
1415 lines
36 KiB

* @package Joomla.Administrator
* @subpackage com_categories
* @copyright (C) 2008 Open Source Matters, Inc. <>
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
namespace Joomla\Component\Categories\Administrator\Model;
\defined('_JEXEC') or die;
use Joomla\CMS\Access\Rules;
use Joomla\CMS\Association\AssociationServiceInterface;
use Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryServiceInterface;
use Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Date\Date;
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path;
use Joomla\CMS\Form\Form;
use Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Associations;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\LanguageHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\MVC\Factory\MVCFactoryInterface;
use Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\AdminModel;
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\UCM\UCMType;
use Joomla\CMS\Versioning\VersionableModelTrait;
use Joomla\Component\Categories\Administrator\Helper\CategoriesHelper;
use Joomla\Database\ParameterType;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
use Joomla\String\StringHelper;
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* Categories Component Category Model
* @since 1.6
class CategoryModel extends AdminModel
use VersionableModelTrait;
* The prefix to use with controller messages.
* @var string
* @since 1.6
protected $text_prefix = 'COM_CATEGORIES';
* The type alias for this content type. Used for content version history.
* @var string
* @since 3.2
public $typeAlias = null;
* The context used for the associations table
* @var string
* @since 3.4.4
protected $associationsContext = 'com_categories.item';
* Override parent constructor.
* @param array $config An optional associative array of configuration settings.
* @param MVCFactoryInterface|null $factory The factory.
* @see \Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\BaseDatabaseModel
* @since 3.2
public function __construct($config = array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory = null)
$extension = Factory::getApplication()->input->get('extension', 'com_content');
$this->typeAlias = $extension . '.category';
// Add a new batch command
$this->batch_commands['flip_ordering'] = 'batchFlipordering';
parent::__construct($config, $factory);
* Method to test whether a record can be deleted.
* @param object $record A record object.
* @return boolean True if allowed to delete the record. Defaults to the permission set in the component.
* @since 1.6
protected function canDelete($record)
if (empty($record->id) || $record->published != -2)
return false;
return Factory::getUser()->authorise('core.delete', $record->extension . '.category.' . (int) $record->id);
* Method to test whether a record can have its state changed.
* @param object $record A record object.
* @return boolean True if allowed to change the state of the record. Defaults to the permission set in the component.
* @since 1.6
protected function canEditState($record)
$user = Factory::getUser();
// Check for existing category.
if (!empty($record->id))
return $user->authorise('core.edit.state', $record->extension . '.category.' . (int) $record->id);
// New category, so check against the parent.
if (!empty($record->parent_id))
return $user->authorise('core.edit.state', $record->extension . '.category.' . (int) $record->parent_id);
// Default to component settings if neither category nor parent known.
return $user->authorise('core.edit.state', $record->extension);
* Method to get a table object, load it if necessary.
* @param string $type The table name. Optional.
* @param string $prefix The class prefix. Optional.
* @param array $config Configuration array for model. Optional.
* @return \Joomla\CMS\Table\Table A JTable object
* @since 1.6
public function getTable($type = 'Category', $prefix = 'Administrator', $config = array())
return parent::getTable($type, $prefix, $config);
* Auto-populate the model state.
* Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion.
* @return void
* @since 1.6
protected function populateState()
$app = Factory::getApplication();
$parentId = $app->input->getInt('parent_id');
$this->setState('category.parent_id', $parentId);
// Load the User state.
$pk = $app->input->getInt('id');
$this->setState($this->getName() . '.id', $pk);
$extension = $app->input->get('extension', 'com_content');
$this->setState('category.extension', $extension);
$parts = explode('.', $extension);
// Extract the component name
$this->setState('category.component', $parts[0]);
// Extract the optional section name
$this->setState('category.section', (count($parts) > 1) ? $parts[1] : null);
// Load the parameters.
$params = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_categories');
$this->setState('params', $params);
* Method to get a category.
* @param integer $pk An optional id of the object to get, otherwise the id from the model state is used.
* @return mixed Category data object on success, false on failure.
* @since 1.6
public function getItem($pk = null)
if ($result = parent::getItem($pk))
// Prime required properties.
if (empty($result->id))
$result->parent_id = $this->getState('category.parent_id');
$result->extension = $this->getState('category.extension');
// Convert the metadata field to an array.
$registry = new Registry($result->metadata);
$result->metadata = $registry->toArray();
// Convert the created and modified dates to local user time for display in the form.
