mirror of https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms.git synced 2024-05-28 07:53:37 +00:00
Allon Moritz 1e7527b60e
Fixes various code style issues and integrate PHP CS Fixer into drone (#39745)
* Integrate PHP CS Fixer into drone

* Fix code base

* more verbose

* Ignore psr12 scripts

* Test

* revert

* Ignore also rebase script

* Align array and variable declarations

* Merges

* Fix the no break comment starting with upper case

* Fix alignment in arrays

* Article controller alignment
2023-01-31 11:20:05 +01:00

959 lines
32 KiB

* @package Joomla.Tests
* @subpackage Acceptance.tests
* @copyright (C) 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MissingNamespace
use Page\Acceptance\Administrator\MediaFilePage;
use Page\Acceptance\Administrator\MediaListPage;
use Step\Acceptance\Administrator\Media;
* TODO test d&d upload of files
* TODO test download of files
* TODO enable skipped tests
* Media manager list tests
* @since 4.0.0
class MediaListCest
* The default contents.
* @var array
* @since 4.0.0
private $contents = [
'root' => [
'/banners' => [
* The name of the test directory, which gets deleted after each test.
* @var string
* @since 4.0.0
private $testDirectory = 'test-dir';
* Runs before every test.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function _before(Media $I)
// Create the test directory
$I->createDirectory('images/' . $this->testDirectory);
* Runs after every test.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function _after(Media $I)
// Delete the test directory
$I->deleteDirectory('images/' . $this->testDirectory);
// Clear localstorage before every test
$I->executeJS('window.sessionStorage.removeItem("' . MediaListPage::$storageKey . '");');
* Test that it loads without php notices and warnings.
* @param AcceptanceTester $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function loadsWithoutPhpNoticesAndWarnings(AcceptanceTester $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it loads without php notices and warnings.');
* Test that it shows then joomla default media files and folders.
* @param Media $I
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function showsDefaultFilesAndFolders(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it shows the joomla default media files and folders.');
* Test that it shows then joomla default media files and folders.
* @param Media $I
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function showsFilesAndFoldersOfASubdirectoryWhenOpenedUsingDeepLink(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it shows the media files and folders of a subdirectory when opened using deep link.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . 'banners');
* Test that it is possible to select a single file.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function selectSingleFile(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to select a single file');
$I->seeNumberOfElements(MediaListPage::$itemSelected, 1);
* Test that it is possible to select a single file.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function selectSingleFolder(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to select a single folder');
$I->seeNumberOfElements(MediaListPage::$itemSelected, 1);
* Test that it is possible to select an image and see the information in the infobar.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function selectMultipleItems(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to select multiple');
$I->seeNumberOfElements(MediaListPage::$itemSelected, 2);
* Test that it's possible to navigate to a subfolder using double click.
* @param Media $I
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function navigateUsingDoubleClickOnFolder(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to navigate to a subfolder using double click.');
$I->seeInCurrentUrl(MediaListPage::$url . 'banners');
* Test that it's possible to navigate to a subfolder using tree.
* @param Media $I
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function navigateUsingTree(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to navigate to a subfolder using tree.');
$I->seeInCurrentUrl(MediaListPage::$url . 'banners');
* Test that it's possible to navigate to a subfolder using breadcrumb.
* @param Media $I
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function navigateUsingBreadcrumb(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to navigate to a subfolder using breadcrumb.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . 'banners');
* Test that search is applied to the current list.
* @param Media $I
* @throws Exception
* @since 4.0.6
public function searchInFilesAndFolders(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that search is applied to the current list.');
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$searchInputField, 'joomla');
* Test that search is cleared when navigating in the tree.
* @param Media $I
* @throws Exception
* @since 4.0.6
public function searchIsClearedOnNavigate(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that search is cleared when navigating in the tree.');
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$searchInputField, 'banner');
$I->seeInField(MediaListPage::$searchInputField, '');
* Test the upload of a single file using toolbar button.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
public function uploadSingleFileUsingToolbarButton(Media $I)
$testFileName = 'test-image-1.png';
$testFileItem = MediaListPage::item($testFileName);
$I->wantToTest('the upload of a single file using toolbar button.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName);
$I->seeAndCloseSystemMessage('Item uploaded.');
// Sometimes the modal is still fading in
