diff --git a/057-Drag-and-Drop-Upload-functionality-in-JCB.md b/057-Drag-and-Drop-Upload-functionality-in-JCB.md index 5c350dd..83154f9 100644 --- a/057-Drag-and-Drop-Upload-functionality-in-JCB.md +++ b/057-Drag-and-Drop-Upload-functionality-in-JCB.md @@ -85,15 +85,61 @@ At the bottom of the footer, we have what is known as getfile snippet which agai Let's go and see the code that is used. Let's start in the interface. Let's first look at one of these Uploading Concepts. But since I know what's happening there, I am already aware that the code is not there. It's also custom Placeholder snippet. Before we dive in, let me open the custom code area and go back into documents. We can go and look at the code snippet. [00:20:28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h20m28s) Let's use this Documents Uploader Note and open that. We have the Document Uploader Note, we have a div all the way down there(see video). Which has an id It has the class for the placeholder, some icons. [00:20:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h20m52s) You'll see that I again have here upload your documents. I've got a span tag, that says main documents formats. It's going to be the place where we load the formats with JavaScript. Select the file from your computer. It's this snippet with a little bit of extra [00:21:29](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h21m29s) flavor. That's all we are looking at. There are some conventions, like main documents uploader, that again upload-drop-main-documents. There are conventions which if we go over the code, eventually you'll see that those conventions is what really makes this reusable. In the scripts area I Add JavaScript to the view-footer. -### uikitFileUploader custom code - progressbar-main-document-formats +### Snippet - uikitFileUploader custom code - progressbar-main-document-formats [00:22:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h22m01s) The JavaScript I'm using is this uikitFileUploader custom code. Let's look at that first. We can search for it. We can open uikitFileUploader. This is the code that gets added. It have a little bit of PHP, and it is saying [[[arg0]]]_formats'. We are asking getting the global parameters of the formats we set. Remember I showed you, we set it in the global settings. We are saying document is the first parameter we are passing. [00:22:45](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h22m45s) We are saying document formats, and we are getting the document formats. Here we have [[[arg2]]] and [[[arg1]]] progressbar. If you think about the id, it says progressbar which is the third argument that is main. Documents is the first argument because we counting from [00:23:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h23m16s) zero. It's saying main documents. If you look back at our thing here it says main documents formats. This is all part of main documents. It is the way we identify the progressbar. [00:23:44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h23m44s) Progressbar-main-documents is an ID. There's only one of them on the page. It's targeting it here saying that's the progressbar we are going to use. -### Settings - JRouter +### Settings - JRouter(see video) [00:24:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h24m06s) +Then it have some settings. The settings is the action, we are using JRouter. JRouter is a little JavaScript trick that I wrote because often times you have this Site View or the Admin View in the back-end and in the front-end. This takes care of whether it's a back-end or front-end call, that it executes it correctly. That is your component name. The [[[arg1]]] again would be the second argument, which is in our case [00:24:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h24m52s) documents. It says documents, the type. The third argument which is showing as [[[arg2]]] is main. It's passing the target as main. Raw is true, it has the token. There is our key which is being used to identify the view. It's making a query on this area. It is set dynamically. + +### Adding Formats + +[00:25:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvzDyVQyHDI&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=00h25m21s) + +Then over here we know that the formats must be added to this'.(