$tz = new \DateTimeZone(Factory::getApplication()->get('offset'));
if ((int) $result->created_time)
$date = new Date($result->created_time);
$result->created_time = $date->toSql(true);
$result->created_time = null;
if ((int) $result->modified_time)
$date = new Date($result->modified_time);
$result->modified_time = $date->toSql(true);
$result->modified_time = null;
if (!empty($result->id))
$result->tags = new TagsHelper;
$result->tags->getTagIds($result->id, $result->extension . '.category');
$assoc = $this->getAssoc();
if ($assoc)
if ($result->id != null)
$result->associations = ArrayHelper::toInteger(CategoriesHelper::getAssociations($result->id, $result->extension));
$result->associations = array();
return $result;
* Method to get the row form.
* @param array $data Data for the form.
* @param boolean $loadData True if the form is to load its own data (default case), false if not.
* @return \JForm|boolean A JForm object on success, false on failure
* @since 1.6
public function getForm($data = array(), $loadData = true)
$extension = $this->getState('category.extension');
$jinput = Factory::getApplication()->input;
// A workaround to get the extension into the model for save requests.
if (empty($extension) && isset($data['extension']))
$extension = $data['extension'];
$parts = explode('.', $extension);
$this->setState('category.extension', $extension);
$this->setState('category.component', $parts[0]);
$this->setState('category.section', @$parts[1]);
// Get the form.
$form = $this->loadForm('com_categories.category' . $extension, 'category', array('control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => $loadData));
if (empty($form))
return false;
// Modify the form based on Edit State access controls.
if (empty($data['extension']))
$data['extension'] = $extension;
$categoryId = $jinput->get('id');
$parts = explode('.', $extension);
$assetKey = $categoryId ? $extension . '.category.' . $categoryId : $parts[0];
if (!Factory::getUser()->authorise('core.edit.state', $assetKey))
// Disable fields for display.
$form->setFieldAttribute('ordering', 'disabled', 'true');
$form->setFieldAttribute('published', 'disabled', 'true');
// Disable fields while saving.
// The controller has already verified this is a record you can edit.
$form->setFieldAttribute('ordering', 'filter', 'unset');
$form->setFieldAttribute('published', 'filter', 'unset');
return $form;
* A protected method to get the where clause for the reorder
* This ensures that the row will be moved relative to a row with the same extension
* @param \JTableCategory $table Current table instance
* @return array An array of conditions to add to ordering queries.
* @since 1.6
protected function getReorderConditions($table)
return [
$this->_db->quoteName('extension') . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote($table->extension),
* Method to get the data that should be injected in the form.
* @return mixed The data for the form.
* @since 1.6
protected function loadFormData()
// Check the session for previously entered form data.
$app = Factory::getApplication();
$data = $app->getUserState('com_categories.edit.' . $this->getName() . '.data', array());
if (empty($data))
$data = $this->getItem();
// Pre-select some filters (Status, Language, Access) in edit form if those have been selected in Category Manager
if (!$data->id)
// Check for which extension the Category Manager is used and get selected fields
$extension = substr($app->getUserState('com_categories.categories.filter.extension'), 4);
$filters = (array) $app->getUserState('com_categories.categories.' . $extension . '.filter');
((isset($filters['published']) && $filters['published'] !== '') ? $filters['published'] : null)
$data->set('language', $app->input->getString('language', (!empty($filters['language']) ? $filters['language'] : null)));
$app->input->getInt('access', (!empty($filters['access']) ? $filters['access'] : $app->get('access')))
$this->preprocessData('com_categories.category', $data);
return $data;
* Method to validate the form data.
* @param JForm $form The form to validate against.
* @param array $data The data to validate.
* @param string $group The name of the field group to validate.
* @return array|boolean Array of filtered data if valid, false otherwise.
* @see JFormRule
* @see JFilterInput
* @since 3.9.23
public function validate($form, $data, $group = null)
if (!JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin', $data['extension']))
if (isset($data['rules']))
return parent::validate($form, $data, $group);
* Method to preprocess the form.
* @param \JForm $form A JForm object.
* @param mixed $data The data expected for the form.
* @param string $group The name of the plugin group to import.
