``` ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ █╗ ██║█████╗ ██████╔╝ ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║██║███╗██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗ ██║ ╚██████╔╝╚███╔███╔╝███████╗██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ``` # class Patch (Details) > namespace: **VDM\Joomla\Gitea\Repository** > extends: **Api** ```uml @startuml class Patch #Gold { + applyDiffPatch(string $owner, string $repo, ...) : ?object } note right of Patch::applyDiffPatch Apply a diff patch to a repository. $options = [ 'description' => 'UpdateFileOptions', 'body' => [ 'content' => 'string', // Content must be base64 encoded. 'sha' => 'string', // The SHA for the file that already exists. 'branch' => 'string', // Branch (optional) to base this file from. If not given, the default branch is used. 'new_branch' => 'string', // New branch (optional) will make a new branch from branch before creating the file. 'from_path' => 'string', // From_path (optional) is the path of the original file which will be moved/renamed to the path in the URL. 'message' => 'string', // Message (optional) for the commit of this file. If not supplied, a default message will be used. 'author' => [ // Identity for a person's identity like an author or committer. 'name' => 'string', 'email' => 'string($email)' ], 'committer' => [ // Identity for a person's identity like an author or committer. 'name' => 'string', 'email' => 'string($email)' ], 'dates' => [ // Store dates for GIT_AUTHOR_DATE and GIT_COMMITTER_DATE. 'author' => 'string($date-time)', 'committer' => 'string($date-time)' ], 'signoff' => 'boolean' // Add a Signed-off-by trailer by the committer at the end of the commit log message. ] ] since: 3.2.0 return: ?object arguments: string $owner string $repo array $option end note @enduml ``` --- ``` ██╗ ██████╗██████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ██║██║ ██████╔╝ ██ ██║██║ ██╔══██╗ ╚█████╔╝╚██████╗██████╔╝ ╚════╝ ╚═════╝╚═════╝ ``` > Build with [Joomla Component Builder](https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder)