Add the Full Name to cause and risk List in company profile #17

opened 2016-06-27 10:36:55 +00:00 by Llewellyn · 0 comments

Causes and Risks: terms are too medical, they should be written in laymen terms as decided after a network meeting on the 22nd of June 2016. Yet to show the actual full medical terms is often still required so we will add the full name to the cause/risk table of each company. But will only be seen if the plus icon is clicked.

Causes and Risks: terms are too medical, they should be written in laymen terms as decided after a network meeting on the 22nd of June 2016. Yet to show the actual full medical terms is often still required so we will add the full name to the cause/risk table of each company. But will only be seen if the plus icon is clicked.
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Reference: joomla/Cost-Benefit-Projection#17
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