2024-05-02 16:26:32 +02:00

381 lines
13 KiB

* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 4th September, 2022
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
namespace VDM\Joomla\Gitea\Repository\Branch;
use VDM\Joomla\Gitea\Abstraction\Api;
* The Gitea Repository Branch Protection
* @since 3.2.0
class Protection extends Api
* List branch protections for a repository.
* @param string $ownerName The owner name.
* @param string $repositoryName The repository name.
* @return array|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function list(string $ownerName, string $repositoryName): ?array
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$ownerName}/{$repositoryName}/branch_protections";
// Get the URI with the path.
$uri = $this->uri->get($path);
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Create a branch protection for a repository.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param string $branchName The name of the branch to protect.
* @param array $approvalsWhitelistUsernames An array of usernames that can approve.
* @param array $approvalsWhitelistTeams An array of team names that can approve.
* @param bool $blockOnOfficialReviewRequests Enable/disable blocking on official review requests (optional, default false).
* @param bool $blockOnOutdatedBranch Enable/disable blocking on outdated branch (optional, default false).
* @param bool $blockOnRejectedReviews Enable/disable blocking on rejected reviews (optional, default false).
* @param bool $dismissStaleApprovals Enable/disable dismissing stale approvals (optional, default false).
* @param bool $enableApprovalsWhitelist Enable/disable approvals whitelist (optional, default false).
* @param bool $enableMergeWhitelist Enable/disable merge whitelist (optional, default false).
* @param bool $enablePush Enable/disable push (optional, default true).
* @param bool $enablePushWhitelist Enable/disable push whitelist (optional, default false).
* @param bool $enableStatusCheck Enable/disable status check (optional, default false).
* @param array $mergeWhitelistUsernames An array of usernames that can merge (optional).
* @param array $mergeWhitelistTeams An array of team names that can merge (optional).
* @param string $protectedFilePatterns Protected file patterns (optional).
* @param bool $pushWhitelistDeployKeys Enable/disable push whitelist deploy keys (optional, default false).
* @param array $pushWhitelistUsernames An array of usernames that can push (optional).
* @param array $pushWhitelistTeams An array of team names that can push (optional).
* @param bool $requireSignedCommits Enable/disable requiring signed commits (optional, default false).
* @param int $requiredApprovals Number of required approvals (optional, default 0).
* @param array $statusCheckContexts An array of status check contexts (optional).
* @param string $unprotectedFilePatterns Unprotected file patterns (optional).
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function create(
string $owner,
string $repo,
string $branchName,
array $approvalsWhitelistUsernames,
array $approvalsWhitelistTeams,
bool $blockOnOfficialReviewRequests = false,
bool $blockOnOutdatedBranch = false,
bool $blockOnRejectedReviews = false,
bool $dismissStaleApprovals = false,
bool $enableApprovalsWhitelist = false,
bool $enableMergeWhitelist = false,
bool $enablePush = true,
bool $enablePushWhitelist = false,
bool $enableStatusCheck = false,
array $mergeWhitelistUsernames = [],
array $mergeWhitelistTeams = [],
string $protectedFilePatterns = '',
bool $pushWhitelistDeployKeys = false,
array $pushWhitelistUsernames = [],
array $pushWhitelistTeams = [],
bool $requireSignedCommits = false,
int $requiredApprovals = 0,
array $statusCheckContexts = [],
string $unprotectedFilePatterns = ''
): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/branch_protections";
// Set the branch protection data.
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->branch_name = $branchName;
$data->approvals_whitelist_usernames = $approvalsWhitelistUsernames;
$data->approvals_whitelist_teams = $approvalsWhitelistTeams;
$data->block_on_official_review_requests = $blockOnOfficialReviewRequests;
$data->block_on_outdated_branch = $blockOnOutdatedBranch;
$data->block_on_rejected_reviews = $blockOnRejectedReviews;
$data->dismiss_stale_approvals = $dismissStaleApprovals;
$data->enable_approvals_whitelist = $enableApprovalsWhitelist;
$data->enable_merge_whitelist = $enableMergeWhitelist;
$data->enable_push = $enablePush;
$data->enable_push_whitelist = $enablePushWhitelist;
$data->enable_status_check = $enableStatusCheck;
$data->merge_whitelist_usernames = $mergeWhitelistUsernames;
$data->merge_whitelist_teams = $mergeWhitelistTeams;
$data->protected_file_patterns = $protectedFilePatterns;
$data->push_whitelist_deploy_keys = $pushWhitelistDeployKeys;
$data->push_whitelist_usernames = $pushWhitelistUsernames;
$data->push_whitelist_teams = $pushWhitelistTeams;
$data->require_signed_commits = $requireSignedCommits;
$data->required_approvals = $requiredApprovals;
$data->status_check_contexts = $statusCheckContexts;
$data->unprotected_file_patterns = $unprotectedFilePatterns;
// Send the post request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data)
), 201
* Get a specific branch protection for the repository.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param string $branchName The branch protection name.
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function get(
string $owner,
string $repo,
string $branchName
): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/branch_protections/{$branchName}";
// Get the URI object with the given path.
$uri = $this->uri->get($path);
// Send the get request.
return $this->response->get(
* Delete a specific branch protection for the repository.
* @param string $ownerName The owner name.
* @param string $repoName The repository name.
* @param string $branchName The branch protection name.
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
public function delete(
string $ownerName,
string $repoName,
string $branchName
): string
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$ownerName}/{$repoName}/branch_protections/{$branchName}";
// Set the required variables in the URI.