* @return mixed
* @see \Joomla\CMS\Form\FormField
* @since 1.6
* @throws \Exception if there is an error in the form event.
protected function preprocessForm(Form $form, $data, $group = 'content')
$lang = Factory::getLanguage();
$component = $this->getState('category.component');
$section = $this->getState('category.section');
$extension = Factory::getApplication()->input->get('extension', null);
// Get the component form if it exists
$name = 'category' . ($section ? ('.' . $section) : '');
// Looking first in the component forms folder
$path = Path::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/$component/forms/$name.xml");
// Looking in the component models/forms folder (J! 3)
if (!file_exists($path))
$path = Path::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/$component/models/forms/$name.xml");
// Old way: looking in the component folder
if (!file_exists($path))
$path = Path::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/$component/$name.xml");
if (file_exists($path))
$lang->load($component, JPATH_BASE);
$lang->load($component, JPATH_BASE . '/components/' . $component);
if (!$form->loadFile($path, false))
throw new \Exception(Text::_('JERROR_LOADFILE_FAILED'));
$componentInterface = Factory::getApplication()->bootComponent($component);
if ($componentInterface instanceof CategoryServiceInterface)
$componentInterface->prepareForm($form, $data);
// Try to find the component helper.
$eName = str_replace('com_', '', $component);
$path = Path::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/$component/helpers/category.php");
if (file_exists($path))
$cName = ucfirst($eName) . ucfirst($section) . 'HelperCategory';
\JLoader::register($cName, $path);
if (class_exists($cName) && is_callable(array($cName, 'onPrepareForm')))
$lang->load($component, JPATH_BASE, null, false, false)
|| $lang->load($component, JPATH_BASE . '/components/' . $component, null, false, false)
|| $lang->load($component, JPATH_BASE, $lang->getDefault(), false, false)
|| $lang->load($component, JPATH_BASE . '/components/' . $component, $lang->getDefault(), false, false);
call_user_func_array(array($cName, 'onPrepareForm'), array(&$form));
// Check for an error.
if ($form instanceof \Exception)
return false;
// Set the access control rules field component value.
$form->setFieldAttribute('rules', 'component', $component);
$form->setFieldAttribute('rules', 'section', $name);
// Association category items
if ($this->getAssoc())
$languages = LanguageHelper::getContentLanguages(false, false, null, 'ordering', 'asc');
if (count($languages) > 1)
$addform = new \SimpleXMLElement('<form />');
$fields = $addform->addChild('fields');
$fields->addAttribute('name', 'associations');
$fieldset = $fields->addChild('fieldset');
$fieldset->addAttribute('name', 'item_associations');
foreach ($languages as $language)
$field = $fieldset->addChild('field');
$field->addAttribute('name', $language->lang_code);
$field->addAttribute('type', 'modal_category');
$field->addAttribute('language', $language->lang_code);
$field->addAttribute('label', $language->title);
$field->addAttribute('translate_label', 'false');
$field->addAttribute('extension', $extension);
$field->addAttribute('select', 'true');
$field->addAttribute('new', 'true');
$field->addAttribute('edit', 'true');
$field->addAttribute('clear', 'true');
$field->addAttribute('propagate', 'true');
$form->load($addform, false);
// Trigger the default form events.
parent::preprocessForm($form, $data, $group);
* Method to save the form data.
* @param array $data The form data.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 1.6
public function save($data)
$table = $this->getTable();
$input = Factory::getApplication()->input;
$pk = (!empty($data['id'])) ? $data['id'] : (int) $this->getState($this->getName() . '.id');
$isNew = true;
$context = $this->option . '.' . $this->name;
if (!empty($data['tags']) && $data['tags'][0] != '')
$table->newTags = $data['tags'];
// Include the plugins for the save events.
// Load the row if saving an existing category.
if ($pk > 0)
$isNew = false;
// Set the new parent id if parent id not matched OR while New/Save as Copy .
if ($table->parent_id != $data['parent_id'] || $data['id'] == 0)
$table->setLocation($data['parent_id'], 'last-child');
// Alter the title for save as copy
if ($input->get('task') == 'save2copy')
$origTable = clone $this->getTable();
if ($data['title'] == $origTable->title)
list($title, $alias) = $this->generateNewTitle($data['parent_id'], $data['alias'], $data['title']);
$data['title'] = $title;
$data['alias'] = $alias;
if ($data['alias'] == $origTable->alias)
$data['alias'] = '';
$data['published'] = 0;
// Bind the data.
if (!$table->bind($data))
return false;
// Bind the rules.
if (isset($data['rules']))
$rules = new Rules($data['rules']);
// Check the data.
if (!$table->check())
return false;
// Trigger the before save event.
