#!/bin/bash set -e if [ -n "$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP" ]; then if [ -z "$JOOMLA_DB_HOST" ]; then JOOMLA_DB_HOST='mysql' else echo >&2 "warning: both JOOMLA_DB_HOST and MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP found" echo >&2 " Connecting to JOOMLA_DB_HOST ($JOOMLA_DB_HOST)" echo >&2 " instead of the linked mysql container" fi fi if [ -z "$JOOMLA_DB_HOST" ]; then echo >&2 "error: missing JOOMLA_DB_HOST and MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP environment variables" echo >&2 " Did you forget to --link some_mysql_container:mysql or set an external db" echo >&2 " with -e JOOMLA_DB_HOST=hostname:port?" exit 1 fi # If the DB user is 'root' then use the MySQL root password env var : ${JOOMLA_DB_USER:=root} if [ "$JOOMLA_DB_USER" = 'root' ]; then : ${JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD:=$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} fi : ${JOOMLA_DB_NAME:=joomla} if [ -z "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD" ]; then echo >&2 "error: missing required JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD environment variable" echo >&2 " Did you forget to -e JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD=... ?" echo >&2 echo >&2 " (Also of interest might be JOOMLA_DB_USER and JOOMLA_DB_NAME.)" exit 1 fi if ! [ -e index.php -a -e libraries/cms/version/version.php ]; then echo >&2 "Joomla not found in $(pwd) - copying now..." if [ "$(ls -A)" ]; then echo >&2 "WARNING: $(pwd) is not empty - press Ctrl+C now if this is an error!" ( set -x; ls -A; sleep 10 ) fi tar cf - --one-file-system -C /usr/src/joomla . | tar xf - if [ ! -e .htaccess ]; then # NOTE: The "Indexes" option is disabled in the php:apache base image so we use a customized .htaccess cp /joomla-htaccess .htaccess chown www-data:www-data .htaccess fi echo >&2 "Complete! Joomla has been successfully copied to $(pwd)" fi # Ensure the MySQL Database is created php /makedb.php "$JOOMLA_DB_HOST" "$JOOMLA_DB_USER" "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD" "$JOOMLA_DB_NAME" echo >&2 "========================================================================" echo >&2 echo >&2 "This server is now configured to run Joomla!" echo >&2 "You will need the following database information to install Joomla:" echo >&2 "Host Name: $JOOMLA_DB_HOST" echo >&2 "Database Name: $JOOMLA_DB_NAME" echo >&2 "Database Username: $JOOMLA_DB_USER" echo >&2 "Database Password: $JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD" echo >&2 echo >&2 "========================================================================" exec "$@"