$this->uri->setVar('owner', $ownerName);
$this->uri->setVar('repo', $repoName);
$this->uri->setVar('name', $branchName);
// Send the delete request.
return $this->response->get(
), 204, 'success'
* Edit a branch protection for a repository.
* @param string $owner The owner name.
* @param string $repo The repository name.
* @param string $name The branch protection name.
* @param array|null $approvalsWhitelistTeams An array of team names that are allowed to approve (optional).
* @param array|null $approvalsWhitelistUsernames An array of usernames that are allowed to approve (optional).
* @param bool|null $blockOnOfficialReviewRequests Block when official review requests are pending (optional).
* @param bool|null $blockOnOutdatedBranch Block when the branch is outdated (optional).
* @param bool|null $blockOnRejectedReviews Block when reviews are rejected (optional).
* @param bool|null $dismissStaleApprovals Dismiss stale approvals when new commits are pushed (optional).
* @param bool|null $enableApprovalsWhitelist Enable/disable approvals whitelist (optional).
* @param bool|null $enableMergeWhitelist Enable/disable merge whitelist (optional).
* @param bool|null $enablePush Enable/disable push (optional).
* @param bool|null $enablePushWhitelist Enable/disable push whitelist (optional).
* @param bool|null $enableStatusCheck Enable/disable status check (optional).
* @param array|null $mergeWhitelistTeams An array of team names that are allowed to merge (optional).
* @param array|null $mergeWhitelistUsernames An array of usernames that are allowed to merge (optional).
* @param string|null $protectedFilePatterns A string pattern for protected files (optional).
* @param bool|null $pushWhitelistDeployKeys Enable/disable push whitelist for deploy keys (optional).
* @param array|null $pushWhitelistTeams An array of team names that are allowed to push (optional).
* @param array|null $pushWhitelistUsernames An array of usernames that are allowed to push (optional).
* @param bool|null $requireSignedCommits Require signed commits (optional).
* @param int|null $requiredApprovals Number of required approvals (optional).
* @param array|null $statusCheckContexts An array of status check contexts (optional).
* @param string|null $unprotectedFilePatterns A string pattern for unprotected files (optional).
* @return object|null
* @since 3.2.0
public function edit(
string $owner,
string $repo,
string $name,
?array $approvalsWhitelistTeams = null,
?array $approvalsWhitelistUsernames = null,
?bool $blockOnOfficialReviewRequests = null,
?bool $blockOnOutdatedBranch = null,
?bool $blockOnRejectedReviews = null,
?bool $dismissStaleApprovals = null,
?bool $enableApprovalsWhitelist = null,
?bool $enableMergeWhitelist = null,
?bool $enablePush = null,
?bool $enablePushWhitelist = null,
?bool $enableStatusCheck = null,
?array $mergeWhitelistTeams = null,
?array $mergeWhitelistUsernames = null,
?string $protectedFilePatterns = null,
?bool $pushWhitelistDeployKeys = null,
?array $pushWhitelistTeams = null,
?array $pushWhitelistUsernames = null,
?bool $requireSignedCommits = null,
?int $requiredApprovals = null,
?array $statusCheckContexts = null,
?string $unprotectedFilePatterns = null
): ?object
// Build the request path.
$path = "/repos/{$owner}/{$repo}/branch_protections/{$name}";
// Set the branch protection data.
$data = new \stdClass();
if ($approvalsWhitelistTeams !== null)
$data->approvals_whitelist_teams = $approvalsWhitelistTeams;
if ($approvalsWhitelistUsernames !== null)
$data->approvals_whitelist_usernames = $approvalsWhitelistUsernames;
if ($blockOnOfficialReviewRequests !== null)
$data->block_on_official_review_requests = $blockOnOfficialReviewRequests;
if ($blockOnOutdatedBranch !== null)
$data->block_on_outdated_branch = $blockOnOutdatedBranch;
if ($blockOnRejectedReviews !== null)
$data->block_on_rejected_reviews = $blockOnRejectedReviews;
if ($dismissStaleApprovals !== null)
$data->dismiss_stale_approvals = $dismissStaleApprovals;
if ($enableApprovalsWhitelist !== null)
$data->enable_approvals_whitelist = $enableApprovalsWhitelist;
if ($enableMergeWhitelist !== null)
$data->enable_merge_whitelist = $enableMergeWhitelist;
if ($enablePush !== null)
$data->enable_push = $enablePush;
if ($enablePushWhitelist !== null)
$data->enable_push_whitelist = $enablePushWhitelist;
if ($enableStatusCheck !== null)
$data->enable_status_check = $enableStatusCheck;
if ($mergeWhitelistTeams !== null)
$data->merge_whitelist_teams = $mergeWhitelistTeams;
if ($mergeWhitelistUsernames !== null)
$data->merge_whitelist_usernames = $mergeWhitelistUsernames;
if ($protectedFilePatterns !== null)
$data->protected_file_patterns = $protectedFilePatterns;
if ($pushWhitelistDeployKeys !== null)
$data->push_whitelist_deploy_keys = $pushWhitelistDeployKeys;
if ($pushWhitelistTeams !== null)
$data->push_whitelist_teams = $pushWhitelistTeams;
if ($pushWhitelistUsernames !== null)
$data->push_whitelist_usernames = $pushWhitelistUsernames;
if ($requireSignedCommits !== null)
$data->require_signed_commits = $requireSignedCommits;
if ($requiredApprovals !== null)
$data->required_approvals = $requiredApprovals;
if ($statusCheckContexts !== null)
$data->status_check_contexts = $statusCheckContexts;
if ($unprotectedFilePatterns !== null)
$data->unprotected_file_patterns = $unprotectedFilePatterns;
// Send the patch request.
return $this->response->get(
$this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data)