$result = Factory::getApplication()->triggerEvent($this->event_before_save, array($context, &$table, $isNew, $data));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
// Store the data.
if (!$table->store())
return false;
$assoc = $this->getAssoc();
if ($assoc)
// Adding self to the association
$associations = $data['associations'] ?? array();
// Unset any invalid associations
$associations = ArrayHelper::toInteger($associations);
foreach ($associations as $tag => $id)
if (!$id)
// Detecting all item menus
$allLanguage = $table->language == '*';
if ($allLanguage && !empty($associations))
Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(Text::_('COM_CATEGORIES_ERROR_ALL_LANGUAGE_ASSOCIATED'), 'notice');
// Get associationskey for edited item
$db = $this->getDbo();
$id = (int) $table->id;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->quoteName('context') . ' = :associationscontext')
->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = :id')
->bind(':associationscontext', $this->associationsContext)
->bind(':id', $id, ParameterType::INTEGER);
$oldKey = $db->loadResult();
if ($associations || $oldKey !== null)
$where = [];
// Deleting old associations for the associated items
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->quoteName('context') . ' = :associationscontext')
->bind(':associationscontext', $this->associationsContext);
if ($associations)
$where[] = $db->quoteName('id') . ' IN (' . implode(',', $query->bindArray(array_values($associations))) . ')';
if ($oldKey !== null)
$where[] = $db->quoteName('key') . ' = :oldKey';
$query->bind(':oldKey', $oldKey);
$query->extendWhere('AND', $where, 'OR');
catch (\RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Adding self to the association
if (!$allLanguage)
$associations[$table->language] = (int) $table->id;
if (count($associations) > 1)
// Adding new association for these items
$key = md5(json_encode($associations));
foreach ($associations as $id)
$id = (int) $id;
[$id, $this->associationsContext, $key],
[ParameterType::INTEGER, ParameterType::STRING, ParameterType::STRING]
catch (\RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Trigger the after save event.
Factory::getApplication()->triggerEvent($this->event_after_save, array($context, &$table, $isNew, $data));
// Rebuild the path for the category:
if (!$table->rebuildPath($table->id))
return false;
// Rebuild the paths of the category's children:
if (!$table->rebuild($table->id, $table->lft, $table->level, $table->path))
return false;
$this->setState($this->getName() . '.id', $table->id);
if (Factory::getApplication()->input->get('task') == 'editAssociations')
return $this->redirectToAssociations($data);
// Clear the cache
return true;
* Method to change the published state of one or more records.
* @param array $pks A list of the primary keys to change.
* @param integer $value The value of the published state.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 2.5
public function publish(&$pks, $value = 1)
if (parent::publish($pks, $value))
$extension = Factory::getApplication()->input->get('extension');
// Include the content plugins for the change of category state event.
// Trigger the onCategoryChangeState event.
Factory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('onCategoryChangeState', array($extension, $pks, $value));
return true;
* Method rebuild the entire nested set tree.
* @return boolean False on failure or error, true otherwise.
* @since 1.6
public function rebuild()
// Get an instance of the table object.
$table = $this->getTable();
if (!$table->rebuild())
return false;
// Clear the cache
return true;
* Method to save the reordered nested set tree.
* First we save the new order values in the lft values of the changed ids.
* Then we invoke the table rebuild to implement the new ordering.
* @param array $idArray An array of primary key ids.
* @param integer $lftArray The lft value
* @return boolean False on failure or error, True otherwise
* @since 1.6
public function saveorder($idArray = null, $lftArray = null)
// Get an instance of the table object.
$table = $this->getTable();
if (!$table->saveorder($idArray, $lftArray))
return false;
// Clear the cache
return true;
* Batch flip category ordering.
* @param integer $value The new category.
* @param array $pks An array of row IDs.
* @param array $contexts An array of item contexts.
* @return mixed An array of new IDs on success, boolean false on failure.
* @since 3.6.3
protected function batchFlipordering($value, $pks, $contexts)
$successful = array();
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
* For each category get the max ordering value
* Re-order with max - ordering
foreach ($pks as $id)
$query->select('MAX(' . $db->quoteName('ordering') . ')')
->where($db->quoteName('catid') . ' = :catid')
->bind(':catid', $id, ParameterType::INTEGER);
$max = (int) $db->loadresult();
->set($db->quoteName('ordering') . ' = :max - ' . $db->quoteName('ordering'))
->where($db->quoteName('catid') . ' = :catid')
->bind(':max', $max, ParameterType::INTEGER)
->bind(':catid', $id, ParameterType::INTEGER);
if ($db->execute())
$successful[] = $id;
return empty($successful) ? false : $successful;
* Batch copy categories to a new category.
