2023-10-24 10:36:35 +02:00
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settings.json first commit 2023-04-15 17:08:07 +02:00

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final class Uri (Details)

namespace: VDM\Joomla\Gitea\Utilities

class Uri << (F,LightGreen) >> #RoyalBlue {
  - string $endpoint
  - string $version
  - string $url
  + __construct(string $url = '', string $endpoint = 'api', ...)
  + get(string $path) : JoomlaUri
  + api() : string
  + setUrl(string $url) : void
  + getUrl() : ?string
  - setEndpoint(string $endpoint) : void
  - setVersion(string $version) : void

note right of Uri::__construct

  since: 3.2.0
    string $url = ''
    string $endpoint = 'api'
    string $version = 'v1'
end note

note right of Uri::get
  Method to build and return a full request URL for the request.  This method will
add appropriate pagination details if necessary and also prepend the API url
to have a complete URL for the request.

  since: 3.2.0
  return: JoomlaUri
end note

note right of Uri::api
  Get the full API URL

  since: 3.2.0
  return: string
end note

note right of Uri::setUrl
  Set the URL of the API

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
end note

note right of Uri::getUrl
  Get the URL of the API

  since: 3.2.0
  return: ?string
end note

note right of Uri::setEndpoint
  Set the endpoint of the API

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
end note

note right of Uri::setVersion
  Set the version of the API

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
end note

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