// Ensure the modal has closed
$I->seeAndCloseSystemMessage('Item deleted.');
* Test the upload of an existing file using toolbar button.
* @skip We need to skip this test, because of a bug in acceptPopup in chrome.
* It throws a Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\UnexpectedAlertOpenException and does not accept the popup.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function uploadExistingFileUsingToolbarButton(Media $I)
$testFileName = 'test-image-1.jpg';
$I->wantToTest('that it shows a confirmation dialog when uploading existing file.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName);
$I->seeAndCloseSystemMessage('Item uploaded.');
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName);
$I->seeInPopup($testFileName . ' already exists. Do you want to replace it?');
$I->seeAndCloseSystemMessage('Item uploaded.');
* Test the create folder using toolbar button.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function createFolderUsingToolbarButton(Media $I)
$testFolderName = 'test-folder';
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to create a new folder using the toolbar button.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
// Sometimes the modal is still fading in
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$newFolderInputField, $testFolderName);
$I->waitForElementChange(MediaListPage::$modalConfirmButton, function (Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebElement $el) {
return $el->isEnabled();
// Ensure the modal has closed
$I->seeSystemMessage('Folder created.');
* Test create an existing folder.
* @skip Skipping until bug is resolved in media manager
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
public function createExistingFolderUsingToolbar(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is not possible to create an existing folder.');
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$newFolderInputField, $this->testDirectory);
$I->waitForElementChange(MediaListPage::$modalConfirmButton, function (Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebElement $el) {
return $el->isEnabled();
$I->seeSystemMessage('Error creating folder.');
* Test delete single file using toolbar.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function deleteSingleFileUsingToolbar(Media $I)
$testFileName = 'test-image-1.png';
$testFileItem = MediaListPage::item($testFileName);
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to delete a single file.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName);
$I->seeAndCloseSystemMessage('Item uploaded.');
// Sometimes the modal is still fading in
// Ensure the modal has closed
$I->seeSystemMessage('Item deleted.');
* Test toggle info bar.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function deleteSingleFolder(Media $I)
$testfolderName = 'test-folder';
$testFolderItem = MediaListPage::item($testfolderName);
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to delete a single folder.');
$I->createDirectory('images/' . $this->testDirectory . '/' . $testfolderName);
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
// Sometimes the modal is still fading in
// Ensure the modal has closed
$I->seeSystemMessage('Item deleted.');
* Test check all items.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function deleteMultipleFiles(Media $I)
$testFileName1 = 'test-image-1.png';
$testFileName2 = 'test-image-1.jpg';
$testFileItem1 = MediaListPage::item($testFileName1);
$testFileItem2 = MediaListPage::item($testFileName2);
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to delete multiple files.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName1);
$I->seeAndCloseSystemMessage('Item uploaded.');
// We have to clear the file input, otherwise our method of uploading the file via Codeception will upload it twice
$I->executeJS('document.getElementsByName(\'file\')[0].value = \'\'');
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName2);
$I->seeAndCloseSystemMessage('Item uploaded.');
$I->seeSystemMessage('Item deleted.');
* Test rename a file.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function renameFile(Media $I)
$testFileName = 'test-image-1.png';
$testFileItem = MediaListPage::item($testFileName);
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to rename a file.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName);
$I->clickOnActionInMenuOf($testFileName, MediaListPage::$renameAction);
// Sometimes the modal is still fading in
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$renameInputField, 'test-image-1-renamed');
// Ensure the modal has closed
$I->seeSystemMessage('Item renamed.');
* Test rename a file to the same name as an existing file.
* @skip Skipping until bug is resolved in media manager
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function renameFileToExistingFile(Media $I)
$testFileName1 = 'test-image-1.png';
$testFileName2 = 'test-image-2.png';
$testFileItem1 = MediaListPage::item($testFileName1);
$testFileItem2 = MediaListPage::item($testFileName2);
$I->wantToTest('that it is not possible to rename a file to a filename of an existing file.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName1);
$I->uploadFile('com_media/' . $testFileName2);
$I->clickOnActionInMenuOf($testFileName2, MediaListPage::$renameAction);
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$renameInputField, 'test-image-1');
$I->seeSystemMessage('Error renaming file.');
* Test rename a file.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function renameFolder(Media $I)
$testFolderName = 'test-folder';
$testFolderItem = MediaListPage::item($testFolderName);
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to rename a folder.');
