diff --git a/044-Hello-World-Component-with-Joomla-Component-Builder-Creator-Extended.md b/044-Hello-World-Component-with-Joomla-Component-Builder-Creator-Extended.md index 652e263..a6c2aa4 100644 --- a/044-Hello-World-Component-with-Joomla-Component-Builder-Creator-Extended.md +++ b/044-Hello-World-Component-with-Joomla-Component-Builder-Creator-Extended.md @@ -447,18 +447,16 @@ An 'href' is set up around this name but use PHP to take care of creating a link [01:23:56](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h23m56s) -Let's create that display Site View. So the 'var_dump' is removed from this view. Save and close. I could have set save a new. I'm going to create another Site View and call it 'Greet'. It can not be called 'greeting' because there is already a 'greeting' in the front. 'Greeted' may be better. By using the Panel a nice display can be made. [01:24:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h24m40s) Copy the Panel Snippet and paste it in Default View. Make the title 'name'. The content will be the greeting. Two of those are not necessary, so one can be removed. [01:25:08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h25m08s) One greeting is set up and there are no buttons here yet to edit it but we will view one Greeting. It will also show you who set up the greeting. Close this. We got this Greeted Site View and can go to the Admin area of the Joomla Component area. [01:25:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h25m36s) Click on Edit and add a Site View to the Component the same way we did before and say I want 'Greeted'. I do not want it to have an Add Menu. It must have 'Has Metadata'. [01:25:59](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h25m59s) It is not a Default View. I also want Access there. By Default it is not Public. Save and close. Compile the Component again and install it. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< - - - - - - -### Back In The Code - +Let's create that display Site View. So the 'var_dump' is removed from this view. Save and close. I could have set save a new. I'm going to create another Site View and call it 'Greet'. It can not be called 'greeting' because there is already a 'greeting' in the front. 'Greeted' may be better. By using the Panel a nice display can be made. [01:24:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h24m40s) Copy the Panel Snippet and paste it in Default View. Make the title 'name'. The content will be the greeting. Two of those are not necessary, so one can be removed. [01:25:08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h25m08s) One greeting is set up and there are no buttons here yet to edit it but we will view one Greeting. It will also show you who set up the greeting. Close this. We got this Greeted Site View and can go to the Admin area of the Joomla Component area. [01:25:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h25m36s) Click on Edit and add a Site View to the Component the same way we did before and say I want 'Greeted'. I do not want it to have an Add Menu. It must have 'Has Metadata'. [01:25:59](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h25m59s) It is not a Default View. I also want Access there. By Default it is not Public. Save and close. Compile the Component again and install it. [01:26:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h26m24s) -If we now go back to the that file I just opened previously, this Hello_worldHelperRoute and we scroll down we will see that it now has a method called greetedRoute. You basically pass it and id and it constructs the URL for you. This Component view doesn't have category. So it will skip this area. But it's a function that I [01:26:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h26m54s) wrote that should be able to work for any view. You want to use this method and this abstract class. Those of you that are [01:27:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h27m11s) a little bit interested in how this works, you'll see in the Main File of the Site View, you'll see that the route is also added as a helper class. This is the name of this helper class. Hello_worldHelper Route. That's the abstract class name. +If we go back to this file 'Hello_worldHelperRoute', scroll down and see that it now has a methods called, 'greetedRoute'. Pass it and the ID and it will constructs the URL. This Component view does not have 'Category' so it will skip this area. But it is a function that should be able to work for any view. [01:26:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h26m54s) If you want to use this method and this abstract class. Those of you that are [01:27:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&t=01h27m11s) a little bit interested in how this works, you'll see in the Main File of the Site View, you'll see that the route is also added as a helper class. This is the name of this helper class. 'Hello_worldHelper' Route. That's the abstract class name. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + + + + + + ### Back To Site View To Add Link