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2023-10-04 18:28:29 +00:00
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 4th September, 2022
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Creator;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Config;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Placeholder;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Language\Fieldset as Language;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\EventInterface as Event;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Adminview\Permission;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Creator\FieldDynamic;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\FieldNames;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\AccessSwitch;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\MetaData;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Creator\Layout;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Counter;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Indent;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Line;
use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper;
use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Creator\Fieldsetinterface;
* Fieldset String Creator Class
* @since 3.2.0
final class FieldsetString implements Fieldsetinterface
* The Config Class.
* @var Config
* @since 3.2.0
protected Config $config;
* The Placeholder Class.
* @var Placeholder
* @since 3.2.0
protected Placeholder $placeholder;
* The Fieldset Class.
* @var Language
* @since 3.2.0
protected Language $language;
* The EventInterface Class.
* @var Event
* @since 3.2.0
protected Event $event;
* The Permission Class.
* @var Permission
* @since 3.2.0
protected Permission $permission;
* The FieldDynamic Class.
* @var FieldDynamic
* @since 3.2.0
protected FieldDynamic $fielddynamic;
* The FieldNames Class.
* @var FieldNames
* @since 3.2.0
protected FieldNames $fieldnames;
* The AccessSwitch Class.
* @var AccessSwitch
* @since 3.2.0
protected AccessSwitch $accessswitch;
* The MetaData Class.
* @var MetaData
* @since 3.2.0
protected MetaData $metadata;
* The Layout Class.
* @var Layout
* @since 3.2.0
protected Layout $layout;
* The Counter Class.
* @var Counter
* @since 3.2.0
protected Counter $counter;
* Constructor.
* @param Config $config The Config Class.
* @param Placeholder $placeholder The Placeholder Class.
* @param Language $language The Fieldset Class.
* @param Event $event The EventInterface Class.
* @param Permission $permission The Permission Class.
* @param FieldDynamic $fielddynamic The FieldDynamic Class.
* @param FieldNames $fieldnames The FieldNames Class.
* @param AccessSwitch $accessswitch The AccessSwitch Class.
* @param MetaData $metadata The MetaData Class.
* @param Layout $layout The Layout Class.
* @param Counter $counter The Counter Class.
* @since 3.2.0
public function __construct(Config $config, Placeholder $placeholder,
Language $language, Event $event, Permission $permission,
FieldDynamic $fielddynamic, FieldNames $fieldnames,
AccessSwitch $accessswitch, MetaData $metadata,
Layout $layout, Counter $counter)
$this->config = $config;
$this->placeholder = $placeholder;
$this->language = $language;
$this->event = $event;
$this->permission = $permission;
$this->fielddynamic = $fielddynamic;
$this->fieldnames = $fieldnames;
$this->accessswitch = $accessswitch;
$this->metadata = $metadata;
$this->layout = $layout;
$this->counter = $counter;
* Get a fieldset
* @param array $view The view data
* @param string $component The component name
* @param string $nameSingleCode The single view name
* @param string $nameListCode The list view name
* @return string The fields set as a string or empty string if no field found.
