/** * List user's notification threads. * * @param bool|null $all Show notifications marked as read (optional). * @param array|null $statusTypes Show notifications with the provided status types (optional). * @param array|null $subjectType Filter notifications by subject type (optional). * @param string|null $since Show notifications updated after the given time (optional). * @param string|null $before Show notifications updated before the given time (optional). * @param int $page Page number of results to return (optional). * @param int $limit Page size of results (optional). * * @return array|null * @since 3.2.0 **/ public function list( ?bool $all = null, ?array $statusTypes = null, ?array $subjectType = null, ?string $since = null, ?string $before = null, int $page = 1, int $limit = 10 ): ?array { // Build the request path. $path = "/notifications"; // Configure the URI with query parameters. $uri = $this->uri->get($path); if ($all !== null) { $uri->setVar('all', $all); } if ($statusTypes !== null) { $uri->setVar('status-types', implode(',', $statusTypes)); } if ($subjectType !== null) { $uri->setVar('subject-type', implode(',', $subjectType)); } if ($since !== null) { $uri->setVar('since', $since); } if ($before !== null) { $uri->setVar('before', $before); } $uri->setVar('page', $page); $uri->setVar('limit', $limit); // Send the get request. return $this->response->get( $this->http->get($uri) ); } /** * Mark notification threads as read, pinned, or unread. * * @param string|null $lastReadAt Describes the last point that notifications were checked (optional). * @param bool|null $all If true, mark all notifications on this repo (optional). * @param array|null $statusTypes Mark notifications with the provided status types (optional). * @param string|null $toStatus Status to mark notifications as (optional). * * @return array|null * @since 3.2.0 **/ public function update( ?string $lastReadAt = null, ?bool $all = null, ?array $statusTypes = null, ?string $toStatus = null ): ?array { // Build the request path. $path = "/notifications"; // Configure the URI with query parameters. $uri = $this->uri->get($path); if ($lastReadAt !== null) { $uri->setVar('last_read_at', $lastReadAt); } if ($all !== null) { $uri->setVar('all', $all); } if ($statusTypes !== null) { $uri->setVar('status-types', implode(',', $statusTypes)); } if ($toStatus !== null) { $uri->setVar('to-status', $toStatus); } // Send the put request. return $this->response->get( $this->http->put($uri, ''), 205 ); } /** * Check if unread notifications exist. * * @return object|null * @since 3.2.0 **/ public function check(): ?object { // Build the request path. $path = "/notifications/new"; // Send the get request. return $this->response->get( $this->http->get( $this->uri->get($path) ) ); }