COM_DEMO="Demo" COM_DEMO_CONFIGURATION="Demo Configuration" COM_DEMO_EDIT_CREATED_BY="Edit Created By" COM_DEMO_EDIT_CREATED_BY_DESC=" Allows users in this group to edit created by." COM_DEMO_EDIT_CREATED_DATE="Edit Created Date" COM_DEMO_EDIT_CREATED_DATE_DESC=" Allows users in this group to edit created date." COM_DEMO_EDIT_VERSIONS="Edit Version" COM_DEMO_EDIT_VERSIONS_DESC=" Allows users in this group to edit versions." COM_DEMO_EXPORT_DATA="Export Data" COM_DEMO_EXPORT_DATA_DESC=" Allows users in this group to export data." COM_DEMO_IMPORT_DATA="Import Data" COM_DEMO_IMPORT_DATA_DESC=" Allows users in this group to import data." COM_DEMO_LOOKING_ACCESS_SITE="Looking (Site) Access" COM_DEMO_LOOKING_ACCESS_SITE_DESC=" Allows the users in this group to access site looking." COM_DEMO_LOOKS_ACCESS="Looks Access" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_ACCESS_DESC="Allows the users in this group to access access looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_ACCESS_SITE="Looks (Site) Access" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_ACCESS_SITE_DESC=" Allows the users in this group to access site looks." COM_DEMO_LOOKS_BATCH_USE="Looks Batch Use" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_BATCH_USE_DESC="Allows users in this group to use batch copy/update method of batch looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_CREATE="Looks Create" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_CREATE_DESC="Allows the users in this group to create create looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_DASHBOARD_ADD="Looks Dashboard Add" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_DASHBOARD_ADD_DESC="Allows the users in this group to update the dashboard add of the look" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_DASHBOARD_LIST="Looks Dashboard List" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_DASHBOARD_LIST_DESC="Allows the users in this group to update the dashboard list of the look" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_DELETE="Looks Delete" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_DELETE_DESC="Allows the users in this group to delete delete looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT="Looks Edit" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_CREATED_BY="Looks Edit Created By" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_CREATED_BY_DESC="Allows the users in this group to update the created by of the edit created by looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_CREATED_DATE="Looks Edit Created Date" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_CREATED_DATE_DESC="Allows the users in this group to update the created date of the edit created looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_DESC="Allows the users in this group to edit the look" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_OWN="Looks Edit Own" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_OWN_DESC="Allows the users in this group to edit edit own looks created by them" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_STATE="Looks Edit State" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_STATE_DESC="Allows the users in this group to update the state of the look" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_VERSION="Looks Edit Version" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EDIT_VERSION_DESC="Allows users in this group to edit versions of version looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EXPORT="Looks Export" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_EXPORT_DESC="Allows the users in this group to export export looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_IMPORT="Looks Import" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_IMPORT_DESC="Allows the users in this group to import import looks" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_SUBMENU="Looks Submenu" COM_DEMO_LOOKS_SUBMENU_DESC="Allows the users in this group to update the submenu of the look" COM_DEMO_MENU="» Demo" COM_DEMO_MENU_LOOKS="Looks" COM_DEMO_MENU_LOOKS_DESC="The List of all published looks" COM_DEMO_MENU_LOOKS_OPTION="Looks" COM_DEMO_MENU_LOOKS_TITLE="Looks" COM_DEMO_USE_BATCH="Use Batch" COM_DEMO_USE_BATCH_DESC=" Allows users in this group to use batch copy/update method."