* @since 3.2.0
public function get(array $view, string $component, string $nameSingleCode,
string $nameListCode): string
// setup the fieldset language values of this view
if (!isset($view['settings']->fields)
|| !ArrayHelper::check($view['settings']->fields))
return '';
// add metadata to the view
$metadata = false;
if (isset($view['metadata']) && $view['metadata'])
$metadata = true;
// add access to the view
$access = false;
if (isset($view['access']) && $view['access'])
$access = true;
// main lang prefix
$lang_view = $this->config->lang_prefix . '_'
. $this->placeholder->get('VIEW');
$lang_views = $this->config->lang_prefix . '_'
. $this->placeholder->get('VIEWS');
$name_single = $view['settings']->name_single ?? 'Error';
$name_list = $view['settings']->name_list ?? 'Error';
$lang_target = $this->config->lang_target ?? 'both';
// load the language values
// set the read only
$read_only = false;
if ($view['settings']->type == 2)
$read_only = Indent::_(3) . 'readonly="true"' . PHP_EOL . Indent::_(
) . 'disabled="true"';
// start adding dynamic fields
$dynamic_fields = '';
// set the custom table key
$dbkey = 'g';
// for plugin event TODO change event api signatures
$placeholders = $this->placeholder->active;
$component_context = $this->config->component_context;
// Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeBuildFields
array(&$component_context, &$dynamic_fields, &$read_only,
&$dbkey, &$view, &$component, &$nameSingleCode,
&$nameListCode, &$placeholders, &$lang_view,
// TODO we should add the global and local view switch if field for front end
foreach ($view['settings']->fields as $field)
$dynamic_fields .= $this->fielddynamic->get(
$field, $view, $view['settings']->type, $lang_view,
$nameSingleCode, $nameListCode, $this->placeholder->active, $dbkey,
// for plugin event TODO change event api signatures
$placeholders = $this->placeholder->active;
// Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onAfterBuildFields
array(&$component_context, &$dynamic_fields, &$read_only,
&$dbkey, &$view, &$component, &$nameSingleCode,
&$nameListCode, &$placeholders, &$lang_view,
// set the default fields
$field_set = array();
$field_set[] = '<fieldset name="details">';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Default Fields. -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Id Field. Type: Text (joomla) -->";
// if id is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.id'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "name=" . '"id"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
. 'type="text" class="readonly" label="JGLOBAL_FIELD_ID_LABEL"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
. 'description ="JGLOBAL_FIELD_ID_DESC" size="10" default="0"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'readonly="true"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// if created is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.created'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Date Created Field. Type: Calendar (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "name=" . '"created"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "type=" . '"calendar"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "label=" . '"' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "description=" . '"' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "size=" . '"22"';
if ($read_only)
$field_set[] = $read_only;
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "format=" . '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "filter=" . '"user_utc"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// if created_by is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.created_by'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " User Created Field. Type: User (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "name=" . '"created_by"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "type=" . '"user"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "label=" . '"' . $lang_view
if ($read_only)
$field_set[] = $read_only;
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "description=" . '"' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// if published is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.published'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Published Field. Type: List (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field name="
. '"published" type="list" label="JSTATUS"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "description="
. '"JFIELD_PUBLISHED_DESC" class="chzn-color-state"';
if ($read_only)
$field_set[] = $read_only;
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "filter="
. '"intval" size="1" default="1" >';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "<option value=" . '"1">';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . "JPUBLISHED</option>";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "<option value=" . '"0">';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . "JUNPUBLISHED</option>";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "<option value=" . '"2">';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . "JARCHIVED</option>";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "<option value=" . '"-2">';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . "JTRASHED</option>";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "</field>";
// count the static field created
// if modified is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.modified'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Date Modified Field. Type: Calendar (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2)
. '<field name="modified" type="calendar" class="readonly"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'label="' . $lang_view
. '_MODIFIED_DATE_LABEL" description="' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
. 'size="22" readonly="true" format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" filter="user_utc" />';
// count the static field created
// if modified_by is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.modified_by'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " User Modified Field. Type: User (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2)
. '<field name="modified_by" type="user"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'label="' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "description=" . '"' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'class="readonly"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'readonly="true"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'filter="unset"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// check if view has access
if ($this->accessswitch->exists($nameSingleCode)
&& !$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.access'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Access Field. Type: Accesslevel (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . '<field name="access"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'type="accesslevel"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'label="JFIELD_ACCESS_LABEL"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'description="JFIELD_ACCESS_DESC"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'default="1"';
if ($read_only)
$field_set[] = $read_only;
