/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www.giz.de |----/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmb /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ @version 3.4.x @build 2nd March, 2022 @created 15th June, 2012 @package Cost Benefit Projection @subpackage scaling_factor.js @author Llewellyn van der Merwe @owner Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmb @copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Cost Benefit Projection Tool. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Some Global Values jform_vvvvvvxvwi_required = false; // Initial Script jQuery(document).ready(function() { var company_vvvvvvx = jQuery("#jform_company").val(); vvvvvvx(company_vvvvvvx); }); // the vvvvvvx function function vvvvvvx(company_vvvvvvx) { if (isSet(company_vvvvvvx) && company_vvvvvvx.constructor !== Array) { var temp_vvvvvvx = company_vvvvvvx; var company_vvvvvvx = []; company_vvvvvvx.push(temp_vvvvvvx); } else if (!isSet(company_vvvvvvx)) { var company_vvvvvvx = []; } var company = company_vvvvvvx.some(company_vvvvvvx_SomeFunc); // set this function logic if (company) { jQuery('#jform_country').closest('.control-group').show(); // add required attribute to country field if (jform_vvvvvvxvwi_required) { updateFieldRequired('country',0); jQuery('#jform_country').prop('required','required'); jQuery('#jform_country').attr('aria-required',true); jQuery('#jform_country').addClass('required'); jform_vvvvvvxvwi_required = false; } } else { jQuery('#jform_country').closest('.control-group').hide(); // remove required attribute from country field if (!jform_vvvvvvxvwi_required) { updateFieldRequired('country',1); jQuery('#jform_country').removeAttr('required'); jQuery('#jform_country').removeAttr('aria-required'); jQuery('#jform_country').removeClass('required'); jform_vvvvvvxvwi_required = true; } } } // the vvvvvvx Some function function company_vvvvvvx_SomeFunc(company_vvvvvvx) { // set the function logic if (company_vvvvvvx == 0) { return true; } return false; } // update fields required function updateFieldRequired(name, status) { // check if not_required exist if (jQuery('#jform_not_required').length > 0) { var not_required = jQuery('#jform_not_required').val().split(","); if(status == 1) { not_required.push(name); } else { not_required = removeFieldFromNotRequired(not_required, name); } jQuery('#jform_not_required').val(fixNotRequiredArray(not_required).toString()); } } // remove field from not_required function removeFieldFromNotRequired(array, what) { return array.filter(function(element){ return element !== what; }); } // fix not required array function fixNotRequiredArray(array) { var seen = {}; return removeEmptyFromNotRequiredArray(array).filter(function(item) { return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true); }); } // remove empty from not_required array function removeEmptyFromNotRequiredArray(array) { return array.filter(function (el) { // remove ( 一_一) as well - lol return (el.length > 0 && '一_一' !== el); }); } // the isSet function function isSet(val) { if ((val != undefined) && (val != null) && 0 !== val.length){ return true; } return false; }