mirror of https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms.git synced 2024-06-24 22:39:31 +00:00

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image: Visual Studio 2022
build: false
- x64
clone_folder: C:\projects\joomla-cms
2018-09-10 17:59:32 +00:00
## Build matrix for lowest and highest possible targets
PHPBuild: "x64"
- php_ver_target: 8.0
- SET PATH=C:\Tools\php;%PATH%
- SET ANSICON=121x90 (121x90)
## Install PHP and composer, and run the appropriate composer command
2018-03-31 16:55:52 +00:00
- ps: >-
appveyor-retry choco install --no-progress --params '""/InstallDir:C:\tools\php""' --ignore-checksums -y php --version ((choco search php --exact --all-versions -r | select-string -pattern $env:php_ver_target | sort { [version]($_ -split '\|' | select -last 1) } -Descending | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '[php|]','')
- cd C:\tools\php
- copy php.ini-production php.ini /Y
- echo date.timezone="UTC" >> php.ini
- echo extension_dir=ext >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_mbstring.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_fileinfo.dll >> php.ini
- IF %php_ver_target% LSS 8 echo extension=php_gd2.dll >> php.ini
- IF %php_ver_target% GEQ 8 echo extension=gd >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_gmp.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_pdo_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_mysqli.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_curl.dll >> php.ini
- echo zend_extension=php_opcache.dll >> php.ini
- echo opcache.enable_cli=1 >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_ldap.dll >> php.ini
- choco install composer
- cd C:\projects\joomla-cms
- refreshenv
Refactored WebAuthn with Windows Hello support (#37910) * Refactored WebAuthn plugin * Fix the WebAuthn management page which was broken in https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/37464 * Fix wrong `@since` doc tag * Fix docblock typo * Fix docblock typo * Fix docblock typo * Fix docblock typo * Fix docblock typo * Fix broken management interface * Make unnecessarily static method back into non-static * Replace static helper with injected object * Come on, commit the ENTIRE file! * Use the user factory * Fix error when going through the user factory * Fix: cannot add WebAuthn authenticator right back after deleting it * Remove useless switch branch * Remove useless exception * Display make and model of the authenticator, if possible * Add missing JWT signature algorithms * Fix copyright date * Fix for PHP 8 using FIDO keys and Android phones * Reactivate the tooltips after adding an authenticator * Option to disable the attestation support * The Windows Hello icon was invisible on white background * Attempt to fix Appveyor not having Sodium in the Windows build * Work around third party library bug... * Create events in a forwards-compatible manner * Concrete events * Fix event woes * Update plugins/system/webauthn/webauthn.xml Co-authored-by: Brian Teeman <brian@teeman.net> * Update administrator/language/en-GB/plg_system_webauthn.ini Co-authored-by: Brian Teeman <brian@teeman.net> * Improve the layout for editing an authenticator It now follows the Bootstrap 5 form aesthetic. Moreover, there are gaps between the text input and the Save and Cancel buttons. * Confirm deletion of authenticators * Make the bots happy again * Code polishing * Marking classes final * Use setApplication / getApplication in the plugin class * Remove unused `$db` from the plugin class * Blind fix Currently #38060 has broken everything it seems? * Bring application injection in sync with core * Remove whitespace * Add use statement * Fix wrong event creation in AjaxHandlerLogin * License change Co-authored-by: Richard Fath <richard67@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Brian Teeman <brian@teeman.net> Co-authored-by: Roland Dalmulder <contact@rolandd.com> Co-authored-by: Allon Moritz <allon.moritz@digital-peak.com> Co-authored-by: Harald Leithner <leithner@itronic.at> Co-authored-by: George Wilson <georgejameswilson@googlemail.com>
2022-06-27 17:16:07 +00:00
- composer install --no-progress --profile --ignore-platform-req=ext-sodium
2022-09-15 14:06:40 +00:00
- iis
2022-09-15 14:06:40 +00:00
# Run openldap docker image
2023-02-23 23:56:10 +00:00
- ps: docker pull bitnami/openldap:2.6.3
- ps: docker run --rm --name openldap --publish 1389:1389 --publish 1636:1636 -v ${pwd}\tests\certs:/certificates --env LDAP_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin --env LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminpassword --env LDAP_USERS=customuser --env LDAP_PASSWORDS=custompassword --env LDAP_ENABLE_TLS=yes --env LDAP_TLS_CERT_FILE=/certificates/openldap.crt --env LDAP_TLS_KEY_FILE=/certificates/openldap.key --env LDAP_TLS_CA_FILE=/certificates/CA.crt --env BITNAMI_DEBUG=true --env LDAP_CONFIG_ADMIN_ENABLED=yes --env LDAP_CONFIG_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin --env LDAP_CONFIG_ADMIN_PASSWORD=configpassword -d bitnami/openldap:2.6.3
# Database setup for MySQL via PowerShell tools
- ps: Start-Service MySQL80
- >
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysql" -u root -p"Password12!" -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test_joomla;"
2022-09-15 14:06:40 +00:00
# Wait till slapd has started
- ps: |
While ( ! $Found -and $Counter -lt 60 ) {
$Found = ( docker logs openldap 2>&1 | Select-String -Quiet "\*\* Starting slapd \*\*" )
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
"$Counter Waiting for slapd"
if ( ! $Found ) {
Write-Error -Message "`nERROR: slapd not started (in time)!" -ErrorAction Stop
exit 1
- cd C:\projects\joomla-cms
- libraries/vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Unit
- libraries/vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Integration --configuration tests/phpunit-appveyor.xml.dist
2022-09-15 14:06:40 +00:00
- ps: docker logs openldap 2>&1