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2023-04-15 15:08:07 +00:00
* List a repository's pull requests.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param string|null $state State of pull request: open, closed, or all (optional).
* @param string|null $sort Type of sort (optional).
* @param int|null $milestone ID of the milestone (optional).
* @param array|null $labels Label IDs (optional).
* @param int $page Page number of results to return (1-based, default: 1).
* @param int $limit Page size of results (default: 10).
* @return array|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function list(
string $owner,
string $repo,
?string $state = null,
?string $sort = null,
?int $milestone = null,
?array $labels = null,
int $page = 1,
int $limit = 10
): ?array
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls";
// Set query parameters.
$this->uri->setVar('page', $page);
$this->uri->setVar('limit', $limit);
if ($state !== null)
$this->uri->setVar('state', $state);
if ($sort !== null)
$this->uri->setVar('sort', $sort);
if ($milestone !== null)
$this->uri->setVar('milestone', $milestone);
if ($labels !== null)
$this->uri->setVar('labels', implode(',', $labels));
// Send the GET request.
return $this->response->get(
* Create a pull request.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param string $title The title of the pull request.
* @param string $head The head branch.
* @param string $base The base branch.
* @param string|null $body The description of the pull request (optional).
* @param string|null $assignee The assignee of the pull request (optional).
* @param array|null $assignees Additional assignees (optional).
* @param array|null $labels Label IDs (optional).
* @param int|null $milestone ID of the milestone (optional).
* @param string|null $dueDate Due date of the pull request (optional).
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function create(
string $owner,
string $repo,
string $title,
string $head,
string $base,
?string $body = null,
?string $assignee = null,
?array $assignees = null,
?array $labels = null,
?int $milestone = null,
?string $dueDate = null
): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls";
// Set the pull request data.
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->title = $title;
$data->head = $head;
$data->base = $base;
if ($body !== null)
$data->body = $body;
if ($assignee !== null)
$data->assignee = $assignee;
if ($assignees !== null)
$data->assignees = $assignees;
if ($labels !== null)
$data->labels = $labels;
if ($milestone !== null)
$data->milestone = $milestone;
if ($dueDate !== null)
$data->due_date = $dueDate;
// Send the post request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data)
), 201
* Get a pull request.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param int $index The pull request index.
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function get(string $owner, string $repo, int $index): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls/{$index}";
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Update a pull request.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param int $index The pull request index.
* @param string|null $title The title of the pull request (optional).
* @param string|null $body The description of the pull request (optional).
* @param string|null $assignee The assignee of the pull request (optional).
* @param array|null $assignees Additional assignees (optional).
* @param string|null $base The base branch (optional).
* @param string|null $state The state of the pull request (optional).
* @param array|null $labels Label IDs (optional).
* @param int|null $milestone ID of the milestone (optional).
* @param string|null $dueDate Due date of the pull request (optional).
* @param bool|null $unsetDueDate Whether to unset the due date (optional).
* @param bool|null $allowMaintainerEdit Allow maintainer to edit the pull request (optional).
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function update(
string $owner,
string $repo,
int $index,
?string $title = null,
?string $body = null,
?string $assignee = null,
?array $assignees = null,
?string $base = null,
?string $state = null,
?array $labels = null,
?int $milestone = null,
?string $dueDate = null,
?bool $unsetDueDate = null,
?bool $allowMaintainerEdit = null
): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls/{$index}";
// Set the pull request data.
$data = new \stdClass();
if ($title !== null)
$data->title = $title;
if ($body !== null)
$data->body = $body;
if ($assignee !== null)
$data->assignee = $assignee;
if ($assignees !== null)
$data->assignees = $assignees;
if ($base !== null)
$data->base = $base;
if ($state !== null)
$data->state = $state;
if ($labels !== null)
$data->labels = $labels;
if ($milestone !== null)
$data->milestone = $milestone;
if ($dueDate !== null)
$data->due_date = $dueDate;
if ($unsetDueDate !== null)
$data->unset_due_date = $unsetDueDate;
if ($allowMaintainerEdit !== null)
$data->allow_maintainer_edit = $allowMaintainerEdit;
// Send the patch request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data)
), 201
* Get a pull request diff or patch.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param int $index The pull request index.
