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2024-01-27 07:09:33 +00:00
* The extension
* @var InstallInterface|Object
* @since 3.2.0
protected object $extension;
* The methods
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $methods = ['php_script', 'php_preflight', 'php_postflight', 'php_method'];
* The types
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $types = ['construct', 'install', 'update', 'uninstall', 'discover_install'];
* The construct bucket
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $construct = [];
* The install bucket
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $install = [];
* The update bucket
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $update = [];
* The uninstall bucket
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $uninstall = [];
* The preflight switch
* @var bool
* @since 3.2.0
protected bool $preflightActive = false;
* The preflight bucket
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $preflightBucket = ['install' => [], 'uninstall' => [], 'discover_install' => [], 'update' => []];
* The postflight switch
* @var bool
* @since 3.2.0
protected bool $postflightActive = false;
* The postflight bucket
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
protected array $postflightBucket = ['install' => [], 'uninstall' => [], 'discover_install' => [], 'update' => []];
* get install script
* @param Object $extension The extension object
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
public function get(object $extension): string
// loop over methods and types
foreach ($this->methods as $method)
foreach ($this->types as $type)
if (isset($extension->{'add_' . $method . '_' . $type})
&& $extension->{'add_' . $method . '_' . $type} == 1
&& StringHelper::check(
$extension->{$method . '_' . $type}
// add to the main methods
if ('php_method' === $method || 'php_script' === $method)
$this->{$type}[] = $extension->{$method . '_' . $type};
// get the flight key
$flight = str_replace('php_', '', (string) $method);
// load the script to our bucket
$this->{$flight . 'Bucket'}[$type][] = $extension->{$method . '_' . $type};
// show that the method is active
$this->{$flight . 'Active'} = true;
$this->extension = $extension;
// return the class
return $this->build();
* build the install class
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
protected function build(): string
// start build
$script = $this->head();
// load constructor if set
$script .= $this->construct();
// load install method if set
$script .= $this->main('install');
// load update method if set
$script .= $this->main('update');
// load uninstall method if set
$script .= $this->main('uninstall');
// load preflight method if set
$script .= $this->flight('preflight');
// load postflight method if set
$script .= $this->flight('postflight');
// close the class
$script .= PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL;
return $script;
* get install script head
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
protected function head(): string
// get the extension
$extension = $this->extension;
// start build
$script = PHP_EOL . 'use Joomla\CMS\Factory;';
$script .= PHP_EOL . 'use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;';
$script .= PHP_EOL . 'use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File;';
$script .= PHP_EOL . 'use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder;' . PHP_EOL;
$script .= PHP_EOL . '/**';
$script .= PHP_EOL . ' * ' . $extension->official_name
. ' script file.';
$script .= PHP_EOL . ' *';
$script .= PHP_EOL . ' * @package ' . $extension->class_name;
$script .= PHP_EOL . ' */';
$script .= PHP_EOL . 'class ' . $extension->installer_class_name;
$script .= PHP_EOL . '{';
return $script;
* get constructor
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
protected function construct(): string
// return empty string if not set
if (!ArrayHelper::check($this->construct))
return '';
// the __construct script
$script = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '/**';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' * Constructor';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' *';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. ' * @param Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerAdapter $adapter The object responsible for running this script';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' */';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. 'public function __construct($adapter)';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '{';
$script .= PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $this->construct);
// close the function
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '}';
return $script;
* build main methods
* @param string $name the method being called
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
protected function main(string $name): string
// return empty string if not set
if (!ArrayHelper::check($this->{$name}))
return '';
// load the install method
$script = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '/**';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . " * Called on $name";
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' *';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. ' * @param Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerAdapter $adapter The object responsible for running this script';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' *';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. ' * @return boolean True on success';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' */';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . 'public function '
. $name . '($adapter)';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '{';
$script .= PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $this->{$name});
// return true
if ('uninstall' !== $name)
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . 'return true;';
// close the function
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '}';
return $script;
* build flight methods
* @param string $name the method being called
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
protected function flight(string $name): string
// return empty string if not set
if (empty($this->{$name . 'Active'}))
return '';
// the pre/post function types
$script = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '/**';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. ' * Called before any type of action';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' *';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. ' * @param string $route Which action is happening (install|uninstall|discover_install|update)';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. ' * @param Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerAdapter $adapter The object responsible for running this script';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' *';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1)
. ' * @return boolean True on success';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . ' */';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . 'public function '
. $name . '($route, $adapter)';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '{';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . '//' . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
. ' get application';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2)
. '$app = Factory::getApplication();' . PHP_EOL;
// add the default version check (TODO) must make this dynamic
if ('preflight' === $name)
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . '//' . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__)
.' the default for both install and update';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2)
. '$jversion = new JVersion();';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2)
. "if (!\$jversion->isCompatible('3.8.0'))";
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . '{';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(3)
. "\$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to at least Joomla! 3.8.0 before continuing!', 'error');";
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(3) . 'return false;';
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . '}' . PHP_EOL;
// now add the scripts
foreach ($this->{$name . 'Bucket'} as $route => $_script)
if (ArrayHelper::check($_script))
// set the if and script
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "if ('" . $route
. "' === \$route)";
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . '{';
$script .= PHP_EOL . implode(
PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $_script
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . '}' . PHP_EOL;
// return true
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . 'return true;';
// close the function
$script .= PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . '}';
return $script;