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'required="false"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// if ordering is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.ordering'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Ordering Field. Type: Numbers (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'name="ordering"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'type="number"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'class="inputbox validate-ordering"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'label="' . $lang_view
. '_ORDERING_LABEL' . '"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'description=""';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'default="0"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'size="6"';
if ($read_only)
$field_set[] = $read_only;
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'required="false"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// if version is not set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.version'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Version Field. Type: Text (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'name="version"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'type="text"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'class="readonly"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'label="' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'description="' . $lang_view
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'size="6"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'readonly="true"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'filter="unset"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// check if metadata is added to this view
if ($this->metadata->isString($nameSingleCode))
// metakey
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.metakey'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Metakey Field. Type: Textarea (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'name="metakey"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'type="textarea"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
. 'description="JFIELD_META_KEYWORDS_DESC"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'rows="3"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'cols="30"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// metadesc
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.metadesc'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Metadesc Field. Type: Textarea (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'name="metadesc"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'type="textarea"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'rows="3"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'cols="30"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// fix the permissions field "title" issue gh-629
// check if the title is not already set
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.title')
&& $this->permission->check($view, $nameSingleCode))
// set the field/tab name
$field_name = "title";
$tab_name = "publishing";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Was added due to Permissions JS needing a Title field -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Let us know at gh-629 should this change -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " -->";
// at this point we know that we must add a hidden title field
// and make sure it does not get stored to the database
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<field";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "name=" . '"' . $field_name . '"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
. 'type="hidden"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . 'default="' . $component . ' '
. $nameSingleCode . '"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// setup needed field values for layout
$field_array = array();
$field_array['order_edit'] = 0;
$field_array['tab'] = 15;
$field_array['alignment'] = 1;
// make sure it gets added to view
$nameSingleCode, $tab_name, $field_name, $field_array
// load the dynamic fields now
if (StringHelper::check($dynamic_fields))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. " Dynamic Fields. -->" . $dynamic_fields;
// close fieldset
$field_set[] = Indent::_(1) . "</fieldset>";
// check if metadata is added to this view
if ($this->metadata->isString($nameSingleCode))
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.robots')
|| !$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.rights')
|| !$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.author'))
$field_set[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . "<!--" . Line::_(
) . " Metadata Fields. -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(1) . "<fields"
. ' name="metadata" label="JGLOBAL_FIELDSET_METADATA_OPTIONS">';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . '<fieldset name="vdmmetadata"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
// robots
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.robots'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "<!--" . Line::_(
) . " Robots Field. Type: List (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . '<field name="robots"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . 'type="list"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. 'description="JFIELD_METADATA_ROBOTS_DESC" >';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. '<option value="">JGLOBAL_USE_GLOBAL</option>';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. '<option value="index, follow">JGLOBAL_INDEX_FOLLOW</option>';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. '<option value="noindex, follow">JGLOBAL_NOINDEX_FOLLOW</option>';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. '<option value="index, nofollow">JGLOBAL_INDEX_NOFOLLOW</option>';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. '<option value="noindex, nofollow">JGLOBAL_NOINDEX_NOFOLLOW</option>';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . '</field>';
// count the static field created
// author
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.author'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "<!--" . Line::_(
) . " Author Field. Type: Text (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . '<field name="author"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . 'type="text"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. 'label="JAUTHOR" description="JFIELD_METADATA_AUTHOR_DESC"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . 'size="20"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "/>";
// count the static field created
// rights
if (!$this->fieldnames->isString($nameSingleCode . '.rights'))
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "<!--" . Line::_(
) . " Rights Field. Type: Textarea (joomla) -->";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3)
. '<field name="rights" type="textarea" label="JFIELD_META_RIGHTS_LABEL"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4)
. 'description="JFIELD_META_RIGHTS_DESC" required="false" filter="string"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(4) . 'cols="30" rows="2"';
$field_set[] = Indent::_(3) . "/>";
// count the static field created
$field_set[] = Indent::_(2) . "</fieldset>";
$field_set[] = Indent::_(1) . "</fields>";
// return the set
return implode(PHP_EOL, $field_set);