacher. [00:13:23]( We will have Series, and we will have Files. They should be under Sermons. Under preacher we will have also Name, and maybe we will have Email, and Discription, and [00:13:45]( Website, and for Series. We will add a Name, that will be Description and Statistics, since we only counting downloads. We will have a File Name, [00:14:26]( a counter, a Sermon. If you start in Component Builder you can start by creating a new Component and you can add Name and all this information. [00:15:14]( Then you would skip most of these initially just getting started. Set up Fields that are compulsory, the ones with the Stars and this Component image that tells you the Dimensions: 300pix X 300pix. You must put it in the image folder and then access it. [00:15:44]( This version update is a nice feature which we will look into detail later. So you will add all these compulsory fields. At settings you would hardly do anything, at this stage. Scripts as well, you just leave it blank. Read me also blank, then add views after you've saved the component. Once you have added Name, and you've added these, and you clicked save, [00:16:13]( you basically be able to start adding views to it. The way to add a view to a component, is different from the way to create a view. You adding the view through the settings tab. You can create new views through this area, and you can also see your already connected views. I will explain this again. Maybe this is going to be a duplication. What I primarily wanted to show you, is that if you start building a component, You feel very lost if you do not know where you are going. [00:16:48]( And This will help you know where you going. It will help you know if you need to set up these views. You need to add these Fields to those views, and that kind of information and knowing how to construct, this is something that you need to know before hand. You can always add more fields, you can add more views. [00:17:23]( Component Builder cannot decide that for you. You need to realize it. You literally have to create all of these Fields before you can add them into a view. This line are seen as a view although when it's compiled, it will represent two views. It is in Component Builders, component back end views. It's seen as one view. [00:17:50]( These Fields will need to be created before they can be added to this view. The nice thing though is the name field. You can create it once and reuse it three times. So you can reuse the name field. The hits are already added by Default so you don't need to add hits field. [00:18:17]( The default Fields is showing you which Fields you don't need to add but it is add dynamically. To each back end view, I would always mention that there is a custom back end view. The purpose is it doesn't directly relate to a single Database. That gives you the option of pulling from multiple databases as I have explained. Modelling the data and displaying it, It is a quick overview of how to get started with a Component. [00:18:57]( We will be starting at fields. It seems turned around. You might feel we must start at the component, and then build the views, and then build the fields! [00:19:24]( You can after having created the Component, you can click your own admin views. The first thing you need to create is the admin views. Click new and create an admin view. Again it is just like with the component, you are able to set the bare bone information. I usually start at the bottom, and work my way up. [00:20:02]( I usually start with creating all the fields. I will basically Collapse this, and create all these fields. When I see there are duplicate Fields, I will remove them, because I know we used them. I will create Fields, that I know are unique. Then when I come to certain Fields, like these are custom fields. [00:20:42]( These I won't create initially. These are the custom fields. These are custom fields. I won't create them initially. I would also separate the custom field. How do I know it's a custom field? Because the Preacher is. I want to pull IDs from the Preacher view. Mark those custom Fields again, I would like to have this field basically link to that Name. A list of these names. [00:21:45]( The same for the series. I would like to link to that value. In Joomla you can create what is known as custom fields. Component Builder makes provision for you to do so. This is what I would call an advanced field. We will look at advanced custom fields after we've looked at creating Normal fields and creating actually back end views. [00:22:15]( Because only then will you understand the implementation of this custom Field. Since it will be linking to back end views value. It is not just linking to a bunch of values, it is linking directly to this back end views value called Name, and so we can't really create it until we know how this is going to look. That is why we will be looking at that after I possibly explain this again. Just to let you know where we are going. Building a Component needs these kind of things [00:22:51]( t0 be thought through and sort of mapped out. Some of us might not need to write it down, some of us do. Depends on who you are. To me that doesn't really matter even if you have these things in your head. As long as you come to Component Builder at least knowing partially what you want to achieve and what you want to build. That means you can do a lot of paper planning and do a lot of structuring of your component long before actually getting to Component Builder itself. That is what this [00:23:33]( short tutorial was trying to illustrate. If you haven't done this, you might get lost and not know where you are heading when you start mapping the Fields, and the views, and the things in Component Builder itself. The next tutorials we will start looking at Field types, and look at how to use field types to create fields. [00:23:56]( Slowly we will be progressing to eventually ending up with having this Component fully functional and working. We will be illustrating all of these Fields as they relate to this back end views that are linked to Database tables. Hopefully that will give a good enough insight and [00:24:22]( understanding of how all this should be done +Back end views are very tightly connected to database structures. If you look at Component Builder itself, you have what is called components, and if you open one, it has fields in it. If you want to go to the database, [00:06:02]( and open Component Builder, you would see the fields there. All these names [00:06:31]( are actually mapping directly into the database. These names are alphabetical. They directly map to the database and is in a way editing the database through this view. When it comes to the components, your back end views are all being limited to this kind of structure, and is not a limitation on Component Builder's behalf. It is the way Joomla [00:07:13]( wants to implement it. Your class, your model, your controllers, and everything else behave correctly because of that implementation, even if it is a major limitation. If you want to go beyond that kind of infrastructure you would probably need to look at another way of using Component Builder. We only implemented it this way so that your back end views direct maps to the database. We know that from time to time there are back end views that do not have their own database, but rather take saved information in the database, either from other third-party components or even your own component, because we know that you would like to take that information and remodel it into a spreadsheet, [00:08:17]( a chart, or any other kind of way we added this custom back end views, which behaves on the same Dynamics as the site views. We are trying to give you the best of both worlds. First by being that strong tightening manage data sets, which relates directly to the view and the list view and so forth. Then at the same time giving