# eHealth Portal (1.0.5)
![eHealth Portal image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Namibia/eHealth-Portal/master/admin/assets/images/vdm-component.jpg "The eHealth Portal")
eHealth Portal is a secure web-based viewer that offers health care providers that may not have access to one of the provincial clinical viewers, a single point of access to their patients' digital health information.
# Build Details
+ *Company*: [Vast Development Method](https://github.com/namibia/eHealth-Portal)
+ *Author*: [Oh Martin](mailto:oh.martin@vdm.io)
+ *Name*: [eHealth Portal](https://github.com/namibia/eHealth-Portal)
+ *First Build*: 13th August, 2020
+ *Last Build*: 24th April, 2021
+ *Version*: 1.0.5
+ *Copyright*: Copyright (C) 2020 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
+ *License*: GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
## Build Time
**425 Hours** or **53 Eight Hour Days** (actual time the author saved -
due to [Automated Component Builder](http://joomlacomponentbuilder.com))
> (if creating a folder and file took **5 seconds** and writing one line of code took **10 seconds**,
> never making one mistake or taking any coffee break.)
+ *Line count*: **152325**
+ *File count*: **1125**
+ *Folder count*: **176**
**280 Hours** or **35 Eight Hour Days** (the actual time the author spent)
> (with the following break down:
> **debugging @106hours** = codingtime / 4;
> **planning @61hours** = codingtime / 7;
> **mapping @42hours** = codingtime / 10;
> **office @71hours** = codingtime / 6;)
**705 Hours** or **88 Eight Hour Days**
(a total of the realistic time frame for this project)
> (if creating a folder and file took **5 seconds** and writing one line of code took **10 seconds**,
> with the normal everyday realities at the office, that includes the component planning, mapping & debugging.)
Project duration: **17.6 weeks** or **3.7 months**
> This **component** was build with a Joomla [Automated Component Builder](http://joomlacomponentbuilder.com).
> Developed by [Llewellyn van der Merwe](mailto:llewellyn@joomlacomponentbuilder.com)