* @param string $diffType The type of the requested data, either "diff" or "patch".
* @param bool $binary Whether to include binary file changes. If true, the diff is applicable with git apply.
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
public function diff(
string $owner,
string $repo,
int $index,
string $diffType,
bool $binary = false
): string
// Validate the diff type.
if (!in_array($diffType, ['diff', 'patch']))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid diff type. Allowed types are "diff" and "patch".');
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls/{$index}.{$diffType}";
// Get the URI with the path.
$uri = $this->uri->get($path);
// Set the binary query parameter if required.
if ($binary)
$uri->setVar('binary', 'true');
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Get commits for a pull request.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param int $index The pull request index.
* @param int $page Page number of results to return (1-based).
* @param int $limit Page size of results.
* @return array|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function commits(
string $owner,
string $repo,
int $index,
int $page = 1,
int $limit = 10
): ?array
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls/{$index}/commits";
// Get the URI with the path.
$uri = $this->uri->get($path);
// Set the page and limit query parameters.
$uri->setVar('page', $page);
$uri->setVar('limit', $limit);
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Get changed files for a pull request.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param int $index The pull request index.
* @param string $skipTo Skip to the given file.
* @param string $whitespace Whitespace behavior.
* @param int $page Page number of results to return (1-based).
* @param int $limit Page size of results.
* @return array|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function files(
string $owner,
string $repo,
int $index,
?string $skipTo = null,
?string $whitespace = null,
int $page = 1,
int $limit = 10
): ?array
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls/{$index}/files";
// Get the URI with the path.
$uri = $this->uri->get($path);
// Set the skip-to, whitespace, page, and limit query parameters if needed.
if ($skipTo !== null)
$uri->setVar('skip-to', $skipTo);
if ($whitespace !== null)
$uri->setVar('whitespace', $whitespace);
$uri->setVar('page', $page);
$uri->setVar('limit', $limit);
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Merge a pull request.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param int $index The pull request index.
* @param string|null $do Merge method.
* @param string|null $mergeCommitId Merge commit ID.
* @param string|null $mergeMessageField Merge message field.
* @param string|null $mergeTitleField Merge title field.
* @param bool|null $deleteBranchAfterMerge Whether to delete the branch after merge.
* @param bool|null $forceMerge Whether to force merge.
* @param string|null $headCommitId Head commit ID.
* @param bool|null $mergeWhenChecksSucceed Whether to merge when checks succeed.
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
public function merge(
string $owner,
string $repo,
int $index,
?string $do = null,
?string $mergeCommitId = null,
?string $mergeMessageField = null,
?string $mergeTitleField = null,
?bool $deleteBranchAfterMerge = null,
?bool $forceMerge = null,
?string $headCommitId = null,
?bool $mergeWhenChecksSucceed = null
): string
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls/{$index}/merge";
// Set the merge data.
$data = new \stdClass();
if ($do !== null)
$data->do = $do;
if ($mergeCommitId !== null)
$data->merge_commit_id = $mergeCommitId;
if ($mergeMessageField !== null)
$data->merge_message_field = $mergeMessageField;
if ($mergeTitleField !== null)
$data->merge_title_field = $mergeTitleField;
if ($deleteBranchAfterMerge !== null)
$data->delete_branch_after_merge = $deleteBranchAfterMerge;
if ($forceMerge !== null)
$data->force_merge = $forceMerge;
if ($headCommitId !== null)
$data->head_commit_id = $headCommitId;
if ($mergeWhenChecksSucceed !== null)
$data->merge_when_checks_succeed = $mergeWhenChecksSucceed;
// Send the post request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data)
), 200, 'success'
* Merge PR's baseBranch into headBranch.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param int $index The pull request index.
* @param string|null $style How to update the pull request. (Optional)
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
public function update(
string $owner,
string $repo,
int $index,
?string $style = null
): string
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/pulls/{$index}/update";
// Set the merge data.
$data = new \stdClass();
if ($style !== null)
$data->style = $style;
// Send the request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data)
), 200, 'success'