the option of adding a custom back end view, which can be dynamic and in which you can do custom scripting. [00:09:08]( + +You need to know your back end views and then any possible custom views that combines back end view. We haven't done so yet. Possibly take statistics, sermons, preachers, and series, because these statistics are taking only the downloads, whereas preachers has in them a field called hits. Sermons also have a field called hits. When someone opens one, downloading isn't necessarily so does series's. [00:09:55]( But statistics only counts the downloads of the sermons, we could possibly add an extra custom back end view called Analysis. Then in Analysis we can use the Dynamic Get Option to get data from all those tables. [00:10:29]( Let us shortened it by removing statistics and then do modelling. [00:11:15]( Modelling the data could make us end up with a whole new Data structure which we can place into a table or a chart in that view which means that it is now dynamic and no longer directly connected to the Database. [00:11:38]( + +These above views won't have an edit view; it will be a single view displaying rows of analysis data from multiple back end Database tables. This can also be done on the front of the site. [00:11:59]( We can put this whole Get Feature under Get and we can give it a name, calling it [00:12:17]( Get Analysis. The analysis view used to get the data, then taking that data and displaying it on a page. The same can be done [00:12:37]( to the front. The same Dynamic Get can be use in the front again. That is how Component Builder works. If you are not looking at the fields itself, the fields are a discussion on their own, but what I have typed out are very basic and elementary. It is what you need to know before coming to Component Builder. You need to know what you want to achieve, [00:13:05]( what do you want to build, and if possible, have mapped the fields under each of these. + +In sermons we will have "name" and we will have "preacher." [00:13:23]( We will have "series," and we will have "files." They should be under sermons. Under "preacher" we will have also "name," and maybe we will have "email," and "description," and [00:13:45]( "website." For series we will add a name, which would be "description" and "statistics," since we are only counting downloads. We will have a file name, [00:14:26]( a counter, and a sermon. If you start in Component Builder you can start by creating a new component and add "name" and all this information. [00:15:14]( + +Initially you would skip most of these just getting started. Set up fields that are compulsory; the ones with the stars and this component image that tells you the dimensions: 300pix X 300pix. Place it in the image folder and then access it. [00:15:44]( (This version update is a nice feature which we will look into later.) You will add all these compulsory fields. You would hardly do anything at this stage at settings. You just leave scripts blank; read me also blank, then add views after you've saved the component. Once you have added "name," you've added these, and you clicked save, [00:16:13]( you are basically able to start adding views to it. + +The way to add a view to a component is different from the way to create a view. Add the view through the settings tab. You can create new views through this area, and you can also see your already connected views. + +If you start building a component, you might feel lost if you do not know where you are going. [00:16:48]( This will help you know if you need to set up these views. You need to add these fields to those views. (This kind of information and knowing how to construct it this is something that you need to know before hand.) You can always add more fields and more views. [00:17:23]( Component Builder cannot decide that for you. You have to create all of these fields before you can add them into a view. This line are seen as a view although when it's compiled, it will represent two views. It is in Component Builder's component back end views. It's seen as one view. [00:17:50]( + +These fields will need to be created before they can be added to this view. The nice thing is the name field which you can create once and reuse three times. The hits are already added by default so you don't need to add hits field. [00:18:17]( The default fields are showing you which fields you don't need to add but are added dynamically. To each back end view there is a custom back end view. The purpose is that it doesn't directly relate to a single database. That gives you the option of pulling from multiple databases. Modelling the data and displaying it, it is a quick overview on how to get started with a component. [00:18:57]( + +We will be starting at fields. It seems turned around. You might feel we must start at the component, and then build the views, and then build the fields! [00:19:24]( You can after having created the Component, you can click your own admin views. The first thing you need to create is the admin views. Click new and create an admin view. Again it is just like with the component, you are able to set the bare bone information. I usually start at the bottom, and work my way up. [00:20:02]( I usually start with creating all the fields. I will basically Collapse this, and create all these fields. When I see there are duplicate Fields, I will remove them, because I know we used them. I will create Fields, that I know are unique. Then when I come to certain Fields, like these are custom fields. [00:20:42]( These I won't create initially. These are the custom fields. These are custom fields. I won't create them initially. I would also separate the custom field. How do I know it's a custom field? Because the Preacher is. I want to pull IDs from the Preacher view. Mark those custom Fields again, I would like to have this field basically link to that Name. A list of these names. [00:21:45]( The same for the series. I would like to link to that value. In Joomla you can create what is known as custom fields. Component Builder makes provision for you to do so. This is what I would call an advanced field. We will look at advanced custom fields after we've looked at creating Normal fields and creating actually back end views. [00:22:15]( Because only then will you understand the implementation of this custom Field. Since it will be linking to back end views value. It is not just linking to a bunch of values, it is linking directly to this back end views value called Name, and so we can't really create it until we know how this is going to look. That is why we will be looking at that after I possibly explain this again. Just to let you know where we are going. Building a Component needs these kind of things [00:22:51]( t0 be thought through and sort of mapped out. Some of us might not need to write it down, some of us do. Depends on who you are. To me that doesn't really matter even if you have these things in your head. As long as you come to Component Builder at least knowing partially what you want to achieve and what you want to build. That means you can do a lot of paper planning and do a lot of structuring of your component long before actually getting to Component Builder itself. That is what this [00:23:33]( short tutorial was trying to illustrate. If you haven't done this, you might get lost and not know where you are heading when you start mapping the Fields, and the views, and the things in Component Builder itself. The next tutorials we will start looking at Field types, and look at how to use field types to create fields. [00:23:56]( Slowly we will be progressing to eventually ending up with having this Component fully functional and working. We will be illustrating all of these Fields as they relate to this back end views that are linked to Database tables. Hopefully that will give a good enough insight and [00:24:22]( understanding of how all this should be done