mirror of https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms.git synced 2024-09-06 02:14:40 +00:00
David Neukirchen 6bbbc49715 Fix the excluded file list in the robo setup task (#20045)
Previously files and folders which are not needed for the test site were copied. In some szenarios (i.e. if you have the root instance installed) this made it unpossible to run the tests.
2018-04-01 11:53:48 +02:00

513 lines
11 KiB

* @package Joomla.Site
* @subpackage RoboFile
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* This is joomla project's console command file for Robo.li task runner.
* Do a `$ composer install` afterwards you will be able to execute robo like
* `$ ./libraries/vendor/bin/robo` to see a list of commands
* @see http://robo.li/
require_once __DIR__ . '/libraries/vendor/autoload.php';
if (!defined('JPATH_BASE'))
define('JPATH_BASE', __DIR__);
* System Test (Codeception) test execution for Joomla!
* @package RoboFile
* @since 3.7.3
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks
use JoomlaRobo\Tasks;
* Path to the Selenium folder#
* @var string
* @since 3.7.3
const SELENIUM_FOLDER = __DIR__ . '/libraries/vendor/joomla-projects/selenium-server-standalone';
* Path to the vendor folder
* @var string
* @since 3.7.3
private $vendorPath = 'libraries/vendor/';
* Path to the tests
* @var string
* @since 4.0.0
private $testsPath = 'libraries/vendor/joomla/test-system/src/';
* Local configuration parameters
* @var array
* @since 3.7.3
private $configuration = array();
* @var array | null
* @since 3.7.3
private $suiteConfig;
* Path to the local CMS test folder
* @var string
* @since 3.7.3
protected $cmsPath = null;
* RoboFile constructor.
* @since 3.7.3
public function __construct()
$this->configuration = $this->getConfiguration();
$this->cmsPath = $this->getTestingPath();
// Set default timezone (so no warnings are generated if it is not set)
* Get (optional) configuration from an external file
* @since 3.7.3
* @return \stdClass|null
public function getConfiguration()
$configurationFile = __DIR__ . '/RoboFile.ini';
if (!file_exists($configurationFile))
$this->say('No local configuration file');
return null;
$configuration = parse_ini_file($configurationFile);
if ($configuration === false)
$this->say('Local configuration file is empty or wrong (check is it in correct .ini format');
return null;
return json_decode(json_encode($configuration));
* Get the correct CMS root path
* @since 3.7.3
* @return string
private function getTestingPath()
if (empty($this->configuration->cmsPath))
return 'test-install';
if (!file_exists(dirname($this->configuration->cmsPath)))
$this->say('CMS path written in local configuration does not exists or is not readable');
return 'test-install';
return $this->configuration->cmsPath;
* Creates a testing Joomla site for running the tests (use it before run:test)
* @param bool $useHtaccess (1/0) Rename and enable embedded Joomla .htaccess file
* @since 3.7.3
* @return void
public function createTestingSite($useHtaccess = false)
// Clean old testing site
if (is_dir($this->cmsPath))
catch (Exception $e)
// Sorry, we tried :(
$this->say('Sorry, you will have to delete ' . $this->cmsPath . ' manually.');
$exclude = [
$this->copyJoomla($this->cmsPath, $exclude);
// Optionally change owner to fix permissions issues
if (!empty($this->configuration->localUser))
$this->_exec('chown -R ' . $this->configuration->localUser . ' ' . $this->cmsPath);
// Optionally uses Joomla default htaccess file. Used by TravisCI
if ($useHtaccess == true)
$this->say('Renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess');
$this->_copy('./htaccess.txt', $this->cmsPath . '/.htaccess');
$this->_exec('sed -e "s,# RewriteBase /,RewriteBase /test-install/joomla-cms,g" -in-place test-install/joomla-cms/.htaccess');
* Copy the Joomla installation excluding folders
* @param string $dst Target folder
* @param array $exclude Exclude list of folders
* @throws Exception
* @since 3.7.3
* @return void
protected function copyJoomla($dst, $exclude = array())
$dir = @opendir(".");
if (false === $dir)
throw new Exception($this, "Cannot open source directory");
if (!is_dir($dst))
mkdir($dst, 0755, true);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))
if (in_array($file, $exclude))
if (($file !== '.') && ($file !== '..'))
