@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Questions & Answers /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /** * Questionsanswers Model */ class QuestionsanswersModelQuestionsanswers extends JModelList { public function getIcons() { // load user for access menus $user = JFactory::getUser(); // reset icon array $icons = array(); // view groups array $viewGroups = array( 'main' => array('png.question_and_answer.add', 'png.questions_and_answers', 'png.questions_and_answers.catid_qpo0O0oqp_com_questionsanswers_po0O0oq_question_and_answer', 'png.help_documents') ); // view access array $viewAccess = array( 'question_and_answer.create' => 'question_and_answer.create', 'questions_and_answers.access' => 'question_and_answer.access', 'question_and_answer.access' => 'question_and_answer.access', 'questions_and_answers.submenu' => 'question_and_answer.submenu', 'questions_and_answers.dashboard_list' => 'question_and_answer.dashboard_list', 'question_and_answer.dashboard_add' => 'question_and_answer.dashboard_add', 'help_document.create' => 'help_document.create', 'help_documents.access' => 'help_document.access', 'help_document.access' => 'help_document.access', 'help_documents.submenu' => 'help_document.submenu', 'help_documents.dashboard_list' => 'help_document.dashboard_list'); // loop over the $views foreach($viewGroups as $group => $views) { $i = 0; if (QuestionsanswersHelper::checkArray($views)) { foreach($views as $view) { $add = false; // external views (links) if (strpos($view,'||') !== false) { $dwd = explode('||', $view); if (count($dwd) == 3) { list($type, $name, $url) = $dwd; $viewName = $name; $alt = $name; $url = $url; $image = $name . '.' . $type; $name = 'COM_QUESTIONSANSWERS_DASHBOARD_' . QuestionsanswersHelper::safeString($name,'U'); } } // internal views elseif (strpos($view,'.') !== false) { $dwd = explode('.', $view); if (count($dwd) == 3) { list($type, $name, $action) = $dwd; } elseif (count($dwd) == 2) { list($type, $name) = $dwd; $action = false; } if ($action) { $viewName = $name; switch($action) { case 'add': $url = 'index.php?option=com_questionsanswers&view=' . $name . '&layout=edit'; $image = $name . '_' . $action. '.' . $type; $alt = $name . ' ' . $action; $name = 'COM_QUESTIONSANSWERS_DASHBOARD_'.QuestionsanswersHelper::safeString($name,'U').'_ADD'; $add = true; break; default: // check for new convention (more stable) if (strpos($action, '_qpo0O0oqp_') !== false) { list($action, $extension) = (array) explode('_qpo0O0oqp_', $action); $extension = str_replace('_po0O0oq_', '.', $extension); } else { $extension = 'com_questionsanswers.' . $name; } $url = 'index.php?option=com_categories&view=categories&extension=' . $extension; $image = $name . '_' . $action . '.' . $type; $alt = $viewName . ' ' . $action; $name = 'COM_QUESTIONSANSWERS_DASHBOARD_' . QuestionsanswersHelper::safeString($name,'U') . '_' . QuestionsanswersHelper::safeString($action,'U'); break; } } else { $viewName = $name; $alt = $name; $url = 'index.php?option=com_questionsanswers&view=' . $name; $image = $name . '.' . $type; $name = 'COM_QUESTIONSANSWERS_DASHBOARD_' . QuestionsanswersHelper::safeString($name,'U'); $hover = false; } } else { $viewName = $view; $alt = $view; $url = 'index.php?option=com_questionsanswers&view=' . $view; $image = $view . '.png'; $name = ucwords($view).'

