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2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
* Script used to build Joomla distribution archive packages
* Set $version and $release before running
* Builds upgrade packages in tmp/packagesx.x folder (for example, 'build/tmp/packages2.5')
* Builds full packages in tmp/packages_fullx.x.x folder (for example, 'build/tmp/packages_full2.5.1')
* Note: the new package must be tagged in your git repository BEFORE doing this
* It uses the git tag for the new version, not trunk.
* This script is designed to be run in CLI on Linux or Mac OS X.
* Make sure your default umask is 022 to create archives with correct permissions.
* Steps:
* 1. Tag new release in the local git repository (for example, "git tag 2.5.1")
* 2. Set the $version and $release variables for the new version.
* 3. Run from CLI as: 'php build.php" from build directory.
* 4. Check the archives in the tmp directory.
* @package Joomla.Build
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Make sure file and folder permissions are set correctly
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// Set version for each build
// Version is first 2 digits (like '1.7', '2.5', or '3.0')
$version = '3.0';
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// Set release for each build
// Release is third digit (like '0', '1', or '2')
2012-11-07 17:10:31 +00:00
$release = '2';
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
2012-06-17 14:40:07 +00:00
// Set path to git binary (e.g., /usr/local/git/bin/git or /urs/bin/git)
$gitPath = '/usr/bin/git';
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// Path to local git repository (parent folder of build folder)
$repo = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
$here = dirname(__FILE__);
// Build packages in tmp folder
$tmp = $here . '/tmp';
$fullpath = $here . '/tmp/' . $version . '.' . $release;
$full = $version . '.' . $release;
echo "Start build for version $full.\n";
echo "Delete old release folder.\n";
system('rm -rf ' . $tmp);
echo "Copy the files from the git repository.\n";
2012-06-17 14:40:07 +00:00
system($gitPath . ' archive ' . $full . ' | tar -x -C ' . $fullpath);
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
system('mkdir diffdocs');
system('mkdir diffconvert');
system('mkdir packages'.$version);
echo "Copy manifest file to root directory for install packkages.\n";
system('cp '.$fullpath.'/administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml '.$fullpath);
echo "Create list of changed files from git repository.\n";
// Here we force add every top-level directory and file in our diff archive, even if they haven't changed.
// This allows us to install these files from the Extension Manager.
// So we add the index file for each top-level directory.
// Note: If we add new top-level directories or files, be sure to include them here.
$filesArray = array(
"administrator/index.php\n" => true,
"cache/index.html\n" => true,
"cli/index.html\n" => true,
"components/index.html\n" => true,
"images/index.html\n" => true,
"includes/index.html\n" => true,
"language/index.html\n" => true,
"layouts/index.html\n" => true,
"libraries/index.html\n" => true,
"logs/index.html\n" => true,
"media/index.html\n" => true,
"modules/index.html\n" => true,
"plugins/index.html\n" => true,
"templates/index.html\n" => true,
"tmp/index.html\n" => true,
"htaccess.txt\n" => true,
"index.php\n" => true,
"LICENSE.txt\n" => true,
"README.txt\n" => true,
"robots.txt\n" => true,
"web.config.txt\n" => true,
"joomla.xml\n" => true,
// Count down starting with the latest release and add diff files to this array
for($num=$release-1; $num >= 0; $num--) {
echo "Create version $num update packages.\n";
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// Here we get a list of all files that have changed between the two tags ($previousTag and $full) and save in diffdocs
$previousTag = $version . '.' . $num;
2012-06-17 14:40:07 +00:00
$command = $gitPath . ' diff tags/'. $previousTag . ' tags/' . $full . ' --name-status > diffdocs/'.$version.'.'.$num;
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// $newfile will hold the array of files to include in diff package
$deletedFiles = array();
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
$files = file('diffdocs/'.$version.'.'.$num);
// Loop through and add all files except: tests, installation, build, .git, or docs
foreach($files AS $file)
if(substr($file, 2, 5) != 'tests' && substr($file, 2, 12) != 'installation' && substr($file,2,5) != 'build'
&& substr($file, 2, 4) != '.git' && substr($file, 2, 4) != 'docs' )
// Don't add deleted files to the list
if (substr($file, 0, 1) != 'D')
$filesArray[substr($file, 2)] = true;
// Add deleted files to the deleted files list
$deletedFiles[] = substr($file,2);
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// Write the file list to a text file.
$filePut = array_keys($filesArray);
file_put_contents('diffconvert/'.$version.'.'.$num, implode("", $filePut));
file_put_contents('diffconvert/'.$version.'.'.$num.'-deleted', $deletedFiles);
// Only create archives for 0 and most recent versions. Skip other update versions.
if ($num != 0 && ($num != $release - 1)) {
echo "Skipping create archive for version $version.$num\n";
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// Create the diff archive packages using the file name list.
system('tar --create --bzip2 --no-recursion --directory '.$full.' --file packages'.$version.'/Joomla_'.$version.'.'.$num.'_to_'.$full.'-Stable-Patch_Package.tar.bz2 --files-from diffconvert/'.$version.'.'.$num . '> /dev/null');
system('tar --create --gzip --no-recursion --directory '.$full.' --file packages'.$version.'/Joomla_'.$version.'.'.$num.'_to_'.$full.'-Stable-Patch_Package.tar.gz --files-from diffconvert/'.$version.'.'.$num . '> /dev/null');
system('zip ../packages'.$version.'/Joomla_'.$version.'.'.$num.'_to_'.$full.'-Stable-Patch_Package.zip -@ < ../diffconvert/'.$version.'.'.$num . '> /dev/null');
// Delete the directories we exclude from the packages (tests, docs, build).
echo "Delete folders not included in packages.\n";
system('rm -rf '.$full.'/tests ' . $full.'/docs ' . $full.'.gitignore ' . $full . '/build ' . $full . '/build.xml ');
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
// Recreate empty directories before creating new archives.
system('mkdir packages_full'.$full);
echo "Build full package files.\n";
// Create full archive packages.
system('tar --create --bzip2 --file ../packages_full'.$full.'/Joomla_'.$full.'-Stable-Full_Package.tar.bz2 * > /dev/null');
system('tar --create --gzip --file ../packages_full'.$full.'/Joomla_'.$full.'-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz * > /dev/null');
system('zip -r ../packages_full'.$full.'/Joomla_'.$full.'-Stable-Full_Package.zip * > /dev/null');
// Create full update file without installation folder.
echo "Build full update package.\n";
system('rm -r installation');
2012-10-08 21:27:15 +00:00
system('tar --create --bzip2 --file ../packages_full'.$full.'/Joomla_'.$full.'-Stable-Update_Package.tar.bz2 * > /dev/null');
system('tar --create --gzip --file ../packages_full'.$full.'/Joomla_'.$full.'-Stable-Update_Package.tar.gz * > /dev/null');
2012-02-07 03:24:48 +00:00
system('zip -r ../packages_full'.$full.'/Joomla_'.$full.'-Stable-Update_Package.zip * > /dev/null');
echo "Build of version $full complete!\n";