$I->createDirectory('images/' . $this->testDirectory . '/' . $testFolderName);
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->clickOnActionInMenuOf($testFolderName, MediaListPage::$renameAction);
// Sometimes the modal is still fading in
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$renameInputField, $testFolderName . '-renamed');
// Ensure the modal has closed
$I->seeSystemMessage('Item renamed.');
$I->seeElement(MediaListPage::item($testFolderName . '-renamed'));
* Test rename a folder to the same name as an existing folder.
* @skip Skipping until bug is resolved in media manager
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function renameFolderToExistingFolder(Media $I)
$testFolderName1 = 'test-folder-1';
$testFolderName2 = 'test-folder-2';
$testFolderItem1 = MediaListPage::item($testFolderName1);
$testFolderItem2 = MediaListPage::item($testFolderName2);
$I->wantToTest('that it is not possible to rename a folder to a foldername of an existing folder.');
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->createDirectory('images/' . $this->testDirectory . '/' . $testFolderName1);
$I->createDirectory('images/' . $this->testDirectory . '/' . $testFolderName2);
$I->amOnPage(MediaListPage::$url . $this->testDirectory);
$I->clickOnActionInMenuOf($testFolderName2, MediaListPage::$renameAction);
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$renameInputField, $testFolderName1);
$I->seeSystemMessage('Error renaming folder.');
* Test preview using double click on image.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function showPreviewUsingDoubleClickOnImage(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it shows a preview for image when user doubleclicks it.');
$I->see('powered_by.png', MediaListPage::$previewModal);
* Test preview using action menu.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function showPreviewUsingClickOnActionMenu(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to show a preview of an image using button in action menu.');
$I->clickOnActionInMenuOf('powered_by.png', MediaListPage::$previewAction);
$I->see('powered_by.png', MediaListPage::$previewModal);
* Test close the preview modal.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function closePreviewModalUsingCloseButton(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to close the preview modal using the close button.');
* Test close the preview modal.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function closePreviewModalUsingEscapeKey(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to close the preview modal using escape key.');
$I->pressKey('body', \Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverKeys::ESCAPE);
* Test rename a file.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function openImageEditorUsingActionMenu(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to open the image editor using action menu.');
$I->clickOnActionInMenuOf('powered_by.png', MediaListPage::$editAction);
$I->seeInCurrentUrl(MediaFilePage::$url . '&mediatypes=0,1,2,3&path=local-images:/powered_by.png');
* Test toggle info bar.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function toggleInfoBar(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to toggle the infobar.');
* Test show file information in infobar.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function showFileInformationInInfobar(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it shows basic file information in the infobar.');
$I->see('powered_by.png', MediaListPage::$infoBar);
$I->see('image/png', MediaListPage::$infoBar);
* Test show folder information in infobar.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function showFolderInformationInInfobar(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it shows basic folder information in the infobar.');
$I->see('banners', MediaListPage::$infoBar);
$I->see('directory', MediaListPage::$infoBar);
* Test resize the thumbnails.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function resizeThumbnails(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to resize the thumbnails.');
// Resize to max
// Resize to min
* Test table view.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function toggleListViewUsingToolbarButton(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to toggle the list view (grid/table) using the toolbar button.');
* Test check all items.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function selectAllItemsUsingToolbarButton(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that it is possible to select all items using toolbar button.');
$I->seeNumberOfElements(MediaListPage::$itemSelected, count($this->contents['root']) + 1);
* Test that the app state is synced with session storage.
* @param Media $I Acceptance Helper Object
* @since 4.0.0
* @throws Exception
public function synchronizeAppStateWithSessionStorage(Media $I)
$I->wantToTest('that the application state is synchronized with session storage.');
$json = $I->executeJS('return sessionStorage.getItem("' . MediaListPage::$storageKey . '")');
$I->assertContains('"selectedDirectory":"local-images:/"', $json);
$I->assertContains('"showInfoBar":false', $json);
$I->assertContains('"listView":"grid"', $json);
$I->assertContains('"gridSize":"md"', $json);
$I->assertContains('"search":""', $json);
$I->fillField(MediaListPage::$searchInputField, 'joomla');
$json = $I->executeJS('return sessionStorage.getItem("' . MediaListPage::$storageKey . '")');
$I->assertContains('"selectedDirectory":"local-images:/banners"', $json);
$I->assertContains('"showInfoBar":true', $json);
$I->assertContains('"listView":"table"', $json);
$I->assertContains('"gridSize":"lg"', $json);
$I->assertContains('"search":"joomla"', $json);