* @param integer $value The new category.
* @param array $pks An array of row IDs.
* @param array $contexts An array of item contexts.
* @return mixed An array of new IDs on success, boolean false on failure.
* @since 1.6
protected function batchCopy($value, $pks, $contexts)
$type = new UCMType;
$this->type = $type->getTypeByAlias($this->typeAlias);
// $value comes as {parent_id}.{extension}
$parts = explode('.', $value);
$parentId = (int) ArrayHelper::getValue($parts, 0, 1);
$db = $this->getDbo();
$extension = Factory::getApplication()->input->get('extension', '', 'word');
$newIds = array();
// Check that the parent exists
if ($parentId)
if (!$this->table->load($parentId))
if ($error = $this->table->getError())
// Fatal error
return false;
// Non-fatal error
$parentId = 0;
// Check that user has create permission for parent category
if ($parentId == $this->table->getRootId())
$canCreate = $this->user->authorise('core.create', $extension);
$canCreate = $this->user->authorise('core.create', $extension . '.category.' . $parentId);
if (!$canCreate)
// Error since user cannot create in parent category
return false;
// If the parent is 0, set it to the ID of the root item in the tree
if (empty($parentId))
if (!$parentId = $this->table->getRootId())
return false;
// Make sure we can create in root
elseif (!$this->user->authorise('core.create', $extension))
return false;
// We need to log the parent ID
$parents = array();
// Calculate the emergency stop count as a precaution against a runaway loop bug
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->select('COUNT(' . $db->quoteName('id') . ')')
$count = $db->loadResult();
catch (\RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Parent exists so let's proceed
while (!empty($pks) && $count > 0)
// Pop the first id off the stack
$pk = array_shift($pks);
// Check that the row actually exists
if (!$this->table->load($pk))
if ($error = $this->table->getError())
// Fatal error
return false;
// Not fatal error
$this->setError(Text::sprintf('JGLOBAL_BATCH_MOVE_ROW_NOT_FOUND', $pk));
// Copy is a bit tricky, because we also need to copy the children
$lft = (int) $this->table->lft;
$rgt = (int) $this->table->rgt;
->where($db->quoteName('lft') . ' > :lft')
->where($db->quoteName('rgt') . ' < :rgt')
->bind(':lft', $lft, ParameterType::INTEGER)
->bind(':rgt', $rgt, ParameterType::INTEGER);
$childIds = $db->loadColumn();
// Add child ID's to the array only if they aren't already there.
foreach ($childIds as $childId)
if (!in_array($childId, $pks))
$pks[] = $childId;
// Make a copy of the old ID, Parent ID and Asset ID
$oldId = $this->table->id;
$oldParentId = $this->table->parent_id;
$oldAssetId = $this->table->asset_id;
// Reset the id because we are making a copy.
$this->table->id = 0;
// If we a copying children, the Old ID will turn up in the parents list
// otherwise it's a new top level item
$this->table->parent_id = $parents[$oldParentId] ?? $parentId;
// Set the new location in the tree for the node.
$this->table->setLocation($this->table->parent_id, 'last-child');
// @TODO: Deal with ordering?
// $this->table->ordering = 1;
$this->table->level = null;
$this->table->asset_id = null;
$this->table->lft = null;
$this->table->rgt = null;
// Alter the title & alias
list($title, $alias) = $this->generateNewTitle($this->table->parent_id, $this->table->alias, $this->table->title);
$this->table->title = $title;
$this->table->alias = $alias;
// Unpublish because we are making a copy
$this->table->published = 0;
// Store the row.
if (!$this->table->store())
return false;
// Get the new item ID
$newId = $this->table->get('id');
// Add the new ID to the array
$newIds[$pk] = $newId;
// Copy rules
->update($db->quoteName('#__assets', 't'))
$db->quoteName('#__assets', 's'),
$db->quoteName('') . ' = :oldid'
->bind(':oldid', $oldAssetId, ParameterType::INTEGER)
->set($db->quoteName('t.rules') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('s.rules'))
->where($db->quoteName('') . ' = :assetid')
->bind(':assetid', $this->table->asset_id, ParameterType::INTEGER);
// Now we log the old 'parent' to the new 'parent'
$parents[$oldId] = $this->table->id;
// Rebuild the hierarchy.
if (!$this->table->rebuild())
return false;
// Rebuild the tree path.
if (!$this->table->rebuildPath($this->table->id))
return false;
return $newIds;
* Batch move categories to a new category.