'; $hover = false; } // first make sure the view access is set if (QuestionsanswersHelper::checkArray($viewAccess)) { // setup some defaults $dashboard_add = false; $dashboard_list = false; $accessTo = ''; $accessAdd = ''; // access checking start $accessCreate = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.create'])) ? QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.create']):false; $accessAccess = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.access'])) ? QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.access']):false; // set main controllers $accessDashboard_add = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add'])) ? QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add']):false; $accessDashboard_list = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list'])) ? QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list']):false; // check for adding access if ($add && $accessCreate) { $accessAdd = $viewAccess[$viewName.'.create']; } elseif ($add) { $accessAdd = 'core.create'; } // check if access to view is set if ($accessAccess) { $accessTo = $viewAccess[$viewName.'.access']; } // set main access controllers if ($accessDashboard_add) { $dashboard_add = $user->authorise($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add'], 'com_questionsanswers'); } if ($accessDashboard_list) { $dashboard_list = $user->authorise($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list'], 'com_questionsanswers'); } if (QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($accessAdd) && QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($accessTo)) { // check access if($user->authorise($accessAdd, 'com_questionsanswers') && $user->authorise($accessTo, 'com_questionsanswers') && $dashboard_add) { $icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass; $icons[$group][$i]->url = $url; $icons[$group][$i]->name = $name; $icons[$group][$i]->image = $image; $icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt; } } elseif (QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($accessTo)) { // check access if($user->authorise($accessTo, 'com_questionsanswers') && $dashboard_list) { $icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass; $icons[$group][$i]->url = $url; $icons[$group][$i]->name = $name; $icons[$group][$i]->image = $image; $icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt; } } elseif (QuestionsanswersHelper::checkString($accessAdd)) { // check access if($user->authorise($accessAdd, 'com_questionsanswers') && $dashboard_add) { $icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass; $icons[$group][$i]->url = $url; $icons[$group][$i]->name = $name; $icons[$group][$i]->image = $image; $icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt; } } else { $icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass; $icons[$group][$i]->url = $url; $icons[$group][$i]->name = $name; $icons[$group][$i]->image = $image; $icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt; } } else { $icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass; $icons[$group][$i]->url = $url; $icons[$group][$i]->name = $name; $icons[$group][$i]->image = $image; $icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt; } $i++; } } else { $icons[$group][$i] = false; } } return $icons; } public function getNoticeboard() { // get the document to load the scripts $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . "media/com_questionsanswers/js/marked.js"); $document->addScriptDeclaration(' var token = "'.JSession::getFormToken().'"; var noticeboard = "https://vdm.bz/questionsanswers-noticeboard-md"; jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery.get(noticeboard) .success(function(board) { if (board.length > 5) { jQuery("#noticeboard-md").html(marked.parse(board)); getIS(1,board).done(function(result) { if (result){ jQuery("#cpanel_tabTabs a").each(function() { if (this.href.indexOf("#vast_development_method") >= 0 || this.href.indexOf("#notice_board") >= 0) { var textVDM = jQuery(this).text(); jQuery(this).html("1 "+textVDM); jQuery(this).attr("id","vdm-new-notice"); jQuery("#vdm-new-notice").click(function() { getIS(2,board).done(function(result) { if (result) { jQuery(".vdm-new-notice").fadeOut(500); } }); }); } }); } }); } else { jQuery("#noticeboard-md").html("'.JText::_('COM_QUESTIONSANSWERS_ALL_IS_GOOD_PLEASE_CHECK_AGAIN_LATTER').'"); } }) .error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { jQuery("#noticeboard-md").html("'.JText::_('COM_QUESTIONSANSWERS_ALL_IS_GOOD_PLEASE_CHECK_AGAIN_LATTER').'"); }); }); // to check is READ/NEW function getIS(type,notice){ if(type == 1){ var getUrl = "index.php?option=com_questionsanswers&task=ajax.isNew&format=json&raw=true"; } else if (type == 2) { var getUrl = "index.php?option=com_questionsanswers&task=ajax.isRead&format=json&raw=true"; } if(token.length > 0 && notice.length){ var request = token+"=1¬ice="+notice; } return jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getUrl, dataType: "json", data: request, jsonp: false }); } // nice little dot trick :) jQuery(document).ready( function($) { var x=0; setInterval(function() { var dots = ""; x++; for (var y=0; y < x%8; y++) { dots+="."; } $(".loading-dots").text(dots); } , 500); });'); return '
'; } public function getReadme() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration(' var getreadme = "'. JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_questionsanswers/README.txt"; jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery.get(getreadme) .success(function(readme) { jQuery("#readme-md").html(marked(readme)); }) .error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { jQuery("#readme-md").html("'.JText::_('COM_QUESTIONSANSWERS_PLEASE_CHECK_AGAIN_LATTER').'"); }); });'); return '
'; } }