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2023-10-04 18:28:29 +00:00
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# final class ClassInjector (Details)
> namespace: **VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Power\Generator**
class ClassInjector << (F,LightGreen) >> #RoyalBlue {
# string $version
# array $properties
# array $comments
# array $arguments
# array $assignments
+ getCode() : ?string
+ setVersion(string $version) : void
+ setProperty(string $classname, string $ClassName, ...) : void
+ setComment(string $classname, string $ClassName, ...) : void
+ setArgument(string $classname, string $ClassName) : void
+ setAssignment(string $classname) : void
- getComments() : string
- getArguments() : string
note right of ClassInjector::getCode
Get the generated class code
since: 3.2.0
return: ?string
end note
note left of ClassInjector::setVersion
Set the class since version
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note right of ClassInjector::setProperty
Set the class property
since: 3.2.0
return: void
string $classname
string $ClassName
string $description
end note
note left of ClassInjector::setComment
Set the comment for the constructor parameter.
since: 3.2.0
return: void
string $classname
string $ClassName
string $description
end note
note right of ClassInjector::setArgument
Set the constructor argument.
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note left of ClassInjector::setAssignment
Set the assignment code inside the constructor.
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note right of ClassInjector::getComments
Get the comments for the constructor parameter.
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note left of ClassInjector::getArguments
Format the arguments to ensure they fit within a specified line length.
Arguments are added to the line until the max length is reached.
Then, they are pushed to a new line with appropriate indentation.
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
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> Build with [Joomla Component Builder](