$srcFile = "." . '/' . $file;
$destFile = $dst . '/' . $file;
if (is_dir($srcFile))
$this->_copyDir($srcFile, $destFile);
copy($srcFile, $destFile);
* Executes all the Selenium System Tests in a suite on your machine
* @param array $opts Array of configuration options:
* - 'use-htaccess': renames and enable embedded Joomla .htaccess file
* - 'env': set a specific environment to get configuration from
* @since 3.7.3
* @return mixed
public function runTests($opts = ['use-htaccess' => false, 'env' => 'desktop'])
$this->say("Running tests");
$this->taskRunSelenium(self::SELENIUM_FOLDER, $this->getWebdriver())->run();
// Make sure to run the build command to generate AcceptanceTester
if ($this->isWindows())
$this->_exec('php ' . $this->getWindowsPath($this->vendorPath . 'bin/codecept') . ' build');
$pathToCodeception = $this->getWindowsPath($this->vendorPath . 'bin/codecept');
$this->_exec('php ' . $this->vendorPath . 'bin/codecept build');
$pathToCodeception = $this->vendorPath . 'bin/codecept';
->arg($this->testsPath . 'acceptance/install/')
->arg($this->testsPath . '/acceptance/administrator/components/com_users')
* Executes a specific Selenium System Tests in your machine
* @param string $pathToTestFile Optional name of the test to be run
* @param string $suite Optional name of the suite containing the tests, Acceptance by default.
* @since 3.7.3
* @return void
public function runTest($pathToTestFile = null, $suite = 'acceptance')
$this->taskRunSelenium(self::SELENIUM_FOLDER, $this->getWebdriver());
// Make sure to run the build command to generate AcceptanceTester
$path = $this->vendorPath . 'bin/codecept';
$this->_exec('php ' . $this->isWindows() ? $this->getWindowsPath($path) : $path . ' build');
if (!$pathToTestFile)
$this->say('Available tests in the system:');
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(
$this->testsPath . '/' . $suite,
$tests = array();
$i = 1;
while ($iterator->valid())
if (strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), 'cept.php')
|| strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), 'cest.php')
|| strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), '.feature')
$this->say('[' . $i . '] ' . $iterator->getSubPathName());
$tests[$i] = $iterator->getSubPathName();
$testNumber = $this->ask('Type the number of the test in the list that you want to run...');
$test = $tests[$testNumber];
$pathToTestFile = $this->testsPath . '/' . $suite . '/' . $test;
// Loading the class to display the methods in the class
// Logic to fetch the class name from the file name
$fileName = explode("/", $test);
// If the selected file is cest only then we will give the option to execute individual methods, we don't need this in cept or feature files
$i = 1;
if (isset($fileName[1]) && strripos($fileName[1], 'cest'))
require $this->testsPath . '/' . $suite . '/' . $test;
$className = explode(".", $fileName[1]);
$class_methods = get_class_methods($className[0]);
$this->say('[' . $i . '] ' . 'All');
$methods[$i] = 'All';
foreach ($class_methods as $method_name)
$reflect = new ReflectionMethod($className[0], $method_name);
if (!$reflect->isConstructor() && $reflect->isPublic())
$this->say('[' . $i . '] ' . $method_name);
$methods[$i] = $method_name;
$methodNumber = $this->ask('Please choose the method in the test that you would want to run...');
$method = $methods[$methodNumber];
if (isset($method) && $method != 'All')
$pathToTestFile = $pathToTestFile . ':' . $method;
$testPathCodecept = $this->vendorPath . 'bin/codecept';
$this->taskCodecept($this->isWindows() ? $this->getWindowsPath($testPathCodecept) : $testPathCodecept)
* Check if local OS is Windows
* @return bool
* @since 3.7.3
private function isWindows()
return strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN';
* Return the correct path for Windows (needed by CMD)
* @param string $path Linux path
* @return string
* @since 3.7.3
private function getWindowsPath($path)
return str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
* Detect the correct driver for selenium
* @return string the webdriver string to use with selenium
* @since 3.7.3
public function getWebdriver()
$suiteConfig = $this->getSuiteConfig();
$driver = $suiteConfig['modules']['config']['JoomlaBrowser']['browser'];
return $driver;
* Get the suite configuration
* @param string $suite Name of the test suite
* @return array
* @since 3.7.3
private function getSuiteConfig($suite = 'acceptance')
if (!$this->suiteConfig)
$this->suiteConfig = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/libraries/vendor/joomla/test-system/src/' . $suite . '.suite.yml'));
return $this->suiteConfig;