mirror of https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms.git synced 2024-06-30 00:53:41 +00:00

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* @package Joomla.Build
* @copyright (C) 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// We are a valid entry point.
const _JEXEC = 1;
// Import namespaced classes
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Http\HttpFactory;
use Joomla\CMS\Version;
use Joomla\Console\Application;
use Joomla\Console\Command\AbstractCommand;
use Joomla\Mediawiki\Http;
use Joomla\Mediawiki\Mediawiki;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
* Define the application's minimum supported PHP version as a constant so it can be referenced within the application.
const JOOMLA_MINIMUM_PHP = '7.2.5';
if (!defined('_JDEFINES'))
define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(__DIR__));
require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/defines.php';
// Get the framework.
require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/framework.php';
$command = new class extends AbstractCommand
* The default command name
* @var string
protected static $defaultName = 'build-help-toc';
* Initialise the command.
* @return void
protected function configure(): void
$this->setDescription('Generates the help system table of contents file');
* Internal function to execute the command.
* @param InputInterface $input The input to inject into the command.
* @param OutputInterface $output The output to inject into the command.
* @return integer The command exit code
protected function doExecute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
if (!class_exists(Http::class))
'The `joomla/mediawiki` package is not installed. To use this script, you must run `composer install` to install development'
. ' dependencies not tracked in this repo.'
return 1;
// Set up HTTP driver for MediaWiki
$http = new Http([], HttpFactory::getAvailableDriver());
// Set up options for the Mediawiki class
$options = new Registry;
$options->set('api.url', 'https://docs.joomla.org');
$mediawiki = new Mediawiki($options, $http);
$io->comment('Fetching data from docs wiki');
// Get the category members (local hack)
$categoryMembers = $mediawiki->categories->getCategoryMembers(
sprintf('Category:Help_screen_%s.%s', Version::MAJOR_VERSION, Version::MINOR_VERSION),
$members = [];
// Loop through the result objects to get every document
foreach ($categoryMembers->query->categorymembers as $catmembers)
foreach ($catmembers as $member)
$members[] = (string) $member['title'];
// Get the language object
$language = Factory::getLanguage();
// Load the admin joomla.ini language file to get the JHELP language keys
$language->load('joomla', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, false);
// Get the language strings via Reflection as the property is protected
$refl = new ReflectionClass($language);
$property = $refl->getProperty('strings');
$strings = $property->getValue($language);
* Now we start fancy processing so we can get the language key for the titles
$cleanMembers = [];
// Strip the namespace prefix off the titles and replace spaces with underscores
$namespace = sprintf('Help%d.x:', Version::MAJOR_VERSION);
foreach ($members as $member)
$cleanMembers[] = str_replace([$namespace, ' '], ['', '_'], $member);
// Make sure we only have an array of unique values before continuing
$cleanMembers = array_unique($cleanMembers);
* Loop through the cleaned up title array and the language strings array to match things up
$matchedMembers = [];
foreach ($cleanMembers as $member)
foreach ($strings as $k => $v)
if ($member === $v)
$matchedMembers[] = $k;
// Alpha sort the array
// Now we strip off the JHELP_ prefix from the strings to get usable strings for both COM_ADMIN and JHELP
$stripped = [];
foreach ($matchedMembers as $member)
$stripped[] = str_replace('JHELP_', '', $member);
* Check to make sure a COM_ADMIN_HELP string exists, don't include in the TOC if not
// Load the admin com_admin language file
$language->load('com_admin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
$toc = [];
foreach ($stripped as $string)
// Validate the key exists
$io->comment(sprintf('Validating key COM_ADMIN_HELP_%s', $string));
if ($language->hasKey('COM_ADMIN_HELP_' . $string))
$io->comment(sprintf('Adding %s', $string));
$toc[$string] = $string;
// We check the string for words in singular/plural form and check again
$io->comment(sprintf('Inflecting %s', $string));
if (strpos($string, '_CATEGORIES') !== false)
$inflected = str_replace('_CATEGORIES', '_CATEGORY', $string);
elseif (strpos($string, '_USERS') !== false)
$inflected = str_replace('_USERS', '_USER', $string);
elseif (strpos($string, '_CATEGORY') !== false)
$inflected = str_replace('_CATEGORY', '_CATEGORIES', $string);
elseif (strpos($string, '_USER') !== false)
$inflected = str_replace('_USER', '_USERS', $string);
$inflected = '';
// Now try to validate the key
if ($inflected !== '')
$io->comment(sprintf('Validating key COM_ADMIN_HELP_%s', $inflected));
if ($language->hasKey('COM_ADMIN_HELP_' . $inflected))
$io->comment(sprintf('Adding %s', $inflected));
$toc[$string] = $inflected;
$io->comment(sprintf('Number of strings: %d', count($toc)));
// JSON encode the file and write it to JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR/help/en-GB/toc.json
file_put_contents(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/help/en-GB/toc.json', json_encode($toc));
$io->success('Help Screen TOC written');
return 0;
$input = new ArrayInput(
'command' => $command::getDefaultName(),
$app = new class($input) extends Application
* Retrieve the application configuration object.
* @return Registry
public function getConfig()
return $this->config;
// Register the application to the factory
Factory::$application = $app;