* @param integer $value The new category ID.
* @param array $pks An array of row IDs.
* @param array $contexts An array of item contexts.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 1.6
protected function batchMove($value, $pks, $contexts)
$parentId = (int) $value;
$type = new UCMType;
$this->type = $type->getTypeByAlias($this->typeAlias);
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$extension = Factory::getApplication()->input->get('extension', '', 'word');
// Check that the parent exists.
if ($parentId)
if (!$this->table->load($parentId))
if ($error = $this->table->getError())
// Fatal error.
return false;
// Non-fatal error.
$parentId = 0;
// Check that user has create permission for parent category.
if ($parentId == $this->table->getRootId())
$canCreate = $this->user->authorise('core.create', $extension);
$canCreate = $this->user->authorise('core.create', $extension . '.category.' . $parentId);
if (!$canCreate)
// Error since user cannot create in parent category
return false;
// Check that user has edit permission for every category being moved
// Note that the entire batch operation fails if any category lacks edit permission
foreach ($pks as $pk)
if (!$this->user->authorise('core.edit', $extension . '.category.' . $pk))
// Error since user cannot edit this category
return false;
// We are going to store all the children and just move the category
$children = array();
// Parent exists so let's proceed
foreach ($pks as $pk)
// Check that the row actually exists
if (!$this->table->load($pk))
if ($error = $this->table->getError())
// Fatal error
return false;
// Not fatal error
$this->setError(Text::sprintf('JGLOBAL_BATCH_MOVE_ROW_NOT_FOUND', $pk));
// Set the new location in the tree for the node.
$this->table->setLocation($parentId, 'last-child');
// Check if we are moving to a different parent
if ($parentId != $this->table->parent_id)
$lft = (int) $this->table->lft;
$rgt = (int) $this->table->rgt;
// Add the child node ids to the children array.
->where($db->quoteName('lft') . ' BETWEEN :lft AND :rgt')
->bind(':lft', $lft, ParameterType::INTEGER)
->bind(':rgt', $rgt, ParameterType::INTEGER);
$children = array_merge($children, (array) $db->loadColumn());
catch (\RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Store the row.
if (!$this->table->store())
return false;
// Rebuild the tree path.
if (!$this->table->rebuildPath())
return false;
// Process the child rows
if (!empty($children))
// Remove any duplicates and sanitize ids.
$children = array_unique($children);
$children = ArrayHelper::toInteger($children);
return true;
* Custom clean the cache of com_content and content modules
* @param string $group Cache group name.
* @param integer $clientId Application client id.
* @return void
* @since 1.6
protected function cleanCache($group = null, $clientId = 0)
$extension = Factory::getApplication()->input->get('extension');
switch ($extension)
case 'com_content':
* Method to change the title & alias.
* @param integer $parentId The id of the parent.
* @param string $alias The alias.
* @param string $title The title.
* @return array Contains the modified title and alias.
* @since 1.7
protected function generateNewTitle($parentId, $alias, $title)
// Alter the title & alias
$table = $this->getTable();
while ($table->load(array('alias' => $alias, 'parent_id' => $parentId)))
$title = StringHelper::increment($title);
$alias = StringHelper::increment($alias, 'dash');
return array($title, $alias);
* Method to determine if a category association is available.
* @return boolean True if a category association is available; false otherwise.
public function getAssoc()
static $assoc = null;
if (!is_null($assoc))
return $assoc;
$extension = $this->getState('category.extension');
$assoc = Associations::isEnabled();
$extension = explode('.', $extension);
$component = array_shift($extension);
$cname = str_replace('com_', '', $component);
if (!$assoc || !$component || !$cname)
$assoc = false;
return $assoc;
$componentObject = $this->bootComponent($component);
if ($componentObject instanceof AssociationServiceInterface && $componentObject instanceof CategoryServiceInterface)
$assoc = true;
return $assoc;
$hname = $cname . 'HelperAssociation';
\JLoader::register($hname, JPATH_SITE . '/components/' . $component . '/helpers/association.php');
$assoc = class_exists($hname) && !empty($hname::$category_association);
return $assoc;